“Yuyao Senior has taken the initiative. Our Heavenly Jade Gongtie can’t move, but since she showed up first and also met with the little Master, I think she should not be hostile.”

“But it cannot be ruled out that it is a strategy to let us relax our guard…”

Qi Qiqi thinks Shui Yun’er is reasonable, but this does not completely rule out hidden worries.

“Qi elder sister thinks at least Yuyao Senior should be expelled?” Shui Yuner asked after thinking for a moment.

Qiqiqi shook her head, her face was full of worries, and she said softly:

“This is not enough, but we also need some measures. We are too passive now .”

“Even so, it’s not now.” Shui Yuner asserted, “We are indeed passive, but if we want to force Yuyao Senior to be expelled, we can’t do it hastily now. There is no chance of winning. . In any case, you have to discuss it first, and…”

Shui Yun’er looked at the alley, Yuyao inside must have felt the arrival of the people in Heavenly Jade Palace, but still There is no movement.

“I think I might as well invite Yuyao Senior over to discuss it.”

“Xiaoyun, I don’t think she would want to see you. If she has that interest, just now We won’t set up a Formation to separate us.”

Sue Kirin reminded that Shui Yuner was in deep thought, but the former immediately echoed the statement she just made, adding:

“However, if she is really hostile, she could have shot at me the moment I fell into Formation. In her knot within the realm, I will not become a caged bird, but she still hasn’t done anything, I I think that maybe she is showing kindness in her own way.”

Even at this point, Qi Qiqi still hesitates.

Her eyes flickered, and she looked towards Xia Xue and Ye Zhen from the corner of her eyes several times. Their opinions should be contrary to Sue Kirin master and disciple.

In this way, Qi Qiqi becomes a sandwich, which also requires her to make the final decision, because she is the lord of the palace.

“How often do things like this, the decision right is in my hands…”

Qi Qiqi complained a bit, but she did not escape and fell into long-term contemplation. .


The flowers bloomed.

First, Li Wanting exclaimed: “Flowers are growing in that alley!” Attracting everyone’s attention, everyone turned their eyes to the alley, and they really saw that it was full of flowers.

The sea of ​​flowers spreads here like a carpet.

People at Heavenly Jade Palace saw it as if they saw the flood, and they receded, but this could not prevent the flowers from blooming. Large tracts of flowers grew from the ground without destroying the slabs laid on the ground, they spread all the way, and soon the entire black market was covered.

People in the black market are also frightened.

They unanimously screamed what it was, yelling and trying to avoid it, some people even jumped up and down comically, as if the ground was burning hot, and they wanted to reduce their time in contact with the ground. of.

They soon realized that it was just a useless act, and they scattered and fled.

Heavenly Jade Palace’s entire group will naturally not be aware of the abnormality. They have already pulled out their weapons to alert the movement of the alley.

Compared with their big battle, the alley is much calmer.

Sue Kirin, who has already seen the gleam of light penetrating through the clothes, expresses the grave, but also has some doubts. Is this the real purpose of Yuyao? Want to kill the backbone of Heavenly Jade Palace? Sue Kirin suddenly thought of that. She didn’t mind using the most malicious way to guess any movement of Yu Yao, even though she just helped Yu Yao to speak.

However, what they finally ushered in—

The petals fluttered like snow.

Two boys appeared in front of the house deep in the alley.

Every time they took a step, two bells rang at the same time, which originated from the bells tied to their feet.

It is Qian and Kun.

Sue Kirin’s squinted eyes widened in an instant, and she just got acquainted with the two of them is impossible to recognize the wrong person.

However, the dress is different.

Qian Hekun put on a set of Taoist clothes. The style is similar to that of Taoist One Church, but it is still male black and female white. It looks like a separated Yin-Yang Diagram. It looks like a separate Yin-Yang Diagram. Taoist legendary boy.

“Is it a child?”

Seeing that the visitors turned out to be two children who seemed to be powerless, Ye Zhen’s sturdy cheeks were slightly shaken by surprise. He must be able to feel that the two children and will recover one’s youthful vigor generation, the breath is pitiful.

But these two children exude a mysterious and sacred atmosphere.

They seem to be holding some kind of ceremony, they are ceremoniously dressed, their attitudes and expressions are quite solemn. Then, Sue Kirin saw Qian and Kun’s two opponents, holding a box in time.

