“ha ha ha, still Xue Zunzu has a way!”

Guan Qi couldn’t help laughing out loud. When did he see Qin Shiyu so helpless? But he didn’t laugh for long, he suddenly shuddered and shook with fear, and murmured:

“I didn’t know before that the courage came against her. She didn’t treat me Thank God for tearing it to pieces.”


Gong Tianqing wanted to say that she couldn’t, but after thinking about it, she thought it was possible, so she closed it. mouth. She paused quite suddenly, making Guan Qi froze instantly.

This may be the darker the description.

Qin Shiyu laughed happily, his expression suddenly becoming serious.

“Gong Tianqing, it’s time to reorganize the team, ready to go.” She ordered.


Gong Tianqing took the order without hesitation and turned to look at Guan Qi.

“Big brother Guan, order everyone to get ready to go and follow your Highness to break through Bei’an City!”

The voice echoed endlessly, like a solemn bell, announcing the next deadly battle.


“Xiaoting, are you free?”

When Sue Kirin found Li Wanting, the latter was directing the dísciple that came with him, Organize and inspect the weapon loading of the agency to ensure that the transportation process is foolproof. These organ weapons were made by Heavenly Jade Palace and Xia Family’s workshops. They were all prepared urgently at Gong Tianqing’s request. There may be some omissions in all aspects. That’s why Li Wanting is so attentive. Check in some spare time.

She didn’t want to wait until she was about to use it to discover the problem. This is often fatal in the ever-changing battlefield.

However, she is not at all free.

“Little Ancestor Master?” Li Wanting had just asked to explain, she turned around and found that the person was Sue Kirin. “What’s wrong?” She didn’t know Sue Kirin’s intention.

“I heard you brought that thing?”

Sue Kirin finished the question, and Tianji, who was lying on her shoulders, beamed his eyes and asked excitedly. The same question:

“Yes, yes, Elder Sister Li, did you bring that very difficult to deal with thing?”

“That thing? “

Li Wanting was stunned, and didn’t understand the secret sign in the two people.

“It’s the’mechanical robe’! Machine, off, robe!”

Sue Kirin pointed out that Li Wanting is sometimes just a mind-headed, unable to turn it around.

“Organization robe!”

Li Wanting exclaimed as she woke up in a dream. She was frightened and flustered, but it scared Sue Kirin and Tianji.

“Hey, what the hell is your name?” Sue Kirin rolled his eyes again.

“What the hell is called? I just forgot that thing.”

Li Wanting hugged her chest, “This is not a rush, many things are messed up. Yes, I’m not good at handling this…Really, although I am more familiar with organ weapons, should I leave it to me?”

Li Wanting scratched her head irritably.

In the past, it has been proved that she is simply not good at management. The sword-making room she is in charge of has frequent problems, frequent deficits, and uneven quantities of materials. However, in terms of quality control, Li Wanting has been very tight. There are no major quality problems in the production of Jianfang so far.

In the sword forging room, Head Disciple was especially helpful, but the head Disciple on the expedition failed to keep up, and she was dizzy by these chores.

“I’ll let Xiaoyun help you later.”

Sue Kirin sighed, giving sympathetic suggestions.


Li Wanting’s eyes lit up and she grabbed Sue Kirin’s shoulder. Having been in the forefront of forging and casting for a long time, Li Wanting’s strength was amazing, and she was tall and tall. This grab actually grabbed Sue Kirin and lifted the girl’s legs off the ground.

“You, let me go first!”

Sue Kirin struggled and slid down like a fish.

“ha ha ha!”

Li Wanting also noticed something wrong, hit haha ​​and smiled awkwardly.

“I’m happy, I didn’t hold it back for a while. Just now I suddenly felt that the little Ancestor Master is so cute, I hugged it if I didn’t hold it back!”

“Hug?” Sue Kirin said with a black line, “Then someone would hug people like pulling up a pillar?”

“ha ha ha, little things, little things.”

Li Wanting continued to smile heartily, carefree It doesn’t seem to be conscious at all–no, maybe it doesn’t matter.

Sue Kirin was too lazy to care, and said directly:

“Did you bring things here? I will use them later, Xiaoqi should tell you the situation. “

Qi Qiqi is now directing the disciplines to make preparations. She has just stated Qin Shiyu’s plan frankly and truthfully, and now Yinping is still sulking on the side!

