Lost the hostage, only the violent swirling flames greeted Zi Xuanzi.

Zi Xuanzi turned his head, his eyes were filled with flames, he sighed, neither hiding nor retreating, holding the sword and making a circle, the whole sword bends unnaturally between shaking, and then before shaking The moment was just shot above the flame swirl.

Like a water stream hitting a rock, the flame stream buckled and deviated from its course, shooting diagonally toward the sky.

Only one step was taken, but Zi Xuanzi disappeared in place, and went around behind Nan Dena. The speed was no less than instantaneous movement. Nan Dena could hardly react, and Zi Xuan Zi approached her. The hilt aimed at the back of her head, trying to knock it out with a single blow.

Zi Xuanzi only hit the afterimage.

Nandana’s silhouette suddenly disappeared like a fog, but Zi Xuanzi was slightly stunned to see that Nandana was less than half of her arm in front of her.

“This is really interesting…”

Zi Xuanzi stepped back and took a distance. Two Bharata soldiers who didn’t know when they approached cut out and fell on him. The original location.

Not seeing how Zi Xuanzi moved, the two of Zhan Kong suddenly lost balance and fell to the ground.

In fact, while retreating, he quickly hit the hilt of the sword and hit them on the back of the neck, robbing them of their consciousness.

When the others saw their companions injured, they also rushed out, swarming like a black wave. But after a while, I saw that Zi Xuanzi was walking leisurely in the crowd with one enemy and many, just like the small boat that did not turn over in the wave, and even occasionally knocked out a few people, but he sometimes Strikes in the direction of completely unmanned, like a wrong direction, but it is A leaf didn’t touched body, no matter how thrilling it is, it just misses a shot.

“Brother, your spell is a bit mysterious. You are not good at learning skills, so I can’t see the profound mystery in it.”

He even talked to Kapil with a leisurely mind.

“…The man is too difficult to talk about his lack of academic skills.”

The Bharata man has been sweating cold on his forehead, and he probably has exhausted all his strength to get there. Check and balance the Grandmaster in front of you. As a result, Xihe and Chihen also got a chance to take advantage of the chaos and start taking action. Chihen left first under Xihe’s orders, naturally to support the compatriots who were attacked elsewhere. Just before, probably couldn’t bear it anymore, Bharata had launched a new round of raids on the martial demons. At this moment, fighting broke out in several places.

For the unforeseen martial demons, they must be in a certain disadvantage.

“Girl Xihe, the expert I sent has entered the Forest of Martial Demon, but the situation is unknown. I hope that the girl can send someone to assist and fight the enemy together.”

Swinging a sword, the strong wind swayed a circle of enemies around him, backing one after another, and shouting at the same time.

“Yes, Senior, you are alone…”

Xihe understands the importance of things, but Zi Xuanzi is here to help herself, she hesitates to leave him and leave. In the end, the other party came up with such a sentence, which made her feel guilty.

“More than enough.” Zi Xuanzi replied lightly, his face full of confidence.

Speaking of which, Xihe didn’t hesitate. She threw a word “Senior, please take care!” and then turned and left, leaving Zi Xuanzi here to deal with the two great witches of Bharat and the hundreds Human soldier.

Between the sword swings of Zi Xuanzi, two Bharata soldiers flew out again.

Next, five more enemies attacked with a scimitar, but Zi Xuanzi disappeared out of thin air.

“Two people, we don’t have to fight to the end here.”

When he appeared again, he was already behind Nandna and Kapil, he was talking , Stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulders of the two, as if we had something to talk about.

Kapil and Nandana tightened their bodies suddenly.

Seeing that the two great witches were under control, the enemies stopped moving, staring at Zi Xuanzi with their eyes. In the face of their sight, Zi Xuanzi smiled bitterly.

“The trail is just to protect the realm of the Hua Dynasty. Not at all hurts you. This is the sincerity of the trail. But if the Bharat stubborn insists on invading the realm of the Hua Dynasty, the trail will not Mind killing the realm.”

Zi Xuanzi’s tone is light, but behind that smiling face is a faint killing intent, which is called to have one’s hair stand on end. Although this man kept saying no to kill, he was stained with blood in the battle of Imperial Capital a few years ago.

Some people just don’t want to kill, not that they don’t know how to kill.

Nandna and Kapil knew this very well, and there was nothing to do for a while.

