“Crimson, lend me the weapon!”

Xi and lightly shouted, their body lightly fell on Crimson’s shoulders, and his tail was wrapped around Crimson’s wielding halberd. Take it away, and then wave the euphorbia like a circle.

Her tail is longer than Chishen’s arms, because Euphorbia also has a larger cutting range under the tail swing.

This is an offensive that has almost suddenly enlarged its scope, making those who besieged the scars completely unprepared, and they will be broken by the power of the Euphorbia.

“Master Xihe, you are still as violent as ever…”

Chihen couldn’t help but say aloud, Xihe just glanced at him coldly, then Kick on his flattery strands. Chihen was in pain, and instinctively ran out in the opposite direction of being kicked. Xi He just stood on his shoulders and escaped from the enemy’s encirclement.

Then they went back outside the encirclement.

“This is…”

Seeing the corpses in that place again, as well as those enemies who appeared from the forest, Xihe called impossible in his heart, and they obviously ran out Why did you go back to the original point?

Xihe thought that there must be some kind of spell at work.

“Hide your head and show your tail!”

Anxiety and depression are intertwined into anger, Xi and anger move their hands, the tail flashes, and hundreds of icicles take shape out of thin air and shoot around. Away.

In response, a ring of flames erupted on the ground where Xihe was.

The flame circled into a wall, blocking the icicles she shot. The violent flame temperature melted the icicle tip into water vapor, and a large amount of water vapor immediately filled the wall of fire and burned. With Xihe and Chihen.

The skin was hot, but Xihe kept moving, and a strong white light group formed in front of the mouth between the open mouth.

The light cluster turns into aurora and shoots out, penetrating everything on the path, directly penetrating the wall of flame, continuously, like a gun of light.

“Master Xihe, be careful!” Chi Hen exclaimed.

Xi He was stunned, feeling a strong breath behind him, but when he turned around, he saw that there was also a hole in the Wall of Red Flames behind him, and the aurora he had just shot came from behind him.

Xihe wailed.

She was hit by the aurora, and she didn’t even have time to raise her tail to resist, and her figure was instantly swallowed by the burst of white light.

The white ball of light filled the wall of flames, implicating the scars.

The light did not last long.

When the white light dissipated in the dimness, Xihe’s black robe was already in tatters, with multiple burns and injuries, and the red scars were also full of smoke and could only barely stop.

What is going on here? Xihe didn’t understand, Ash-gray’s hair was messy, and a few strands of hair fell in front of her face.

“Please stop struggling.”

A woman emerged from the shadow of the forest, her golden eyes gleaming in the darkness.

She is dressed like a dancer. Most of her body is exposed, and her skin has white lines. Although it is bronze in color, she does not lose her luster, and she is also very exotic. The face is just right.

Is an intellectual beauty.

Due to the dim environment, her slightly purple hair looks more like ink black.

“…you want me to be obediently surrender?”

Xihe asked calmly, but the slight stubbornness in her tone made her will come out. It was indeed the person just now, she thought to herself, the words spoken by the woman in front of her were exactly the Chinese dialect that was pronounced incorrectly.

“It’s not like that…I’m just──”

“Nandena, don’t be hypocritical, you obviously want this lovely woman obediently surrender.”


The female name seems to be Nandana.

In the middle of Nandana’s words, another slightly light voice suddenly joined, and a black robe man with a messy chin appeared.

The body is thin, with a frivolous smile on his mouth, and the dress is a little rough.

Men and women seem to be quite familiar, even if they are ridiculed, women just frown in dissatisfaction. Next, Nandana sighed:

“Celestial Demon in the realm of martial demon, I don’t at all hurt your heart.” She took a look at Xi and the side scars, “I have tried my best to avoid It’s a key issue, but this force is as powerful as you can see, and it’s equally difficult to control. If we continue to entangle ourselves, I’m not sure…”

It is clear.

“Black witch, don’t be hypocritical here anymore!”

Crimson marks can’t swallow the sigh of contempt, hold on to the halberd to support the weak body, and shout loudly Scolded. The man next to Nandana laughed loudly after a long silence, which seemed quite outdated in this serious and confrontational atmosphere.

“Nandana, he called you the black witch! ha ha ha, you have today! No one in Bharat dared to call you like this, this guy is not afraid—Aiya, I will give it all Forget, they are not Bharatas.”

“Kapil, don’t you know what to do on occasion?”

Nandana couldn’t help but lower He protested, his eyes pulled away from Xihe.

It’s now──!

Xihe rushed out of the ground, his tail curled up from the ground with a fallen scimitar and delivered it to her hand. She took the scimitar and quickly pressed down to avoid the torrent of flames shot out of thin air in front of Nandna.

The scimitar was grazing the ground diagonally and sparks burst out, Xihe kicked the ground and turned around, picking up the scimitar in his hand and slashing towards Nandna’s neck.

Even if the scimitar blade has broken marks, it should be easy to cut off the delicate neck-as expected, her knife cut into Nandna’s neck , Cut it off like tofu.

──There is no hit feel.

Xi He was stunned. He raised his head when his feet touched the ground again, but saw that Nandena’s head was not at all thrown high, but the section was distorted like an illusory shadow.

“Celestial Demon girl, why is this?”

Nandana’s sigh came from different directions, that silhouette dissipated in the wind like a weathered stone sculpture In, as if never appeared.

Then everything in front of me changed completely as if it were a cut.

Nandana and Kapil are indeed in front, but the distance has become a bit longer, so Xihe just cut the air. Not only that, I don’t know when there were nearly a hundred more people who surrounded Xihe and Chihen.

They are not in the jungle, but in a clearing and plain with sparse trees.

Only tall and calf weeds swayed.

Looking at the densely packed silhouette, looking at the crossbows raised in their hands and the scimitars pinned to their waists, Xihe knew that he was in an irretrievable danger.

But when is it?

She really doesn’t understand, when did she begin to fall into this trap…Is it the Illusion Technique? But Illusion Technique put it plainly is the blinding method of controlling Five Elements, and being able to freely control Five Elements’ Xi and not at all feel the corresponding changes and movements.

So, is it Formation?

Xihe couldn’t tell the difference, but he intuitively thought it was the ghost of that man, because when she looked towards Kapil, Kapil saluted her and said softly:

“Small bugs, let the girl laugh.”

“Sir Xihe.” The red mark on the side put on an expression of sacrificing one’s life, as if to give up his life. I hold them back, and you leave quickly.”


Xihe silently looked towards him, and indeed saw his determination in the other’s firm eyes.

However, with the will to persist, it may not be possible to break the predicament.

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