“You must catch up.”

Seeing his primary goal disappearing from his vision, he looked ugly at his companion. The companions who were knocked into the air seemed to be seriously injured and needed the support of others to stand up, and the situation in front of them was similar.

Five people were lost at once.

For men, these losses are not unremarkable. Among the Bharatas, the only one who has proficient forest traveling skills, that is only a thousand trifling. Almost all the elites who specialize in forest battles were put into this battle, and they must restrain Xi and the current master of the Martial Demon Realm.

Capture the thieves and the king first.

If they want to cross this martial realm, they must dissolve the battle strength of the martial demons who live here. Even if they are not welcomed by the Chinese people, they have an unimaginable dedication to their homeland, the realm of Martial Demon, and they will certainly not allow Bharat’s army to pass here.

However, if you do not pass through the Martial Demon Realm, the strategy set by Second Prince will be invalidated.

must let Hua Chao a debt of blood must be paid in blood! The man remembers deeply that when the Second Prince became the throne, even more how this time, even the god Sir Wu was dispatched in person.

Success is not allowed to fail, the man thought.

“Smoke of stars!”

Xihe moved quickly and ran so fast that the man consciously couldn’t catch up. But they were only a test. This area was already surrounded by Bharat’s army, and there were also “big witches” to help.

He doesn’t think Xihe can escape.


Behind him, a flame flickered the tail of the cigarette soaring upward.

The rays of light bloomed in the night sky with a sharp sound, bursting out like fireworks, the light was once more dazzling than the waning moon next to it.

Star Smoke.

The rushing Xihe feels bad, and his heart sinks continuously. The surrounding aura gradually shrank and surrounded, and the amount was enough to enclose her in an area.

No matter where you flee, I’m afraid you will run into Bharata’s people.

I don’t know what happened to Chihen and the others, Xihe couldn’t help being a little worried, but this group of enemies seemed to be targeting him, and no battle took place within the perceptible range.


Speaking of time is late and then fast, there is a sudden strong wave on the left, which is caused by someone fighting. Bharata could not capture Xihe immediately, so he turned to other martial demons. Xihe thought so.

“Damn it!”

Xi and fiercely smacked their lips.

“Where!” someone suddenly shouted in Bharat.

In the next instant, a lot of sky-splitting sounds rushed in, Xihe twisted her body quickly and fled to the other end, using the trees to help her block all the incoming arrows.

The body is too big and it is easy to be spotted.

Thinking about Xihe, he escaped a certain distance, and his figure recovered in a burst of light to be Banshee’s body. At the same time, a silhouette appeared in front.

Is the enemy.

The enemy was looking around, but he did not see the silhouette of Xi and the demon who had recovered. Xihe rushed forward, nine tails stretched out, fiercely whip into the man’s belly, and flew his enemy out.

The man bumped into the tree, his eyes hoisted, and he fainted, slipping weakly on the ground.

Xihe walked over, took off the man’s clothes and put on himself. There is no camouflage on this man, he is probably an ordinary soldier. With that black robe covering himself, no one can easily recognize Xihe.

She put on her hood.

As her figure was about to hide in the darkness of the forest, a strong breath burst nearby.

Then, there was the sound of a large number of trees breaking, a huge silhouette came from the side, Xihe instinctively jumped back, and the flying black shadow slipped across in front of her face.


Xi and subconsciously looked and found that it turned out to be a red mark.

The belly of the half-man, half-horse man was scorched, as if burned by the fire.

“Red Mark.”

Xi He called out and walked over to try to lift the Red Mark. Naturally, she couldn’t see her death without saving. Chihen heard the familiar voice and was stunned. He raised his eyes and saw Xihe shouting immediately:

“Lord Xihe, hurry up and leave here! Those Bharat god clubs are all– Lord Xihe, Bharat’s army came in, and they almost swept all the way, and many of our companions were caught.”


Xihe was at a loss. She yelled out loudly, if it was true, she would never be unaware.

“It’s the enchanter of Bharata!” Chihen showed hatred. “They don’t know what tricks they used to erase some information.” He said like this.

“Are you sure?”

“The rabbit and I only saw our companion being arrested two hours earlier. We finally escaped. The rabbit walked but suddenly forgot I was attacked…Isn’t this a trick, what is it?”

If what Chihen said is true, Xihe would have to convince himself that a large number of companions have already suffered. fact.

