“Stop talking nonsense.” Sue Kirin asked seriously, “Twelve places, are we going to destroy them?”

“Naturally.” Qin Shiyu answered lightly.

“To put it simply, it is not easy to stick the magic talisman in thirteen places in a row. As long as there is an error in any link, we will become a sheep in a tiger’s den. That is enough. There are nearly one hundred thousand people.”

“It is less than one hundred thousand, but up to fifty thousand.” Qin Shiyu said forcefully, “The North must not only guard against reinforcements from Ninglan City, but also guard You Prefecture. People in the direction, they are impossible to concentrate their forces in one direction.”

“Well, well, you make sense.”

Sue Kirin does not refute, after all, she has a hundred thousand The number is just a guess, there is no need to be true to Qin Shiyu.

Fifty thousand and one hundred thousand, sometimes there is really little difference.

As long as you hit the key, there is no big difference between one arrow and two arrows.

As long as one is careless, it will be consigned to eternal damnation. Not to mention that it is impossible to confirm the location of the enemy and the existence of the granary. Sue Kirin’s strategy of Qin Shiyu is a crazy move.

Indeed, Sue Kirin is the Grandmaster.

Even if she is trapped in the enemy’s army, there is absolutely no problem for her to escape. The problem is Qin Shiyu──

“You want to follow?” Sue Kirin couldn’t help asking again .

Qin Shiyu and Yinping are different. They are not Grandmasters and do not have enough power. Once trapped, Sue Kirin is not sure to protect these two people.

“Do you recognize the appearance of the other general?”

“I don’t recognize…”

Qin Shiyu’s question is very sharp, Sue Kirin Unable to answer.

Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness, burn its granary. If you can go further, even kill the opponent’s generals. The food-free tactics and the decapitation tactics are not rare tactics, but who would have thought that Qin Shiyu was so arrogant that he wanted to rely on three people to complete it.

“This matter is worth the risk of my palace.”

Seeing Sue Kirin’s hesitation, Qin Shiyu actively explained, with firm will, and his tone sounded real.

Sue Kirin eyebrows raised.

“Sue Kirin, Bei’an City is now the final key and strategic point. Once lost, Northern Domain will be divided into two. Then we will fall into a completely passive situation, and now as long as we can solve it We can regain some initiative in the siege of Bei’an City.”

“Little Ancestor Master, although your Royal Highness likes to take risks sometimes, she has never failed.”

” All the time, but it doesn’t mean the future.” Sue Kirin sighed, “I said, or I can burn the grain in it as much as possible.”

“This is only the one to complete the strategic goal. third that’s all.”

Qin Shiyu disagrees with Sue Kirin’s compromise plan.

“But if you fold it inside, the gain will not be worth the loss.”

“Time doesn’t wait for me. If you want to break the current situation, you must fight hard.” Qin Shiyu refused to give in.

Sue Kirin was a little annoyed, and a little regretful.

She should have stopped Qin Shiyu at that time.

However, at that time, Qin Shiyu threatened that he only wanted to detect the situation of the North Country’s army at a closer distance-they had actually been to the periphery for several days, and they had visited the North Country’s army many times.

Didn’t expect, she suddenly said the real plan some time ago.

Is it a cut first and then play, right? Sue Kirin smashed her mouth unconsciously, and when she looked back at Qin Shiyu who was stubborn, she really had the urge to knock her out.

At the moment, the arrow is on the line.

If Sue Kirin doesn’t allow Qin Shiyu to keep up, she may have to come up with other more amazing solutions. Suddenly, Sue Kirin is in a dilemma. Qin Shiyu must have expected Sue Kirin to stop her, so she specifically didn’t say her intention in advance.

“I really convinced you.” Sue Kirin finally sighed.

Knowing that the other party is about to let go, Qin Shiyu slightly raised the corners of his mouth, his faint smile seemed to be a little proud.

“But the words are ahead,” Sue Kirin said with a serious expression, “If there is any bad omen, I will immediately force you to leave.” She looked at Yinping, “But Yinping you just Don’t follow.”

“Wait for Little Ancestor Master, I—”

Yinping was excited to say something, but was covered by Sue Kirin’s raised palm Silenced.

“No wait, one more you and one less you have no effect at all. If you are more than you, once things are revealed, I will have to protect one more person! I don’t want to hear anything at that time’ Little Ancestor Master, take your majesty to go first, and I will come to your majesty!’ This kind of thing, the most damn thing is that you still have a smile of relief that I am about to die bravely. That is the shit smile in history. “

After finishing speaking, Sue Kirin took out a magic talisman “pa!” from the talisman tied to her thigh to prevent Yinping from saying a word, and stuck it on Yinping’s mouth. Sealed her mouth.

