“Actually, it doesn’t work.” Qin Shiyu said afterwards.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“My palace sees that you have a lot of charms left, so things that go smoothly, they didn’t stop them.”

“Then you’d better not say it afterwards.”

Sue Kirin rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help being curious:

“Why not ruin?” She frowned, “These If things are not destroyed, they will be used on us sooner or later.”

“Do you think there are only these?”

Qin Shiyu said grimly, looking all around.

“There are that many camps here, and the people in Northland deliberately hid these organ weapons – they must have hid one hand, they want to hit Bei’an City a completely unprepared. So, the number of organ weapons is definitely not Less.”

“Some are ruined but some.” Sue Kirin had a terrible headache.

The outflow of organ weapons is no longer unforeseen. She should have guessed it a long time ago, but when she thinks that the North Kingdom is likely to have a lot of organ weapons smuggled from the Chinese dynasty, and these organs The weapon will eventually endow the Chinese side with a “fierce intent”, and she has a headache.

How can you not have a headache?

At the same time, she was also very angry and annoyed.

“These smugglers are really hateful!”

Since the organ weapons reappeared on the stage, Qin Yu acted quickly to order, expressly stipulating that organ weapons should not be allowed to escape. Although Sue Kirin doesn’t like Qin Yu, it’s the same thing. His decree is understandable, especially now that the North Kingdom is likely to use its organs to attack the Chinese army.

I really want to tie up these smugglers to show the public!

Sue Kirin bit his lip, his fists clenched unconsciously and snapped.

“It’s impossible to kill.” Qin Shiyu glanced at Sue Kirin, then saw through her thoughts.

Sue Kirin is silent.

The two moved forward quietly to their next destination. There were many soldiers from the North on the way, but no one found their whereabouts.

“Sue Kirin…” Qin Shiyu suddenly looked thoughtful, “Can you mass-produce these charms?”

Sue Kirin was inexplicably frightened, and his forehead was shocked. There was some cold sweat. She knew the reason why Qin Shiyu asked this, and instantly she was a little concerned about him.

“Uh, say yes, yes, no, no…” His eyes turned left and right.

“That’s okay.”

Would Qin Shiyu fail to see Sue Kirin’s tricks?

“…” Sue Kirin remained silent.

“How much time does it take?”

“…How many sheets do you want?”

“Five thousand.”

It is five thousand, worthy of Qin Shiyu! Sue Kirin rolled the eyes and his head hurts even more.

“I will do my best.” She replied unwillingly.

Completely covering the breath is easy to say, but difficult to say.

Speaking of which seems to be quite simple, but everyone has their own breath-holding ability. The people of Shadow Sect are good at holding their breath and can almost suppress the breath to nearly nothing, but some people can’t. Some people can suppress the breath to one, some can only suppress it to two and three, and even some can only suppress it to ten.

It is indeed feasible to use magical charms to completely suppress the breath to zero, otherwise Sue Kirin and Qin Shiyu would have been discovered long ago.

Of course, this is not without a weak spot. No matter how low the sense of existence is, there is no movement. Anyone who just looks at it will always find a person’s existence.

As long as it exists, it is impossible disappeared.

There is a fatal flaw in the use of magical charms to cover the breath, that is, it depends on the person. Depending on the shielding ability of each breath, use magic charms to eliminate the remaining parts.

For example, if someone can suppress the breath to only “one”, then the function of the magic talisman is to block the “one”.

So the problem comes, everyone’s abilities are different, so the magic talisman must be adapted. Not everyone has the ability to manipulate spell, and adjusting the effects of magic spells is by no means an easy task for those who do not know anything about spell.

If the effect is too strong, then the sense of existence becomes a vain number, and some kind of weird distortion will appear.

That kind of distortion is difficult to describe accurately.

If you insist on a metaphor, it’s like a place that is so quiet that you can hear the sound of your heartbeat. People will always feel strange and alert.

So, the difficulty lies in how to eliminate the remaining part of the breath from person to person.

I can only go back and study, Sue Kirin thought, even if I feel troubled in my heart, I can’t shirk Qin Shiyu’s request. She knew that Qin Shiyu’s request was a serious one.

Finally, the two arrived at their next destination.

The storage at this destination is different from the previous ones. It is piled up with grain and grass – food for horses.

