“Big brother Guan, why are you here?” Gong Lanping gave Guan Qi a hug, “I remember you went back to your hometown to get married… speaking of which, I haven’t seen the sister-in-law Ah.”

Gong Lanping’s eyes showed some expectation.

“Your sister-in-law is an ordinary person, then there is this girl beside you delicate and pretty?”

Guan Qi noticed that she was on the side of Gonglanping Su Wan Seeing that the girl was weak with some heroic spirit, she couldn’t help being a little surprised, but it was more ridicule and relieved to Gong Lanping.

“Close big brother, don’t make fun of me…”

Gong Lanping is not used to being ridiculed in this aspect, and he is a little panicked. Su Wan, who was on the side, dropped her head even more shy and blushed beautifully.

Guan Qi smiled happily and more wretchedly.

“It seems that the two of you are still brotherly in love. If you fall into that gentleman’s pen, you might have to be portrayed as Long Yang.”

Didn’t notice Qin Shiyu’s approach until she laughed at the two of them.

“His Royal Highness!”

Guan Qi and Gong Lanping were obviously taken aback, and they turned around to bow and bow. Qin Shiyu said not to be polite and held the two of them falsely, so they didn’t really kneel down.

“General Komiya, the girl you think about day and night is here, why are you still standing here?”

Obviously it was intentional.

Qin Shiyu knows the affection of Dao Palace Lanping and Su Wan, but deliberately chooses Su Wan to say such misleading words while standing next to him.

“Thinking about day and night?”

Su Wan stared at a pair of swaying eyes, raised her sleeves to cover her surprised mouth, and took a step back. She was almost crying.

“His Royal Highness!”

Gong Lanping yelled in a complaint, and looked left and right, but in a hurry, he didn’t know how to explain it. It looked funny. . Guan Qi smiled helplessly, and said to help: “Your Majesty, don’t play around with Lan Ping. You are optimistic about handling a young man, but you are frightened by you… He is in deep siege on the battlefield, but I have never been so panicked…”

“Some people lose their temper when they are funny. It’s not fun.” Qin Shiyu has no guilt.


Su Wan couldn’t help but speak, she should have also noticed that something was wrong.

“His Royal Highness, is the girl in your mouth…?”

Qin Shiyu smiled and didn’t say a word, but still didn’t intend to explain.

At this time, Gong Lanping finally regained his language ability, and hurriedly waved his hands and said:

“Wan’er, it’s definitely not what you think!” He No point is explained at all.

Guan Qi couldn’t stand it anymore, turned to Su Wan, smiled bitterly and said to her:

“Sister, Lan Ping is not a double-hearted person, I can guarantee that. “

“Ah…” Su Wan was a little guilty, probably because she regretted that she once doubted Gong Lanping.

“The person he wants to meet…”

Guan Qi turned around and cast a bitter look at Gong Tianqing.

“It’s our Young Lady!”

“Is this General Princess’s Young Lady?”

Su Wan did not come over immediately, subconsciously Move his gaze and follow Guan Qi to look over. Gong Tianqing, who was discussing matters with Qi Qiqi and Liangui, noticed the two people’s sights, and turned around.

“…Gong Big Senior Sister?”

Su Wan once studied at Heavenly Jade Palace, and Gong Tianqing often helps Qi Qiqi with errands, and she does not enter and exit the outer sect the number of times. Little, it’s no surprise that Su Wan remembers her.

On the other hand, Gong Tianqing, as a martial artist, ages slower than others. Although a few years have passed, she has lost her tender face and is a bit more mature, but There are still some shadows overall, especially the very representative round apricot eyes.

“So that’s it…”

Seeing Gong Tianqing, Su Wan reacted with a relieved expression. She knew that Dao Palace Lan Ping had some concern and expectation for her righteous sister ─ ─ strictly speaking, it should be his righteous niece. This is a kind of affection for relatives who have never met before, not about love.

Gong Lanping still wanted to explain. Su Wan realized that he cared about him, so she spoke again:

“Gong big brother, I understand.”

Su Wan is very considerate and gentle.

Gong Lanping was stunned for a while, staring at Su Wan blankly. In response to his gaze, Su Wan couldn’t help but flushed, but she still insisted on looking at him, her eyes full of tenderness.

“Gong big brother, don’t just stare at me, leave the Gong Big Senior Sister to dry.”

Su Wan said and looked in the direction where Gong Tianqing was. When I went, I saw that the other party was walking towards this side with a generous and elegant step.

