“I think…it’s right not to confront directly.” Xia Xue said suddenly, with a little laziness. “Even if we are well equipped, with absolute difference in battle strength, we just rush in like this. So I gave a lamb in a tiger’s den ──Hey, I don’t want to be that idiot. I’d better find out the situation before making a decision. Of course, there’s not much time, we might be able to borrow some relationship from Zhen Guowei It might be possible to get some information.”

“Zhen Guowei?”

Gong Tianqing was taken aback for a while, then calmed down and pondered for a while.

“Zhen Guowei must have enough intelligence, but…are we related to Zhen Guowei?”

She then asked like this.

Xia Xue looked disapproving, and even yawned.

“It doesn’t matter, you can take it.” She showed contempt, “Zhen Guowei is not monolithic, as long as there is enough interest, someone will always speak… And I don’t think this information will be What is something that people never mention.”

“Except for some confidential information.” Shui Yuner added leisurely.

Xia Xue gave Shui Yun’er a stare.

But the inability to deny and refute is what irritates her most.

“Since we can’t meet force with force, it’s better to meet the little Ancestor Master first.” Li Wanting offered her opinion.

“Where is the little Ancestor Master?”

Gong Tianqing knows that Sue Kirin has arrived in the Northern Domain ── because Qin Shiyu’s summon does not know the details of the other party position.

“It seems to be on the way to Bei’an City.” Xia Xue pulled the wrench and pointed, “I count the time, it’s time.”

Qi Qiqi tilted her head lightly, leaning her hair down. A few strands of hair hung in front of her face, cutting her red eyes into pieces. Her tone was somewhat heroic and awe-inspiring:

“If you are going to Bei’an City, you can just go together-I promised Nine Her Highness the Princess to help her and liberate Bei’an City.”

The people were silent and exchanged glances. At this time, Gong Tianqing couldn’t help asking:

“His Royal Highness must be in danger? Otherwise, she would not use the magic charm handed to her by the little Ancestor Master.”


“Yes,” Qi Qiqi sighed, “It happened suddenly… Your Royal Highness seems to have encountered some situation… Fortunately, Kirin had given the teleported charm to Your Royal Highness before, so that she could get Kirin when she had to “We are all relaxed.” Xia Xue’s tone is full of sarcasm, “The other party moves like a thunderbolt, hitting her.” Qi Qiqi closed her eyes carefully, saying, “The consequences are unimaginable.”

“We are all relaxed.” We are completely unprepared, and the Imperial Court’s various attitudes are unclear, and it seems to be plotting something extraordinary–hey, in this battle, our enemy may not be outside.”

“Xia elder Sister, speak carefully!” Shui Yuner reminded.

The excitement in her tone immediately eased, and the light frowns whispered:

“Some things are true even if they are true, they can’t be easily spoken…there is an ear to the wall, I believe You know… Many people do, but many times they forget unconsciously, and these “forgetting” can sometimes be fatal.”

Xia Xue was a little dissatisfied, but unexpectedly did not refute it.

Yes, she has never been good at dealing with Shui Yuner.

On the other hand, thanks to Shui Yuner’s first voice, Qi Qiqi also saves being a bad guy. She is lightly coughed and deliberately draws people’s attention back:

“So, we will meet Kirin and her first, and then make plans.”

“There is a problem,” Li Wanting interrupted unexpectedly, “Since Bei’an City is now a strategic location that may subvert the war, how can Beiguo not ignore it?”

This is indeed a problem.

An unresolved issue that they haven’t discussed yet.

Qi Qiqi is convinced that everyone here should have noticed this problem long ago, and that this problem should be discussed properly and corresponding countermeasures can be drawn.

At the same time, this problem is also the most difficult one.

If the army of the North Kingdom is really close to Bei’an City – even in the vicinity – as long as they are approached, they will easily be attacked by the army of the North Kingdom. With their current strength alone, they may be able to cope with a strength that is several times more than their own, but this also has a limit.

To capture Bei’an City, Qi Qiqi does not think that Bei’an National Congress is striking a stone with an egg, especially Bei’an City is extremely critical.

The forces besieging Bei’an City must be enough, or even more than enough, and this means tens of thousands, or even a hundred thousand.

