Li Wanting looked at Sue Kirin quietly.

“Little Ancestor Master, let’s change it.” She said.

Sue Kirin nodded said yes.

As if by coincidence, a spot of light with the tail of the flame rose into the air, blooming in the dark clouded starless night sky, like a withered flower.

Seeing that rays of light, the people around immediately moved nervously.

“…Is the chaser of the North Kingdom.”

Star Smoke does not belong to Sue Kirin’s side, but rather rises from the ruins.

It must be the northern country’s chaser who discovered Sue Kirin and their whereabouts, the star smoke launched in order to inform their companions.

“Should I leave…”

Sue Kirin watched the star smoke fall into countless fireworks after blooming, unconsciously grabbing the clothes in his hand.

──It’s all about success or failure.

In the dark night, Sue Kirin’s eyes were terrifying.


There is dry sand and mud under my feet, and there are only sporadic metal crashing sounds beside my ears.

The man stood still, holding his breath, feeling deeply depressed. He didn’t dare to make too much movement, for fear that as long as any one of his breathing became heavy, he would be caused by the fire from a distance to illuminate his place.

At the end of the line of sight, there is a campfire.

It is the light that belongs to his enemy.

It is the cage that trapped him and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Winter has passed, but the warmth of early spring is still not enough to stop the cold wind. The icy air lifted by the melting of ice and snow may occasionally make people feel biting, but the man’s armor is still thin Thin sweat.

He is a little uneasy, but he will not show it, he will only hide it in his heart.

The long-prepared strategy to destroy the enemy depends on success or failure. If this time fails, he can only find another opportunity. I don’t know if the heavens have pity for him. The camp in the northern country was attacked by some kind of attack, and it is still caught in some kind of commotion. This is an extremely rare opportunity for him, so he ordered his subordinates to speed up. Even at the expense of some degree of completion, be sure to act before the North Country camp recovers from the riots.

Seeing the flames burning at the far end is gradually extinguished, the man will inevitably be anxious. But he can only wait calmly, waiting for his subordinates to be ready.

“His Royal Highness.”

Suddenly, a soft call came from my ear. A man in uniform, King Ning Qin Ju turned his head, his face suddenly reflected in the eyes of his powerful lieutenant.

It is in the prime of life, but there are a few strands of gray in his hair. This Ranked Sixth, now the brother of “Son of Heaven”, Qin Ju looks a bit of vicissitudes.

The scum is messy, and the hair is just tied up casually.

Does he seem to have the style of the Imperial Family? Guarding the Northern Domain for a long time, Qin Ju has long taken off the appearance of the Imperial Family. He is just a guard for the country that’s all.

“Chen Qi, what’s the matter?”

The general named Chen Qi is in his early thirties. He is quite delicate and pretty, and his body is a bit thin, but the entire Northern Domain Everyone knew that the man who followed King Ning was a famous fighter, and his muscles were strong enough to be scary.

“His Royal Highness, preparations are almost done.”

“Almost.” Qin Ju gathered his eyes and said in a deep tone, “It is still not completed.”

“I have ordered someone to expedite it, but those organ weapons are not very long. Brothers are not familiar with it yet, and it takes a lot of time to assemble.”

Chen Qi’s eyes showed apology, and he was just as anxious. .

Qin Ju closed his eyes, his right hand long spear remained. In the cold wind in the mountains, his long hair bundled up in the wind drifted with the wind, like a military banner.

“Time does not wait for me, these four words are enough to determine the rise and fall.”

“The life of the soldiers is fast, silent.”

Chen Qi replied.

The two fell silent. After about ten seconds, Chen Qi moved his gaze to the North State Camp, which was embedded between the two mountain range openings, just below the foot of the mountain.

“His Royal Highness, what do you think of the riots just now?”

“There are fewer than ten people who have the ability to sneak into the heavily guarded camps in the Northland. There are blue stars suddenly appearing…Only the “yin and yang carp” is the seat.”

Qin Ju opened his eyes, but his eyes drifted away, exhaling admiration.

“That’s really beautiful…”

Chen Qi was silent for a while before confirming to his boss:

“Heavenly Jade Palace Sue Kirin “

“most likely.”

Qin Ju nodded in response, the evil carving of Battle Armor on his chest looks like a hideous evil.

“Is it the reinforcement from You Prefecture?” Chen Qi guessed.

