“…Who are you?”

Ajislan forgot that he still had a weapon, and didn’t immediately counterattack. He blurted out the doubt in his heart.

The girl who suddenly appeared hearing this blinked, and glanced at the “little girl” on her shoulder. Ajislan noticed that there was another mini-pocket girl lying on the girl in front of her ── that girl was only palm-size.

“Don’t blame you, after all, you are indigenous!”

The girl raised her head triumphantly, her empty palms and one hand pinched her waist. She didn’t have the consciousness of being on the battlefield at all, even if she was bathed in people’s suspicion, she would still be me.

“You asked this question really well, and I am happy to answer your question.”


Ajislan doesn’t know What are you doing.

He suddenly woke up, danced the halberd in his hand and cut it at the girl. No matter who comes, she is the enemy, and she is an out-and-out expert, so attacking the opponent is the best choice.

I saw the blue electric light flickering.

“This…” Ajislan exclaimed dullly.

The halberd blade stopped in front of the girl’s head, and was entangled in countless blue lightning glow spouted out of thin air. He tried to pull the Euphorbia, and finally broke free from the entanglement of the electric light, and withdrew back.

“Thunderbolt, the girl’s appearance, the yellow eyes…”

Arislan murmured and counted the characteristics of the girl and compared her mind Candidates in. For an instant, he stared wide-eyed and called out in a deep voice:

“──You are’Yin Yang Carp’.”

“Hey, don’t you know what?” The girl pursed her mouth in disappointment and spread her palms. “It’s really boring. I want to pretend to be forced and introduce myself.”

“Kirin Kirin, there are so many people…this is What are you doing?”

The little girl on the girl’s shoulder asked curiously. A pair of emerald cyan eyes looked around, and everyone was shocked. Is this a real person? This question surfaced on their faces, whether it was Lion Riders or Hua Chao.

“Dancing square dance.” The girl talked nonsense.

A few soldiers of the Hua Dynasty hadn’t reacted yet. Seeing that the enchanted girl who suddenly emerged from under her Princess skirt didn’t look at the scene at all, she started playing there, and they all turned to Qin Shiyu. With a puzzled look.

Qin Shiyu was just swaying her group fan leisurely, ignoring all these sights.

“Is it the little Ancestor Master?”

Suddenly there was a shout.

Su Wan squeezed the people around, showing her head in a self-defense formation. She looked at the girl in surprise, obviously with a sense of relaxation of avoided a catastrophe.

Didn’t expect someone here would call his little Ancestor Master, Sue Kirin wondered if there was a Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple here, so he turned around. When her gaze was fixed on Su Wan, she tilted her head blankly.

“Are you…?”

Su Wan once stayed in the outer sect of Heavenly Jade Palace, but Sue Kirin is the existence of aloof and remote in Heavenly Jade Palace. They should There is nothing mingled.

However, Sue Kirin once pretended to be the dísciple of the outer sect.

“Little Ancestor Master, I’m Su Wan…” Su Wan became a little anxious and gestured between her previous heights, “I was only this tall before!”

“Su Wan?”

Sue Kirin tilted his head to think about it, and then suddenly his eyes lit up.

“Oh, that’s the crazy girl!” She looked up and down Su Wan in surprise, “You seemed to be picked up by the house at the time. Didn’t expect to see you in a few years, you have grown up like this Now.”

The two even remembered their past two battles ago. Sue Kirin really didn’t pay attention to the people of Northland at all. Ajislan’s face was convulsed because of her contempt, and the knuckles of the hand holding the Euphorbia were whitish and rattling.

Why has he ever received such a shameful treatment, and when has he received such insults? Rao Beiming Youyu didn’t dare to act like this in front of him, but Sue Kirin in front of him didn’t treat him as the same thing.

“Sue Kirin, gossiping about the family and staying there later.”

Qin Shiyu walked to Sue Kirin’s side at this time, his hands tumbling to hide the profound smile underneath. She bent over to Sue Kirin’s ear, exhaled and said:

“Your charms are not bad, I will go back and order some more for you.”

I didn’t know where to climb out and came over. She greeted Sue Kirin respectfully, showing a relieved look. Sue Kirin “Yo!” complied.

Then she responded to Qin Shiyu.

“Hey, do you need to say it?” Sue Kirin rolled the eyes, “You said it’s better to meditate on how to reward the small ones, so as to compensate for the sudden loss of me.”

