Qin Shiyu took out her ball fan again to blow the wind.

“Everyone, the fall of Yancheng is almost an indisputable fact. Have you received any news and information?”

I don鈥檛 know if you have been aware of it, or have learned Zhou Zhou heard it over there, they were not at all surprised.

“Going back to your Highness, the Northern Army passed by in the vicinity a while ago. It was a small team. At that time, the minister had already ordered to enter the state of combat readiness. Although the town鈥檚 troop strength was only 500 trifling, it was also ready to fight. Preparations for death. The officials have also been ordered to prepare to evacuate, but because the outside situation is unknown, we dare not act rashly.”

The bearded civil official, Wang Kang, explained the situation in the town.

His decision is remarkable. The town is almost impossible to defend in the face of large forces. Therefore, the people must be evacuated first, but the people can go, but the officials cannot. They have not received military orders. They need It is a responsibility to live and die with the town, although some people find it extremely stupid.

Even if they choose to retreat, it is understandable.

In the case of proven outside circumstances, it is also a very prudent choice to only let the people make preparations and not let them leave.

“Is there any news from Bei’an City?” Qin Shiyu asked again.

“His Royal Highness Ning?”

Wang Kang was taken aback when he walked out and knelt on the ground. He thought that the front line had been lost or was in some sort of hard fight, otherwise the troops of the North How could it be near a remote town like them.

“It seems that there is no.”

Qin Shiyu put out a breath disappointedly, and raised Erlang’s legs. She showed a looking thoughtful expression, thinking about all kinds of information and questions.

“How does your Royal Highness plan to act?”

These questions are the military attache of Wenzhi Shanshan, and the thin and weak one is called Yang Zilei.

“We have 500 troops. These soldiers are inferior to the elite soldiers in the northern part of the town, but before we hope that His Royal Highness will be useful to us, just let them be given orders. The general will train them every day. There is always something useful.”

Yang Zilei walked out and knelt on the ground and said confidently.

Qin Shiyu laughed, indifferent expression. It is not that she despises these five hundred people, but that he really has no place to use them at the moment.

She is rushing to rendezvous with King Ning. If these 500 troops are brought together, I am afraid it will be quite eye-catching. After all, 500 troops are not a small unit, which is not conducive to hiding and maneuvering, let alone this. Five hundred people are all infantry.

“General Yang, doing a good job.”

Qin Shiyu tentatively approves, and the civil official hearing this is happy.

“These five soldiers must not move. Now the North Kingdom is in a mystery, and it is not easy to evacuate the civilians…”

Qin Shiyu held his chin in thought for a moment.

Indeed, there is also the issue of civilians floating between possible battlefields. These civilians are almost unarmed, and how to leave them also needs to be considered.

“Zhou Zhou.” Qin Shiyu called.

“The end will be.”

Zhou Zhou responded before leaving his seat.

“A letter was sent to General Ling, asking him to fully consider the evacuation of civilians. Those granaries should also be opened.”

“Yes, I will know.”

Zhou Zhou returned to his seat after taking the command.

“General Yang.”

“The end is here.”

It is a great honor for Yang Zilei to hear others call himself a general. As he stepped forward and responded, the smile on his face was almost unconcealed.

“You and your five hundred soldiers, must protect the safety of the people.” Qin Shiyu smiled and explained.

This military attache must have a heart soaring to the sky. Hearing the task given by Qin Shiyu, an expression of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on his face, but he naturally did not dare to say it.

“General Yang, don’t underestimate this.”

Qin Shiyu solemnly instructed, “The reason for the existence of the army is to defend the country, and the people of this town are also Chinese. People, you must take good care of them, you are already doing your duty. This palace always likes people who do their duty.”

“I will understand.”

Yang Zilei鈥檚 dissatisfaction Disperse some, and retreat to the original position. Qin Shiyu is up to this point, he is not good to say anything, and Qin Shiyu’s last sentence also has many interpretations. He thinks that as long as he leaves a mark in Qin Shiyu’s heart, the road in the future should be much easier. .

“Lord Wang.”

Qin Shiyu then turned to Wang Kang.

“This small official is here.” Wang Kang stepped forward and replaced Yang Zilei.

“It is a difficult time. Don’t be stingy with the grain in the granary, but you can’t squander it at will. It is necessary to maximize the effectiveness of resources within the limited resources.”

“The minister understands.” Wang Kang took the command.