“…Damn it.” Xihe’s expression is extremely ugly.


Abruptly, a huge blazing sun bloomed in the sky, and its light reflected in the eyes of Red Scar. Xihe could see the abnormality behind without even turning his head.

She thought she was wrong.

Xi He looked back, but he really saw the huge sun in the sky.

Impossible, this is obviously night, how could there be a sun? Xihe’s expression was surprised, but at the same time he was solemn. Almost at the same time, she thought of the wounds on Red Scar.

“But did he hurt you?” Xihe asked.

Chihen’s face was quite anxious, but after a long time he nodded.

“The black lady’s magic is very good.” Chihen propped up her body and picked up the halberd that had fallen not far away. “Lord Xihe, the situation is not good…We only rely on us. If it’s…”

Chi Hen said only halfway, and showed a distressed expression.

Xihe looked at him puzzledly, but after thinking about it, he understood what he meant. He was letting himself escape first and looking for help.

Who can I call for help?

Sue Kirin or Beiming has fish.

“…You want me to die?” Xihe asked, squinting.

“Master Xihe, the overall situation is the most important thing!” Chi Hen has also become a lot more calm, and he will definitely not say this when he was impulsive in the past.

If possible, Xihe really wants to respond to him once.

If possible──

The enemy did not give her any time to consider.

The huge blazing sun blooming in the sky suddenly revolved, and the violent flames poured down instantly, accurately falling towards the red marks and Xihe.

“Tsk, it’s really difficult!”

The red mark roared furiously, holding the spear and stepping forward, trying to use the weapon in his hand to resist like a dragon.的火流.

The torrent of flames is about to swallow the scars.

At the crucial moment, Xi and swinging his tail, a small drop of water formed between her open lips.

She kissed the drops of water lightly, and then took a breath. The drops shot out like an arrow, moving forward and swirling, pulling out countless currents out of thin air to be involved, and it turned into a huge water dragon in a blink of an eye. .

The water dragon and the flames collided head-on, and the flame debris and water droplets were scattered all around. The impact overturned several surrounding trees, and the sound of swaying branches and leaves was all over the ears.

However, the enemy’s attack did not collapse.

Those flying flares seem to be pulled by countless silk threads, unnaturally condensed into a group again, become a rotating fire group, and raging attack again.


Xihe murmured softly, pushing forward further.

This time, her five brows simultaneously evoked the light representing Five Elements, and a strong blue electric light flashed in her palm. The lightning stretched quickly and shaped into a gun.

The thunder spear was thrown vigorously by Xihe, easily pierced through the flame, and then quickly turned in the air, and fell not far away, hiding in the strong breath of the forest.

In an instant, the light of blue electricity roared and bloomed, and a large number of electric loneliness like a thunderstorm blasted wildly on the other side.

──No effect.

The scorching sun in the sky is still there, and the breath in the distance is still not extinguished.

“Heaven.” Xihe judged the opponent’s strength.

“Lord Xihe, be careful!”

Suddenly, the red mark hit from the side.

Xihe’s body was knocked out, and his vision turned around. Suddenly, he saw a burst of red glow shooting into the sky where she was just now. It was a pillar of fire.

The scars can’t dodge, one arm is being swallowed by flames.

He groaned and kicked the ground and rolled to the side, but in a short time, his hands were charred and charred, which was enough to prove the intensity of the flame.

“Crimson, are you okay—huh?!”

Xihe stepped forward to take care of her, and as a result, there was flames under her eyes, and she grabbed Crimson’s Arm, kicking on the ground took him away from the place.

Sure enough, in the next instant, a pillar of fire rose into the sky.

A large number of branches and leaves were burned, and when they fell on the ground, they ignited the fallen leaves on the ground and the surrounding plants. In a blink of an eye, Xihe found that the place where he was located was surrounded by a fire sea.

It is strange that these flames are limited to a range, not at all spreading out violently.

“…I’m trapped.”

Several pillars of fire rise up into the sky, like iron bars. After reaching a certain height, they bend inwards to butt each other to form a cage like a cage blockade.


Crimson marks gave a violent cry, and swung the euphorbia in the hand and slashed it on one of the pillars of fire, and saw the euphorbia easily pass through The pillar of fire could not cut off this invisible thing.

And just a moment ago, the Euphorbia was already burnt red.

“What a powerful flame!” Chihen exclaimed.