If the situation were not urgent, she would have been mad, and Qin Shiyu didn’t know where to summon her to a place where no birds lay eggs. As soon as he arrived, Grandmaster attacked him, waiting to scare him back. Later, I saw a group of soldiers from the North.

“Reward?” Qin Shiyu laughed jokingly and moved closer, with his lips pressed against Sue Kirin’s auricle, “If you kill Ajislan in front of me, I Even people can be yours.”

Sue Kirin only felt his ears soft and shivered. Why is this guy teasing himself again? She was depressed for a while.

However, even if there is no compensation, she is now if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

Sue Kirin does not respond to Qin Shiyu’s molesting, but stretches his right hand forward at the same time. Tianji, who was lying on her shoulders, suddenly understood, “Yes!” Complied seriously.

In a burst of light, the little girl turned into a black long sword.

The core of the organ sword ─ ─ “Li Qiankun”.

“Okay, let’s stop here for the gossip.”

Sue Kirin said as he walked up to Ajislan, the two were only a few minutes apart. meters.

“The lion of the North, I have heard of you.” she said.

“Then?” Ajislan’s expression was sullen, with a sullen tone in his tone, “My name shakes the whole world, even if you know it, it’s not a strange thing, is it?”

Being plotted against again and again, Ajislan finally realized that he was actually being played with by applause. In this way, with his arrogant character, anger is also conceivable.

His eyes were full of violent killing intents, and he wished to smash the girl in front of him.

What Ajislan really hates is Qin Shiyu to be precise.

“Okay, okay, don’t be fierce.”

Sue Kirin shrugged, waved his sword and carved a horizontal line in front of him.

──That is a boundary.

“Passing ahead is forbidden. Whoever wants to cross this line, I will chop him to make a bun.”

Sue Kirin’s eyes scanned the group of angry lion riders At a glance, my heart was secretly sighed, knowing that my threat It shouldn’t be too much effect.

In this case, she intends to arouse each other.

If the opponent loses his sanity, it will be easy to reveal a weak spot, and you can easily solve it by grabbing this weak spot in battle.

“Ajislan, I see you have a serious injury. You are not my opponent now, and I don’t bully you. If you are interested, please focus on where you are. “

Ajislan’s face suddenly became ugly.

“You, say, what, what?” He bit his words clearly and heavily.

Sue Kirin shrugged his nose and deliberately put on an expression of disdain, but Qin Shiyu clearly understood what she meant and said with a smile:

“Sue Kirin, don’t say something too direct, people will get angry.”

Sue Kirin was stunned, looking at Ajislan and blinking, as if he was surprised that he was speaking incorrectly. “Yeah!” He covered his mouth with a cry.

“It’s really sorry. I have always spoken directly, and it hurts your self-esteem if I don’t pay attention.”

She also put on an apologetic expression, bending over to Ari Silan bowed to apologize.

However, the anger on Ajislan’s twisted face did not abate at all.

This is a naked ridicule and insult. He couldn’t bear it and roared wildly:

“I will let you all beg for mercy under me!”


He stepped on the ground abruptly, screaming to the ground with great strength, bending over and smashing the Euphorbia in his hand. The halberd blade slashed the atmosphere, rolled up the wild current, and kissed Sue Kirin’s neck passionately.

‘Don’t hardwire. ‘

Sue Kirin jumped up instinctively with a voice in his head. When the halberd swept between the soles of her feet and was about to twist and pursue her, the side of the halberd blade and the soles of the girl’s feet suddenly burst into arcs connecting the two together. The blue electric light is like a tightening thread, pulling the two together quickly.

Yellow’s eyes flickered a gloomy light, Sue Kirin stepped on the halberd, his left foot straightened instantly, and his right foot moved straight and stepped on the hand of Ajislan holding the halberd. A sword pierced the man’s eye.


Ajislan quickly avoided the thorn, slapped the spurge on the ground, and kicked Sue Kirin with one foot. Sue Kirin kicked the halberd hard with his right foot, and the whole person swung back, threw away a lot of flame flying arrows.

With a blast, Feiyan Liuzhi hit Ajislan, condensed into a fireball and swallowed his silhouette.

“Master leader!”

The lion riders once again criticized out in surprise.

They can no longer stand by and watch their leader being suppressed, suddenly shouting and roaring towards Qin Shiyu. Qin Shiyu was still standing before the line, and in the eyes of Lion Cavalry, she was considered to be alone. As long as she caught her, the battle would be over.

Well, it’s strange.