“It was indeed brought.”

Li Wanting scratched the messy ponytail.

Has she not washed her hair for a while? Sue Kirin was deeply skeptical and took a step back subconsciously.

“I have completed all the tests that can be completed-time is too tight, and I never thought that I would have the opportunity to use it so quickly, but I spent one day and one night rushing to work, but I was too busy .”

Probably full of grievances, Li Wanting rarely complains. Sue Kirin scratched his face, not knowing what to say.

“Little Ancestor Master, you will remember to ask Shui younger sister to help me later, I am really too busy.”

Li Wanting repeatedly emphasized her busyness.

“If there is water younger sister to help, I will be happy.” She said.

“You can do everything, but don’t push everything to her…”

“Those who can do more!”

Li Wanting The answer was Sue Kirin, very worried.

She intended to help Li Wanting to reduce the burden, but if Li Wanting pushed everything to Shui Yun’er, Sue Kirin felt that she had harmed Shui Yun’er.

However, she believes that Li Wanting will be measured.

“What about things?”

Ending this topic, Sue Kirin refocused on the issue of organ robes.


Li Wanting stepped aside and Sue Kirin followed her.

“Little Ancestor Master, there are limited places I can adjust. Some places can only be handed over to you, especially the variable technique above. I basically can’t handle it. The remaining adjustment work can only be Leave it to you.”

Li Wanting slowed down, turned her head and looked over, exhorting her.

“You must be careful when you use it. The formidable power is too big. A little carelessness may hurt you.”

“If it doesn’t work, we are going Sending to death. Since you don’t know, just give it a shot. When the boat gets to the pier-head, it will go straight with the current, I believe Xiaoji should be able to control it well.”

Sue Kirin has no choice but to look optimistic in his eyes. When things came, she had to respond with an optimistic attitude.

“Who told us to have a messy’Ding Guoji’?”

“His Royal Highness divine might, I don’t know much about military issues, but His Highness has always been The Hua Dynasty brought a lot of victories.”

“But there were also failures.” Sue Kirin caught the loophole, “It’s divine might…I’m still Heavenly God.

Li Wanting remains unmoved.

“Everyone will fail, and your Highness is just a person that’s all. “

“I am afraid that one day her failure will pit us all in. “

“Maybe, but we don’t have a better way, and we don’t have a stand to say anything more. “

Li Wanting is very accurate in this matter. Sue Kirin originally wanted to refute something, but was blocked by the other party.

So they changed the topic. Along the way, I paid attention to the adjustment of the robes.

Walking around in the abandoned building complex, the two of them walked for a while, and finally came to a relatively open place. It was probably a square. , There are collapsed stone buildings all around, and I don’t know how many years have passed.

And in the open space of the square that should have been empty, there are forests of organ weapons.

A large number of sword-forging dísciples are running around here, and some Sue Kirin still recognizes them. They seem to be carrying out the order that Li Wanting had just sent, and inspecting the weapons.

In Li Wanting Led by Sue Kirin, Sue Kirin came to a more central position.

A wooden box painted with tung oil is right in front of you.

The wood is superior, and this box alone is probably not worth it. Philip.

“Is that this? “

Tenji is even more excited than Sue Kirin. Before Sue Kirin could do anything, she jumped down and ran to the wooden box with her short legs, be eager to have A try to look left and right.

The wooden box is very big, and Tianji standing in front of it is as small as a sparrow.

“…” Sue Kirin was also a little excited.

The “mechanism gown” in it is the hard work of her and Li Wanting. It combines two knowledges-the highly integrated product of spell and mechanism technique.

“Finally use it On you. “Sue Kirin touched the wooden box lightly.

Then, the wooden box was lit.

With Sue Kirin’s instant Spiritual Qi injection, the wooden box appeared complicated Cang blue pattern. The mechanism lock on the wooden box was unlocked, making a crisp sound.

The sound was not loud, but it still attracted the attention of nearby people.

The room dísciple spontaneously slowed down, turning his head and looking over, as if what Sue Kirin had opened was not a box, but knocked on the door of the Imperial Palace.

