“I don’t trust you.” Paused, she squinted again and said, “Don’t anger me, or we will calculate the old and new enemies together. You can find a place to move as soon as possible. You live in Luotian Town. It’s annoying to my eyes.”

Yu Yao didn’t speak, but quietly lifted the tea Sheng to his mouth.

Sue Kirin stomped the ground with anger, took another step and left in a gust of wind. Yuyao squinted her eyes through the edge of the tea cup, and then found that the tea cup was empty.

“It seems that I have to work hard for a while, I’m really not good at making friends.”

Putting the tea cup back on the table, Yu Yao sighed quietly, his face His smile completely disintegrated, and all that appeared from underneath was tiredness and sorrow.

“The stars are no longer visible.”

She murmured, leaning against the chair.

Close your eyes and mouth, quietly feeling the air in the room.

“However, some chaos can be felt without having to look at it. But in detail, it is also my fault…”

The sound floats in the house. , And then disappear into the darkness.


Different from the time when I entered, Sue Kirin, who was angry with his head, speeded up his pace. It didn’t take much time to walk out of the alley where Yuyao Yard was located and return to The edge of the black market.


She looked back and found that the alley wasn’t really deep, it just took ten seconds to walk.

“Grandma, a bear, this Yuyao is really playing tricks on me!”

The more I think about it, the more angry Sue Kirin really looks at no one. She glared fiercely at all around the people who shut him down, and when people met her, they quickly moved away like an electric shock.

Sue Kirin’s anger is clearly on his face, and it has reached the point where everyone can see it.

Suddenly a lot of footsteps came from the other side.

Sue Kirin’s eyebrows trembled, looked towards the sound source, and felt a lot of familiar breath rushing here quickly.

In the next moment, about a dozen familiar faces appeared on the black market, quickly leaning over here. Seeing their faces clearly, Sue Kirin suddenly opened eyes in surprise with their menacing battle.

“Kirin, are you okay?”

The head of the man, wearing a red dress and holding a saber in his hand, rushed to Sue Kirin with great concern.

Behind her, there is Sue Kirin’s discipline.

It is Qi Qiqi and Shui Yuner.

They lost Sue Kirin in the Formation. After returning to the black market, they felt bad, thinking that Yuyao was going to treat Sue Kirin again, so they rushed back to Heavenly Jade Palace to find someone to help.

As a result, Ye Zhen, Xia Xue, Situ Mumutou, Li Wanting and the others are all concentrated in this black market.

Seeing these characters all appear on the scene, the people on the black market thought that a major event would happen, and they all hid like a scourge.

“What can happen to me?” Sue Kirin’s jaw almost fell to the ground.

At this moment, Tianji hugged him.

“wu wu wu…Kirin, are you really okay? Qi elder sister said that you might be caught in a trap, but the life or death is unknown, saying that you are about to die, I am almost scared to death.”


Sue Kirin hearing this for a while, and then narrowed his eyes to symmetrical contours after understanding.

“I…I am not worried about you too much?”

Qiqiqi responded awkwardly.

Sue Kirin knew that the other party was too eager. He wanted to make fun of him, but he couldn’t raise his strength. Yuyao’s existence made her head bigger.


“Little Ancestor Master, it is said that it is Yuyao…?”

Ye Zhen’s expression asked sternly, his eyes cast several times towards the alley deep.

“Yuyao, that’s right.”

Sue Kirin gnashing teeth said, waving his fist unconsciously and knocking Tianji’s head accidentally. Tianji grievedly covered the place where she was hit, raised her tearful eyes and asked Sue Kirin why she hit her. Sue Kirin ignored her.

“Why did that god stick appear here?”

Xia Xue’s eyebrows were twisted together. She was abducted by Yu Yao, and naturally she would not like her anymore.

“You said it was a magic stick, mysterious, who knows the reason for her coming here?”

Sue Kirin has a matter of no concern to oneself. When she started, she didn’t want to care about this kind of thing. Chatting with Yuyao requires guessing and guessing. She is too tired to like it.

Shui Yuner seems to have captured something different from Sue Kirin’s response.

“Little Master, is it okay?” She asked carefully.


After a long silence, Sue Kirin shrugged, spread out both hands.

“Who knows?”


Ye Zhen showed an embarrassed expression. Sue Kirin did not give a conclusion, and it was difficult for him to make a decision. And judgment. Yuyao is a Grandmaster, he tends not to be an enemy of the opponent, but if the opponent is hostile to his own, Ye Zhen is absolutely not allowed to let Yuyao live at the feet of Heavenly Jade Palace.

Too dangerous.

He has not personally experienced the Imperial Capital incident, but he has also heard from all the population what happened at that time and was shocked. As for the culprit of this incident, Ye Zhen is naturally very taboo. .

Qiqiqi should have the same statement, but unlike Ye Zhen, she directly asked Sue Kirin and said:

“Kirin, what are you going to do?” Qiqiqi paused and added, “You What do you think?”

Usually, Sue Kirin’s status is placed there, and it’s also in the state of Grandmaster. Qi Qiqi is reasonable in every circumstance. You should ask her for her opinion. It is a heavy opinion.

