“What…” Qi Qiqi was a little wronged, and her child was angry again, “You all said that I am not…Qing’er alone, how can I not worry? I am a Master anyway.”

“Qi elder sister, Gong younger sister has always been capable, and now it has improved a lot. She will not hide everything in her heart. If she needs it, she will definitely contact you with elder sister.” Shui Yun’er also persuaded Qi Qiqi said.

“But…” Qi Qiqi was still a little uncomfortable.

Also, Gong Tianqing used to always take things on her own body, never ask for help, and would only deal with hardships by herself. With this lesson learned, Qi Qiqi will worry as it should be by rights.

Be aware that Qi Qiqi is also a caring character, unlike Xia Xue and Sue Kirin.

Seeing a few people’s persuasion to no avail, Sue Kirin spread out his palms, doing something she couldn’t do.

“Master of the Palace, you can’t just look at Qing’er–your good discipline, you won’t forget that you still have one, right?” Xia Xue suddenly asked.

When Qi Qiqi looked over in amazement, she found that Xia Xue was just eating each minding their own business with vegetables, and she looked indifferent. It’s hard to imagine that it was her mouth just now.

“How is Xiao Mingming?” Sue Kirin asked first, blinking.

“I see Elder Sister Nangong still the same way!” Tian Ji tilted his head inexplicably.

Shui Yuner seems to know something, sighed.

“Nangong younger sister seems to be worried, and I don’t know if something happened.” she said.

Qi Qiqi’s expression turned darker, and she did not speak for a while.

“I was negligent.” After a long while, she opened her lips in shame.

“I see that she seems to have reached the bottleneck stage and has been unable to make progress, but the sweet brat of Nangong Mingye is making rapid progress. As an elder sister, seeing that the younger brother is so capable, she is not making progress, so she must be in a complicated mood Hey.”

Xia Xue still didn’t look up, and seemed to casually express her guess. Qi Qiqi looked at her and began to recall Nangong Mingming’s performance recently, and felt that Xia Xue’s words made no sense.

However, Xia Xue has become more concerned about people.

Qi Qiqi suddenly felt like she was in a dream, Heavenly Jade Palace is getting better year after year, even though there are many hardships, she can always step through it every time. Everything they experienced has become the nutrients they need for growth, and they are about to bear fruit.

Among them, Sue Kirin must be indispensable.

Thinking Qi Qiqi silently looked towards Sue Kirin, but saw that the little girl was gorge oneself, with no manners at all. For some reason, Qi Qiqi couldn’t admire her appearance like this.

Really, Qi Qiqi smiled bitterly in her heart and didn’t say anything.

She just took out her handkerchief and wiped the juice from the corners of Sue Kirin’s mouth. Shui Yuner seemed to have clearly understood her thoughts again, covering her mouth and let out a series of silver bells snickering.

As if wanting to be grateful, Sue Kirin picked up a large crab claw with his bare hands and put it in Qi Qiqi’s bowl.


Qiqi Qi made a dull voice.

She didn’t want to touch these seafood that looked like insects, but now Sue Kirin put everything in her bowl, and she was forced to go to the cliff.

Qi Qiqi was embarrassed for a moment, and Brace Oneself picked up the crab claw and peeled it awkwardly. She glanced at Xia Xue, Sue Kirin and the others from time to time, and tried to draw bottle gourd, but still couldn’t help it.

Now Sue Kirin confirmed that Qi Qiqi would not peel her shell, and couldn’t help making fun of her.

Qi Qiqi glared at the girl sullly and charmingly.

“There is one more thing.” Xia Xue stepped in while peeling the crab shells. “It should be time to discuss this.”

“What’s the matter?”

Sue Kirin looked blank, and looked left and right but saw Qi Qiqi already known. She suddenly understood that this matter was obviously to be discussed with herself.

“Oh, no wonder you are coming to my place for dinner.” She hummed.

Then, her gaze fell on the empty place, where there was still a pair of tableware and chopsticks unused. It’s obvious to whom this position is reserved.

Just as Sue Kirin guessed himself, there was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Sue Kirin yelled, already sensing the man’s breath, “The door is unlocked.”

She suddenly remembered that she hadn’t got her underwear or something Pack it up and throw it everywhere in the corner of your own small building.

However, she doesn’t mind.

If Ye Zhen had a bad heart, he wouldn’t be single today. Speaking of which, Situ Muko seems to have hooked up with an Inner Disciple recently. While in love, Sue Kirin is thinking that Situ Mu is no longer wood, and the only real big wood is Ye Zhen.

She had heard that an Elder from Beggars’ Sect was interested in Ye Zhen, and Tobei Xiaolu personally sent a letter to Sue Kirin to find a way, but Ye Zhen didn’t get the oil and salt, even Sue Kirin. Speaking bluntly, someone likes him and asks him what he thinks, but the other person just said to think again.

