Chapter 4 Master is so amazing

Dawei didn’t expect the Master to be so serious, she didn’t have any hope of own storage ring, but the Master promised to find it, so she had to take him to find it.

Walk out of Taixu Academy.

Go down the mountain, pass a small river one foot wide, and continue on.

As he walked, he heard the sound of “Ao Ou Ou” coming from the distant mountains and forests.

Li Xu felt a little strange. The Silver Moon wolves weren’t killed by himself, so how come there are new wolves occupying the forest?

Could it be that this is still a treasure of Feng Shui?

Then I heard the voice of Xiao Dazhen learning how to scream:


She clasped her hands slightly into claws, and the fox ears on her head moved, making her look very cute and cute.

Li Xu smiled: “How do you learn how to cry a wolf?”

“Master, I got lost because I was frightened by that group of wolves who hooted. I blamed me for being too courageous.”

This pack of wolves…

Li Xu’s face became cold and did not speak.

After walking a dozen steps ahead, I saw a striking sign standing on the side of the road:

“In recent days, there have been wolves in the mountains and forests, and several people have been injured. Please pay attention to safety if you enter the mountains.”

Li Xu’s eyes flashed, and his eyes filled with killing intent:

“Little Dama, don’t run around, wait for me, I’ll be back soon.”

“Master, be careful.”

Dawei guessed that she knew what the Master was going to do.

She had just finished speaking, the Master disappeared in place, and then heard the screams and wailing sounds of the wolves in the mountains. After a while, the screams and wailing sounds disappeared.

The mountain forest also collapsed, and smoke and dust billowed, as if it had been destroyed by a terrifying force.

“Master is amazing.” Dawei thought in her heart.

At the next moment, I saw Master walk out leisurely and waved his hand:

“Little Dama, let’s continue walking.”


Dawei yelled, ran over quickly, and suddenly noticed a trace of blood on the Master’s long black hair, beckoning from top to bottom:

“Master, you squat down.”

“What’s the matter?” Li Xu felt baffled.

“Squat down,” Dawei said.

Li Xu looked at her with a weird look, and slowly squatted down in front of her.

She stretched out her little hand, touched own head, and quickly removed her hand, with a sweet smile on her face:

“Master, all right.” Dawei laughed out of two little tiger teeth, and the white fox’s ears moved.

“What kind of plane?” Li Xu couldn’t figure it out, and moved on with her.

Around a stick of incense, the sound was like thunder, and like a tsunami and violent waves coming from the mountain, soon two buckets of snakes stood in front of Li Xu, his body blooming with colorful black.

They all have a red flesh crown on the top of their heads, spit out the snake letter, their faces are hideous and cold.

Dawei grabbed the corner of own clothes, very nervous, looking scared, stammering:

“Father Master, I…I…I, the me who these two snakes are chasing.”


Li Xu slapped out, two snakes were slapped to death, and the blood smeared a grass.

The two of them continued to walk, and as they walked, there appeared a huge monster of four to five feet in size in the sky. It was full of golden luster. It hovered in the sky and looked very cruel. This is an unknown eagle. Just call it a sand sculpture. .

Dawei was nervous again and scratched the corner of Master’s clothes.

Li Xu didn’t say anything, picked up a small stone weighing hundreds of catties, and hit it hard.

The small stone was like a sharp knife. The sand sculpture wanted to run, but was instantly hit. The wings broke, the body was cut in half, and he died on the spot, slowly falling into the mountains.

Continue to go.

Li Xu followed Dawei to a big river ten feet wide and saw a group of ferocious piranhas on the water.

With awe-inspiring killing intent, his hand slowly stretched out, the uncontrollable Spirit Power burst out instantly, the river was overturned, and the piranha inside was rolled up.

Then Li Xu moved his mind.

“The third rank Dao Fa, three punches.”

First punch.

Five fingers clenched and turned into a fist, a gale appeared in the fist, something seemed to fluctuate in the space, all the piranhas burst, blood splashed, and the water surface gradually calmed down.

The Master is so strong, Dawei stared at him blankly, the fox’s ears twitching.

I remember the Master said that he was two hundred years old, but he seemed to be 15 or 16 years old, and only the “fifth rank Immortal Ascension” Realm could maintain such a good-looking appearance.

“Did you fall off this bridge?” Li Xu looked at the bridge not far upstream.

“Yes.” Dawei nodded.

“Then the storage ring must be downstream of the bridge.”

“Master, now the piranhas are gone, I can run into the water to look for the ring, maybe I can find it.”

Li Xu shook his head: “No, you step back a few steps, I can find it without going into the water.”

He had just obtained two Taoisms, just to try them.

Dawei took ten steps back and looked at Li Xu: “Is it all right?”

“Back again.”

Dawei took twenty steps back.

“Back again.”

Dawei took a hundred steps back.

“All right.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Xu’s mouth.

Bend down, bowed his head, picked a piece of thin grass at random, and knocked the grass out. This is the first rank method, plucking grass and folding wood.

Then Dawei saw an unforgettable scene in her life, her eyes widened, and her white fox ears stood straight up.

She saw that the grass that the Master hit was like a Divine Armament weapon. It cut off the big river. The waves were surging, and the downstream of the bridge stopped flowing, and the water ran out all of a sudden.

Master, too.

Dawei was stunned and admired throughout the whole process. After a while, she opened her mouth slightly and said:

“Now that the downstream water is running dry, I will go down to look for a storage ring.”

She rolled up her sleeves and trousers, intending to jump in.

Li Xu calmly said: “There is too much silt in the water, who knows when to find it, I thought of a quick and powerful way.”

Li Xu grabbed a handful of sand at random and threw it into the big river.

“First rank Dao Fa, throw beans into soldiers.”

As soon as Li Xu’s words fell, the sand sprinkled on the big river turned into little people, and soon all the little people downstream were rummaging in the bottom of the river.

Dawei looked at the densely packed villains and couldn’t speak.

After a while, I found Dawei’s storage ring.

[Successfully help the apprentice to retrieve the lost storage ring, reward the fifth rank Dao Fa, the paper man gains Dao][System time: Dao Ji 500 years, September 1st, 17:00:00, Wednesday, after get off work time is up, please leave a message if you have anything, bye]

Another method is obtained.

But in the latter sentence, Li Xu wanted to vomit.

However, there is no need to be true to the sand sculpture system, and waste time and expressions.

Li Xu handed her the storage ring: “Xiao Dazhen, here you are, and see if there is anything missing in it?”

“Thank you Master.”

Dawei took the ring in a daze, her brain still in a state of booming. The scene just now was too shocking. A grass cut off the river, and a handful of sand became a human being, so that she later forgot how she returned to Tai Virtual Academy.

Li Xu knocked on Dawu’s head: “Little Dawu, why didn’t you speak in a daze the way you came back? Are you tired? Go and rest when you are tired.”

She pulled the corner of Master’s clothes and said sincerely, “Master, I want to cultivate.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll talk later.”

“When will it be in the future?”

Dawei said this sentence, and suddenly remembered this sentence. The Master answered himself, smiled and said:

“I remember it, seven days later.”

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