But just as Sue Kirin thought about it this way, Ye Zhen suddenly showed an expression that suddenly realized.

“It’s really the little Ancestor Master.” He approves.


How does this guy seem to be able to see through a certain strategy he has hidden for a long time? Sue Kirin was dumbfounded.

Ye Zhen’s expression became serious again, and he turned to look around everyone.

“Martial Aunt Ye, is there still something to do?” Qi Qiqi realized that Ye Zhen still had something to do.


Under people’s doubts, Ye Zhen took out a letter from his sleeve, got up and handed it to Sue Kirin.

“Huh…hmm, my letter?”

Sue Kirin’s eyes fell on Ye Zhen’s face from time to time, and then fell on the letter he handed out. The name of the writer is written on the envelope.

It’s Zi Xuanzi’s letter.

“…Why do you write to me again?”

Sue Kirin frowned, wondering if Zi Xuanzi’s letter is asking her out again, but she didn’t know what to do for a while The letter should not be opened.

Suddenly, she trembled all over.

“Little Master, Zi Xuanzi Senior’s letter?”

Shui Yuner’s voice came with a smile. Sue Kirin was inexplicably frightened. He turned his head and saw that The other party put on a smile with half of his face covered in haze, and a pair of eyes were terrifying hollow.

“Uh, this person wrote to me, it is not something I can decide… Can’t even refuse the letter? We are friends anyway…”

Sue Kirin explained it inexplicably, and didn’t know the reason.

“Little Ancestor Master, everything started with a friend. Once cooked twice and cooked meat three times, this sentence is what you said…” Shui Yuner still smiled, but laughed No idea.

“Shui younger sister, it’s better to wait for a while.” Xia Xue interrupted suddenly.

Shui Yun’er looked over in amazement, and his eyes became cold. But Xia Xue is not someone who is easy to deal with. He didn’t accept the move directly, just staring at the letter with his cheeks.

“Martial Aunt Ye, Zi Xuanzi Senior, where did you send this letter to?”

“It’s still Nephew Xia’s keen.”

Ye Zhen sighed, “This letter was sent directly by Dark Crow, and I took the path of the housekeeping room.”

“Martial Aunt Ye also stopped by my nephew’s housekeeping room before coming. “I don’t know what Xia Xue said.

However, Sue Kirin was surprised that something was wrong.

Zi Xuanzi’s letters are generally by land, and dark crows are rarely used. This time, dark crows are used specially, which proves that this letter is different than usual and may be more important than before. many.

“He must be looking for me for something.” Sue Kirin murmured.

Inexplicably, a bad premonition came out spontaneously, pouring out of my heart like mud.

“Kirin, quickly open the letter to see the content.” Qi Qiqi urged, naturally thinking of the difference in this letter.

On the other hand, Shui Yuner realized the problem, and finally withdrew from that strange expression, and cast a curious look at this side.

I hope it won’t be another love poem!

Sue Kirin prayed secretly, then wiped his hands and took the letter from Ye Zhen’s hand.

She opened the letter, took out the letter, and read it quickly. Although the people present were also curious about the content of the letter, they were afraid that it was only private words, so they restrained themselves from peeking.

Reading line by line, Sue Kirin’s expression is also changing.

Surprise, shock and even astonishment, this is a step by step process, showing that the content of the letter is quite shocking, otherwise Sue Kirin would never show this expression.

“How is this possible?”

She murmured blankly, her eyes still fixed on the letter, but the place she saw was already far away.


Qiqiqi made a concerned voice, and her eyes tended to spy on the content of the letter. She took great effort to hold back.

Ye Zhen showed such an expression as expected.

He saw that Sue Kirin was so shocked, he knew that this letter sent to the Heavenly Jade Palace, which took a different path, must contain not simple content. Originally, he just went to the internal affairs room to deliver the palace affairs, and when he saw this letter by accident, he wanted to drop by, but the more he thought about it, the stranger he got on the road.

The letters received by Heavenly Jade Palace will be divided into categories.

There are emergency and non-urgent, and there are separate delivery channels among them, and this letter written by Zi Xuanzi falls on top of the urgent dark crow letter.

He and Xia Xue looked at each other, and both became cautious.

“Little Ancestor Master, can you tell us the contents of the letter?” He asked seriously.

As a result, Sue Kirin looked around a few people suspiciously, but not including Tianji and Shui Yun’er.