Sue Kirin is so angry, my little Ancestor Master even has to worry about the marriage of the younger generations.

Of course, her own marriage has been deliberately ignored by herself-Zi Xuanzi has been confused by her several times, expressly or impliedly.

She is sad.

For Zi Xuanzi, she is not disgusting, maybe she likes a little bit, but she doesn’t like men, but the other party is a man. She has nothing to do except pretending to be stupid and fooling. Good way. She also didn’t want to hurt Zi Xuanzi.

“Little Ancestor Master, Palace Master.”

Ye Zhen looked strange and walked over to say hello to Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi.

Sue Kirin saw his uncomfortable face, and knew that the Heavenly Jade Palace Lord had indeed seen something that shouldn’t be seen. He couldn’t help but laughed. It’s really rare to see him. Looks slumped.

“Martial Aunt Ye, please sit down soon.” Qi Qiqi smiled and invited Ye Zhen to sit down.

In order to prevent Qi Qiqi from actually standing up and inviting herself, Ye Zhen took a seat in the empty seat without saying anything. His left and right are Qi Qiqi and Xia Xue.

I don’t know if the sun is rising from the west, Xia Xue actually lifted the teapot and knocked Ye a cup of tea.

“I remember that I reminded you to come on time again and again. It seems that Martial Aunt Ye is really busy with people and things. It has been busy until now. I really admire my nephew. Come, my nephew will give you Pour a cup of tea, which is regarded as consolation.”

Sure enough, that cup of tea was just a foreshadowing, and Xia Xue was actually trying to ridicule Ye Zhen for being late.

“Well, it’s mine.” Ye Zhen impervious to sword and spear, and apologized frankly.

He also subtly resolved Xia Xue’s offensive, the latter snorted unconvinced, but did not continue. Business matters, she knows the importance.

“Kirin, this time I mainly want to talk to you about the position of Heavenly Jade Palace.”

“What position is the problem?” Sue Kirin asked casually, “Did we Are you going to choose a team? In the battle for the throne, we should be neutral, right? I don’t think the Second Prince can stand anything!”

“What are you talking about?” Qi Qiqi was a little frustrated.

Sue Kirin casually talked about the imperial power dispute, unless she was all around her, and once her remarks spread, Heavenly Jade Palace would be in trouble.

“Then you tell me what it is.” Sue Kirin shrugged.

“Is it the Gong younger sister’s business?” Shui Yuner suddenly said.

Qiqiqi was stunned, she made it clear that she had been said to have been hit. She blinked a few times before coming back to nodded, affirming Shui Yun’er’s guess.

“What’s wrong with Xiaoqing?” Sue Kirin became anxious.

A table of people gathered together, all the core members of Heavenly Jade Palace, the things to discuss must be of great importance.

“Little Ancestor Master, Qinger is the only bloodline in the Gong Family.”

Ye Zhen spoke first.

He is also peeling those crab shells, his eyes focused.

“What then?” Sue Kirin frowned.

“Gong Dae is in critical condition, and Gong Jing Great General is very old. As the only heir, Qing’er, even if she has the will to inherit the Gong Family, she will definitely not be able to stay out of the matter.”


Ye Zhen took a bite of crab meat and grilled a few bites of rice. He must be hungry, even if he restrains it, he can’t completely hide the traces of gobble.

“Gong Family whole family is loyal, but it certainly offends a lot of people. Once it sinks, there will be a hundred steps. Now there are many people staring at the Gong Family. The Gong Family is deeply favored by the Emperor, and there are no small people. I think Gong Tianqing who still doesn’t have a Husband, as long as he marries Gong Tianqing, he might be able to annex the Gong Family ──So, does the little Ancestor Master understand?”

Sue Kirin thought for a while, indeed That’s right, Gong Tianqing’s current situation is not optimistic.

“But isn’t there an adopted son in Northern Domain? Gong Jing, the old man.” She remembered one thing.

Ye Zhen nodded first, and sipped a cup of tea before explaining:

“Whether Lord Gong Lanping can inherit the Gong Family is still a dilemma. The problem is that even if he can inherit Gong Family, after all, is the thing of adopted children, not at all Qing’er has weight and right to speak.”

Qi Qiqi took the conversation and stared at Sue Kirin earnestly:

“Qing’er We don’t know what it means. If she chooses not to inherit the Gong Family, everything is still easy to say, but if she chooses to inherit the Gong Family, she will not be able to inherit the Heavenly Jade Palace. By then, how will Heavenly Jade Palace handle ourselves? Is it involved in the problem of Gong Family? We are going to talk about this.”

so that’s how it is! Sue Kirin suddenly came over.

“In other words, if Xiaoqing plans to inherit the Gong Family, should we support her when she is in trouble?”



Qi Qiqi and Ye Zhen looked at each other, and the former responded.

