“It was indeed the Imperial Court who sent someone here.”

Zi Xuanzi sighed, “didn’t expect Bharat to move troops after all.”

His words changed. , Put on a rejoicing tone.

“Fortunately, the Imperial Court had a layout long ago, otherwise it would not only be the realm of martial arts, but the entire western part of the Chinese dynasty would have been subjected to war-torn baptism…”

Xihe also felt the same. .

However, she cares more about the Martial Demon Realm than the Western China.

“Xi and girl don’t worry. Facing foreign enemies this time, there is really no distinction between martial arts or human beings. The Imperial Court has mobilized Zhenxi Mansion to come here, and strive to resist the enemy. “

“Would you like to start a war here?”

That is inevitable, Xihe knows, but still can’t help asking.

Zi Xuanzi showed an apologetic expression.

Xihe’s face was filled with sorrow, “We don’t ask for anything, but live a stable life that’s all.”

“We are sorry for you.” Zi Xuanzi sighed quietly. Long breath.

The reason why the martial spirits are so safe is because people cannot accept the martial spirits, so they will face the disaster of destruction because of this war.

“I understand.” Xihe closed his eyes, “Imperial Court can send troops into the Martial Demon Realm, and help us, we should be grateful.”

“No, it’s the girl Xihe who understands righteousness.”

Zi Xuanzi understands that the martial arts can open up the martial arts realm, allowing soldiers from other countries to pass by, and even lead them to the western part of the Hua Dynasty.

“We also don’t want the realm of martial arts to be a place for others to trample.”

What Xi He said, she probably feels that her decision is not at all. Any patriotic feelings Be a blame, but Zi Xuanzi would rather firmly believe that there is, and therefore seem to be how selfish and ugly people who reject Martial Demons are.

“Xihe girl, from now on Taoist disciples will never infringe on the martial spirits at will. This is the tribute of the trail to you.”

Zi Xuanzi sincerely promised , Chao Xi and cupped the hands. Xihe took a step back a little, indicating that she didn’t dare to be, but at the same time she laughed and said in return:

“With Zi Xuanzi Senior’s words, Xihe is grateful.”

The polite remarks are almost the same. Zi Xuanzi once again bowed his hands and asked sincerely:

“So, I hope the girl can help me.”

“What should I do? “Xi He asked without thinking.

“Before the arrival of Zhenxi Mansion, try to stop the invasion of Bharata. In addition, Zhenxi Mansion needs a place to station and guide the way.”

All reasonable requirements, Xihe pondered for a moment and asked again:

“How many people are there in Zhenxi Mansion?”

“Five thousand people.”

“Only fifty thousand?”


There was a commotion in Xihe’s tail.

If the Bharat is all over the country to attack, the number of enemy troops will definitely be more than 50,000, even more than 100,000. Xihe thinks that 50,000 troops may be too little.

“That’s why we need Xihe girl’s help.”

The interpretation of this sentence Xihe is: Because of the shortage of troops, the help of the martial demons is needed.

“Bharata has the elites of woodland warfare, but there are not many of them. Among them, there are even fewer elites. As long as the advantage of familiarity with the terrain is used to defeat this army of Bharata, there is no chance of victory. “

“Zhenxi Mansion should have a hundred thousand people.” Xi He pointed out.

“The remaining fifty thousand soldiers have joined forces with the western cities to form a line of defense.”

Zi Xuanzi smiled bitterly and showed an expression of asking for forgiveness. Xihe fell silent, knowing that Zhenxi Mansion would not enter the realm of martial demon. Only by establishing a line of defense in the west, he could resist the impact from Bharata.

Their ability to come is already incredible in the realm of Martial Demon.

But I don’t know why, Xihe faintly feels that there are some improprieties in it. There is indeed no need for Zhen Guofu to enter the realm of martial demon to resist the enemy.

“Imperial Court probably wants to fight against Bharata.” Zi Xuanzi said.

Xi He felt that this can be considered an explanation, so he accepted it frankly.

“I will go back to gather my comrades.”

His ears moved a little, Xihe felt that it was the most wise to cooperate with the Imperial Court and Taoist Sect at this moment, and she would not be because Suddenly, and refused to cooperate with Zhenxi Mansion, that is not good for the realm of Martial Demon.


“Zixuanzi Senior, I have a presumptuous request.”

Xihe glanced at the companions behind him, they were all affected Injuries of varying degrees. There are many people like them tonight, and some are still in battle.

