“What’s going on?”

Zhou Zhou was distraught, but he also knew that his subordinates had been killed soon. He couldn’t let his subordinates sacrifice in vain, so he didn’t pay more attention to it, but asked.

“He…they…the hateful… gangsters were lying in ambush on the official road…we were attacked without realizing it…if it wasn’t for the brothers to buy time for me… I’m afraid I won’t be able to come back…”

The tears have blurred his eyes, and the rider is panting.

The eagle guard appeared on the main road between Yancheng and You Prefecture. What good news is this? Qin Shiyu and Lingshang’s complexion became quite ugly, and the mood seemed to follow the rider’s life. Little by little ground passed away, and gradually sinked.

“How is the situation in Yancheng?” Ling Shang asked the key point.


The rider murmured and repeated, this is because the consciousness is not clear.

“There are all…the army from the North. I fled for a long time…only in a village, following the path pointed by the local villagers…come back…many people were arrested I’m getting up… a lot of people…” Qin Shiyu took a sigh of relief instantly, his head smashed by the information revealed by the rider.

Yancheng has been destroyed? What about Ninglan City? Qin Shiyu was a little dizzy, and almost fell to the ground with a sway. It was the Yinping that helped her in time to avoid this time disaster.

“Quickly, General Ling…”

Qin Shiyu started to breathe shortly, “Strengthen the defense and push out all your precious organ weapons. You have to do two things before. The consciousness that all the defense lines fell, gave this palace a good guard of You Prefecture.”

“The last general takes the order.”

Ling Shangshen knew that the situation was serious, and immediately knelt down to take the order.

“His Royal Highness, what’s in front…?”

Zhou Zhou asked aloud, he asked whether he should send troops to support the front. Ling Shang also looked towards Qin Shiyu with soliciting eyes, and naturally had the same question.

“Shut up to my palace!”

Qin Shiyu didn’t control the irritability of rampaging within the body for a while, and roared out loudly. Lingshang, Yinping and even Zhou Zhou were stared wide-eyed. They had never seen Qin Shiyu so upset and angry.

“General Ling, you have to guard the third line of defense. Don’t lose this line of defense. In addition, give the palace two thousand troops for the transfer of the palace.”

After Lingshang took the order, he nodded to Zhou Zhou and instructed him to bring two thousand troops for Qin Shiyu to call. Zhou Zhou said that he would die without hesitation, and ordered the soldiers to retreat with the breathless riders, and went to gather the soldiers.

“Lingshang, notify the town’s national guard and let them all be dispatched to the palace. The palace needs to know all the movements of the army in the northern country, and the palace needs to know all the moving things in the Northern Domain. Trends, this palace needs to know all the previous situation–immediately!”

So Lingshang sent a quick horse into the city to inform Zhen Guowei.

“Send a dark crow to all major cities in front of you, and whoever responds will notify the palace as soon as possible.” The 3rd order was issued.

The injury still followed suit. Several soldiers took the information and ran to the barracks where the dark crows were kept.

“Yinping, is there a way to contact Lingyue Valley? There is such a major event ahead, and Lingyue Valley is impossible without any response.”

Qin Shiyu turned to ask Yinping , Pushed her away by the way, without her continuing to support herself.

“…There is a dark crow in Ninglan City that can communicate directly with Lingyue Valley.”

Yinping hesitated to answer, Qin Shiyu hearing this suddenly rubbed his own Come to the temple. The meaning of the former is clear, that is, if there is a method in Ninglan City, there is nothing to do in You Prefecture.


Qin Shiyu laughed self-deprecatingly, “This is the famous Dingguo Ji in your mouth!”

She clenched tightly The flesh of her fist, gnashing teeth, and palm has long been punctured by her nails. If both Ninglan City and Yancheng have fallen, then the Six Imperial Uncle…Qin Shiyu feels very weak, and she is seriously lacking information now.

For such a big thing, Cang Rin has a way to control the transmission of the news, and there must be a lot of articles in it. Shan Yi Bei Guo’s power should not be able to do such a thing.

There must be other powers working on it, and the one that can do this…will it be spell? No, it’s Bharata? Qin Shiyu’s mood became more solemn.

“General Ling, Babaili rushed back to Imperial Capital and told him that there is a war ahead! This is a tough battle, you must tell Imperial Capital!”

Qin Shiyu Seriously instructed Ling Shang, the latter complied with all the reasons, and then Qin Shiyu was silent for a while, and said: “General Ling, this palace will write a handwritten letter later, this palace wants you to send People rushed to the Heavenly Jade Palace, let him hand it to Sue Kirin’s hands.”