“wu! wú wú wú ──!”

Yinping stared at a pair of show eyes, stretched out his hands in horror to tear the magic talisman, but there was no way to tear it Down, it can only be speechless, making meaningless syllables.

Sue Kirin unsatisfied, two more charms are attached to the back and lower back of the silver screen.

The magic talisman on the waist came into play first, and a large number of vine roots appeared. The silver screen was tied tightly, and fell to the ground like a broken pillar.

Immediately after that, the magic talisman on her back also played a role, causing a gust of wind.

The sudden weather turned into vortex, entangled the silver screen, supported her to rise slowly, and then rose into the sky in an instant. The silver screen couldn’t even let out a sorrow, and the person flew into the air, gliding horizontally into the distance as if being pulled by a rope, and disappeared into a black spot in the blink of an eye.

“Tell you not to listen to me.” Sue Kirin swept his palms to sign off.

Qin Shiyu looked at the direction where Yinping disappeared, which was the direction of their temporary base with Zhenbeiwei.

“You really didn’t make sense by accident,” she murmured.

“You just make sense?”

Sue Kirin glared at Qin Shiyu, and then took out another magic charm. Qin Shiyu thought that the other party was going to follow the same method as Yinping, and took a step back in fright.

“Hey, are you afraid too?”

“…I just don’t want to be like a duck thrown into the sky.”

“Um── “

Sue Kirin faint smile, scanning Qin Shiyu up and down. Qin Shiyu felt uncomfortable for a while.

“Hey, look at you like this…”

Sue Kirin shook his head and laughed, “If I want to send you away, I will send you away just now. Just send you away. , I’m not afraid that Yinping will not follow, are you? I don’t know if you are really smart or fake smart.”

Qin Shiyu stopped talking, she must be a little angry.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Sue Kirin didn’t intend to coax her either. He snapped his fingers, and the four sides of the magic talisman in his hand stretched out with translucent blue pieces. Matter. In an instant, the magic talisman in her hand turned into a cloth-like translucent light substance, and the magic talisman was embedded in the center.

She didn’t explain much, she put on the blue cloak made of Spiritual Qi for Qin Shiyu.

The cloak was completely attached to her body, as if coating her with a thin film. Qin Shiyu observed carefully for a moment, but did not feel any changes in his body.

“This is a magical charm that shields the breath.”

Sue Kirin explained, and then squatted down and bent over to wake up the black cat who did not know when he was asleep. . The black cat woke up leisurely, opened his mouth and yawned greatly.

“Kirin, are you going back already?” Tianji did not keep up with the situation.

“Let’s go back to you, we have to do something for Her Highness the Princess.”

The black cat tilted his head, “What do you do?”

“Killing and setting fire.”

Sue Kirin replied casually, ordering the black cat to return to the long sword posture. She picked up the long sword and put a magic talisman on her body, covering her body’s breath.

Next, she took Qin Shiyu’s hand firmly, and flew up into the sky without saying anything, and flew towards the barracks.

Under the protection of the breath-holding charm, almost no one noticed their approach.

In spite of this, Sue Kirin still did not relax his vigilance. They landed at the closest place to the twelve places where they were observed.

The two did not act immediately, but watched all around and waited for the gap.

After waiting for a while, finally finding a gap, Sue Kirin pierced the camp with his Qi Condensed Sword, leaning over the hole and peeking inside. There are soldiers guarding outside the camp, and all around there are groups of Northland soldiers passing by or waiting. Sue Kirin dare not risk opening the door curtain.

“It’s all sundries…Everything is covered with cloth or packed in a box…”

Sue Kirin squinted his eyes and looked at the camp Inside, he said so. Qin Shiyu didn’t seem to be interested in what’s inside, and he didn’t ask Sue Kirin to let him look inside.

“Whatever it is, just burn it.”

Qin Shiyu’s answer was quite simple and rude.

It’s better to kill by mistake than to let it go. It’s like what a very high-ranking person would say! Sue Kirin sighed secretly, but there was nothing unwilling. Anyway, she will save trouble, just listen to Qin Shiyu’s words and burn it directly.

She took out a magic talisman and pasted it on the inconspicuous place of the camp.

When needed, as long as the magic talisman is activated from a long distance, the magic talisman will absorb the Spiritual Qi around it and cause an explosion that can destroy the camp.