So she said “Huh?”

Su Wan’s reaction caught everyone’s attention, and Guan Qi and Qin Shiyu also noticed Gong Tianqing’s approach. Gong Lanping’s gaze fell on Gong Tianqing complicatedly, and Gong Tianqing just smiled lightly.


When Gong Tianqing stopped in front of him, Gong Lanping stopped talking. He wanted to see Gong Tianqing for a long time, but he didn’t know what to say after the meeting.

“Grandfather mentioned you in the letter…well, according to the generation, I should call you Uncle…”

Gong Tianqing opens first After speaking, it looks a little embarrassing.

I really shouldn’t, Gong Lanping said to himself that he felt ashamed of his own manhood. He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and said as calmly as possible: “If the generations are messed up, it really shouldn’t be, but…I am a foreigner after all. If you really don’t Yes, just call me Lanping big brother.”

He tried his best, but he still couldn’t avoid the bitterness in his tone afterwards.

Gong Lanping has never seen Gong Yue and Gong Tianqing. He has been in Northern Domain since he was adopted. Gong Jing once invited him to return to Imperial Capital, hoping that he could meet Gong Yue, Gong Tianqing and the others, but Gong Lanping refused because of anxiety. What he was disturbed was the rejection of the two.

He is just an orphan.

Gong Lanping has seen a lot, and the officials have high self-esteem.

And Gong Jing did not insist, he is actually not very good at housework. If he is good at it, Gong Tianqing would not be ignored by Gong Yue.

“grandfather adopted you when you were young, and counting the years and months, I was only a few years old…After you took care of grandfather for so many years, after you took care of him for us, and Why can’t you bear my Uncle?”

Gong Tianqing laughed, with encouragement and approval in her eyes.

She smiled very softly… Gong Lanping was dumbfounded, and then she shook her head and laughed. He suddenly felt that he was a little stupid after thinking about it, but he did not expect Gong Tianqing to accept his existence so easily.

“Qinger…can I call you like this?”

Gong Lanping didn’t realize that his voice was shaking.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” Gong Tianqing responded with a smile.

At that moment, Gong Lanping was thinking that everything is so simple. He once again felt that his previous withdrawal, fear, and cranky were stupid.

“Ah…great, I have my own home this can be considered?”

Gong Lanping raised his head to the sky, his eyes moist. What he was afraid of no longer exists, and he has gained the tenderness and acceptance that he should have lost. He didn’t let himself cry, even if he really wanted to cry at the moment.

“Gong big brother…”

Su Wan came to Gong Lanping’s side and called him softly, as if she was comforting him, and she seemed to be happy for him. Gong Lanping tilted his head to look at her, showing a happy smile.

“Wan’er, this period may be my happiest day. Even if I die on the battlefield later, I will die too──”

“Gong big brother, don’t Nonsense.”

Su Wan quickly raised her hand to press Gong Lanping’s mouth and interrupted him. She shook the head to him and told him:

“This is the beginning.”

Gong Lanping just stared.

For a while, he smiled bitterly and said ashamedly:

“It’s my fault. It’s true that this is the beginning… Many things and many things are, this is It’s the beginning…”

He finished with a sigh.

Gong Tianqing blinked her eyes and looked at the two back and forth, wondering if the girl who was with Gong Lanping was who are you. Seeing that the exchange between the two finally came to an end, she hesitated a few times and couldn’t help asking:

“This girl is…?”

Gong Lanping was a little unexpected The newly recognized righteous niece will ask Su Wan’s identity.


Although the two are in love with each other, they really haven’t confirmed their relationship yet, and Gong Lanping hasn’t asked someone to marry him. It’s really hard to tell what it is. relationship. If a friend who answers very well may hurt the other person again, he doesn’t know how to answer for a while.

Seeing Gong Lanping look embarrassed and anxious, Gong Tianqing blinked a few times again, and she didn’t consciously become anxious, thinking she asked something that shouldn’t be asked.

“Is it sister-in-law?”

“Ah…” Gong Lanping only scratched the back of his head, somewhat embarrassed.

That look already makes the answer ready.

“Ah, it turned out to be sister-in-law.” Gong Tianqing clapped her hands happily, putting her hands together, “Does grandfather already know? Yes, which girl is it from? What is Nianfang? “

Gong Tianqing was a little excited. After asking several questions, Gong Lanping and Su Wan were startled and did not answer.