If Xihe went to arrange what Zi Xuanzi requested, these people might suffer more.

“Girl, please speak.” Zi Xuanzi has no reason to refuse.

“Please also Zi Xuanzi Senior to rescue Junior’s compatriots.” Xihe pleaded, even stooping to bow.

“Xihe girl doesn’t need to be like this.”

Zi Xuanzi stretched out his hand and said, “Even if the girl doesn’t say anything, the trail has this plan.”

He agreed.

Xihe rarely smiled happily.

I don’t know when they started, the position of the martial demons has changed a little, and it has become a lot better. All this is probably due to the girl, Xihe thought, but she didn’t know who to share her joy with.


In the setting sun, there is no silhouette in front of me.

Riding on a horse, Qin Shiyu couldn’t see any silhouette. In the past, there were always many caravans on the road to the northeast, but at this moment there was no silhouette.

Of course, this has to exclude the people behind her.

She, Yinping, Zhou Zhou, Zhenbeiwei and the army of one hundred people marched along the road and proceeded very carefully. , Sent a large number of scouts to guard a large area nearby, in case the Northland noticed the march of this army.

“…I should have noticed it a long time ago.”

Qin Shiyu raised his voice with regret.

The merchants never returned. There were few merchants from the north for a few days. She should have noticed the abnormality at that time.

But she is a Princess, how can she pay attention to the situation of merchants going back and forth?

To blame, I can only blame the people below for not being alert, but what can Qin Shiyu demand for people like city gate officials?

Qin Shiyu gritted his teeth.

The scouts came back regularly to report the situation, but unlike what she had expected, there were almost no northern troops in the scope of the scouts, but as they approached Yancheng, there were a large number of northern scouts.

Does the North mean to shrink its forces and stick to Yancheng? Qin Shiyu thought.

The behavior of the army of the North Kingdom is a bit unusual and incomprehensible. Since they are going to occupy Yancheng with lightning speed, they should carry out their strategy of high military speed to the end and attack You Prefecture immediately.

Only in this way can the Hua Dynasty defenders be completely unprepared.

But the army of the North does not at all do it.

Is it necessary to stabilize the foothold first and wait for the large forces behind, or is it not stable behind you, do you have to settle down? Qin Shiyu’s eyes flashed with uncertainty, and countless probabilities and thoughts passed through her mind.

There must be a reason why Northland did not advance.

Qin Shiyu prefers the latter, because the force sufficient to attack Yancheng and the main cities of the second line of defense will definitely not be less, because the offensive of the North is like a broken bamboo, even if it is fought. It’s a surprise attack. If you want to swallow these forces, you can’t achieve this goal before the news comes out.

Thinking about it this way, the troops sent by Northland may be terrifying.

Moreover, the Western Regions must be considered outside.

The Western Regions should have sent troops, and Qin Shiyu had to make such a bad plan.

“Your Highness, Your Highness…”

The voice came.

Qin Shiyu came back to his senses, turned his head and looked towards the silver screen next to him. Yinping seemed to have called her a few times, she hadn’t heard it because she was indulged in thinking just now.

“What’s the matter?”

It is really uncomfortable to ride a horse in a skirt, Qin Shiyu complained in her heart, looking towards the same skirt with a silver screen holding the reins , She looked like a lonely person.

“Vice-General Zhou said that the town ahead is Peiling Town.”

Peiling Town was the capital of one of the countries when China was divided in the past. Although it is the capital of the country, the country is actually a town because of its size and strength.

But thanks to being the capital of the country, this town has fortifications left over from the past.

Even though a long time has passed, due to regional relations, the town’s fortifications have been repaired many times. Of course, because it is not the front line, the quality of the fortifications is not very good, but it can barely be used as a military stronghold.

“You must be stationed in front, right?” Qin Shiyu asked.

Yinping nodded affirmatively, and then replied:

“Vice-General Zhou planned this way.”

Qin Shiyu turned his head and looked back, but Can’t see Zhou Zhou’s silhouette.

“What about others?”

“Vice-General Zhou is arranging things.” Yinping replied, “He did it by himself, but he was rarely seen.”

” It must be a good thing, and it may be exhausted.”

Qin Shiyu replied casually, blocking the screen and almost did not continue it.

“Then what do you think of your Highness?” Yinping was too lazy to say to Qin Shiyu, “Subordinates have to notify Vice Admiral Zhou.” She was a little angry.

