“Major General Gong, I haven’t seen you for a while, you look quite embarrassed.”

Gong Lanping and Qin Shiyu are not unfamiliar.

When Qin Shiyu stayed in Ninglan City, Gong Lanping was next to Gong Jing. Naturally, the two exchanged more, and because they were similar in age, when Qin Shiyu went to the city to play Occasionally, they would call on the guards of Gong Lanping and go back and forth between the two. In addition to the relationship between the emperor and the minister, there were also more friendships.

“Your Highness is well, there will be no complaints in the end.”

Gong Lanping answered with a smile.

Qin Shiyu rolled the eyes, then greeted them and said:

“Don’t kneel, get up quickly!”

Gong Lanping turned his head towards everyone Winking a wink, they all stood up instantly.

“Lord Wang, go to Zhang Luo to eat and water for Major General Gong and his soldiers, and summon the best doctor in the town to deal with the injuries.”

With just one glance, she saw that all these people were wounded.

Next, Qin Shiyu’s eyes fell on Su Wei, who was still kneeling in front of him, crying into tears for some reason, and glanced at Su Wan who was following Gong Lanping.

“Major General Gong, you came this time but you brought your family…”

Qin Shiyu made a joke, didn’t expect Gong Lanping’s cheek The child was so red, even Su Wan rubbed her fingers and lowered her head.

Seeing this, Qin Shiyu blinked.

“It seems that the Major General Gong is about to embrace the beauty.” She joked with a smile.

Gong Lan Pingyuan wanted to say something to refute, but when he reached his throat, it stopped silent. He scratched his head and looked at a loss, making Qin Shiyu couldn’t help laughing secretly.

“Major General Gong, who is this?” She did not forget Su Wei.

“His Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness! This small official found you very miserably. Those northern barbarians were all around, but this small official almost missed your Highness and couldn’t continue to be loyal to your Highness.”

Su Wei cried with tears and snot.

It must be the joy of avoided a catastrophe, and the fear of finally being able to vent all the accumulated fears. He doesn’t even remember that he is the imperial envoy, and he is dead.

“Your Highness, this is Your Majesty’s envoy, Lord Su Weisu.” Gong Lanping introduced with a wry smile.


Qin Shiyu seemed a little frightened. She probably didn’t expect that this young man who was crying “weeping beauty” turned out to be an envoy.

“Father’s eyes are still unique as always…” She managed to squeeze out this sentence.

Su Wei did not hear the offending notes, thinking that Qin Shiyu was approving.

She praises Qin Yu for his good vision, isn’t she praising him for being good? Misunderstanding Su Wei raised a smile, but the tears on his face were not erased. To say how funny is how funny.

“His Royal Highness is still in love. This time I came here by the emperor’s order—”

“Okay, I see.”

Qin Shiyu interrupted Su Wei. She knew that there should be nothing important for Master Su to come to her. Her father is not really blind, if there is something important, he would not send such a person.

Su Wei froze.

Qin Shiyu laughed at him, so he ignored him and looked at Gong Lanping again.

“Major General Gong, come in first, but my palace has a lot to ask you.”

Gong Lanping took the lead loudly.

Wang Kang took the road consciously, the entire group entered Peiling Town, and walked in the direction of the official residence. However, Gong Lanping was in the state of his colleagues and asked Qin Shiyu to let them rest first.

Qin Shiyu is on time.

Su Wan and Su Wei didn’t want to rest, but after Gong Lanping repeatedly persuaded them, they retreated. As soon as their siblings followed the Zhenbei guards away, Qin Shiyu showed a profound smile and gave Gong Lanping an elbow.

“Gong Family has grown up, first awakening of love is fascinated by the Su family.”

“His Royal Highness, you…”

Gong Lan Ping’s expression froze, and he never thought that Qin Shiyu would tease himself in full view.

“There are other people here…” He whispered.

“What’s to be afraid of?”

Qin Shiyu disagreed, turned his head and looked around at the other people with the team.

“Did you hear anything?” she asked with a smile.

Wang Kang and Yang Zilei looked at each other and shook their heads in unison. When other people saw Shangguan like this, they naturally fulfilled the principle of silence is gold and hung their heads.

“If you really like it, why hide it?” Qin Shiyu was sincere.


Gong Lanping looked at a loss and didn’t know whether to answer or not, very embarrassed. But under Qin Shiyu’s faint smile stare, he still confided:

“It means something…”

“That’s it.” Qin Shiyu Hmm nodded, inexplicably excited, “If the other party is also interesting, if you are really happy with each other, this palace will personally come to your door to help you propose marriage, and let her father be the king of heaven and I, if you don’t agree, you have to agree.” /p>

“Your Majesty, you must think twice!”

Gong Lanping’s eyes were staring, but he was so scared that he almost vomited his heart. He actually knows what virtue is Princess. Regardless of how exquisite she is in front of others, she is very naughty in private, and she especially likes to molest others, and also likes to join in the fun. It is not a Princess posture.

“Then do you like it or not?” Qin Shiyu asked directly attacking the root of the problem.

“Like is like…” Gong Lanping scratched his head, “But how can I get married in the end? I am planning to die on the battlefield at the end, I am afraid I am afraid that I will die early. It hurts the other party to be so young and widowed.”

He said firmly.

“The blossoms are worthy of being folded and the branches should be folded. Don’t wait for the flowers to be folded.” Qin Shiyu said indifferently, “Doesn’t the Major General Gong understand such a simple truth?”


Gong Lanping still wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed:

“At the end of the day, I can’t say that you can’t be your majesty, but my Majesty will give you some time to consider it. After all, we Recognition is not very long.”

“It is necessary to consider nature.”

Qin Shiyu did not force it.

“However, think about it, don’t wait for the matter to disappear. You have reached the age when you should start a family. I see this Su Wanwan about delicate and pretty, and he was born in a big family. The peace is right with you.”

“Talk about what sect is the right?” Gong Lanping sighed again, “The general will only be an orphan.”

“With this Gong proposes marriage for you, and you are the adopted son of the Great General in the north of Zhenbei. Even if the other party is a princess, you are more than worthy.”

Qin Shiyu seems casual, but every word he says Contains the power of self-confidence and pride. The family status of the Great General Gong Jing in Zhenbei is not strong, but he is well received by the emperor and has a strong position. Qin Shiyu is the Princess of the name shakes the whole world. Even the relatives of the emperor will think twice about this weight. .

“The final admiral is greatly appreciated by His Highness……”

Gong Lanping is very grateful.

As an orphan, he was able to be adopted by Gong Jing and treated as a parent-child, and he was able to get to know Qin Shiyu, who was treated as a friend in private. How could Gong Lanping not be grateful What? He really felt very lucky.

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