It’s a wooden box.

For some years, the protective paint on it has fallen off a lot. The box is quite suspicious, even a bit more suspicious than the jewellery box that Sue Kirin picks at hand, but it also has some mysterious and long-term solidity accumulated over the years.

“Don’t act rashly.” Qi Qiqi furrowed her brows and gave such instructions.

Even if she does not need to say, no one will easily kill a child, Heavenly Jade Palace is never a cruel Sect.

“Kirin…” Qi Qiqi asked for Sue Kirin’s opinion.

She also doesn’t know how to deal with these two children. They say they want to lower their vigilance, they are related to Yuyao, and they say to be serious, but they are just children.

“It’s okay.”

Sue Kirin patted Qi Qiqi’s palm to signal her not to be nervous.

Girls can see the anxiety and fear in Qian Hekun’s eyes. In this situation, they must be the one who is more afraid.

“Let me come, I know them.”

Sue Kirin confessed to Ye Zhen and the others, and then walked forward under their gaze to the entrance and exit of the alley Greet Qian He Kun.

They are very slow, but this section of the road is very short.

It didn’t take long before they walked over to Sue Kirin. When she was close at hand, she realized that the two of them were trembling slightly, and they looked very scared.

This is no wonder.

The two are still young, facing a group of people holding deadly weapons and focusing their eyes sharply on them, it is difficult for them not to be afraid.

“Fuck, Kun, it’s okay.”

Sue Kirin showed a soft and bright smile, comforting the two young children.

Qian He Kun seemed to relax a little, their body shaking weakened, they raised their innocent eyes and stared at Sue Kirin’s cheeks.

Sue Kirin bends down slightly, supporting his knees with his hands.

She stayed on the same line of sight with them as much as possible, so that they didn’t have to look up, but also could effectively shield the group of “savage and evil” people.

“Are you looking for me for something?” Sue Kirin thought so.

Qian and Kun were nodded at the same time, their movements were surprisingly synchronized, Sue Kirin couldn’t help but laughed and stroked their hair casually.

“Ah, Master Xue, you messed up my hairstyle…” Kun complained.

I have the same opinion, panting with rage, staring.

“It’s too bad to be serious, you are still young, don’t put on that kind of expression.”

Sue Kirin didn’t have any apologies, and smiled carefree. I don’t know if it was affected by her casual attitude, Qian Hekun relaxed a little further, and his attention shifted from the people in Heavenly Jade Palace to her.

“It’s Yuyao’s elder sister.” Gan said suddenly.

Sue Kirin was stunned, and it took a few seconds to react. This is just answering her question.

“Well, Yuyao has something for you to convey?”

“Yes, elder sister said, she once held it firmly in her hand, grabbing your handle, But nowadays she needs your help, just a few words is too trivial, so…”

When I said this, and Kun looked at each other, and each other’s eyes were full of sadness.

They talked but stopped.

Sue Kirin suddenly instinctively moved his gaze down, and the moment his gaze fell on the box, it immediately brightened up, as if ignited.

There is something in the box.

It is true that boxes are generally used to put things, but the things in this box are unusual and have a strong atmosphere.

Very restrained but huge aura.

There may be contradictions in this statement, but the aura in the box is very strong, but it does not diverge, and it is all condensed together. If it is not close, the intensity of the aura is almost the same as the two. The name child is almost the same.

There should be some kind of restriction in the box.

If there is no restriction, the breath of the thing inside will not be shielded here, even if Sue Kirin doesn’t have to think about it, he knows that there must be very important things inside.

“What’s this…?”

Inadvertently he stretched out his hand, Sue Kirin hovered his palm on top of the box, and the closest fingertip was only a few minutes away from the box. Distance is within reach, but she can’t step into this short distance.

──As long as you touch that box, something will become completely different.

Sue Kirin is influenced by this strong hunch, she feels that the box is heavy and terrifying.

“And then?” She still had to face, “What else did Yuyao say.”

“Yuyao elder sister…”

Gan is still hesitant, don’t know whether to speak out the words that Yuyao entrusted. While Sue Kirin’s thoughts were flying just now, he failed to dispel the hesitation and made up his mind.

