Chapter 29 Let’s Fence

“Master is so hard!”

Da Wei said, wrapped her fist with Spirit Power, beat the bucket-sized peach tree in front of her, and swayed Spirit Power recklessly.

But the peach tree remained motionless, let alone interrupted.

Two moments later, the Spirit Power in the body was completely exhausted.

Seeing her tired, Li Xu was sweating profusely. The sweat flowed down her cheeks to her neck, dampening her white clothes, and her snow-white skin was looming.

I can smell her with a faint fragrance mixed with peach blossom scent into her nose.

Her face flushed due to intense exercise, and she slumped on the ground, looking like she was going to break.

Da Ma weakly shouted, “Master…I can’t do it.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m so tired, I feel like I’m going to die.”

“Come here.” Li Xu waved his hand.

Dawei stood up with her trembling legs, holding her pink fist, and ran to the Master.

Seeing Master slowly stretched out her hand and touched Own’s face, she quickly closed her eyes.

However, I haven’t felt Master’s hand falling on Own’s face for a long time.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the Master’s hand was less than a foot away from own cheek, and Spirit Power gushed out of his palm.

Cut, thought the Master was going to touch her?

“You feel better now, right?” Li Xu asked.

“I’m more comfortable now.” Dawei was very energetic, and the white fox’s ears moved and smiled: “Master, sit down, I will also make you comfortable.”

She pushed the Master onto the ground and sat down, intending to give the Master a full set.

“Master, how strong is it?”

“It would be great if the strength was stronger.” Li Xu closed his eyes, his face was a little intoxicated, and a bright smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“how about this?”

“Please step up.”


Dawei was helping Master to beat her shoulders. At first, she was very light, and she was afraid of hurting Master. However, Master said to increase her strength, she had to keep pushing hard.

After she thumped her shoulders, she knelt on her side again and began to press his legs.


Li Xu felt very comfortable, and Xiao Dawen really had a hand. Although the technique was very rusty, it was quite comfortable. The key was to be diligent and keep coming up.

[Pump the shoulder, reward 500 hard work][Beat the leg, reward 800 diligence points, the balance is 109,800 diligence points]

Li Xu finally fell asleep lying comfortably on the petals of the peach blossoms.

Madam Da was hammering, her arm’s strength getting weaker and weaker, and she finally fell asleep on the Master’s lap.

The peach blossoms that do not wither all the year round continuously fall and cover them.

From a distance, it looks like a beautiful picture scroll is slowly spreading out, looking beautiful.

When Li Xu woke up, it was already 2 o’clock in the afternoon. He opened his eyes and found himself covered with peach blossoms.

Xiao Dazhen also rested her head on Own’s legs, and her two fox ears moved from time to time, and she felt very cute.

“While she is not awake, touch it.”

Li Xugang wanted to reach out and touch her two white fox ears.

Suddenly, Dawei’s head moved, and she began to move on her body, shifting from Own’s leg position to Own’s waist, resting on Own’s waist and continuing to sleep.

Her breath hit Own’s waist rhythmically, and Li Xu reacted directly, Dawei woke up suddenly, as if something was touching her face.

She jumped up directly, looked at a certain part of the Master, and just about to ask “What is it?” Li Xu interrupted:

“Shall we fencing?”


Dawei looked at Li Xu and thought for a while, “Master, are you talking about kendo?”

“Naturally it is kendo, ghost fist do not suit you, you can try kendo, kendo is one of the most powerful and famous avenues in Daozhou, and many people are cultivating.”

“But I remember that Tang Sheng was cultivating kendo? It’s the same road as him, okay?”

Li Xudao: “What’s wrong? There are many ascetics in Daozhou who are fighting for the same road. If you are really suitable for kendo, even if you cultivate, he will repair his, you will repair yours.”

“Master, if I am really suitable for cultivating swordsmanship, then you will have to protect me when I meet Tang Sheng.”

“That’s natural, you are my apprentice, so naturally I will protect you.”

Li Xu took out two swords from the storage ring, taught her to hold the sword, and asked Dawei to attack herself with the sword.

After half an hour, Li Xu determined that she was not suitable for Kendo.

Continue to test, Formation Dao, Royal Beast Dao, Hundred Ghost Dao.

But there is still no suitable way for Dahuan cultivation.

Both of them were so tired that they opened their hands and lay on the ground covered with peach blossoms in big characters, not wanting to move.

“Master, what am I suitable for cultivation?”

Dawei can now communicate with the world as he pleases, and just by finding his own Dao, he can immediately enter the stage of enlightenment and breakthrough.

Li Xu sighed and said, “Three thousand Dao Dao, if you test one by one, when will you get it? Is there any kind of test stone in Daozhou that can determine what a person is suitable for cultivation?”


Dawei shook her head, if she could detect it, she wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Li Xu stopped talking and said, “This kind of thing is not in a hurry, you have to take it slow. You are now cultivating well, lay a solid foundation, and wait for one day to find the own way, and break the first rank in one day, and break the fourth rank in three days. ”

Dawei said in shock: “It’s fake.”

Li Xu said: “Of course it is fake.”

Dawei’s face is full of black lines, Master is really funny.

Li Xu lay on the peach blossoms, with the breeze blowing, a faint fragrance filled the air, this kind of weather is really suitable for sleeping, close your eyes and enjoy it slowly.

Dawei didn’t speak either, and she felt a little sleepy as well. She didn’t know if she was infected with Li Xu’s bad illness. She didn’t know if she would become like him in the future, always wanting to sleep.

Forget it, I’ll talk about things in the future.

Now, live in the present.

The two of them just lay quietly on the petals, feeling the wind and nature, and soon fell asleep.

I don’t know how long he slept, Li Xu was awakened by the sound of the system.

[System time, Dao Ji 500 years, September 21st, 17:00:00, Tuesday, after get off work time is up, please leave a message if you have anything, bye]

Li Xu seemed to be “dying sick” and sat up in shock:

“Wake up, Xiao Dawei.”

He reached out and poked Dama’s fleshy cheek.

“Master, what?” Dawei woke up in a daze, rubbed her eyes, and looked at him blankly.

“It’s unitary time.”

Dawei nodded and said: “Master, I know, let’s go back, I’ll cook for you, Master, what do you want to eat?”

Li Xu thought for a while: “Fish.”

Dawei asked: “Why eat fish again?”

“I’m doing this for your sake.”

“How to say?”

Li Xu smiled and said, “Eating fish can replenish your brain, your brain is not very bright.”

See, are you talking human words?

Dawei drooped her face, unhappy, and wanted to jump up and hit Li Xu on the head, but Li Xu turned a little sideways, hid, and ran towards the academy.

Dawei raised her small fan fist and shouted: “Master, don’t run!”

However, Li Xu disappeared soon.

“Master, wait for me, I can’t catch it.”

“Then you run faster.”

“…” Dawei’s face is black, if she can tell you to wait soon.

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