When they took advantage, only a few of them thought so, but once they fell into a disadvantage, they woke up.


Even if they are elites in the North, and the defenders are just ordinary Chinese soldiers, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension for them to encounter Qin Shiyu, and they will not even take turns. Yinping shot.

What greeted them was two violent sword lights that swept over.

The arc-shaped sword energy was entangled with the arc and struck from the side. The lion riders who had just rushed out of the front were unable to avoid them. They were directly slashed in two longitudinal directions, falling forward and backward, while the back Lion Cavalry saw his companion die so tragically, he was shocked at the same place.

They looked at the deep sword pit and held their breath, remembering the threatening sentence Sue Kirin just said.

“Don’t look away from Lao Tzu!”

Ajislan rushed out of the dust like a cannonball, slashed in the air and cut out two sword lights. Sue Kirin is still on the ground. At the same time, the lion riders were morale up and rushed to Qin Shiyu again. With the silver screen topped in front, he shook the sword in his hand and made a buzzing sound.

“I’ll move away, what can you do with me? You are not handsome.”

Sue Kirin snorted in response, holding the diagonal sword in front of him.

The halberd and the sword fought, flashing a lot of fireworks. At the same time, Sue Kirin tilted the blade further to relieve the force of the hit, and at the same time bounced his body with the remaining impact.

She twisted and spun in the air, setting off a large spray of water.

The water drops on Ajislan’s body, and it froze incredibly. In a blink of an eye, the man was put on a thin frost. Ajislan forced out within the body Spiritual Qi and shattered the frost.

“That many tricks!”

Ajislan kicked up furiously, crossed the height of Sue Kirin, and slashed down, dragging out a huge Chopped off.

“It’s really fierce.”

Sue Kirin agitated with a long sword lightning, pulling out violent sword energy with his backhand.


There was another explosion, and the collision between sword light and sword energy burst into pieces. A huge light ball was exploded and the two silhouettes were once swallowed and buried. The two bounced out in different directions. , The same tangled the tobacco and pulled the distance away.

“Give it to me!”

Ajislan turned and threw the halberd in his hand.

The sky-splitting sound pierced the atmosphere, and the euphorbia shot out, trying to penetrate Sue Kirin’s body with a powerful thunderbolt. Sue Kirin flew back and quickly sealed with one hand.

Then, both hands slammed together to circle a circle.

She breathed out white breath.

The white mist with icy debris swelled through the circle surrounded by her hands. The blue aurora rays blasted into the sky and shot the sun, and everything it passed was frozen, and the Euphorbia could not escape the same fate and was frozen in the air.


Arislan dodged sideways, the blue rays of ice passing by him.

White smoke filled with ice crystal fragments, even if he was not directly hit, half of his body was frozen immediately.

The frozen euphorbia fell on the ground, reflecting an illusory ice-colored light.

Sue Kirin and Ajislan landed at the same time-but Sue Kirin landed on the frozen euphorbia-they were facing each other, and they were still five meters away from each other. Around them were all the lion riders and soldiers from the Chinese Empire, screaming and roaring furiously.

“I said, you are not my opponent now…”

Sue Kirin shook his head and sighed, making Ajislan’s face twisted with anger.

But that is true.

The gunpowder buried by Qin Shiyu exploded when he didn’t expect it, and a protective amulet compressed the exploded formidable power. Even if he resisted it, he suffered a lot of trauma. . In this case, for the Grandmaster of the previous peak state, he is naturally the one who suffers.

Thinking about this, Ajislan suddenly felt stupid.

Qin Shiyu’s plan was closely linked with one another, and it captured his psychology, allowing him to step into the game with the mentality of being conscious but not at worst, and he was eventually locked up. .

If she had the means of summon Sue Kirin early in the morning, then Ajislan became the impulsive party.

She did not press it, she was plotting against Ajislan, first weakening his strength, and when Sue Kirin arrived, she easily and quickly defeated him.

To the effect, Ajislan was only ashamed.

When the anger hits his heart, he opens his mouth spit a mouthful of blood. The frozen left half of the body was slow, and it seemed that he couldn’t lift his hands, and the weapon was lost and Sue Kirin stepped on his feet. His chances of winning are slim.

Ajislan retired in disgrace, already feeling shameless to face Cang Rin.

When he thinks that he is still utterly uttering when he takes over, he is inexhaustible. The intense feeling of ashamed and unable to show one’s face filled his heart.

However, even if you want to withdraw, it’s not easy–

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