Gong Lanping and Su Wan exchanged glances. In the end, when the former finally planned to answer Gong Tianqing’s question, Qin Shiyu walked over with graceful steps and opened her lips with a joking smile:

“Sometimes the plot is so bloody, we don’t know how to react unless we laugh it off… Gong Tianqing, you know the girl that your uncle fell in love with.”

“Huh?” Gong Tianqing’s face was dyed blankly, “I know all of them?”

She pointed to her nose, looking around, looking for someone to confirm the answer. With those round eyes, the appearance is lovely and really pleasing.

“Gong Big Senior Sister, although we only have a few fate, we can’t talk about being very familiar.”

Su Wan said embarrassingly, maybe because I think Qin Shiyu The statement, let her have a kind of feeling close to Gong Tianqing.

“Gong Big Senior Sister?” Gong Tianqing as it should be by rights reacted to this name.

Unconsciously, Gong Tianqing’s gaze fell on the long sword held by Su Wan, and it suddenly dawned on him.

“Are you also from Heavenly Jade Palace?”

“I used to stay in outer sect for a while…” Su Wan looked uncomfortable, “Just let me study at home After a period of time, Wu.”

“It turned out to be like this…” Gong Tianqing nodded expressed understanding.

Gong Tianqing smiled lightly, looked at Gong Lanping, and then at Su Wan. From the bottom of my heart, I was happy that the two of them could see each other.

“However, this can be considered a kind of fate.”

After speaking, her eyes turned to Gong Lanping again.

“Uncle, Su Wan used to practice martial arts in the Heavenly Jade Palace. She is half a member of the Heavenly Jade Palace. Please treat her well.”

” , Natural!”

Gong Lanping stood upright, standing like a general who was hit by a general in front of the battle.

“Gong Big Senior Sister…” Su Wan groaned, ashamed and unable to show one’s face.


Gong Tianqing realized that she was talking a bit too much, a little abruptly, and finally followed sorry, she hurriedly waved her hands and said:

“Because it has been a long time since there has been such a thing… I, I am a little too excited… I’m sorry, brother, sister-in-law, I didn’t deliberately embarrass you…”

“Gong Big Senior Sister, I am not a sister-in-law yet…”

Su Wan explained even more embarrassingly.

“I, I…”

Gong Tianqing became anxious, she seemed to be back to what she was a few years ago when she became anxious, she was so flustered that she didn’t know what to do .

“Qing’er, don’t worry, it’s okay.”

Gong Lanping finally got rid of the embarrassment and stood up to relieve Gong Tianqing. Gong Tianqing immediately cast a grateful look at him.

“Sometimes it is more interesting to look at you than to read a novel.”

Qin Shiyu giggled.

The other three people and Guan Qi, who has not interrupted, also smiled at each other, filling a warm atmosphere for a while.

“Have you finished talking?”

Sue Kirin walked over and asked, first looking around everyone for a week, and said:

“It’s almost time to leave.” She looked towards Qin Shiyu, “If it drags on, the day will be bright, and the North Kingdom will regain its strength.”

“Well, it’s almost time.”

Qin Shiyu glanced at the sky and found that there was not much time left before dawn. She then patted her hand and greeted everyone:

“The warm moment is almost over,” she narrowed a pair of eyes, flickering in the dim night, “Next is the carnival of killing.”

People hearing this fell silent.

For the insider, the next step is an uphill battle. Gong Lanping and the others didn’t know the next plan, but from Qin Shiyu’s tone, he still felt a hard fight, because being with Qin Shiyu meant this kind of thing.

The only exception is Sue Kirin──

“Also talking about the carnival of killings, there is something wrong with your brain, I will not be happy at all, if one is not good and trapped , Let’s just wait for it to cool down.”

Sue Kirin curl one’s lip, turned around and walked out. She walked towards Li Wanting, probably begging for that thing.

“Aiya, I really don’t show any mercy at all.”

Qin Shiyu said mockingly, and he sighed.

“His Royal Highness, Little Ancestor Master, she is like this. I think she must have no malice or disrespect to you…”

Gong Tianqing replaced Sue who had already left. Kirin explained, Gong Lanping immediately took the conversation:

“Snow Lord is true temperament, Pure Heart, your Highness will definitely not mind.”

” I also mind, I’m already so angry.” Qin Shiyu put away his dignity and spread his hands, “After all, I really can’t do anything with her.”

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