Chapter 30 The apprentice “pregnant” again

“Master, wait for me.”

Dawei held a small pink fist and chased after Li Xu, but she was still getting further and further away from him, and she was about to disappear before her eyes. She yelled again anxiously:


“hurry up.”

Li Xu stopped and looked at the little Dahao, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This little apprentice was quite funny.

“Finally chased you.”

Xiao Dazhen ran to Li Xu, spread her teeth and danced her claws, and the fox’s ears moved, and suddenly jumped on Li Xu, blushing slightly:

“I’m so tired, Master, will you carry me back to the college?”


Li Xu walked towards the academy step by step with her behind her back.

The two of them were walking on the way back to the academy, and a ray of golden sunlight dragged their silhouettes long and long, and a beautiful picture was reflected on the ground.

On September 22, Li Xu did not find Xiao Da’s “Dao”.

On September 23, Li Xu did not find Xiao Da’s “Dao”.

On September 24, Li Xu still failed to find Xiao Da’s “dao”.

In three days, Li Xu went to the five gangs of Xiao Dazhen for ten nights to find a way, but they didn’t find a suitable way for her.

Xiao Dazhen is not bored, but Li Xu feels that this is not the way to go.

He thought that Xiao Dazhen could communicate with heaven and earth, and he would not be able to break through the next step. He didn’t expect it to be difficult to find. It seems that the system’s fifth rank method is not so easy to obtain.

In these three days, I completed the small tasks released by the system and got three first rank Dao methods, namely “fixing the body”, “closing the acupuncture point” and “relieving the acupoint”.

So far, the diligence points accumulated by the system have reached an astonishing 160,300 points. Seeing the daily increase in diligence points, Li Xu is always amazed:

Really capable!

September 25th and 26th are Saturdays and Sundays, with two days off as usual.

After eating breakfast, Li Xu sat at the entrance of the hall, looking at the green black, Dean Qinglian, Tang Sheng, An Zhiyu, and Xiao Da in the academy to see what they were doing.

The book in front of Luwu opened automatically, apparently studying Taoism, but why did he have a green light all over his body?

The elderly Dean Qinglian has a white beard, his temples are white, his eyes are closed, and he sits on a boulder to make a seal, cultivating Qingliandao.

Tang Sheng was practicing sword in the academy, his figure danced, comprehending the new Taoism.

An Zhiyu sat on the grass in a daze. She recently stared at the Lotus flower pond to comprehend the first rank Taoism, but she hasn’t found inspiration for a long time. She also asked her Master Qinglian, who gave her the number. This first rank book related to Taoism.

There are swordsmanship, lotus balls, Lotus flower Flying Daggers, Lotus flower leaf picking, Lotus flower fantasy world and so on.

But it was not the first-rank Dao Fa she wanted, and she was totally uninterested, let alone comprehending, she wanted to comprehend something unique.

Dawei sat next to Anzhiyu, and at first she wanted to read a book.

As a result, I looked like I always wanted to doze off. I felt that I couldn’t go on like this. I had to find something to do and poke Anzhiyu’s snow-white thighs:

“Let’s play in the water over the lake.”

The Master gave her two days off to relax, and besides being tossed by the Master for five days, she was so tired that she didn’t want to cultivate and just want to play.


Anzhiyu didn’t even think about it, and stood up.

“Wait for me.”

Dawei leaped to the Master and said, “Master, let’s go to the lake to play in the water, are you going?”

Li Xu shook his head: “I don’t like playing in water.”

But Dawei still pulled him up and pushed him behind, like an old “old man” slowly pushing a carriage.

As a result, he couldn’t move, and An Zhiyu from a distance also ran over, and the two pushed Li Xu towards the lake.

Li Xu was helpless, looking at Tang Sheng and Dean Qinglian: “You don’t care about your junior sister, your apprentice?”

Tang Sheng stopped for a while, looked at Li Xu, only smiled and did not speak, still practicing the sword.

Dean Qing Lian only opened one eye and didn’t look at it.

An Zhiyu asked, “Master, do you want to go to the lake to play in the water?”

Dean Qinglian shook his head. He is not a child, not like their childlike innocence.

“Go ahead.”

Dean Qinglian felt that Anzhiyu, Dawei, and Li Xu were a bit like children.

Especially Li Xu, who is obviously 200 years old and has a temperament similar to that of a teenager, and the 300-year-old Jiuwei Damao is about the same as a 9-year-old child. He is really weird. Then he looked at Tang Sheng and said:

“You go play with them.”

“I’m not going.” Tang Sheng shook his head.

“Why?” Dean Qinglian asked.

“Affect my sword practice.”

Tang Sheng looked calm and honest. Ever since he saw Li Xu’s strength, he yearned for kendo even more. If he weren’t worried that the thief would deal with the Master, he had already entered a closed door training state.

Dean Qinglian has nothing to say, this apprentice is really dedicated.

Neither of them went, but Li Xu was forcibly pushed to the lake by Dawei and Anzhiyu. There was a 300-meter waterfall on the lake, and the water seemed to be pouring down from the sky.

This is a waterfall and lake designed by Li Xuhua at a great price.

The lake is divided into two areas, upstream and downstream, the upstream occupies three quarters of the area.

The upper reaches is the area where the waterfall directly falls. The water is very clear and suitable for play.

Downstream is the gathering place of spirit beasts. There are several pairs of mandarin ducks flirting, some egrets spread their wings on the dead trees of the lake to care for its feathers, some crabs playing with mud, sloths, pelicans, white cranes, swans, etc. spirit beast.

There is also a crocodile with a big mouth, letting a bird pick its teeth.

Whether upstream or downstream, there is a willow tree every three feet on the shore.

This is the overall structure of the waterfall and lake. The person who designed this structure at that time designed it in accordance with the specifications of the ordinary academy. At that time, Li Xu felt that it was useless to divide the upstream and downstream, but the designer said that it must be used.

Sure enough, the designer was right.

Dawei and Anzhiyu picked up beautiful rocks in the upper lake, and laughed joyfully from time to time.

Li Xu was not so naive as to play with them. He pulled out a backrest chair from the storage bag and looked at them.

The water splashed by the waterfall in the distance quickly wet their dresses.

An Zhiyu’s dress was purple, wet with water, and her hair was dripping with water, revealing a piece of snow white, and she could faintly see her curves being outlined.

Dawei’s white dress was stained with water, and it was also looming.

Li Xu stood up suddenly, staring at Xiao Dawen, and suddenly remembered something:

“Would you not be suitable for cultivating’Waterway’?”

Dawei in the lake looked back:

“Master, what are you talking about, I can’t hear it, the waterfall is too loud.”

“Come here.” Li Xu said loudly.

Dawei ran out, leaving only Anzhiyu picking up rocks.

“Let me see if you fit the waterway?”

Li Xu quickly shot, using the first rank Dao method “closing acupuncture points”, tapping the acupuncture points on her body, and said:

“I have successfully sealed your acupuncture points and Meridians, and you who can swim are now a landruck. In this case, if you can successfully control the water, it means you are suitable for cultivating’water channels’.”

Madam Da stammered: “Master, you play like this…I’ll drown…”

Li Xu didn’t listen to her and threw her directly into the lake.


With her head down, she fell into the lake like a stone, struggling, and the water gradually submerged her feet.

The water splashed Anzhiyu and wet her dress a few large pieces. The water drops down her neck, and a large piece of whiteness appeared in the flap…

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