“‘Yin Yang carp’ seat?” Ling Shang was surprised.

“Well, we need her.” Qin Shiyu whispered, “If she doesn’t come, we will be killed and injured.”

“His Royal Highness, why is the little Ancestor Master her? “

Yinping doesn’t quite understand.

“Do you hear a little wind now? The intelligence has been blocked so thoroughly…The palace has to use Sue Kirin’s power to respond to all kinds of accidents.”

Qin Shiyu taboo Yu Bharata also participated in a foot.

In the face of the incredible powers of the gods and witches of the Bharata, the entire Hua Dynasty can only be contended with spell.

“Where is the Taoist School?” Yinping refers to Zi Xuanzi.

“Also notified, but let him not move.”

Yinping thought quickly and gave an answer immediately.

Suddenly, someone came to report:

“Report, a beacon is burning!”

The soldier kneeled to report.

Listen, people raised their eyes and looked for the fire beacon they said in the sky. The nearby beacon towers should all be occupied, otherwise the situation of Yancheng would not be communicated to Qin Shiyu at this time.


Ling Shang saw nothing, and immediately asked the soldier in a deep voice.

“In the northeast.”

As a result, Yinping answered first, raising his hand to point out the direction. People followed, but at first they didn’t see anything. They squinted their eyes and observed carefully, and finally saw a handful of very small fire beacons.

“…It is six Imperial Uncle.”

Qin Shiyu didn’t spend much time before he judged that the fire beacon came from the city guarded by King Ning.

Six Imperial Uncle, a beacon was lit up there, what information is this giving? Is it already receiving the enemy, or is it telling me that he is still there and that the town has not fallen yet?

There is still too little information, and Qin Shiyu still has no final conclusion.

However, if King Ning is really alive, he must also be in some sort of predicament. Yancheng is already full of enemy troops, and King Ning, who guards the second line of defense, will definitely be targeted by the North.

“…I just don’t know what’s going on with General Dao Palace.”

Qin Shiyu gritted his teeth, Cang Lin came too quickly and suddenly, and there was no sound.

This must be an offensive that has been planned for a long time. In recent years, the North Kingdom has frequently transferred troops, but there has not been a real operation, which was a waste of resources. Qin Shiyu felt that it was fraudulent at that time, but over time. He became slack and even began to suspect that Cang Rin was just a training exercise.

“His Royal Highness…” Lingshang asked, “His Royal Highness Ning is asking for help!”

Qin Shiyu naturally knew this.

“General Ling, how many troops can be deployed? Here is the third line of defense?”

“If you want to guard against death, you need at least one hundred thousand troops, but now you will be able to mobilize only There are three nearby cities plus You Prefecture’s 30,000 troops, but 80,000…”

“Is there no soldiers can be adjusted?”

“You have to wait for Imperial Capital to help, otherwise the first The three lines of defense may be insufficient…”

Northern Domain has ample supply of troops, but no one has thought that the first two lines of defense will fall into such a situation, plus the exchange of troops with Zhenxi Mansion, now the third There are only 80,000 usable troops left on the line of defense.

“Call in soldiers.” Qin Shiyu said not even think, “Make up enough for this palace, and then prepare a team of 20,000 elites for this palace.”

“Do you want to call the veterans back?”

I don’t know how long it has been since I have received this order. Northern Domain must be as solid as it is in Gong Jing, King Ning and Qin Shiyu. Under the management, it has been a long, long time since I fell into such a difficult situation.

“The North Kingdom is coming so fiercely. If you don’t call in troops, just wait for it to be breached.”

Qin Shiyu has this premonition.

Ling Shang became silent, and the silver screen guarding Qin Shiyu’s side was also solemn. Their three people all appear to be restrained and trying their best to resist.

“…too slow.”

Qin Shiyu suddenly whispered softly.

“What?” Lingshang didn’t quite understand.

“The soldiers are very fast, the North Kingdom can be said to behave vividly and thoroughly.”

Qin Shiyu had to take Canglin to attack this time, and did not know how the opponent took the first place. The first line of defense and the second line of defense were quickly breached – no, it may just be that the second line of defense was invaded, and it is not certain that the first line of defense was devastated.

At this stage, the only certainty is that Yancheng must be bode ill rather than well.

She suddenly had a thought, could something be wrong with Lingyue Valley, which is relying on natural danger? Lingyue Valley is guarded in a narrow path, which connects the second line of defense and the border of Northland. If the Northland really has a way to destroy Lingyue Valley, bring the elite soldiers from the narrow path, and hit Yancheng completely unprepared, then everything will be fine. It makes sense.

