Neither Qian nor Kun were wrong, Yuyao really gave herself to Sue Kirin.

Yuyao has already turned into a technique. The body has no meaning. It is just a substitute constructed by spell. Her real existence lies in the technique itself, and the core of the technique is Yuyao’s. Where the soul is.

Sue Kirin, as long as he destroys the box in front of him, Yuyao will definitely end up in smoke.

Once upon a time, the girl had no choice but to take Yuyao, let alone hurt her, she definitely couldn’t kill her, but now Yuyao took her vitals to Sue Kirin, saying that it was her price. I hope Sue Kirin can reach out and help her in the future.

──Help her fulfill Zhang Nianzhi’s last wish.


What a stupid and pure person? Sue Kirin raised his head to the sky, looking at the sky framed by nearby buildings, his vision seemed to extend to infinity.

After that, there was a gleam of sparkle from the corner of his eyes.

Really stupid, she thought to herself, but couldn’t help being moved by Yuyao’s dedication.

“…Zhang Nianzhi, Zhang Nianzhi, you really hate it.”

Sue Kirin whispered to Zhang Nianzhi, who was already in the sky. Well, she hates Zhang Nianzhi a bit, how did he bear to abandon Yuyao? He is so selfish.

But ironically, it is precisely because of Zhang Nianzhi’s selfishness that saved the people of Imperial Capital.

Well, Sue Kirin not only lost to Zhang Nianzhi, but also to Yuyao-the whole world lost to these two people.

Nevertheless, Sue Kirin cannot tell Qi Qiqi because he sympathizes with Yuyao: “Hey, trust her!” Such words are also an extremely selfish expression. She can’t treat Heavenly Jade. Gong’s life is used as a personal bet.

However, there may be some compromises.

“I can’t take this thing.” Sue Kirin touched the box for the first time. She pushed the box toward Qian and Kun. “I can’t afford to keep it. This thing is even hidden in Xia Family The store’s vault is also not safe. I’m always impossible to put it in the sword mound, right?”

“But…” Qian Hekun not knowing what to do looks at each other, “Yuyao Confession…”

“You don’t have to listen to her.” Sue Kirin snorted, “Even she would be wrong? You don’t want to hand this box into my hands, so just now Will he hesitate?”

“…That’s right.” Gan said in a low voice.

“Is that all right?”

Sue Kirin gave another finger, but didn’t try hard.

“I have seen Yuyao’s sincerity, and I can trust her once, but this does not mean that everything in the past is written off. As for whether to help her, I have not decided yet.”

Gan He Kun, look at me and I look at you, but I don’t know what to say. However, they knew that each other was unwilling to hand over the box, and they were happy to accept Sue Kirin’s proposal.


Sue Kirin suddenly changed the front line, Qian Chaokun thought she was going to change her mind temporarily and tightened her body, subconsciously protecting the box in her arms. go with.

“I can not accept the box, but I also need to take some measures.”

“What…what measures?” asked uncomfortably.

Sue Kirin doesn’t answer, the right hand has already moved out of the sword and slashed quickly, surprisingly fast. In dazzling confusion, a very complicated geometric operation was completed in a short while.

“Yin──!” Sue Kirin waved his sword and gave a heavy shout.

The surgical Totem flew out, clinging to the box, and infiltrated. Qian He Kun was startled, and quickly touched the top of the box, as if he wanted to throw the technique in his hand.

“This is Heavenly Thunder Seal.”

Sue Kirin deliberately chilled his voice and suppressed the expression on his face.

“Xiaogan, Xiaokun, you should know Tianlei, right?” she asked.

Qian He Kun didn’t respond, just stared. They knew what Tian Lei was, and they also knew that it was fatal to Yuyao’s nuclear.

Yu Yao itself is a technique.

Sky thunder can break ten thousand magics. Once it comes into contact with Yuyao’s core, the technique called “Yuyao” will be broken, and Yuyao will naturally disappear in the world immediately. Leave everything behind.

“Xue, Xue Zun, how can you be like this!”

Qian Hekun’s expression of hatred, presumably thought Sue Kirin meant to kill Yuyao.

Seeing their next moment, they will pounce on themselves and fight with themselves, Sue Kirin still does not change his face, as it should be by rights said:

“I can trust her , But other people can’t. I agree with it alone, and others don’t necessarily agree, and instead of handing over the box to me, it is better to stay with her. Of course, no matter what, I can take her life at any time, but at least later You can keep the box by your side.”

Yu Yao’s core is Yu Yao’s soul and her heart.

She gave it to Zhang Nianzhi for a while, but Zhang Nianzhi chose to leave for the world. Sue Kirin didn’t want her to give herself to others. It was too sad.

“It’s so decided.”

