“General Ling, you have forgotten one thing.”

Qin Shiyu was not surprised, bypassing the silver screen and pushing forward, still using the fan to half cover his face, but his eyes narrowed slightly. It looks sharper.

A pair of white jade earrings flickered, Qin Shiyu’s eyes looked directly at the bruise.

“I, Qin Shiyu, am Dingguo Ji, not a bird living in a cage!”

Awesome like the sound of a bell.

Qin Shiyu’s voice spread far away, wandering in the barracks, with a sense of awe. The soldiers held their breath, and the wounds were shocked in place.

He even forgot that the seemingly weak and slender girl in front of him had killed 20,000 enemy troops next time.

Twenty thousand.

At that time, she was even more than a dozen years old, but once severely defeated Cang Rin’s invasion, she became famous in the first battle, name shakes the whole world.


Although Lingshang respects Qin Shiyu, he is not blindly worshipped like some people. He couldn’t be clearer that the girl in front of him is just a person. After all, there is a limit, he just saw it, and the girl showed a tired expression.

“His Royal Highness, I still want to think twice.”

Lingshang was not convinced, instead, one-knee kneels bowed his hands and asked Qin Shiyu not to act rashly.

Qin Shiyu was silent.

Lingshang is a prudent person.

The celebrity is a little terrifying cautious, and based on this character, his ability to stick to the city is a top-notch player, but sometimes he is too cautious and dare not boldly innovate when he does things. Some flexibility.

That’s why Qin Yu arranged for him to guard the final line of defense. Naturally, he wanted stability.

──It’s really ironic, Qin Shiyu thought.

Lingshang still recommended her to Qin Yu, but didn’t expect to be stopped by Lingshang. A bite back is not counted, she also clearly understands that Lingshang is just thinking about that’s all for her own safety.

“General Ling has his own ideas, but this palace cannot be prevented by General Ling.”

Qin Shiyu cannot accept his kindness, because at this stage the most terrifying It is to strive for stability. If we do not act as soon as possible, the situation ahead will only deteriorate, and perhaps hundreds of thousands of troops will be destroyed.

For help?

Naturally, we have to ask for help, but it takes time for the reinforcements to come. Qin Shiyu’s only idea is to exert as much influence as possible on the northern army and reduce the pressure on the front before the reinforcements arrive. She did not believe that Zhenbei Mansion would be wiped out.

In this regard, Ling Shang did not comment.

“Yinping, are you sure to take me away?”

Qin Shiyu no longer asks for concessions, and does not want to waste time convincing him. If you set off now and travel day and night, you must be able to reach Bei’an City within one to two days.

“His Royal Highness…” Yinping also didn’t seem to agree with Qin Shiyu’s ideas.

“What?” Qin Shiyu raised his eyebrows, “Even you are going to stop me? Let me watch the suffering ahead?”


Yinping does not answer, default.

“Yinping, I am the Imperial Family.” Qin Shiyu sighed and asked, “Do you remember the promise I made to you?”

“His Royal Highness said, my own I live my life only for the people.”

Yinping will not forget the scene when the little girl said this to herself firmly in her eyes. After answering, Yin Ping laughed self-deprecatingly.

Obviously because of the other party’s beliefs, I will take refuge in the other party wholeheartedly, but at this time, it is only for her safety and ask her to violate the belief… Yinping knows that he has treated the other party like a sister and is committed Very deep feelings.

“I understand, I won’t let His Highness carry the desperate and tragic death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Northern Domain.”

Yinping once again protected Qin Shiyu and raised his sword. Guard the soldiers who besieged oneself.

“Your Highness, why are you…”

Ling Shang raised his right hand with regret.

The soldiers understood what he meant, but facing Qin Shiyu and her sword guards, they hesitated more or less for a few seconds before actually raising the weapon.

No one backs down means that a conflict occurs, and the situation is about to happen immediately.

──Suddenly, the whistle sounded.

The attention of everyone present was sucked away, and the complexion was greatly changed, and Qin Shiyu frowned.

“It’s a police whistle!” a soldier shouted in surprise.

On the fence of the barracks, Zhou Zhou stuck his head out and shouted anxiously: “General Ling, there is an enemy attack in front of you! A lot of smoke and dust, it seems to be A large number of people.”

at this time? Qin Shiyu was dumbfounded, this would have come too soon. While thinking, she looked towards Zhou Zhou, but she unexpectedly saw the other winked at herself.

Hurry up!

Is he helping himself to draw attention? Qin Shiyu was secretly frightened, but she didn’t react slowly, so she immediately whispered to Yinping:

“Vice-General Zhou is helping us, and I will take this palace when we find the right time.”

The silver screen showed surprise, but nodded in the next second to signal to understand.

Ling Shang was really distracted by Zhou Zhou’s call. After several orders were continuously issued, his eyes naturally left Qin Shiyu.

The soldiers also showed panic when they were suddenly attacked.

But after all, they are well-trained. They rushed back to their posts in a panic and almost instinctively. Thanks to this, the circle surrounding Qin Shiyu collapsed instantly.


Yinping wrapped Qin Shiyu’s shoulder with one hand, crouched down and flew into the sky with the strength of his legs jumping straight, and walked towards the city at a turn in the air.

The Zhenbei guards should be ready, and Qin Shiyu ordered Yinping to rush to the agreed meeting place.

The action was so fast that I couldn’t even react to the injury. I just watched Yinping and Qin Shiyu disappear to the other side of the sky.

What is even more annoying is──

“General Ling, his subordinates are convicted.”

Zhou Zhou suddenly ran to Lingshang and knelt down.

Lingshang’s head couldn’t keep up with the situation, and it took some time to understand. Zhou Zhou probably lied about the military situation in order to draw attention to Qin Shiyu.


Ling Shang was trembling with anger.

Just in time, a soldier came over and reported that he was not at all enemies.

“You little bastard, are you going to watch the palace go to death?”

“General Ling, why do you decide that your highness is going to die? If your highness does not Go, the forces ahead are completely destroyed, so it is us and even the entire Hua Dynasty who are waiting to die!”

Zhou Zhou admires Qin Shiyu quite a bit, and Lingshang has forgotten this point carelessly before giving it to him. He deceived.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no good way to get hurt.

He is not a person of high spirits. He knelt in front of Zhou Zhou, depressed for about a quarter of an hour before sighing heavily to break the silence.

“hmph, you violated the military order, can you be convicted?”

“The final conviction.” Zhou Zhou bowed his head, as if letting him be killed.

Seeing this look makes me angry! Ling Shang couldn’t help giving the opponent a kick, and Zhou Zhou was kicked to the ground.

“If you know the crime, you will make up for it!”

I’m going to the main camp while speaking.

“Go, bring a hundred elite soldiers to chase your Highness back!”

“General Ling!”


Zhou Zhou yelled dissatisfiedly, Ling Shang turned his head and glared at him.

“Is the meaning of this General not obvious enough? Hurry up and let you take care of it.”

Zhou Zhou originally wanted to say something, but was suddenly stunned.

“…at full discretion?” he repeated blankly.

After he wanted to understand what this meant, Zhou Zhou showed joy. General Ling is going to lead his troops to protect His Highness! He was pleasantly surprised, but when lifts the head came, there was no sign of the injury.

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