“Are you hiding something from me?” she asked suspiciously.


Ye Zhen, Qi Qiqi, and Xia Xue are all looking at each other. I don’t know what Sue Kirin is asking.

There are some things that they didn’t tell Sue Kirin because she didn’t need to know, and Sue Kirin should know this. So, she would have such a question, just asking what she should know but didn’t tell her.

“Kirin, what are you talking about? What are we going to hide from you?”

Qiqi Qi frowned dissatisfiedly, feeling that Sue Kirin doesn’t trust her, and she also sends more curious letters The content of the book.

“…” Sue Kirin was silent.

She didn’t know what she was thinking, she was looking thoughtful. Qi Qiqi couldn’t wait any longer, even calling her several times without receiving a response.

“Bharata has sent troops to China.”

The information that Sue Kirin finally revealed was like thunder.

It’s just that when she told this information, her face was entangled and uneasy besides solemnity. She must have remembered that she had been living in Bharata and getting help from Nandana.

Bharata has mobilized troops against the Chinese dynasty. Will Nandana get involved?

Sue Kirin’s worries and troubles are exactly the same. She doesn’t want to be an enemy of Nandna.

Apart from this, she is also worried about the safety of Xihe.

According to the content written in the letter, the Imperial Court was the first to receive information that Bharata would invade the Chinese dynasty from the realm of Martial Demon, and Zi Xuanzi was invited to the Imperial Court’s request several days ago. Take the Taoist dísciple and go to the realm of martial arts to defend against foreign enemies.

One thing worth noting is that it has been three days since Zi Xuanzi has left, but Heavenly Jade Palace has no knowledge of the Martial Demon Realm and Bharata. Although Heavenly Jade Palace is only a martial arts Sect, it is well informed, but has not received any relevant news.

Moreover, the Imperial Court only invites Taoist Sect, which is quite worth thinking about.

Sue Kirin has countless questions in his mind, but while thinking about it, he forgets the others who were stunned by her intelligence. The people here looked at her in amazement and waited for the rest of the article, but she just thought about herself and ignored them.

“Kirin, you are really! Can’t you explain it first?” Qi Qiqi couldn’t stand loudly first.


Sue Kirin came back to his senses, looked left and right, and realized the situation only after seeing a few suspicious faces. She immediately opened her mouth to explain the situation, but after thinking about it, she felt that it would be faster to show the letter to them, and then handed it out.

As the lord of the palace, Qi Qiqi naturally became the representative to receive the letter.

Other people surrounded the past in an instant, and read the contents of the letter.

This letter was originally a private letter from Zi Xuanzi to Sue Kirin. Naturally, there are also private words on it. When Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er read this part, their expressions are obviously weird.

But when I read the next content about Bharata, no one can escape the fate of shock.


Qiqiqi stared wide-eyed, her eyes are constantly changing.

How can she not even think of things that Sue Kirin can think of? She exchanged glances with Ye Zhen, Xia Xue, and Shui Yun’er in turn.

“Kirin, this meal may not be finished properly.” Qi Qiqi said apologetically.

“You are going to support the frontline?”

Sue Kirin nodded in understanding, and then asked again. If Heavenly Jade Palace really intends to support the front line, she also intends to take that trip, firstly, she is worried, and secondly, if Nandena enters the battle, she must first arrest the opponent.

“Not necessarily, but make preparations first.”

Qi Qiqi looked at Ye Zhen again and answered in a deep voice.

“Furthermore, let’s discuss why the Imperial Court notified the Taoist Church–No, they may have notified the Great Sect, or maybe they didn’t notify us. But it’s so intriguing… “

Xia Xue narrowed her eyes. “There is no news from even the company, but the news from the Imperial Court is wise–it is a bit scary.”

How really invaded the realm of Martial Spirits, this kind of shocking news will definitely spread at the same speed as the flight, and the Heavenly Jade Palace not only has dísciples all over the place, but also has the Xia Family business name. The news will definitely not be too much. slow.

However, the Imperial Court had asked Zi Xuanzi to come out for support a few days ago-this matter itself is extremely strange, so Heavenly Jade Palace should also consider whether there are any misunderstandings or problems.

It seems to be annoying!

Sue Kirin felt bored, and his worries about Xihe simply couldn’t be suppressed.

On the other hand, she was wondering if Beiming Youyu knew about this? She thought that no matter what, she had to notify the other party.