“Fuck, you are a male child, not a mother-in-law.” Kun said.

She pressed one hand tightly on her dry hand to give him courage. Looking at Kun blankly, the confusion in his eyes gradually became firm.

“Yuyao elder sister said, I want to give her to you.”

“Leave it to me…?”

Sue Kirin doesn’t understand why Said something.

She heard every word clearly, but she must be too unbelievable. She thought she had heard it wrong. But in the next moment, two sharp eyes pierced her like swords and guns. Sue Kirin suddenly felt cold, and he was shivered all over.

She turned her head and saw that Qi Qiqi and Shui Yuner had different expressions.

Qi Qiqi squinted her eyes, biting her fiercely, looking quite angry; Shui Yun’er smiled, grinning coldly, half of her face sank in the dark shadow that came from nowhere. There is no smile on his face.

They must have misunderstood what they said just now.

Sue Kirin really wants to shout wronged, but now is not the time to explain, I can only brace oneself to ask:

“Xiaogan, please tell me what is this? What’s the matter?”

Qian Hekun noticed the difference between Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er, and looked at them with her chin down, and then Kun Naily said:

“Just now Yuyao’s elder sister heard what you said. She said that she had lived for a long time, and she had forgotten some things after a long time. She said that transactions need to be equal and understand your difficulties, so…”

When Kun said that, his eyes fell on the box he was holding together with Gan.

“Yuyao elder sister said, I want to give myself to you.” Kun also made the same argument as Qian.

Sue Kirin is a little dizzy, what do you mean by giving yourself to me? Isn’t Yuyao intentional? She did not dare to look back at all, for fear of seeing two evil spirits rubbing their feet behind her.

“Xiaogan, Xiaokun, you guys say it well…say it…what does it mean to give yourself to me? Your Yuyao elder sister and I are both female…”

“What are you talking about?”

Jian’s face suddenly became weird, but Kun’s face turned red all at once, presumably he knew where the misunderstanding was.

“No, it’s not like this!”

Kun let go of his hand holding the box and waved his hand quickly.

“Uh…” Sue Kirin naturally knew that it was not, “What does that mean–“

The light flashed suddenly.

Sue Kirin condensed the helpless expression on his face.

The expression on her face faded as quickly as naked eye was visible, and soon became expressionless. Sue Kirin looked towards Xiazi in silence, with an incredible guess.

“…what’s in it, shouldn’t it be Yuyao’s’nuclear’?”

It was calm and even a little indifferent.

When I asked in this tone, Sue Kirin’s gaze was pinned to the box, and he did not look towards anyone.

“Hey, you are so smart, Xue Zunzuo…”

Kun blinked, stupefied with the question “How did you know?”

Although he didn’t comment, Kun’s reaction almost confirmed his own guess. Sue Kirin was sighed faintly, and finally a little bit more–somewhat believed that Yuyao was really not hostile.

Just, why do you want to do this?

The thing that Zhang Nianzhi entrusted to Yuyao before her death was worthy of her entrusting her life to her former enemy. Sue Kirin didn’t understand, and she didn’t understand why Zhang Nianzhi had lost her. She was still deeply attached.

The so-called love is enough to destroy everything.

Sue Kirin thought, Yuyao must be in love with Zhang Nianzhi.

Pure love, even if the other party betrays oneself, it will not be hated because of love. Stupid love, as long as the other party has a word, she is willing to give everything. Strong love, longing for more than a thousand years, maybe even forever.

Well, for Yuyao, Zhang Nianzhi is the entire world.

Sue Kirin thinks she has changed, but perhaps it has changed little. Even if she sees something that she should have seen but ignored because of the starry sky, Yu Yao’s miss has never changed.

The girl doesn’t even doubt that if Zhang Nianzhi asks Yuyao to die, she will really die.

Are you stupid? Sue Kirin feels stupid, stupid enough.

But it is also worthy of respect and popularity, because it is so pure and so distorting.

“Yuyao’s elder sister said, I’ll give you this thing, I just ask you to believe her once.”

Qian Hekun solemnly announced and conveyed to Yuyao. With his will, he held the box in front of Sue Kirin.

Sue Kirin’s gaze was just like before. She was easily hooked off by the box again. She stared at the box blankly without reaching out to pick it up.

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