“It may or may not be, but the presence of the seat of honor proves that Bei’an City is not alone and helpless. Now, the seat of honor has already taken action, and Northland is impossible to prevent, so we should seize this opportunity. , Repel the incoming enemy.”

One is not necessarily two.

Under the attack of Sue Kirin, the Northland camp fell into a commotion. The violent flames are still visible, and the Northland has not been able to completely extinguish it. At this moment, they must have shifted most of their attention to Sue Kirin, and Qin Ju didn’t plan to give up this opportunity.

He knows that the enemy’s generals are not waiting, and he will definitely beware of fish in troubled waters and take the opportunity to attack.

However, no matter how the enemy generals beware, they still have to allocate manpower to disaster relief, and the defensive formation behind them will definitely weaken.

“How are Miyue’s preparations?” Qin Ju asked.

Chen Qi sternly replied:

“Madam and Xie Xie Heavy Cavalry have been prepared long ago, and will charge out from the South Gate only after a command from your Highness.”


“…It’s so good.” Qin Ju’s eyes were slightly tender.

The wife in Chen Qi’s mouth is Qin Ju’s concubine.

Qin Ju has only gathered one wife from now on, and his princess has a lot of backgrounds and is a martial artist in the heavens. Twenty years ago, the scourge of martial arts hadn’t happened yet, and Qin Ju was still the first general in the army. That peerless grace and elegance woman was already a famous martial artist ─ ─ the sister of the Sect Master of the former Kongcheng Sect.

Through the high-strength martial arts, after marrying Qin Ju, she frightened Northern Domain with a pair of long and short spears. And now, she will take Qin Ju’s most elite cavalry to charge the barracks in the North.

“Shuang’er, I really owe you too much…”

Qin Ju sighed and looked at Bei’an City with only sporadic fires.

Then he moved his gaze to the Beiguo camp under the mountain.

Chen Qi looked at his back and stopped making a sound. He saw the man’s fist clenched unconsciously, and the hand holding the long spear trembled a bit, like a tight string waiting to release an arrow. The timing.

They are all waiting, waiting for the moment when all the organ weapons are set up.


──They did not wait for that moment to come.

The two standing with breathlessness staring at the military camp at the foot of the mountain, waiting and waiting, but waiting for the moment of blue brilliance.

“What is that?”

Chen Qi was the first to speak, and Qin Ju had clearly noticed it.

At the end of the field of vision, there is light.

It was a star-like light.

That is also a frantic current that cuts through the darkness and swallows everything.

At first, it was really just a star-like light, but it was quite strong, and then that point was like a gap in the embankment, gushing out a lot of light.

The linear swelling blue stream of light ran through the camp in the northern country, like a mad dragon rushing, the flash of light illuminates the entire land and dyes everything in blue.


Whether it was Qin Ju or Chen Qi, or the lonely evil army who invested in assembling organ weapons, all were captured by this dazzling star Sight and mind.

They all held their breath, staring blankly at the northern country camp that had become chaotic again and did not respond.

They don’t know what expressions and reactions to make.

However, the formidable power of the light is unexpectedly small.

The light penetrated the camp in the Northland, but did not cause much damage. On and near the ray, the camp was overturned, the torch fell, and people fell to the ground in embarrassment—but there was no sign of destruction.

loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, may be the most appropriate description.

It’s just that the North Country Camp was indeed in a certain chaos, and was shocked by the light flow just now.

“His Royal Highness, this…”

Chen Qi came back to his senses and immediately threw questions at Qin Ju, staring. After many years of fighting, he has consciously seen a lot, but he has never seen such a scene. When that beam of light hit, he thought it was the future of the world.

Compared with his subordinates, Qin Ju looked flatter, only his eyes were hovering and there was lingering fear in his heart.

“This king doesn’t know, but the light…” He doubted.

“Light?” Chen Qi was stunned, and soon thought that his boss was referring to the color of the light, “Is it the’yin and yang carp’ seat?”

Qin Ju nodded, It echoes Chen Qi’s guess.

He said in a dull voice:

“As far as this king knows, after several times throughout the Hua Dynasty, only she can make such a move.”

“…If she is really honorable, she has already done something to the Beiguo camp again.”


Qin Ju lightly complied.

Almost at the same time, the slender shadow quickly approached the camp in the northern country. From the distance of Qin Ju, he could not clearly see the real body of the black shadow, but even if he used his butt to think about it, he knew that it was an army.

A small army.

He guessed that there might be only a thousand, and there were tens of thousands of soldiers in the North Country camp they were rushing towards.

