The ears moved slightly and she woke up.

eyes opened Seeing the slightly old ceiling, the girl slowly propped up her body from the mat, and the quilt slipped down along her skin, revealing her naked body underneath.

There is the sound of wind chirping and the sound of Insect Cry.

──The subtle sounds that alarm her are mixed in these sounds.

Subtle, but it does exist.

“…The visitor is not kind.”

She murmured, sliding down the spread quilt, a white flashing shadow suddenly stretched out, swept away the dress hanging next to her. Raised to the hand of Xihe. She took the clothes and put them on her body, and put them on in twos or twos.

Get out of bed.

The bare feet are on the ground, and the wooden floor still reveals the unique coldness of night.

She opened the door and looked out. There were trees in front of her eyes, and there was a rustle after another while the leaves were blowing in the cool breeze. The air has the unique smell of spring soil, and the humidity is slightly high. The girl just stood outside the door and looked around for a while, feeling that her clothes had been wetted by the air.

In this deep and secluded forest called the realm of martial arts, the girls who live here have long been accustomed to it.

So, in the same way, she was able to distinguish a trace of abnormality in this messy voice. The pair of cat ears above her head were still moving.


The cold expression suddenly changed, and the face of the girl with nine tails became cold.

Obviously it is not a martial monster.

Xihe can distinguish the arrival of the human beings. They both carry realm, but their breath is quite weak, which should be the result of suppression.

But, who is it?

The place where Xihe lives is not as deep as the realm of Martial Demon, but there are still many sinister places nearby, which are not easily approached by ordinary persons.

But, there happened to be──

“Who is it?”

In a dim silence, you can vaguely see some unnatural shadows hiding Among the trees in the vicinity, hold your breath and observe here. Xihe thought that if he were an ordinary person or a martial artist, he might be aware of their existence.

Every action of theirs seems to conform to the laws of the forest.

The behavior and actions were like a skilled hunter who had already seen the prey, and did not alert any flying birds, and even the insects did not stop their calls.

After squinting, I finally saw a little silhouette stepping out of the forest.

They have all been disguised, the colors painted on their bodies match the surrounding environment, and there is a trace of leaves hanging on them. If they are lying on the ground like this, they may not be able to see their true bodies without looking carefully.

These people are holding scimitars that are easy to wield in the forest. The cold light of the blades proves the craftsmanship. Xihe looked at it for a few times and found that the skin of these people was relatively dark.

They put on a posture, did not speak, but slowly tightened their encirclement.

Seeing this, Xihe knew that the current situation could not be solved through dialogue, but there is one thing worth pondering. Did they come for themselves or have other purposes? Xi and not at all conceal their aura, they should be no ordinary martial demon.

“Who sent you from?” Xi and tentatively asked.

But, as expected, no one from the group answered.

They shrunk the encirclement silently, and then──

The treacherous changes suddenly struck.

Xihe only paid attention to the knives in their hands, thinking that this group of people would definitely have to move the knives when they approached, but did not expect that they suddenly raised their right hand and quickly hid them in the wooden armour. Under the agency.

In a blink of an eye, countless blacks attacked Xihe.

She thought it was an arrow.

In fact, it is not an arrow, there is no such sharp breaking sound. When Xihe realized this, she finally saw that it was one net after another, but it was too late. She had already instinctively covered her body with her tail.


It was counted! She was netted body.

Between the nets and the nets, she tried to struggle but did not break free for a while. Those nets were too tenacious.

The group of men immediately embarked on the next move. One of them spoke words that Xihe couldn’t understand, and then the others moved instantly, holding various ropes and the like, wanting to strengthen The bondage to Xihe.

They even moved out an iron cage.

The cage is dark black, obviously made of heavy ink.

Are you from Bharata? Suddenly Xihe divine light flashed, remembering where the words they said came from.

There is a part of the Martial Demon Realm bordering Bharata, where occasionally some hunters will get lost and come in. Xi He has met before, and they speak this kind of language.

However, this group of people suddenly surpassed the mountains. What is their intention to go deep into this side?

While thinking about it, a large number of breaths are incorporated into Xihe’s perception range, ten, one hundred, and one thousand, and the number is increasing. The densely packed ones are like ants attacked in the nest. Like pouring out.

This is an army! Xihe finally noticed something wrong.

She didn’t care whether her tail had been strangled in pain, she recovered her real body directly, and turned into a nine-tailed white cat like a liger in a burst of light.

The instant force generated by the change in body shape is enough to break the mountain and the ground.

The iron net covering Xihe was instantly stretched, but at the same time a lot of blood marks were drawn on her body. These injuries were not deep, Xi He waved his tail instantly and knocked out the three enemies behind him.

The enemy probably didn’t expect Xihe to break free. He panicked for a while, and saw three of his companions being hit and flying. There was a moment of stagnation.

At this instant of weak spot, Xi He lowered his figure and rushed out, hitting several enemies in front of him with a low whistling sound, and rushed out.

The group of Bharata soldiers reacted quickly, but as soon as they turned around, they saw Xi He shuttled through the forest suddenly left, suddenly right, with agility and agility disproportionate to that figure. There is no body shape.


“We must catch up.”

Seeing his primary goal disappearing from his vision, he looked ugly at his companion with expression. The companions who were knocked into the air seemed to be seriously injured and needed the support of others to stand up, and the situation in front of them was similar.

Five people were lost at once.

For men, these losses are not unremarkable. Among the Bharatas, the only one who has proficient forest traveling skills, that is only a thousand trifling. Almost all the elites who specialize in forest battles were put into this battle, and they must restrain Xi and the current master of the Martial Demon Realm.

Capture the thieves and the king first.

If they want to cross this martial realm, they must dissolve the battle strength of the martial demons who live here. Even if they are not welcomed by the Chinese people, they have an unimaginable dedication to their homeland, the realm of Martial Demon, and they will certainly not allow Bharat’s army to pass here.

However, if you do not pass through the Martial Demon Realm, the strategy set by Second Prince will be invalidated.

must let Hua Chao a debt of blood must be paid in blood! The man remembers deeply that when the Second Prince became the throne, even more how this time, even the god Sir Wu was dispatched in person.

Success is not allowed to fail, the man thought.

“Smoke of stars!”

Xihe moved quickly and ran so fast that the man consciously couldn’t catch up. But they were only a test. This area was already surrounded by Bharat’s army, and there were also “big witches” to help.

He doesn’t think Xihe can escape.

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