“You are worried, if Heavenly Jade Palace gets involved in the struggle between the Gong Family and other powerful people, it will get into real trouble, right?” Sue Kirin asked further.

Qiqiqi and Ye Zhen still replied yes.

“You guys…” Sue Kirin helplessly sighed, “Why are you asking my opinion? You should guess my opinion with your toes!”

“That’s right.”

Qiqiqi face revealed a bitter smile, “It’s just that it’s important, and we can’t decide to pay attention.”

Sue Kirin hugged her chest, Close one eye and look towards Qi Qiqi with one eye.

“If Xiaoqi were not the lord of the palace, would you help Xiaoqing?”

“Of course you will, isn’t this nonsense?” Qi Qiqi answered almost quickly, thinking I didn’t even think about it.

Sue Kirin nodded, and looked at Ye Zhen again.

“So Xiaozhen, how about you?”


Before answering, there was a little hesitation, but in the end Ye Zhen still gave Sue Kirin Satisfactory answer.

Sue Kirin nodded again, and cast his gaze in the direction of Xia Xue. As a result, the other party just rolled his eyes and replied unhappily:

“Don’t look at me, I’ve already After that, you will definitely answer like this, but they don’t believe it.” Xia Xue said.

“Yo yo yo, you know me!”

Sue Kirin shrugged his nose, the inexplicably big earth fire.

“Anyway, you ran to ask about Heavenly Jade Palace, I think they would definitely answer to help. What Xiaoqing did here, everyone knows how many people she helped? I can’t count I can’t count. If Xiaoqing is in trouble, even if Heavenly Jade stays in the palace, the disciplines will definitely take action in private—at least, I’m sure of this.”

Qiqiqi and Ye Zhen are stunned. , They obviously did not take this into consideration. Sue Kirin was a little dull, and didn’t give the two of them time to react, and continued to chatter:

“One of you is the Lord of the Palace and the other is the Lord of the Vice Palace. You are confused. Just thinking about the overall situation. For the most important thing, only consider the gains and losses of Heavenly Jade Palace──hmm…well…this is indeed the thinking that a leader should have, but you have ignored everyone’s wishes and one thing──”

Sue Kirin’s gaze became severe, and he swept over everyone present in order, with a loud voice: “Xiao Qing is a good child, whether she inherits the Gong Family or not, she is still us People.”

His eyes became sharper, and his tone intensified. Under the ashamed eyes of Qi Qiqi and Ye Zhen, Sue Kirin made a clear statement:

“Who wants to bully Our people, we will fight back and fight him until he cries and calls his mom and dad. Isn’t this common sense? If I don’t even protect my family, I will tear down Heavenly Jade Palace tomorrow.”

Say it all here.

Sue Kirin picked up the chopsticks and continued to deal with the seafood on the table, and wiped out half of the steamed fish with two hands and feet. She happily turned the fish over and pointed it at the tender cheek meat as a chopstick.

And Qi Qiqi and Ye Zhen were in deep thought and reflection, all because they would be shaken by whether they helped Gong Tianqing or not. Especially Qi Qiqi’s face was blushing scary, almost to the situation of ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

But in fact, she must be extremely embarrassed.

There is no way to do both. It seems unrealistic to help Heavenly Jade Palace and help Gong Tianqing.

However, if it comes to Gong Tianqing’s critical moment, Qi Qiqi intends to draw a clear line with Heavenly Jade Palace to help Gong Tianqing.

And that enlightenment has become somewhat ridiculous.

Because Sue Kirin definitely said that if Gong Tianqing is in trouble, Heavenly Jade will definitely lend a helping hand.

Since this is the case, Heavenly Jade Palace is all in one mind, so why should you hesitate? Qi Qiqi’s eyes lit up, naturally she had a decision.

“Now that you have the answer, eat it now.”

Sue Kirin laughed twice and greeted the others when he saw a fish grabbed him almost. Say.

“Then there are people like you…”

It’s okay not to say that Qi Qiqi noticed the situation and complained angrily. Xia Xue also interrupted in a weird voice:

“Our little Ancestor Master has a thicker skin than the city wall. This matter must be well known.”

“Hey!” Sue Kirin was a little angry.

Ye Zhen also stood on the side of Sue Kirin, frowning and said to Xia Xue:

“Xia Shinephew, be careful. The little Ancestor Master is my elder, there are some things Even if it’s a fact, it shouldn’t be told.”

Sue Kirin nodded, indicating that Ye Zhen was right. After a slow beat, I realized the strangeness, a spiritual Qi. Si Yong’s face suddenly wrinkled and collapsed.

He said that?

She was a little annoyed, so she glared at Ye Zhen, but the other party was surprised, as if she didn’t understand what she said wrong.

Ye Zhen occasionally is stupid.

This is probably because he can let go of his usual seriousness in front of Sue Kirin. Sue Kirin is actually happy to see this. The problem is that Ye Zhen occasionally makes some small problems.

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