In the next period of time, Qin Shiyu entrusted some more things and discussed some evacuation plans, asking them to destroy the weapons in the warehouse when they evacuate, so as not to fall into the northern country. Hands.

About two quarters of an hour passed鈹€鈹€


A soldier stumbled and ran in, almost tripping over the threshold. Land, extremely embarrassed.

His appearance instantly drew the attention of everyone present.

“How do I usually teach you? What kind of style do you panic?”

Yang Zilei stood up and criticized the soldier who lost self-control in front of Qin Shiyu . He was born in Scholar, and he paid special attention to this point, but he was negligent, forgetting that this soldier had something important to report.

However, he just went to Haikou in front of Qin Shiyu, saying that he had trained the soldiers quite well. At this moment, this soldier was indeed a little bit suspicious of hitting him in the face.

“General Yang, this is in front of His Royal Highness!” It was Wang Kangming’s affairs.

He stopped Yang Zilei and continued to reprimand the soldier. Although the latter was a little unconvinced, he had no choice but to give up when the official said, let alone all this Qin Shiyu was watching.

Wang Kang sent people to bring tea and food to appease the soldier who passed on.

“Come on, speak slowly, what’s the matter?”

The soldier knew that the situation was urgent and did not accept the tea. He just said many thanks Lord Wang and said eagerly :

“There is a man and a horse outside…”

When I heard this, I thought it was an attack from the North, and everyone’s faces suddenly sank.

“They claim to be Zhenbeiwei, saying they are moving towards You Prefecture, but in order to avoid the northern soldiers on the road, they gradually come here.”

“Zhenbeiwei?” Qin Shiyu was shocked and instinctively stood up.

Zhenbeiwei is an elite group of Zhenbei Prefecture, and its number is only a thousand. How could Zhenbeiwei appear here? Did it escape from the front? Qin Shiyu became a little anxious.

“Where are the people?”

Wang Kang glanced at Qin Shiyu and understood her meaning and asked actively.

“I was blocked by the defenders.”

Yang Zilei once ordered the strict layout of city defenses, so the defenders did not let them in as it should be by rights.

“Does the other party have evidence?”

“People have been sent to ask Zhenbeiwei who came with Jingyang Her Highness the Princess to recognize it.” Shiming replied.

“His Royal Highness, look at…”

Wang Kang nodded, indicating that he was satisfied with the soldiers’ handling, and then turned his head and looked towards Qin Shiyu, asking for her decision.

“Let’s go and have a look.” Qin Shiyu made the decision without hesitation.

If it is Zhenbeiwei, and this one is from Ninglan City, then they can have the information Qin Shiyu desperately needs right now.

She immediately got up.

When the others saw that Qin Shiyu had called the soldier to lead the way and walked outside the town, they quickly followed suit.


Gong Lanping felt that he had never been so tired.

Even if you fight on the battlefield, it is more comfortable than to avoid the scouts of the North. He hates this kind of hiding in Tibet, like a rat, which makes him exhausted physically and mentally.

But he also knew he couldn’t rush.

As the leader of the team, he also has the mission of Gong Jing. In order to live up to Gong Jing and the people who follow him, he must be calm and sensible. That鈥檚 why he can come here. .

It鈥檚 already not far from You Prefecture.

It’s been more than two days since they left Ninglan City, and they don’t know how Ninglan City is going. He must see Qin Shiyu asking her for help as soon as possible. Only seeing her can his restless heart settle down.

“It seems to be ready.”

The scolding monkey next to him said in a deep voice, Gong Lanping glanced at the city wall of the ruined town in front of him, and indeed saw a large number of soldiers Staring here closely.

Peiling Town should have received the news, otherwise they would not be so tightly armed.

Although their defense is in the eyes of Gong Lanping, it is only difficult for the strong, but at least they are conscious, which is much better than the defenders in many places.

“Gong big brother, why don’t these defenders let us in? The younger brother is really tired.”

Su Wei, who was sitting close behind him, couldn’t help complaining.

Fleeing during this period of time has polished the noble Young Master of this high-ranking family to no temper, and no longer shows his insignificant official prestige, but is commensurate with Gong Lanping’s brother.

He originally called Gong Lanping as his younger brother.

Helplessly, after Gong Lanping took him a few times to escape alive, he automatically and consciously referred to him as the big brother, which was quite interesting.

There is a little temper, but Su Wei can be regarded as real.

