Chapter 5 Master, Don’t Interrupt

The eighth day.

Taixu Academy.

At the time of Mao, Li Xu was sleeping.

At Chen Shi, Li Xu was sleeping.

At that time, Li Xu was sleeping.

Suddenly, Li Xu’s room door heard a rapid “boom boom boom” knocking sound. It was Xiao Dazheng knocking on the door hard, trying to wake Li Xu from his sleep.

In the past seven days, through observation, she finally found out the Master’s bottom line.

One, Master likes to wear white clothes, which is exactly the same as himself.

Second, the Master rarely drinks water, so he drinks when he is thirsty.

Third, the Master is good-looking, immortal, and should have gained Immortal Ascension.

Fourth, the Master is a bit lazy.

Fifth, the Master can fall asleep quickly anytime.

It was the first time that she met a teacher who was lazier than herself. The previous teachers in the academy always got up to supervise the cultivation of their disciples, but Li Xu was good, sleeping earlier than the disciple, and getting up later than the disciple.

Even the sloth by the lake woke up, he hadn’t gotten up yet.

She wanted to say something: Master can really sleep.

“Master, three poles in the sun, are you still up?”

Da Ma knocked hard on the door, she got up early in the morning and waited happily for the Master to teach her cultivation, but she was still sleeping.

The Master is also truly amazing, like this every day, if it weren’t for being familiar with him, he would have thought that he would suffer from a disease of “I feel uncomfortable or even die if I don’t sleep.”

In the room, Li Xu was dreaming, dreaming that Xiao Dazhen made many delicious dishes for herself, including chopped pepper fish head, sweet and sour pork ribs, kung pao chicken, braised pork, Sydney elbow sticks, braised prawns, honey Juice pear ball, ants go up the tree…

Suddenly, he was awakened by a knock on the door.

Li Xu opened his eyes, got out of the bed, took a drink, yawned, and slowly went to open the door.

“Xiao Dawen, morning.”

“Master, early.”

Dawei squeezed out the word “Morning” with ignorance of her conscience. She saw Li Xu’s untidy quilt at a glance and couldn’t help but ran in to sort and fold the quilt.

[Make the bed, reward 100 diligence points, the balance 45,000 diligence points]

During the seven days, Li Xu did occasional tasks, consuming 20,000 diligence points every day in exchange for two different methods, leaving 45,000 diligence points.

Only his eyes are like electricity, which he obtained for three days and three nights before he got the system. Now, he has a total of Dao Fa as follows:

First rank Taoism, eyes such as electricity, picking grass and folding wood, throwing beans into soldiers, exhaling wind, local rain, fogging, imperial wind, imperial sword, praying for clearness, water escape, earth escape, wood escape, and clean clothes; The second rank Dao Fa, burning the sky and boiling the sea, the tide of the Moon Palace; the third rank Dao Fa, three punches; the fourth rank Dao Fa, Nanming Lihuo;

Now diligently point the balance of 45,000.

Sometimes watching the steady stream of diligence points into the account, Li Xu couldn’t bear to work as an apprentice, and wanted Xiao Dawei to rest, but she couldn’t stay idle.

What can Li Xu say, can only say that the apprentice is really capable.

So far, Li Xu has figured out the system.

The system is really from ten to five during the work period. From Monday to Friday, check in and leave on time. The creator of the system must be a worker who hates overtime.

The system’s task release is completely random, sometimes a few a day, sometimes there is no task a day, it’s really random.

“Master, don’t you go to wash?”

“It’s useless for you to organize it so well. I didn’t mess it up when I slept.”

“Master, leave me alone, wash up and eat breakfast.”

Li Xu said: “Xiao Da, don’t be busy. Today, Master will take you to the busiest Fu Nong town in Yuyang County to buy ingredients, and Master will teach you to practice the Taoism as you walk.”

Dawei nodded: “Okay.”

Li Xu washed, and after breakfast, he and Dawei walked out of Taixu Academy and headed to Funong Town.

Li Xu didn’t want to walk, so he used the first-rank Taoist “Imperial Sword” and went straight into the sky.

Dawei dangled her little feet, and the fox’s ears moved, looking at the blue sky and white clouds.

“Master, it’s the first time I fly, it feels weird.”

“It’s the first time, just try it a few times.”

“Master, I also want to fly with the sword, and teach me to cultivate and break the realm.”


Li Xu nodded. If you want to fly with the sword, you have to be a monk with Spirit Power. Once again, you have to master sword art.