Xihe also feels the same way. She has only seen such a domineering flame in Qi Qiqi, but she doesn’t think it is Qi Qiqi’s work, Qi Qiqi is Martial artist, spell ability is not at all so high.

Moreover, Qi Qiqi’s position is there.

“We will work separately later, you go and gather all your companions, and you can’t be broken by others.”

Xihe whispered.

Since the other party trapped her, there has been no further action. She feels that the other party may not really want to take her own life, more because she doesn’t want them to act and organize without authorization.

Xihe will not let them do as they wish. This is their shelter and homeland. How can they allow these people to trample on them wantonly?

When Beiming’s elder sister is absent, I must protect the Martial Demon Realm! Xihe secretly made up his mind, and the nine tails were immediately covered with a layer of water blue floating light.

A lot of water vapor rises up.

Xihe’s eyes also showed a faint blue light.

She stirred her tail. The nine slender tails were twisted together. Every time they turned, they brought out a lot of water vapor, which quickly stirred up an aqua spiral.

Next, Xi He whirled away the water spiral.

The rapid rotation of the spiral is like a shuriken, directly hitting the pillar of fire in front. At the same time, Xihe took action, grabbing Chihen’s hand and rushing forward.

The spiral cut off the fire pillar, but did not pass through. Instead, it deformed in the middle and stretched vertically to form a water pillar as thick as the fire pillar. It looked like a column of water color embedded in the two ends of the flame color.

“…wondered as a heavenly man.”

Xihe slammed into the water column and walked through it with red scars. When he got rid of the flame cage while wet, he vaguely heard A woman’s exclamation came.

It is Chinese, but the pronunciation has a strong foreign flavor.

Xihe ignored the sound, released the hand holding the red mark, and according to the discussion just now, the two quickly fled in the opposite direction.

Unpretentiously, it suddenly went black before his eyes.

This abnormality didn’t last long, it was almost fleeting, but when her vision was restored, her eyes widened, because the half-man, half-horse scars were rushing toward her. Come.

The distance between the two of them was very close. Xihe reacted quickly and wanted to avoid it. According to expectations, it should be enough to avoid the collision at this time, but the two still collided head-on.

Xihe’s weight was much lower than Chishen and was knocked out.

She was filled with surprise during the inverted flight. She wanted to hide away just now, but after exerting force, she accelerated forward, as if her body was out of control.

Then, it was collision.

Xihe crashed and fell on a certain tree, and the force it carried directly broke the trunk, but she bounced back due to the reaction, and fell to the ground head on.

The mud is poured into the entrance.

Xihe didn’t care about spitting out the muddy mouth, immediately propped up and bounced, and whirled around. Several dark figures dropped from the sky, piercing cold glow and hitting where she was just now.

Celestial Demon stabilized his body and stood up.

At this moment, she has been surrounded by a group of black robed men, all of whom are carrying realm and holding Bharat’s unique machete tightly in their hands.


One of them didn’t know what he called, and a group of people attacked instantly.

“There are too many people to deceive others, which is not desirable.”

Xihe notices that Chihen is also surrounded, but before supporting him, she must first solve the group of people .

She dodges the Number One Blade that came straight from her side. The knife-bearer passed by her, one of her tails chased after her, and the whip hit the man’s waist. He knocked out.

Next, Xihe slapped the second knife with her bare hands, letting it deviate and slash to the ground. She stepped on the a saber and kicked out the other foot. , Hitting the enemy’s chin.

He threw his whole figure high into the sky like wings.

Xihe used her tail to roll up the scimitar that lost her master, waving it like a ribbon, but separated the head of the third enemy, and then her other eight tails also moved and went out. Roll away, like vortex.

All enemies in the range are bounced off by spinning their tails at a high speed.

People who have been hit hard unconsciously relax their weapons. Xi and the eight tails quickly grabbed eight of them and swung their tails in a larger range, suddenly forming a larger range than before. The vortex storm, with a single stroke against the blade, easily chopped off the heads of the enemies who existed in the range.

Suddenly, blood foam, broken knives, heads, and clothes fragments sprinkled in all directions.

More than a dozen enemies died instantly.

Xi He kept moving, rotating together with his body, and then threw away eight scimitars in the same direction in one breath, attacking the surgeon far away.

She didn’t look at the result, so she rushed to the scars of the hard fight.

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