“Master Su, now is the dangerous time. It is understandable that Peiling Town is so close to the enemy. As long as we pass the communication and prove our identity, we will open the door and let us in. Su My lord, please wait a little longer.”

Su Wei glanced at the closed door, still a little unhappy.

“Since the Gong big brother said so too…” In the end, he did not continue to complain.

During this time, he learned one thing, that is, complaining can’t change the result.

“My elder brother, just wait.” Su Wan saw that Su Wei was not completely relieved, so she persuaded her.

This little girl is the admiration of Zhenbeiwei.

Appears to be soft and weak, but much stronger than her big brother, and also aware of the generality, even if she is covered with dirt at the moment, her face is full of tiredness, but she still comforts her Brother.

For Su Wan, the Zhenbeiwei people are getting more and more happy, and they have matched her with Gong Lanping many times.

Gong Lanping also has several points of good feelings for Su Wan. He is different from the women he has seen. He is assertive and strong. He has unique opinions. She also suggested several times to help Gong Lanping think. Countermeasures.

However, he still felt that it was too early to discuss marriage at this time.

“Gong big brother, how is your injury?”

During thinking, suddenly heard other people鈥檚 concern, Gong Lanping looked up but saw a delicate and close at hand pretty face, he took a step back in fright.

“Ah…” Then he realized that it was Su Wan.

Su Wan was a little bit disappointed, although she understood that she was only shocked by Gong Lanping, and the other party would take that step back. Seeing this strong girl suddenly showed this expression, Gong Lanping was embarrassed and a little guilty, and quickly said:

“Thank you, Sister Su, for your concern, I am no longer a serious problem.”


One day earlier, they accidentally collided with Northland鈥檚 reconnaissance forces. The Northland鈥檚 nearly 30 troops immediately surrounded them to wipe them out. Gong Lanping acted decisively and took advantage of the woods. It was hard to repel the force, but many of his companions were still injured, and the two Zhenbei guards even explained that they were in the woods.

Gong Lanping was also injured in that battle. He was scratched by the sword of a soldier of the North Kingdom. He shed a lot of blood. Su Wan personally bandaged the injury afterwards. Seeing her proficient movements, Gong Lanping gave her a good impression.

“Gong big brother, don’t take it lightly. When you enter the town, you have to ask a professional doctor to re-apply medicine and dressing.”

Su Wan is still worried.

On the battlefield, any wound may deteriorate to the point of life-threatening. Timely treatment is very important, but future care is also indispensable.

Gong Lanping has been on the battlefield for a long time, and I understand that Su Wan’s worry is not unreasonable.

However, Su Wan came to ask every few hours, he couldn’t adapt to this kind of passionate concern. Zhenbeiwei’s companions teased him and said, “You have moved Chunxin, and Gong Lanping doesn’t know if it is. Anyway, when he sees Su Wan, there is a burst of heartbeat acceleration, and he is losing ground.

Su Wan does not seem to have that kind of thought.

Seeing Gong Lanping’s ears are red at the moment, she understands something, she also lowered her head, letting her cheeks appear flushed.

“Gong big brother, the door and the door are open!” Su Wei suddenly shouted and bounced to his feet.

His call naturally broke the pink atmosphere between Gong Lanping and Su Wan.

Gong Lanping, who was already quite embarrassed, was happy to have steps to go down, and immediately looked at the gate of the town, but saw that the pair of gates opened to both sides, and a gorgeous and elegant girl stood tall.

Hair is long to the ground, a dress is elegant and elegant.


Gong Lanping rubbed his eyes in disbelief, unconsciously seeing in the corner of his eyes, Su Wan’s expression gradually turned from dullness to surprise.

Well, the person standing there is the Qin Shiyu they are looking for.

“It’s Her Highness the Princess!” Su Wei yelled directly and rushed over.

The maid who was guarding Qin Shiyu suddenly drew her sword to the neck of Su Wei who staggered, making him pale instantly, his feet knelt on the ground as soon as he weakened.

Gong Lanping knew that the other party had not confirmed his identity.

So, he walked slowly approached with the entire group, and fell on one-knee kneels to the ground five meters away from Qin Shiyu.

“The last general Gong Lanping has seen Jingyang Her Highness the Princess!”

Gong Lanping gave his hand to Qin Shiyu’s paid respect, and the others responded loudly to Qin. Shi Yu salutes.

Qin Shiyu’s gaze fell on Gong Lanping, recognizing the adopted son of Gong Jing, his eyes flashed with astonishing light, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face. meaning.

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