Just to worry, Sue Kirin accidentally caught Shui Yun’er.

The girl with the eyes of water has been silent, without any expression fluctuations on her face, she seems to be in some kind of contemplation. Sue Kirin asked her thinking and so on for a moment–

But the accident happened before that suddenly crushed her thoughts.


That is a feeling beyond distance.

Sue Kirin stared wide-eyed swayingly, stood up abruptly, and even made her chair fall backwards.

The blue light shone from her eyes, and she quickly turned her head and looked towards the north.

“Qin Shiyu!”

“Kirin?” Qi Qiqi showed doubt in her eyes.

Sue Kirin’s gaze turned to Qi Qiqi in response, and said in surprise: “Qin Shiyu’s Talisman is broken──”

──The words are abrupt However, mutation is born suddenly.

Sue Kirin’s back spontaneously crawled out a large amount of blue light thread, the line segment expanded greatly, quickly entangled and twisted, and outlined a huge technique.

“Kirin, what is going on?”

Everyone stood up and looked at Sue Kirin in surprise.

“I’ll talk about it later!”

Sue Kirin has no time to explain. She has cracked in front of her, like breaking a large piece of glass, with countless fragments reflecting the surrounding scenery It peeled off, revealing a deep black plane.

“Little Ji!” Sue Kirin Yokote right hand.

Tianji was still working hard, dealing with the seafood on the table, but as soon as she heard Sue Kirin’s call, she instinctively complied “Yes!” Her body shrank quickly, becoming only thirty centimeters. Looking high, he flew to Sue Kirin’s shoulder and sat down.

“Is it the spell on His Royal Highness?” Qi Qiqi asked anxiously.


Sue Kirin came to complied yes, and set off to walk into the plane. It was obviously a black plane that was flat as paper, but when she walked in, the entire silhouette disappeared in it.

Qiqiqi and Shui Yuner set off subconsciously to catch up.

However, after Sue Kirin disappeared in it, the black plane shrank rapidly, and it seemed to disappear between his fingers.

“Little Ancestor Master, your shoes!”

Ye Zhen suddenly picked up Sue Kirin’s shoes and threw them in before the black surface was completely disappeared.

In the next instant, the black plane shrank to a point and disappeared under the night.

Looking at the empty place, Qi Qiqi remained silent for a long time. It was not only her who was silent, but everyone present.

The food on the table is still cold, but one of the people who was supposed to be sitting here to eat has disappeared.

“Martial Aunt Ye, Senior Sister Xia, and Shui younger sister, we may have to stay overnight tonight.”

Finally, Qi Qiqi broke the silence with a wry smile.

Ye Zhen, Xia Xue, and Shui Yun’er were silent for a while, but they all pointed their heads at the same place.

“Notify the disciplines to prepare early, and also tell Senior Sister Li to take out all her treasures and inventory.”

Qiqiqi turned around, naked and covered Water drops, the slender jade foot that looked wet, went to the edge of the balcony.

In front of me is the abyss of ten thousand zhang.

Her pair of red eyes reflected the moonlight, with a faint light, staring at the north and letting her eyes go away. Farther, farther, she wanted to see the situation on the other side.

“──Northern Domain may also have an accident.”

Her worried voice spread out, swaying in the abyss, echoing endlessly.


“Halu, you are so enthusiastic, you hold someone’s hand as soon as you come up.”

The lightning glow that came out was dyed blue, and Arislan was shocked, hearing the sound that came out of thin air.

The hand that held him came out from under Qin Shiyu’s skirt.

Qin Shiyu’s third hand? Ajislan suddenly had such a funny idea, but the voice he had never heard before.

Furthermore, Qin Shiyu got a head under his skirt.

The scene is indescribable.

It’s like Qin Shiyu has hidden someone under his skirt, and now he finally shows up. It’s like a baby gradually born from his mother.

From there, it was a little girl.

Ming yellow’s eyes are quite dazzling, with stars hidden deep, black hair is brushed with good ink, with a charming and outstanding luster, a smart and delicate face Spiritual Qi full of resembles nature itself.

She got out from under Qin Shiyu’s skirt weirdly, and stepped on the already incomplete floor with her bare feet, her little arm did not know where the strength came from, and she actually pressed Aris Lan’s arm couldn’t get enough strength, and he backed away.

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