Then, the second place.

The two stealth between the military camps in the Northland, using spells like flat ground, doing the same thing all the way, sticking blasting symbols on target locations one by one.

Sure enough, he is the elite of Northland.

This army is forbidden by orders, and the layout of the barracks is quite appropriate—these all are Qin Shiyu whispered to Sue Kirin. Sue Kirin didn’t see anything special, and didn’t express any opinions, but in her breath perception, the barracks were full of martial artists.

Don’t say it is a realm, there are also many heavens.

“There are a lot of martial artists in Northland…”

“Many of them are martial artists from the Hua Dynasty.”

Originally just casual With a sigh, didn’t expect Qin Shiyu’s thought-provoking answer. Sue Kirin “Huh?” He said, naturally he was curious.

“What do you say?” Tian Ji asked first.

“In recent years, the Imperial Court’s various targets against Wu Family are justifications.”

Qin Shiyu’s answer is simple and not very detailed, but Sue Kirin can do it all at once. Want to understand the key. Since the Chinese Imperial Court does not wait to see Wu Family, some Wu Family forces have left to other countries. They were forced away by the Imperial Court, and in order to survive, they could only find a better place.

A talented person chooses a patron of integrity is probably such a thing.

“hmph, it’s ironic.”

Sue Kirin couldn’t help but complain.

As for the imperial court stab’s attitude towards Wu Family, she was also a victim, and she must have accumulated a lot of grievances in her heart.

“Father is going his own way, and my palace has no choice.” Qin Shiyu felt helpless and powerless.

“Don’t blame you.”

Sue Kirin comforted Qin Shiyu, who did not respond.

They are already close to the sixth target camp.

According to the previous practice, Sue Kirin made a hole in the camp at the right time, and took a look inside. Although the blasting talisman can destroy the entire camp, if the camp is not a thing, but a person, the blasting talisman cannot be guaranteed to be effective because the person can leave the camp.

Yes, if there is an enemy coach in this camp, Sue Kirin doesn’t mind risking exposure and killing him. As long as the Lord will die, the army without a leader will definitely fall into a certain chaos, which will create opportunities for Bei’an City.

Sue Kirin doesn’t know King Ning, and I don’t know what he is capable of, but Qin Shiyu firmly believes that if King Ning detects the chaos here, he will send troops to attack and defeat this northern army.

Sue Kirin does not believe in King Ning, but is willing to believe in Qin Shiyu.

So, she is willing to try to kill the opponent’s general to create opportunities for King Ning.

be that as it may, the enemy coach is not a character that is so easy to find. After all, as long as he is not stupid, he will take measures to deal with the Grandmaster to prevent himself from being beheaded and cause his own defeat.

In the sixth camp, there is no enemy coach.

Some are──


Sue Kirin took a breath after seeing the contents of the camp.

Several black metal structures are placed inside, including large crossbows, artillery-shaped long-tube structures, and various black metal weapons. These items are not many, but they are enough for Sue Kirin to be surprised.

“Did you find anything?”

Qin Shiyu finally felt curious, and forced Sue Kirin’s body away.

The movement was a bit loud this time, and a soldier from the North turned his eyes around, squinting as if he wanted to look here. Sue Kirin immediately covered Qin Shiyu’s mouth and pulled her to a darker place.

Although it obscures the breath, ordinary people are unlikely to notice the existence of the two even if they look closely-they will subconsciously ignore the two because of the effect of spell, but be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years. Sue Kirin decided to be more cautious.

The two huddled in the corner of the shadows, sticking very tightly, Sue Kirin even felt the curve of each other’s back and the slightly undulating bones quite clearly.

The figure of this guy is very unclear, Sue Kirin snickered to himself.

The northern soldier who was visiting here found no abnormalities, and soon went away. Sue Kirin sighed in relief, and Qin Shiyu asked quietly:

” What did you find?”

“Look for yourself.”

Sue Kirin’s expression is not pretty.

Qin Shiyu raised her eyebrows, cautiously walked back to the hole and looked inside.

“What am I saying, isn’t it just some organ weapon?”

“Huh?” Sue Kirin thought Qin Shiyu’s reaction would be more ups and downs.

“There is nothing weird, except that it’s all smuggling.”

Qin Shiyu answered lightly.

Sue Kirin examined her two eyes, silently took out three blasting charms and pasted them on the camp. What was hidden inside was a mechanism weapon, she was afraid that the formidable power of a talisman was not enough.

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