“…It’s forage.”

Sue Kirin sighed, according to the previous procedure, took out the magic talisman and posted it on the camp. These grains are easy to burn, so she didn’t take out as many charms as before.

Then they continued to act.

In a short while, the two moved quickly, and they soon covered the target camp with charms.

“Successfully accomplished…”

Sue Kirin relaxed, turned around and took Qin Shiyu’s hand to prepare to evacuate.

“Wait.” Qin Shiyu interrupted her.

“What are you doing?”

Sue Kirin was taken aback and raised his eyebrows, “Do you have any sly plan anymore? Didn’t you just blow up these twelve seats? Is it a camp?”

“There is nothing important in these camps.”

Qin Shiyu was a little unwilling. She obviously wanted to further expand the results.

“Even if these are blown up, the best thing is to create a little chaos. There is no way to achieve strategic or even tactical effects.”

“hey hey hey, too greedy and careful It’s counterproductive!” Sue Kirin frowned too much, “Let’s say yes, blow it up and go!”

“I didn’t say no, but let it blow up now.”


Qin Shiyu was shocked again.

“Now we will be involved in the bombing!” Sue Kirin reminded, but she thought this reminder was idiotic, because Qin Shiyu must also understand it clearly.

“How can you get involved if you are here?”

Qin Shiyu said with a corner of his mouth.

“You…” Sue Kirin’s mouth was crooked with anger.

“Sue Kirin, success or failure is the result of this move. He lifted his foot, but what about one more step?”

Qin Shiyu suddenly became serious and tightened Keep staring at Sue Kirin. The latter still frowned and hesitated.


Considering that the situation is serious enough and a horn to fight back is urgently needed, Sue Kirin still agrees. This is also the reason why she was willing to take Qin Shiyu to take risks.

“There may be some bumps in the future!”

Sue Kirin looked left and right, looking for a suitable shelter from the wind. She spotted a cart with Qin Shiyu hiding under it. Naturally, it was not to resist the impact of the explosion, but to avoid them being trapped in the chaotic crowd when they were chaotic.

“Let’s come to see the fireworks!”

Sue Kirin took out a magic talisman and clamped it vertically between the two fingers of the upright eater. With the infusion of Spiritual Qi, the magic talisman bloomed with a faint blue star.


The magical talisman shot out.

Following the trajectory of the blue, the spell pulled out an almost vertical path and soared to the dark clouded night sky, and then turned into a clear flower and bloomed.

The magical talisman exploded in an instant, and it turned into a military camp where twelve auras fell to the north.

Those are all fuse, fire star that ignites explosives.

In the next instant, twelve consecutive bursts shook Heaven and Earth.

The flames rising into the sky seemed to penetrate the thick black clouds in the sky, and the dazzling glaring dispelled the darkness in an instant. During the explosion, the soldiers of the North were sluggish.

Suddenly attacked, and in this way, they must take time to react.

As a comparison, the horses nearby became agitated immediately.

Several explosion centers from afar, one can hear the screams faintly coming one after another. The screams of colleagues finally pulled the people of the North from their confusion and shock back to reality.

That kind of shock made them lose consciousness again.


Someone yelled something.

Many of the soldiers of the North Kingdom responded, and that was a warning.

However, how does a group of dragons have no leader?

Some generals stepped forward to command, and the soldiers of the North gradually calmed down and moved relatively orderly. They seem to be divided into two groups, one to search for the attackers, and one for disaster relief.

“It’s time…”

Qin Shiyu, who looked out from the bottom of the cart, looked out, and his eyes lit up quickly, terrifying. Sue Kirin suddenly had the idea that she must have other sly plans.

She ran out suddenly, and Sue Kirin didn’t even have time to stop her.

“This guy!”

Sue Kirin screamed and followed out. Fortunately, the magic talisman on Qin Shiyu’s body is still working, otherwise she will definitely be discovered if she runs out like this.

Qin Shiyu can’t run as fast as Sue Kirin.

“Wait first!”

Within a few steps, Sue Kirin grabbed Qin Shiyu’s sleeve. Her voice was a bit loud, and it immediately attracted the attention of nearby soldiers from the North.

Although the masking charms are working, the army camp is attacked at the moment, and the soldiers of the North Kingdom are all tense, and any wind and grass are enough to cause their reaction.

