Chapter 28

On the second day, Chen Shi.

Li Xu, who was sleeping, heard a piercing sound in a daze.

“Come here, there are monsters…”

Anzhiyu was alert to the green turtle in the tub, holding two fists in an offensive posture.

It was the first time that she saw a monster who could speak, and she was a little scared, not counting Dawei, she was in human form when she saw her, and she was dumb and cute.

Da Wei hurried out of the kitchen holding a hatchet and shouted:

“Where is the monster?”

“This turtle.” Anzhiyu gestured to the turtle in the tub.

Just now she and Dawei came back from cultivation and started to make breakfast, Dawei went to make a fire, she went to wash rice, but she saw a green turtle on the tub, but she didn’t expect the turtle to speak suddenly:

“Big sis, how are you.”

Frightened her back a few steps, cold sweat appeared on her forehead, and she assumed an offensive posture.

Hearing the sound, Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian came over quickly. The tortoise in the tub was indeed a bit weird. His eyes seemed to be spiritual, and they kept looking at the four people who appeared in front of them.

“Don’t make a fuss, this is a friend I brought back last night.”

Li Xu walked out of the room with a yawn, rubbed his awake eyes, and said:

“He is cultivating the animal Dao. Something went wrong with Transcends Tribulation, and he became a tortoise. From now on, he will live in our Taixu Academy. His name is Luwu.”

Da Ma looked at the Master and asked, “That green?”

Li Xu said: “The green is green, the tortoise is the cockroach.”

Li Xu said, referring to the four people next to him, and introduced them one by one: “Luwu, this is my little apprentice called Dawu, and the other three are from Qinglian Academy. He is the dean of Qinglian. He is Tang Sheng, and she is An Zhiyu.”

It is not strange to let people from Qinglian College stay in Taixu College. What’s strange is that Li Xu took a little girl with fox ears as a disciple.

Doesn’t he like to accept disciples, too lazy to teach, too troublesome?

Is he just chasing her in the name of accepting disciples? Does he like this type?

Speaking earlier, he knows a lot of monks in Shinalou, who are innocent, charming, hot, glamorous, gentle, and considerate.

“After the introduction, I’ll go to bed.” Li Xu yawned. He hasn’t woken up yet, “What are you guys doing? Leave me alone.”

“Take me to your room, I have something to ask you.” Luwu said.

Li Xu grabbed one of his feet, carried him back to the room, closed the door, threw him on the coffee table, took a sip of wine, and said:

“Say something quickly, I want to sleep.”

“Why did you suddenly accept apprentices?”

In the past, Li Xu was always alone. Luwu once suggested to him to accept a few apprentices or marry a few wives.

But Li Xu always just shook his head and said that it was troublesome. It was the first time that Luwu could not be too lazy to meet people.

Once Lu Wu teased him, if he really married his wife, would he be too lazy to move and let his wife move by herself.

Li Xu did not explain, it is impossible to tell him the reason for the system, but smiled and said:

“It’s because of interest.”

“Sexual interest?” Lu Wu took a deep breath and showed a meaningful smile:

“I didn’t expect you to like this type, you should have told me long ago.”

Luwu thought for a while, hehe smiled and said:

“I have a lot of strategies, which I have explored in the Qanalou over the years. It is with these that I have made the little Big sis in the Qanalou subdued. Now, I will teach it to you so that you can quickly take her down. ”

For a long time, Luwu didn’t hear Li Xu’s words.

Then I heard a slight snoring sound.

Sure enough, he could fall asleep quickly anytime.

There is another thing to be happy about. Taixu Academy finally has a few more living breaths. I used to come here quietly and always feel haunted.


[System time: Dao Ji 500 years, September 21st, 10:00:00, Tuesday, sunny, sunny, suitable for boxing]

When Li Xu woke up, he finally felt comfortable sleeping. He got up from the bed and saw a turtle floating in front of Own. He punched it without even thinking about it.

The tortoise hit the ground hard.

“What are you doing?” Lu Wu turned a few somersaults and got up.

“Scare me.”

Li Xu retracted his fist. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw something floating in front of him. He was frightened and punched out. Fortunately, he didn’t use Spirit Power. Otherwise, the tortoise would die on the spot.

“No, you unexpectedly re-entered the first rank Wang Dao realm.”

“I hit the fourth rank to enter the Dao realm, the Transcends Tribulation failed, Realm fell completely, and did not die, I planned to rebuild the animal realm, and just re-entered the first rank Wang Dao realm, you can use the first rank Dao method to rise to the clouds.”

“Just after recovering, what are you doing so diligent in cultivating? If you hate that pair of dogs, I can kill the Emperor Zhuanxu and help you teach them.”

“No, I have to personally take care of those dog men and women, and I can only take revenge myself.”

“Then go on, I’m going to teach Xiao Dawen.”

After Li Xu finished his breakfast, he took Xiao Dawei to the grove.

Wrong, it is Shili Taolin.

“Master, which way shall we explore today?”

Dahuan’s eyes dodged, she didn’t dare to look directly into Li Xu’s eyes, because he was scared by him yesterday.

The belly is big.

Shouldn’t we continue to do it today?

Li Xu looked at her: “Have you heard of Ghost Boxing?”

“Know, just blow everything up with your fist.”

“That’s it. I thought about it carefully. You are not very smart. You should only be suitable for brute force. The first thing I think of is Ghost Fist.”

Dawei rolled her eyes, what is not too smart?

Can you speak tactfully so that you will lose me.

“You now turn Spirit Power into your fist and hit me. Let me see if it is suitable for Ghost Boxing?”

“Master, are you sure?” Dawei squeezed her pink fist, with a faint Spirit Power pouring out of her fist, believing her face:

“My fist is down, Master, you may be seriously injured.”

“You take yourself too seriously, punch.”


Dawei yelled, because of her height problem, she can only hit Li Xu by jumping up, otherwise, she would hit him in the crotch.

Dawei’s fist touched his body, as if it had touched a hard object, and was directly bounced out, sitting on the peach blossom ground.

“Come again.” Li Xu said, “Can you use a little bit of strength, just this little strength, if you meet a gangster, I am afraid that the more you beat the gangster, the more excited you will get.”


Dawei yelled and jumped out, her pink fists constantly hitting Li Xu.

She used all the Spirit Power to beat Li Xu, but Li Xu’s body was like a stiff rock, completely unable to move, and her fists were red and swollen.

“Master, I can’t stand it.”

“You are too hard!”

Dawei opened her small mouth and gently blew on her somewhat red and swollen hands. It was really painful and grieved:

“Master, what is your body? Why is it so hard?”

Li Xu didn’t answer, but pointed to a peach tree that looked the size of a bucket, and said, “You wrap your fist with Spirit Power and hit this peach tree.”

Madam Da was stunned, blinking her eyes, her white fox’s ears stood up, and said in doubt:

“Master, are you harder than this peach tree?”

Li Xu said without hesitation: “I am much harder than it.”

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