“But to be on the safe side, the two also invited the Taoist Church to have a cup of tea. After a few days, they are entitled to go on a scenic tour. After Bharata retires, the trail will naturally give them away. What do you think of the two when you return to your country?”

Zi Xuanzi is not a fool. Although he has room for negotiation, he will not make the move of letting the tiger go back to the mountain. The two people in front of him are obviously Bharata. Important battle strength, he can naturally ensure that the two will not participate in future disputes.

As for those soldiers?

He doesn’t deal with it, naturally someone deals with it, but the elite soldiers of Zhenxi Mansion have already marched into this forest.


Zi Xuanzi’s proposal is already a big concession.

Unfortunately, Nandana and Kapil did not accept this kindness. Even if they did not want to participate in this dispute, they have nothing to resist for the sake of each other’s position and safety. .

“Why are these two of you?”

Seeing that the two of them had not answered, he knew that there was no place for them to compromise.

“Since the two cannot accept the goodwill of the trail, the trail can only exercise violence. The trail is never unwilling, but the trail also has its own responsibilities that need to be fulfilled, so I have to wrong the two .”

Zi Xuanzi’s face was full of helplessness, but the hand grasping the shoulders of the two men had begun to add gravity, pressing them down to their knees. Seeing that they are controlled by others, the soldiers of Bharata do not know what to do.

They found that they did not have any means of rescue, and at the same time they did not have the courage to rush forward.

Just now, when Zi Xuanzi faced their siege, the laid-back and disapproval that appeared, has made them understand one thing, that is, this Hua Chao Grandmaster only waved his fingers while killing them.

Then, rising winds, scudding clouds.


The wind is blowing.

The sleeves were blowing and hunting, if Zi Xuanzi felt it, sighed, and looked up at the sky, the original clear starry sky has disappeared, replaced by a dense cloud.

“You bullied the little ones, did you provoke the big ones?”

The natural phenomenon of the sky is constantly changing.

The clouds scroll in a vortex shape, like the eye of a storm, but there is light gathering in the center of the circle, giving birth to enough violent aura.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger.

Zi Xuanzi is still standing, even if his clothes have been flying in a frantic manner, he has not swayed in the wind like the others on the scene, he even grabbed Nandna and Kapil did not let go of his hand.

“God Sir Wu…” Nandena murmured.

Kapil is sighed in relief. As long as the witch is willing to make a move, it should be more or less a threat to Zi Xuanzi, he thinks this way.

“If it were not impossible, Xiaodao thought it was Snow Maiden’s spell. If it was Snow Maiden, the trail could only be recognized… But the beater loves it, does that mean Snow Maiden Is it interesting to the trail?”

Zi Xuanzi said weird things to herself, Nandna and Kapil were speechless for a while.

“But, since this is not Snow Maiden’s hand, there is no need for Xiaodao to feel terrified.”

Zi Xuanzi raised the corners of his mouth and threw the “sword up” awe-inspiringly. Two words.

The Dao Sword inserted at his feet shook unceasingly, and rose out of the sky, drawing a beautiful trajectory in the air and came to Zi Xuanzi.

“Although the gods and witches in your mouth are aimed at you, the trail is so happy. I hope you can do it for yourself and just retreat. In this way, the trail can save some tea and food to prevent Junior Sister from coming to talk again. It’s a trail.”

After speaking, Zi Xuanzi let go of the hands that grasped the shoulders of the two men, and took the sword that floated in front of him with the right hand and shook incessantly.

“The sword is a good sword, I really embarrass you.” Zi Xuanzi said to his sword, with pity.

Almost at the same time, the light blobs in the sky shrank further, finally shrunk to the size of a point, and then rapidly extended into sharp objects like guns and arrows.

The next moment, thunder fell.

Zi Xuanzi raised his sword to quickly draw a circle, and then pointed it out accurately. The tip of the sword collided with the tip of the falling angry thunder.

There was a moment of silence.

Amidst a sharp rubbing sound, the angry thunder falling from the sky deviated from the route, flew diagonally towards the sky, pulled out a large-angle turning trajectory, and hit the mountain range in the distance.


A strong light broke out, and the light ball swallowed a corner of the mountain range. Even if the blast wind was farther away, it still made Zi Xuanzi’s hair mess up.

The sword in Zi Xuanzi’s hand blocked the blow and instantly became bleak.

The blade was covered with cracks, and it shattered like fine sand under a breeze, leaving only half of the blade to be discarded.

The people surrounding Zi Xuanzi have disappeared.