Well, even if it sounds as vague as the wind.


Several soldiers from the North turned their eyes around, and their sharp eyes were full of vigilance. They yelled something that Sue Kirin didn’t understand, but they didn’t understand it anymore. Looking at their fierce expressions, they probably knew what they were shouting.

“I was found!”

Sue Kirin said in a low voice, pulling Qin Shiyu back to the corner, ready to leave at any time. At this time, Qin Shiyu shook the head to her.

“They haven’t noticed us yet, don’t move.”

Qin Shiyu is extraordinarily calm.

“en?” Sue Kirin shook his brows.

“They just yelled and asked who it was.”

Sue Kirin didn’t relieve his brows, and the Tianji on his shoulders woke up from shock, alerting those people who looked around. Soldiers of the Northland.

As Qin Shiyu said, they are just in doubt that’s all.

“What on earth do you want to do?” Sue Kirin was a little angry.

She also mad at herself, mad at herself to indulge Qin Shiyu to this arbitrarily.

“Why won’t the head coach come out to calm the military’s mind in this chaos?”

Qin Shiyu’s eyes were terrifying, pure, and crazy.

“Now is the best time!” She turned her head and shook Sue Kirin’s wrist, and said with great strength, “Sue Kirin, find out and kill the person-just kill He, Northern Domain has a chance to break the game.”


Qin Shiyu’s eyes are compelling, and Sue Kirin has several points of withdrawal.

There is a kind of madness in the eyes of this nine Her Highness the Princess. She had heard that Qin Shiyu had issued an order to slaughter 20,000 soldiers from the North. She had never really believed it, but she had no doubt that Qin Shiyu in front of her at this moment could really give such an order.

Secretly stunned, Qin Shiyu has broken free of Sue Kirin’s hand and ran forward.

“Kirin!” Tianji reminded.

“This guy…!”

Sue Kirin quickly shook off his messy thoughts and chased Qin Shiyu’s back. The girl in the skirt had already pulled out a short dagger from nowhere.

She has decided.

Even if Sue Kirin doesn’t do anything, she will definitely find the enemy leader and try to give him a knife.

Is there such a rumor that she is the shadow of the brilliant and resourceful Ding Guo Ji? Sue Kirin thought, she was crazy, the whole world was crazy, and she was crazy too.

However, this is sometimes a good thing.

Sue Kirin didn’t know when she became so cringeful, even if she was found out, she wondered what the other party could do with herself.


Sue Kirin grabbed Qin Shiyu’s wrist again, but didn’t stop him. She kicked the ground, flew out with Qin Shiyu, and stirred up a gust of wind, which alarmed all the soldiers of the North Kingdom.

However, they were too fast, and with the protection of magical charms, the soldiers of the North Kingdom could not capture the two people who were moving forward at high speed.

The two are like no one.

If someone else would doubt that Sue Kirin was going to take him away, Qin Shiyu remained silent, focusing on the silhouette passing by, looking for the enemy generals.


Qin Shiyu suddenly pointed to one of the people aside, Sue Kirin glanced at it, and immediately threw away a magic charm. The magic talisman burned in the air, turned into a musket and fired quickly, easily piercing through the body of the person Qin Shiyu pointed out.

The man named Abatuso has been on the battlefield for many years. He probably never thought that he would easily die in his own barracks. He looked at the hollow in his chest with an incredulous expression. With the flaming flame gun, a syllable was squeezed from the throat, and the flame gun swelled and swallowed it.

The nearby Northland soldiers were shocked again, but they reacted quickly.

They drew their knives, or picked up nearby weapons, and rushed here, but suddenly they were shocked not at all to see the silhouette of the two. They still need some time to watch before they can discover the existence of the two.

Sue Kirin will naturally not let them discover.

She once again led Qin Shiyu to spread out and shuttled between the camps in the northern country.

Qin Shiyu quickly searched left and right, and silently pointed out some generals she recognized. Every time she said a name, it was like Death God announced the death of that person, and that person would immediately die under Sue Kirin spell.

Or ice or fire, or thunder or wind, maybe pure Spiritual Qi.

In any case, Sue Kirin didn’t show mercy, he was killed in one shot. Since it was going to make a fuss, she did not hesitate to lose the charms, but also let go and make a fuss.

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