“Let’s watch the changes.”

Sue Kirin answered very quickly, obviously he had already thought about it.

“Watch the changes?” Xia Xue didn’t agree, she hugged her chest against the wall, looked towards Sue Kirin with one eye open, her tone was full of teasing, “Yuyao repeatedly And the three are against us, are you forgetting? Amnesia? Your brain is pretty funny, right?”

Xia Xue’s dissatisfaction is not incomprehensible.

However, her attitude was too disrespectful. Not only Ye Zhen, but Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er had some opinions and frowned.

Sue Kirin rolled the eyes.

“What are you doing, are you going to take the lead?” She sarcastically said Xia Xue.

Xia Xue is speechless.

She is naturally dead end when she starts the battle. Yu Yao is the Grandmaster. Even if she hasn’t seen her battle strength personally, Xia Xue knows she is not an opponent.

“Very good.” Xia Xue was frustrated for a while.

Next, she said:

“Hehe, someone will borrow money.”

Sue Kirin didn’t bother to care about her and turned to Yuyao.

“Zhang Nianzhi has left, and Yuyao has also lost the pupil of Jade Eye. I must have lost for a while. I don’t think she will make any storms for the time being, and she is still carrying Zhang Nianzhi’s Last wish, based on her feelings for Zhang Nianzhi, she should focus on that purpose first.”

“What purpose? Dare to ask the little Ancestor Master.” Ye Zhen asked.

“I can’t say for now.”

Sue Kirin showed apologetic eyes.

Ye Zhen was a little depressed. Sue Kirin’s attitude and ambiguous stance made it difficult for him to draw up a policy for Yu Yao in the future.

“Kirin, come here.”

Qiqiqi suddenly called Sue Kirin, and Qiqiqi had already walked into the corner when Sue Kirin looked over. Sue Kirin knew that the other party had something to say to him alone, so he had to follow it too.

“This won’t work.”

As soon as Sue Kirin walked to the corner, Qi Qiqi turned around and threw this sentence.

“Yuyao is too dangerous. Even if you think there is no problem for the time being, it is related to the entire Heavenly Jade Palace. Not only Xia’s elder sister, even Martial Aunt Ye will definitely think this is wrong. We Can’t keep Yuyao in Luotian Town.”

“But what can I do? Promote the teacher to mobilize the crowd to expel her?”

Sue Kirin also understands Qi Qiqi’s difficulties, “In the past few years, We are all tired enough. There are enough dead people. If I confront Yuyao again at this moment, let’s not talk about whether I can beat her. Her terrifying battle strength has nothing to do with her lost eyes! Even if we can barely win, this will definitely be a tough battle, and both sides will suffer.”

“Kirin, you…”

Qiqiqi suddenly wants to speak and stops again, Sue Kirin’s face was full of fatigue, she wouldn’t fail to see it.

The palace lord of Heavenly Jade lowered her eyes and sighed faintly. Isn’t she? But Sue Kirin has always been at the forefront, Qi Qiqi knows that she is much more tired than anyone else.

If Qi Qiqi wants to go with her as well, the problem is that I am the lord of Heavenly Jade Palace for a day, so I can’t let the safety of Heavenly Jade Palace go unnoticed.

“Yuyao can stay here, but we have to take some measures.”

“Measures?” Sue Kirin blinked, then smiled, “She even Long Ting can sneak in, what can you do to target her?”

“We can…”

Qiqiqi subconsciously wanted to answer, but the words reached her throat. Found that she was actually at a loss.

“Kirin, can’t you do anything?” She had to ask Sue Kirin.

“Spell’s method is natural, but Yuyao’s spell accomplishments-although she is a little unwilling, but she is above me, I can’t guarantee that it will produce results.”

Halfway through, Sue Kirin clenched her fists, and the feeling of defeat in her heart made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

Confronted with Yuyao many times, but every time she fell into a disadvantage, she found that she was already a little lacking in self-confidence-at least in front of Yuyao, she lost her self-confidence, and if she lost her self-confidence, she lost first half.

Probably for this reason, she didn’t want to conflict with Yuyao again.

Yuyao is too terrifying.

The obsession that lasted for a thousand years is too terrifying.

If the conflict occurs again, Sue Kirin must cut weeds and eliminate the roots, and Yuyao’s life cannot be saved. Her life is almost infinite, but Sue Kirin is not. If the two sides are hostile again, after Sue Kirin passes away or ascends one day, Yuyao will be able to deal with the Heavenly Jade Palace fearlessly.

Well, to put it bluntly, she is afraid that Yuyao will endure herself to death.

And Sue Kirin was not sure enough to kill Yuyao, so she would say “waiting for changes” that other people would not accept.

“I know…I know, I know what you are worried about.”

Sue Kirin said, scratching his hair annoyingly.

“Can I bother you? Little Master and Qi elder sister.”

Shui Yuner didn’t know when she approached.

Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi looked at her suddenly.

“Shui younger sister, if you have something to say, you might as well say it, we all have to be annoying to death.”

Qi Qiqi gave Sue Kirin a glance unconsciously, and said slightly. Sue Kirin, this is very innocent, but he didn’t say much.

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