“Ai, it can only be so.”

Qin Shiyu is a little regretful, muttering: “If marching at night, then the torch will be conspicuous.”

“Then I replied to Lieutenant General Zhou?”


Qin Shiyu swayed to drive people away, feeling that his butt was aching on horseback. This protective gear is too bad, right? Thinking of this, she just wanted to reach Peiling Town as soon as possible.

Yinping has left to convey Qin Shiyu’s meaning to Zhou Zhou.

More than a hundred people walked a distance, and finally saw the outline of Peiling Town from a distance.

The city wall of the town is higher than ordinary towns, and there are even defensive buildings such as female walls, crenellations, and towers. It seems that in the past few years, the gaps can be seen in some places, but overall it is still well maintained.

Even if he had enough to see the town, Zhou Zhou, who had returned to the front, ordered the team to stop. He sent a small team to investigate the situation, although he had already sent someone to investigate once.

The people to be dispatched have already contacted the local officials and the defenders. They have repeatedly confirmed that there are no Northland troops nearby and that the situation in the town is not abnormal. Zhou Zhou ordered the team to enter the city.

There are already several people waiting in front of the town.

That seems to be the civil and military officials of the town, they are here to meet Qin Shiyu. The team stopped, and a big man with a beard and features of Northland took the initiative to greet him and knelt in front of Qin Shiyu who had just dismounted.

What are you doing? Qin Shiyu rolled the eyes silently.

“This small official has seen Her Highness the Princess.”

The big man said coarsely.

Qin Shiyu would have thought he was a military attache if it weren’t for him in a civil official uniform. Well, right behind the big man, the man dressed as a military attache is Wen Zhi Shanshan, who looks thin.

He also followed the big man to greet Qin Shiyu with a much gentler tone.

“Are you playing a dress-up game?” Qin Shiyu couldn’t help asking.

Dahan civil officer and Swen military officer looked at each other puzzledly, naturally they didn’t understand what Qin Shiyu was talking about. Qin Shiyu also realized that he was a little jumpy, so he waved his hands and said that it was all right.

“Can the town settle our people?”

Zhou Zhou stepped forward to communicate with the two.

The civil officer thought for a while and replied: “It should be possible. Borrow a place to live as a sojourner from the people, and then occupy the street. It shouldn’t be a big problem, but the quilt and other materials should be enough, but it’s been a long time , Stored in the warehouse, it may be a little old.”

This town is also a backup strategic point anyway, some materials are still available. Zhou Zhou didn’t have any dissatisfaction with this, and even said that he was very grateful that he had enough materials to use.

“It is so good.”

Zhou Zhou nodded with satisfaction, and then turned to Qin Shiyu.

“Let’s go.” Qin Shiyu said.

Under the guidance of the civilian and military attachés, Qin Shiyu walked in the forefront, greeted by officials on both sides, and brought more than a hundred people into this town.

In the center of the town, there is a palace from the previous country.

This palace is small in scale and can be called a mini. The palace has been used for other purposes, split into various building groups, the location of the palace is also one of the split bodies of this palace.

And, Qin Shiyu’s residence is also a separate part of this palace.

Although that yard has been around for a few years, after refurbishment, you can still see the traces of luxury in the past.

Qin Shiyu first went to the yard to rest for a while, and when he came to take a bath, accompanied by Yinping, he came to the official residence.

In the hall, the main officials of Peiling Town gathered here.

Ninth Princess summoned them, they naturally waited here early, and Zhou Zhou and his several capable subordinates were also waiting here.

“I have seen Jingyang Her Highness the Princess.”

Jingyang Princess is Qin Shiyu’s title, but she hasn’t heard anyone shout like this for a while. Qin Shiyu politely asked them to get up, showing a friendly look.

“The situation is urgent. You don’t need to be too formal.”

Although these officials work in the scope of Northern Domain, due to the remoteness of the town, how can they not at all meet face to face? After Qin Shiyu, it was a little surprised that Her Highness the Princess, who had killed 20,000 enemy troops, was so friendly.

Of course, they also know that Her Highness the Princess cannot be deceived in Jingyang.

After people got up, they waited for Qin Shiyu to walk down to the main seat. Other talents took their seats according to their status and identity. Among them, the person who should have been sitting in the first seat of the generals gave up their positions. Zhou Zhou, the generals therefore moved one position back in order.

On the other hand, they should be standing, or Qin Shiyu told them not to let them sit in a meeting.

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