“His Royal Highness should have an idea.” Gong Tianqing said firmly, “If we can meet the little Ancestor Master-Nine Her Highness the Princess first, then we can follow His Highness’s command. “

“What if there is no way to rendezvous with her?” Xia Xue’s question was pretty sharp.

She stared at Gong Tianqing with scorching eyes. Gong Tianqing only raised her head to meet the sharp gaze, shrinking herself in fright. She is a lot firmer, but no matter how to arm herself, the weakness in her heart cannot be fully protected.

──Xia Xue’s gaze pierced the softness of the arm.

“Qing’er, don’t forget one thing. We originally didn’t plan to meet you at all, which means that we at first want to meet the nine Her Highness the Princess as quickly as possible. It took a certain amount of time to make a detour–“

“Xia elder sister!”

Qi Qiqi got up excitedly, interrupted Xia Xue anxiously, because she had expected the other party to say something What’s up.

It’s just that, she also knows that what Xia Xue is about to say is likely to be correct, and she will rush to interrupt the other party purely out of a kind of protection for Gong Tianqing. A narrow protection.

Xia Xue ignored Qi Qiqi, and even Li Wanting, Shui Yuner and the others did not speak to help. The latter even shook the head with Qiqi, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. Location.

Xia Xue cocked her feet, and there was nothing in her tone that could be confused.

“Do you understand what this means? We are here, which means you have Take responsibility, do you understand? What we want is not what we want after meeting with His Highness. His Highness will naturally lead us to answer. What we want is your instructions and ideas. You may think that is actually an idea, but I I don’t think so. In my opinion, that is a kind of shirk of responsibility-you should understand? What we really need is your countermeasures and plans.”

Gong Tianqing shrank her chin. He dropped his head and bit his lip slightly.

Xia Xue asked her to take responsibility, undoubtedly putting everyone’s lives and safety in her hands. This must be a heavy burden for her, but if she does not have this kind of awareness, how can she respond to the trust that people call for her?

Gong Tianqing has long been enlightened, but the determined determination does not mean that she will not waver or have any escape.

On some important issues, people will subconsciously get by-this is a very common thing, and Gong Tianqing is also the same, because she is just a person that’s all.

“Gong younger sister, it’s time to take responsibility.” Shui Yuner and Xia Xue stood on the same line.


Gong Tianqing raised her head, but opened her mouth only one word.

She bit her lip and lowered her head again, and during a period of silence, she cast weak eyes on Qiqi several times. She didn’t realize this kind of sight, falling in Qi Qiqi’s eyes was undoubtedly a distress signal.

Qiqiqi must also want to help her.

It’s just that Xia Xue and Shui Yun’er on the left and right blocked her who wanted to speak several times in their own way.

“You just like to make things so complicated.”

For a while, Li Wanting may not be able to stand the atmosphere, she has run out of patience, her face is full of helplessness and Dissatisfaction is a mixed emotion.

She turned to Gong Tianqing energetic and bustling, and her direct eye, Divine Idol, was a rampaging bison that hit Gong Tianqing’s face.

“I don’t know the truth very much. I only know that the things I have decided require determination to maintain. Just like a sword, deciding to make a sword is to solve everything wholeheartedly. The problems encountered. If you evade any problem, the sword you forge will definitely not be a good sword.”

The clumsy Li Wanting has her own set of opinions.

Although the metaphor of a sword is used, it seems that it does not fit well, but it does not prevent the meaning of it from being concise and clear.

“But… but… if the sword casting fails, I can make another one. If my decision is wrong, it will kill everyone—or kill anyone, this They are all irreversible.”

This is exactly why Gong Tianqing cannot make a decision easily.

She must be very distressed, as to how to use these fresh lives. A superior commander can probably use all people as pawns, taking into account various unstable factors that only talents have. In this way, Gong Tianqing is probably not a good commander.

However, Xia Xue said–

“Heh, it seems that we have become greedy and fearful generations in your eyes.”

──This way to respond to Gong Tianqing’s distress.

“Gong younger sister, you only need to say your thoughts and decisions. We are not puppets, but also thinkers. As long as we feel wrong, we will say, if we don’t have any more Good idea, decide to obey your command, then it is life or death, and the responsibility should be borne by ourselves. We are not a pure army, not someone who will die if you let us die.”