Nandena and Kapil were also missing, Zi Xuanzi couldn’t perceive any breath while raising his eyes. He knew it was the man who was at work.

“Bharata’s’witches’ are still quite amazing…”

Zi Xuanzi looked at the empty place, then looked at his severed sword, heavily Sighed.

He did not stay here long.

In the next time, he will have to fight the fire left and right before the arrival of Zhenxi Mansion to prevent Bharat from taking the initiative.

For this, he also has to use the power of the martial demons.

“It’s really ironic, I don’t know what other people will think? I don’t want to see the martial monsters, but now we have to use their power… We should really feel ashamed.”

Zi Xuanzi couldn’t help but sigh again.

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared from the original place by one step, and when he appeared again, he was already crossing a long distance. He just disappeared into this battlefield at a leisurely pace but with a huge span, chasing the breath of Xihe away.


Along the road, there are many people from Bharata.

Zi Xuanzi kept going for a while, and when someone got in the way, he knocked everyone out, but he ignored anyone who passed by.

After spending nearly a quarter of an hour, he finally found Xihe on the side of the battlefield.

Bharata’s corpses are everywhere.

Zi Xuanzi frowned because of the smelly smell. He wanted to persuade Xi and a few words, but when he saw that there were martial demons in the corpse, he knew that it was useless to say more and chose to close mouth.

Xi He noticed Zi Xuanzi’s approach and took the initiative to greet him.

This cold and cold girl, wonder if she noticed blood on her face? She didn’t wipe it, as if she would not deliberately hide her killing, she was generous, but at the same time it made people feel sad.

“Xihe girl, you are so beautiful, don’t let these things contaminate yourself.”

Zi Xuanzi raised his hand sympathetically and wiped Xihe with his sleeve The blood on her face. Xi He didn’t expect this, and stayed still.

“…Zixuanzi Senior, is this to empathize?” She asked suddenly.

Zi Xuanzi was startled and dumbfounded.

What did she ask? He thought he had heard it wrong, but looking at Xi He’s face tilted in front of him, he knew that the other party was indeed asking.

“Xi and girl, don’t get me wrong. The trail is just not accustomed to the blood on your face, just like passing by and seeing trash and picking it up unconsciously. No other intention.”

Zi Xuanzi explained in a panic.

The martial arts behind Xihe had already looked tired, but because of Zi Xuanzi’s panic expression, they couldn’t help but laugh.

“so that’s how it is.” Xihe didn’t delve into it, and Zi Xuanzi said that she is one if she is one.

She is not sensitive to such things.

“It’s very risky…” Zi Xuanzi wiped the sweat from his forehead, “I almost caused the girl to misunderstand.”

He showed a puzzled expression, “The trail can ask you Is it something?”

“Yes.” Xi He nodded.

“Where did the girl learn this kind of thing? It’s… uh… empathy and love.”

“From the novel.” Xihe There is no concealment, it is more just and honorable than anyone. “The Lord of the Palace recommended several new Imperial Capital books to me a while ago, and I asked the businessman to bring them to me.”

“Uh… …”

Palace Master Qi? With unexpected information, Zi Xuanzi’s expression became weird, and at the same time he felt that Sue Kirin’s situation was not better than himself.

“Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite…”

“Yes.” Xihe agreed with seriousness, but she definitely didn’t understand Zi Xuanzi’s meaning.

Zi Xuanzi sighed and didn’t bother to explain.

He still has important things.

“Xihe girl, Xiaodao came to seek you this time. I have something to discuss with you. I don’t know if it can be convenient?” He went to the topic, and didn’t want to waste more time.

Now that Bharata has invaded the realm of Martial Spirit, he has no time to waste.


Xi He replied with a soft smile, between the eyebrows has several points of gratitude. She is so good at talking, it must be because of Zi Xuanzi’s help just now.

Zhien Illustrated News, Xihe may understand this truth better than any human being.

“Xi and the girl must not agree to be so happy, today the trail is the minion of the Imperial Court.”

“The minion of the Imperial Court?”

Xi And unknown so.

“The girl Xihe has always been weird, why did the trail suddenly come to the realm of the martial demon, didn’t it?”

Zi Xuanzi took the initiative to say that Xihe was indeed surprised by this.

“Is it because the Imperial Court notified Zi Xuanzi Senior of you?”

Xi and exceptionally intelligent, asked the idea all at once. Zi Xuanzi couldn’t help sighing for her intelligence, and nodded confirmed her guess.

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