The lid of the box opened slowly.

The contents are exposed. Sue Kirin took a look at it, and the outline drawn by black and golden was immediately imprinted in the eyes, violently taking away all her attention.

It’s not the same as the trial works tested before.

A large-scale alloy made of heavy black gold forms a strong but lightweight skeleton that sets up the shape of the robe. This robe has A peculiar feeling, not a very close-fitting structure. Probably at the shoulder position, the oblate skeleton is the top end, and extending downward is a sheet-like overlapping robe pendulum. Peeking into the neckline, you can see all kinds of Metal structure, and looking back along the dorsal vertebra, you can see a tail made of metal.


Sue Kirin muttered, There is only the organ robe in front of her eyes.

The mood is like seeing her child finally learn to write and walk. She doesn’t know how much effort she put in and how many nights she spent. Developed this organ gown with Li Wanting.

“Kirin Kirin, give it a try! “

It was Tianji pushing Sue Kirin’s feet and feet to make her come back to her indulging in the ups and downs. She asked Li Wanting’s opinion with her eyes.

Li Wanting was nodded, and she also passed the brocade box in her hand to Sue Kirin.

“This is…”

Sue Kirin was puzzled.

“It’s Yizhuang. “Li Wanting wiped her nose.

The doubt on Sue Kirin’s face was replaced by surprise, and she looked back and forth over Li Wanting and the brocade box, a surprise in her heart.


Using spirituality materials to increase the spell effect.

This type of props was quite common in Sue Kirin’s previous world, and it’s not difficult to get started. After World, Sue Kirin thought about making his own costumes many times, but suffered from not having any experience and knowledge. Until not long ago, he had a preliminary idea.

Then, all kinds of things. , This idea only stayed at the sketch stage.

She couldn’t even think about it. Li Wanting actually turned the sketch into reality for her, produced the finished product and brought it to her own eyes. .

“But this thing…how could it be with you? “

” Didn’t the little Ancestor Master draw the sketch long ago? “Li Wanting asked back as it should be by rights.

“That’s right, but you are always impossible to weave it out for me, right? “

“Of course I didn’t sew it. What are you talking about? “

Li Wanting squeezed her waist with one hand, and bowed her head suddenly as if I had taken it.

“You don’t know that I don’t know anything about needlework. Yes, I visited Heavenly Jade Palace in the north a while ago… I don’t remember that aspect of the matter. Maybe someone ordered clothes for delivery. In short, I just ran into him, and remembered the sketches you left, and I had materials on hand, so I asked him if he could make them. He said to give it a try, and it really became. She tested this water younger sister and it should work. “

“If I dare to draw sketches in the future, things will come out naturally! “

Sue Kirin teased, knowing that although Li Wanting spoke lightly, she must have paid a lot behind her back, so she looked at Li Wanting sincerely:

“Thanks! “She thanked.

Li Wanting’s response was slow, she seemed to be frightened when she opened a pair of eyes.

“That’s not the case. “She finally responded in an angry tone.

Then, she patted the box and urged:

“Come on, open it quickly. The sizes are all made according to your usual clothes. Beifang said that it should be no problem and it will fit properly. I took a look and found it to be the same. “

“Okay. “

Sue Kirin agreed and opened the brocade box.

There is a set of folded skirt clothes.

It is made of silk. Luxurious clothes, based on black, with rust and gold threads, look quite solemn. Sue Kirin took the clothes up, and the soft cloth instantly unfolded. Even if it was folded just now, there were no creases on the cloth. The craftsmanship is quite exquisite. , I can’t see any hook or thread at all. Sue Kirin tried to pull it, and I could feel the tenacious touch and resilience.

When you look carefully, you can see a wire of metal thread interspersed in it.

These metals are spirituality metals, which can conduct Spiritual Qi and produce a spell effect. This is also the reason why clothes can increase spell, and because of the existence of these metal threads, they greatly increase the firmness of clothes.

Although I haven’t tried it, the general sword should not be able to penetrate this suit.

In addition, the existence of this suit helps Sue Kirin connect with the organ robe. She designed this suit. To a large extent, it’s based on this.

It is worth mentioning that she only designed the part about the augmentation technique on this suit. The overall style of the dress should be made by the north It’s done.

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