The original serious topic came to Shui Yuner’s mouth, but ended up with a mischievous wink.

Her attitude really helps to reduce the weight of the topic.

It’s just that Gong Tianqing couldn’t let go of it just because of this.

She was silent.

After a while, she looked up restlessly and stared at the people in front of her with the eyes of a small animal meeting someone for the first time:

“Is it really possible?” she muttered Muttered, his eyes fell on Qi Qiqi.

The person she trusts most is Qi Qiqi.

Qiqiqi did not immediately answer, but a gentle smile gradually spread on her face. red smile. A smile that is not to be ignored, but still soft and warm. It was a spring breeze blowing on Gong Tianqing’s heart.

“Qing’er, now you are the coach.”

Acknowledge, trust, and willingly.

This is Qi Qiqi’s only answer to Gong Tianqing.

Then, there was silence again.

During that period, Gong Tianqing’s eyes gradually strengthened, and he did not sink into silence or hesitate.

Some people, although they are not moving forward, are not without the ability to move forward.

Well, what they lack is often just a light push from behind. Qi Qiqi, Shui Yun’er, and Li Wanting pushed Gong Tianqing a hand, and Gong Tianqing might finally be able to put the raised leg forward.


There is a wilderness in front of me.

In the wilderness, there are connected sparks swaying, all of which are the flames of torch.

The shadows drawn by the fire, which are as numerous as the number of stars, have different outlines, including the shadows of the camp, the shadows of the horses, the shadows of people, the shadows of weapons, and all kinds of tools. Shadows.

These shadows are all murderous intent and bloody shadows.

Chilling shadows.

Even if you are just standing on a rocky hill in the distance, looking at the continuous camps from a distance, it is extremely depressing.

It’s crazy enough.

Thinking about this, Sue Kirin sometimes looks into the distance, guarding against the spread of shadows and swallowing him, sometimes looking towards the noble and elegant profile beside him, thinking about this at first glance. A girl with a harmless look but crazy thoughts in her head.

“What impolite things are you thinking about?”

Perceiving Sue Kirin’s gaze, Qin Shiyu’s gaze suddenly turned to Sue Kirin from a distance.

Beside her, the eyes of the silver screen holding a silver sword also reflected Sue Kirin’s face.

“It seems that you are self-aware…”

Sue Kirin’s sigh suddenly appeared in the darkness for a moment.

“Self-knowledge?” Qin Shiyu laughed, “You have seen this palace 37 times in a short period of time. If you were decent, you would have spoken. You just watch Not to mention, there is also an expression looking at a madman. Even if I am a fool, I can guess that you are thinking about something that you can’t easily speak for fear that I will be punished by the palace and hate it.”

“Hey, you are really cunning.” Sue Kirin chuckled, “Since you noticed it a long time ago, you have been procrastinating, and only now speak.”

“Ben The palace is focusing on observing the situation in the distance.”

“It’s not that I said, with your realm and eyesight, you can’t see that far.”

“You are so clear. It’s not a trivial matter to save my palace.”

The two suddenly got up giving tit for tat, but during this brief confrontation, Qin Shiyu had the upper hand. This time the quarrel, Obviously she won, because Sue Kirin looked helplessly away.

“The other party is obviously prepared.” She said solemnly, “I observed for a while, and according to the screening criteria you gave, there are twelve matches…”


“Not surprising.”

Leaning on the pile of rubble, Qin Shiyu’s reaction was dull, and he no longer looked into the distance.

“In history, as long as there are wars involving martial artists, the positions must pay attention to martial artists’ assassinations of generals or actions against grain and grass. The grain and grass will not be concentrated in one place, so as not to be burned. The battalion commander must have also set up a non-disguised position… Well, the three caves of the cunning grass! Even when the main palace is deployed, there will be at least ten tents that look like the coach, and will kill ten people during the news. It’s a simultaneous interpreter. Only by doing this can the assassin know what’s not clear.”

Sue Kirin’s eyes rolled over her long speech.

She is not at all interested in the idea of ​​arranging military camps. The important thing is, which camp she has to destroy to complete the task.

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