Not optimistic.

Qin Shiyu instinctively can’t just sit and wait for death, waiting here for the time when the intelligence is collected, enough Cang Rin to move further, she can’t fall into such a passive state.

Behind the Northland’s offensive this time, it may mean that Bharata and the Western Regions are also taking action.

So, at this time, we must seek stability, which is very likely to worsen the situation. Qin Shiyu feels that he must control the situation as soon as possible and get started.

In order to achieve this goal──

“General Ling, the Zhenbeiwei who came with this palace stayed in You Prefecture, and you sent someone to pass them on immediately Make preparations.”


I just answered not even think, but after I finished answering, I felt that there was something wrong, so I hesitated to ask:

“His Royal Highness, are you…?”

Yinping also cast a puzzled look.

Qin Shiyu did not answer their doubts, but said:

“General Ling, do you send a hundred elite cavalry to this palace?”

Then , Paused for a while, Qin Shiyu held up a fan to cover most of his face, and gently threw a sentence: “My palace is going to the front.”

The tone was light. Surprising.

In the beginning, Lingshang and Yinping didn’t react at all, frowning lightly, as if thinking about what she said. But as time passed, their eyes gradually widened, finally reaching the point of opening them as hard as they could.

“His Royal Highness, you are crazy!”

The only person who can shout out so directly is the silver screen.

However, Lingshang obviously had the same idea, because his expression was as surprised as Yinping. This is also as it should be by rights, how can we not be surprised? Without knowing the situation ahead, Qin Shiyu said that he was going to the front when there might be hundreds of thousands of troops from the North.

Isn’t that equal to courting death? This thought was clearly written on their faces.

“It’s not unreasonable if you don’t have a tiger’s lair.”

Qin Shiyu stepped into the barracks, and they had been standing in front of the camp and discussing things for a while. Time, she was also a little tired.

Ling Shang hurried to catch up.

“His Royal Highness, absolutely no!”

In his eyes, Qin Shiyu’s decision is tantamount to moth flies into the flame. If you lose Qin Shiyu at this moment, Northern Domain’s military spirit must be shaken, and the brutal injury can’t afford the accidental result, and doesn’t want to regret it later.

The sleeves kept flying, Qin Shiyu kept walking, and Ling Shang continued:

“Your Highness, the situation ahead is unknown. I don’t know how many places are occupied, maybe Less than ten miles out, the North Army is patrolling. Your Highness must not take risks!”

“Then do you think this palace should stay here?”

“This ……” Lingshang hesitated for a moment, “His Royal Highness might as well sit in You Prefecture, so as to guard against it.”

“oh?” Qin Shiyu laughed, “You can see this palace, you think Can this palace hide here planning strategies? When this kind of information transmission channel is obviously controlled by others and the intelligence is severely insufficient, this palace can still fight beyond a thousand li, and it is called the North Kingdom’s army all scattered ashes and Dispersed smoke, do you mean this?”

“The last general…”

Ling wound was speechless.

He naturally knew that Qin Shiyu was not a Divine Immortal, and she had no way to fight beyond a thousand li in this situation. But he can’t just watch Qin Shiyu send a lamb in a tiger’s den. In his thoughts, it would be better to reduce any losses. As long as he sticks to the third line of defense, relying on the natural dangers behind, the North wants to attack the Chinese dynasty. The core part is not easy.

As for the companion in front?

For the sake of stability, bullying does not advocate sending troops to support, so as not to lose more and even make the third line of defense unstable. Well, his idea is not unreasonable.

If Qin Shiyu insists on going it alone, Lingshang has to consider restraining her and even put her under house arrest.

“Oh──General Ling, you have some dangerous thoughts!”

Didn’t expect, Qin Shiyu saw through his thoughts, and said in a striking voice. Lingshang Yingsheng’s heart tightened, his eyes widened for a short time, but he was not afraid to admit:

“If your Highness insists on going his own way, then the general will have to do this.”

Speaking, he raised his hand.

Those soldiers knew that this meant to be called, and quickly gathered around. They didn’t understand the situation, but the military order was like a mountain, so they had to do it and surrounded Qin Shiyu.

“Lingshang, you are committing the following crime!”

When Yinping was about to protect Qin Shiyu, the sword in his hand was already unsheathed in a clear sound. Ling Shang couldn’t help showing a solemn expression, knowing that the silver screen in front of him could be worth hundreds of soldiers alone.

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