“His Royal Highness!”

Chen Qi also noticed the egg that hit the stone-the army that charged ahead.

“en.” Qin Ju simply complied.

That must be his own! Chen Qi was so determined, seeing that the friendly army of only a thousand people was about to rush into the North Country camp walking right into a trap, he couldn’t wait to lead his troops down to help immediately.

However, there is no command.

As a soldier, he couldn’t act without authorization, so he looked at Qin Ju, who hadn’t responded for a long time, hoping that he could give the order he expected.

Qin Ju made no sound.

“Your Highness?” Chen Qi called to him again anxiously.

“Chen Qi, be calm.”

Qin Ju Motionless As Mountains, “You pass on the order and let everyone step up the assembly work.” He has no plans to realize the plan.

“His Royal Highness?”

This decision surprised Chen Qi.

“Xue Zun sits her…”

“don’t be impatient.”

Qin Ju interrupted Chen Qi by raising his palm, “Unless it is a fool , Otherwise it’s impossible to charge the northern camp with a force of a thousand troops. Although the cavalry has the mobility and speed, they must be the Snow Venerable Seat. The Snow Venerable Seat is the Number One Person of the Dharma. I have analyzed that she will truly be a one-man army — can match an army in terms of firepower.”

“In that case—” Chen Qi looked excited.

“You shouldn’t act rashly at this time!” Qin Ju’s tone suddenly increased, turning his head and looking towards Chen Qi’s piercing eyes, “Otherwise, once the North Army’s attention is shifted, everything will We have to wait until the most suitable time.”

Until now, Chen Qi noticed that Qin Ju’s hand had already been firmly clenched, and his knuckles were white.

“Don’t worry, this king is not the kind of person who can only watch, nor is he a coward.”

Qin Ju lifted the long spear slightly and knocked heavily on the ground, his eyes oozing deep. The light. He waved his empty hand with great strength, and knocked out every word like a fist:

“This king definitely wants these northern thieves not to eat, so as to return my Northern Domain. The subjects are peaceful in the world, live and work in peace!”


Chen Qi was embarrassed.

He had a hint of suspicion just now. He suspected that Qin Ju was timid, and only wanted his own stability. I also blame him for being so calm, he often loses his mind when he gets up in a hurry.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness.”

Chen Qi apologized, but Qin Ju said nothing.

The army at the other end has rushed into the camp in the northern country.

Its tip is shining with blue light, countless flames strikes all around frantically, along the rays of the mad stream of light just now, and continues to deepen along the camp in the north.

It is like an arrow shot out, trying to penetrate the camp in the north.

Qin Jushen knew that as long as their speed slowed down, they would be dead. An arrow without speed and strength is no different from waste.

So, Qin Ju is waiting, waiting for the arrow to reach the deepest position he can reach.

“Chen Qi, send the order to Madam, tell her to be ready to attack at any time.” Cloak flew, Qin Ju turned and walked back, step by step, “Pass the order to everyone, give this king all their abilities .Betting on the glory and life and death of the remote evil army, we can’t miss this time opportunity!”


Chen Qi went down one-knee kneels and took his command with a deep voice.

Hundreds of remote evil troops behind him stepped up their work silently, waiting for the moment they could get out. They don’t like waiting, but now they have to wait silently for victory.

──All patience is to bathe in the glory of victory.


Time goes back to earlier.

In the North Country camp, in order to extinguish the flames spreading everywhere and clean up the chaos after the attack, the soldiers hurriedly ran away.

A large number of commanders have been killed. It is not easy for them to maintain orderly operations.

The great fortune in the misfortune is that their highest commander, Allor, survived and can still maintain the operation of the command system, otherwise they will definitely be more chaotic.

But perhaps because Cang Rin had already led the chase, the North Country Camp only strengthened the defense against Bei’an City, but the defense on the other side was weaker than before.

They didn’t know that Sue Kirin and Qin Shiyu had already joined the old part of Beifu in the hundreds of towns led by Gong Tianqing.

Even if they knew it, they probably wouldn’t expect the other party to attack their position again. After all, there is a huge difference in numbers between the two sides. If the number of people hits the camp of tens of thousands of people, it will undoubtedly It was suicide.

There is no lack of examples in history that win more with less. A certain battle where two thousand people defeated twenty thousand people is still rumored to be a good story, but in those cases, there are almost no cases of meet force with force. Small wins for many-except for one of the mobs, nothing at all.

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