In the years since he came to the world of Taoism, although he woke up naturally when he slept, he didn’t want to work, and he rarely went out, but occasionally read books.

Therefore, his theoretical knowledge is no worse than anyone else.

This is a world of Taoism where humans and demons coexist.

Since the Taoist ancestor put forward the interpretation of “Tao”, Taoism began to develop rapidly, and soon swept across the entire Taozhou, setting off a frenzy of Taoism for the whole people.

Taoist ancestor said “God and Tao are the same.”

Ordinary people wanting to gain powerful power, only through continuous cultivation and enlightenment, can they gain the power as powerful as the gods step by step.

The power of the gods lies in their control of the avenue, most of which are born in the chaos, and they are born to control the power of the avenue.

However, these gods once launched the battle of the gods, and eventually all fell.

Rumors, three thousand avenues.

That is, after the War of the Gods, there are three thousand masterless roads. Simply put, there are three thousand ways to become gods, and three thousand people can become masters of the avenues.

Daozu’s remarks instantly exploded Daozhou. Everyone wanted to be the master of the Dao, and they wanted to have absolute power. The era of Taoism for the whole people is coming, and it is known as Dao Ji in history.

Today, it is 500 years of Dao Ji.

Li Xu looked at Da Ma: “Little Da Ma, you should know Dao Ancestor, right?”

“Taozu, how could I not know? He was the founder of the Dao Fa system and the first master of Dao Fa. According to rumors, he left the Dao Fa system and disappeared.”

Li Xu nodded and said, “Yes, then I will test you. How is the system of Taoism Realm divided?”

“I’m familiar with this question.”

Dawei’s eyes lit up, two small tiger teeth were exposed, and the white fox’s ears moved, and said:

“It is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade, and finally is the master of the road.

Low grade is first rank second rank third rank, middle grade is fourth rank fifth rank sixth rank, and high grade is seventh rank, eight rank and nine rank. “She looked at Li Xu and smiled happily.

Li Xu thought for a while and asked one more sentence: “What is the name of first rank, second rank, and third rank?”

“The first rank looks at the Dao state, the second rank hears the Dao state, the third rank asks the Dao state, the fourth rank…”

Li Xu interrupted and said:

“What are the characteristics of the 8th and 9th products?”

“Master, don’t interrupt.”

In the order, she must be able to remember, but suddenly jumped a few Realms.

She was stunned for a moment, her fox ears moved, a flash of aura, she began to count her fingers, and went through the fourth rank fifth rank sixth rank, and then smiled:

“The eighth rank is to refine the Dao Fruit, and the ninth rank can be transformed into the Dao by body, and after the body is transformed into the Dao, you will be the master of the Dao.”

She squinted her eyes when she spoke, obviously thinking of it, and the thief was happy.

Li Xu retracted his gaze and rolled his eyes: “At the first glance, you just memorized it by rote, and you didn’t know it well.”

“I haven’t cultivated, so I can only memorize it by rote.” Damao pouted.

Ha ha.

This reason really cannot be refuted.

Li Xu took a sip of wine and said, “Xiao Dawen, let me ask you one more question, don’t you always talk about the three thousand avenues? You know which avenues, just say a few.”

Dawei held her chin and said, “The Underworld, Shura, the Tao of Beings, the Hundred Ghosts, the Void, the Undead, the Heavenly Fire, the Heavenly Dog, the Hungry Ghosts, the Buddha, the Sword…”

She has very strong theoretical knowledge, after all, she has stayed in ten academies.

She also wanted to continue speaking, speaking very fast, probably for a long time.

Li Xu quickly interrupted her and interrupted:

“What do you want to cultivate?”

“I have no idea.”

Li Xu was shocked: “Is there such a way of’I don’t know’?”

“Master, don’t make trouble, I don’t know.” Dawei looked at Master Li Xu, “What do you cultivate?”


“Huh? What is the sewer?”

Dawei stared at Li Xu blankly, feeling that some strange knowledge was about to increase.

Li Xu didn’t say much, just smiled. In fact, he hasn’t cultivated Taoism for two hundred years, only Spirit Power.

It stands to reason that Realm determines the amount of Spirit Power.

He is just a special case. Daozhou has only him a wonderful flower, and has no practical reference value.

“Xiao Dawen, what a cultivator has to do is cultivating the Tao, but there is another kind of person.”

Li Xu suddenly became serious as he spoke, and his murderous intent surged: “Have you heard of a thief?”

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