Chapter 3 The apprentice is too diligent and the Master is a bit lazy

“Master, it’s time to eat.” Dawei washed her face and called Master to eat.

“Yeah.” Li Xu tasted it. Unexpectedly, the dishes cooked by the apprentice didn’t look good, but they tasted really good.

Seeing Dawei still looking at herself silly, her eyes crooked and two small dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth.

Li Xu looked at her and said:

“You eat too, don’t patronize and look at me, you will be immersed in the Master’s face for too long and you will be unable to extricate yourself.”

“Ha ha.”

Dawei sat down.

The two masters and apprentices started to cook.

After eating, Dawei ran to wash the dishes.

[Dishwashing, reward 100 diligence points, balance 3300 diligence points]

After washing the dishes, Dawei rushed over and said, “Master, when will you teach me to cultivate?”

“What’s the hurry, I’ll talk about it later.”

“When will it be in the future?”

“Seven days later.”

Now the company recruits employees and new employees report. Aren’t they all paddling fish in the previous week?

When he recruits apprentices, he also has to follow this standard.

Besides, if you don’t have a good rest, how can you teach your apprentices?

I also want to use this time to figure out what’s going on in the system.

Also, after seven days, the ingredients in the kitchen should be similar.

He has to go to the Funong Town of Yuyang County to buy ingredients every half a month, and teach her while buying ingredients.

Dawei nodded and said, “Well, Master, I’ll look around in the academy.”

Li Xu said: “You are free, you are welcome.”

After Xiao Dawei left, only a short while later, another prompt came from the system.

[Clean the water tank, reward 100 diligence points][Clean the kitchen, reward 1000 diligence points][Clean the sapphire stone steps, reward 200 diligence points][Clear garden weeds, reward 500 diligence points][Clean the corridor, reward 100 diligence points]

The prompt of the system has not stopped, and there will be more diligence every once in a while.

Li Xu stayed quietly in the room and meditated: “It’s nice to have a capable apprentice.”

[Clear weeds in flowerpots, reward 100 diligence points, and the balance is 10,000 diligence points][Whether to spend 10,000 diligent points in exchange for Taoism]

Li Xu said: “Change quickly.”

[Has consumed 10,000 diligence points, successfully exchanged for the first rank Dao Fa, cast beans into soldiers, and the balance is 0 diligence points][Note: There is no upper limit for diligence points earned during system working hours;

A maximum of 20,000 diligence points can be consumed daily, and Taoism is randomly selected]

Li Xu touched his chin and said:

“The two Taoisms every day are accumulated over time, and I am afraid of myself. If I work harder, I won’t be able to use it up. I don’t know whether the system will be upgraded if it accumulates to a certain level?”

He was faintly expecting.

“Master, there are ducks in the lake below the waterfall, and many rare birds and animals, should we feed them?” Xiao Dawei hurried over.

“That’s a mandarin duck, not a duck. Don’t worry about this kind of mature creature. If you are hungry, you will find something to eat.”

“Oh, then Master, what are you doing? Why are you staying in the room all the time?”

“If I don’t stay in the room, where else can I stay?”

“Master, let me clean the room for you.”

“There is such a good thing?”

Li Xu stood up and saw Dawei pouting her hips and bending over to perform vigorous exercises.

From the coffee table, to the chair, to the window, to the bed, there are her smells and traces everywhere.

The system prompts one by one.

[Clean the chair and reward 100 hard work][Arrange the chairs neatly and reward 100 diligence points][Clean the table and reward 100 hard work][Fold the quilt, reward 100 diligence points][Washing the window, reward 100 diligence points][Mopping the floor, reward 100 diligence points]

[Clean the threshold, reward 100 diligence points, and the balance 3000 diligence points]

After half an hour, the diligent point stopped appearing. It seems that own room is still too clean, unlike her room, which has made more than ten thousand diligent points.

Li Xu asked, “Xiao Da, aren’t you tired?”

Dawei moved around in the room and said, “Master, I am in a panic when I am idle, and I always want to find something to do.”

Li Xu said, “Why don’t you go to read a book, there is a library, you are working next to it, I just looked at it, and I looked a little lazy.”

He quibbleed that he was really not lazy, but his apprentice was too diligent to make him a bit lazy.

Dawei shook her head: “Master, I don’t like reading, I would rather mop the floor when reading.”

All right.

you win.

Li Xu smiled, “Dawen, have you ever been in contact with cultivation?”

“Master, don’t you know, I have stayed in the top ten academies in Zhuān (xū) country, and I have visited ten teachers, all of whom are very good teachers recommended to me by Taixuefu Jijiu.”

“But I don’t have a good understanding. The ascetics with the worst understanding can communicate with heaven and earth and break the mirror in half a year. I can’t communicate with heaven and earth naturally in two years.”

“Tai Xuefu Jijiu thought that there was a problem with the teaching methods of the college and teachers, so I kept changing colleges and teachers.”

Each academy for two years, which means that she couldn’t break the first Realm in twenty years.

“These teachers were very patient in teaching me at first, but in the end they dismissed the relationship between the teacher and the apprentice and asked me to ask Gaoming. Finally, the Taixuefu Jijiu told me not to worry and told me to go all the way west.”

“If you encounter a teacher who is willing to accept me as a disciple, then this teacher will be my lucky star.”

Li Xu smiled. It is not certain whether he is the lucky star of Xiao Da, but Xiao Da must be the lucky star of own.

“Do you still know Taixuefu worship wine?”

Taixuefu sacrifices wine, but the most powerful person in Taixuefu.

Li Xu’s country is called Zhuanxu Dynasty, also called Zhuanxu Kingdom.

Zhuanxu State has 72 counties and three hundred and sixty academies.

The county he lives in is Yuyang County, and the academy is Taixu Academy, ranking second to last among the 360 ​​academies.

“Naturally know, he is very polite to me, maybe because I am Little Princess of Qingqiu country.”

“Is it the Qingqiu country bordering Zhuanxu country, the largest tourist country in Daozhou?” Li Xu looked at her in shock.

He knows this country, and he heard that the scenery is very beautiful, there are many monsters that turn into peerless beauties, and there are special services, and he is good at playing and singing.

It seems that the hidden identity mentioned by the system should be this.

“Yeah.” Dawei nodded.

“I found the little rich woman this time.”

It seems that the lazy way of life can be further refined.

Li Xu frowned suddenly: “That’s not right, then why don’t you look like a rich man?”

“I was frightened by the wolves in the morning, lost my way, and was chased by two snakes somehow. I crossed the bridge and the bridge was broken. The piranhas in the river chased me for a long time. When I came ashore, I met three monks who said they wanted to take my skin and make clothes, so I met Master you.”

“Storage ring, such a luxurious thing is actually owned.”

Li Xu currently only can afford the cheapest storage bag. She even has a storage ring. She deserves to be Little Princess.

“Master, that storage ring is not expensive, only half a million.”

Ha ha.

Is this the concept of a rich woman? My layout is smaller.

[Trigger the task to help the apprentice Dazhen to retrieve the lost storage ring, and successfully reward the fifth rank Dao Fa]

Li Xu heard the sound in his mind, stood up voluntarily, and slapped the table on the table.

“It doesn’t matter whether you can find storage or not. The key is to dare to bully my apprentice, walk, and take me. Which bridge is it? Which river? Which group of piranhas are chasing you? Master helps you take revenge.”

“Master, no need.”

“No, this deep hatred must be repaid, Xiao Dawei quickly leads the way.”

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