Sue Kirin is not allowed to talk to Kun any more, and also prevents Qi Qiqi and Shui Yun’er and the others from having opinions.

The distance between the two parties is not far. Everyone at Heavenly Jade Palace must have heard their conversation. Sue Kirin also knows that his decision is definitely not the best. Someone will definitely have opinions, but she doesn’t really want to Yu Yao pushed to the opposite side.

Whether it is poor or naive, Sue Kirin has already decided.

Therefore, she deliberately increased her voice with this sentence, saying: “You can have an opinion, but I have decided.”

Or after thinking about it, I think Sue Kirin makes sense. , Qian He Kun slightly eased the tension, worry and hostility on his face, holding the box towards Sue Kirin nodded, not knowing if it meant thanking him.

“Well, I want to ask you one thing.”

Sue Kirin smiled and asked Qian He Kun.

They looked at each other again, and then they asked:

“Snow Lord, please tell me.”

“Just call me Xue elder sister. La.”

Sue Kirin didn’t answer immediately, instead smiled and pinched his dry nose. Qian was pinched in pain, avoided back, and stared at Sue Kirin with dissatisfaction. She then laughed for a while.

“Tell Yuyao.”

After finally smiling, Sue Kirin said with the remaining traces of the smile:

“Let her be more Cherish yourself.”

Gan Hekun showed an expression of incomprehension, and it seemed that it would take some time to react.

Sue Kirin didn’t give them time, turned around neatly, greeted the people in Heavenly Jade Palace, told them to go back, and then disappeared to the other side each minding their own business.

“…Really, it’s still unreasonable.”

Looking at the direction where Sue Kirin disappeared, Qi Qiqi rubbed her forehead helplessly and dissatisfied.

“Is it really that way?” Xia Xue asked irritably.

Qi Qiqi glanced at her, “Xia elder sister, do you also know how stubborn our little Ancestor Master is?” Then, she looked at Ye Zhen.

Although Ye Zhen couldn’t let go, he didn’t say anything. It seemed that he had reluctantly agreed to this matter.

“Okay!” Qi Qiqi patted her hand and greeted her companions, “Let’s go too.”

After that, she looked towards Qian Hekun and smiled towards them nodded, Then he really walked in the direction where Sue Kirin left.

But after only a few steps, she suddenly remembered something, and turned around and said:

“By the way, everyone is hungry too?” She looked at Shui Yun’er At a glance, she snickered, “Just now Shui younger sister said that there is a new store nearby that is good. Let’s try it together! Of course, the money is paid by our little Ancestor Master.”

When Qi Qiqi finished speaking, there was a muffled noise in front of her.

That sounds like the sound of someone stumbling on their left and right feet and falling to the ground embarrassingly.


Qin Mu has not been out for several days.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to go out, but that he can’t go out. He never thought that he fish in troubled waters a while ago, and the things that took advantage of the chaos were finally exposed-no, definitely not exposed-but Qin Yu suspected it on his head, called him into the palace overnight, and gave it A punishment he thought of behind closed doors.

Qin Yu said that Gong Yue was a minister of the country and he denounced Qin Mu.

The Second Prince initially thought that there was a problem in which link caused the matter to be revealed, so Qin Yu would punish him.

But afterwards, he thought something was wrong.

If Qin Yu was really sure that Qin Mu was hurt by Gong Yue, the punishment would definitely not be the case. Gong Family has three generations of loyalty and loyalty. It is their loyalty that has won a special position and made their position exceptionally stable.

So, if Qin Mu sent someone to assassinate Gong Yue and it is really revealed, Qin Yu must be punished heavily, otherwise the courtiers will definitely be chilled.

Thinking about this, Qin Mu knew that this punishment was based on suspicion.

Punishing his own son—the future emperor of the Hua Dynasty—is too unacceptable for Qin Mu for just suspicion, and he feels resentful.

But at the same time, he also sent someone to investigate who reported him.

If Qin Yu is suspicious of his own heart, he will pretend not to know Qin Mu’s identity, so someone must put this matter in front of him before he has to act. .

Finally, Qin Mu’s eyes fell on Gong Tianqing.

Gong Tianqing──The only direct blood relative of the Gong Family.

Qin Mu knows that far away from ten thousand li, Gong Jing has an adopted son, but the adopted son is after all. Gong Tianqing is the only bloodline of the Gong Family, and this young girl not only shows It is the Young Palace Lord of Heavenly Jade Palace that has the abilities that the Gong Family should have, and Qi Qiqi and Sue Kirin are involved.

From this point of view alone, Gong Tianqing is worth noting and more useful than Gong Jing and Gong Yue. But Gong Tianqing didn’t know why he guessed that it was Qin Mu’s hand this time–perhaps many people guessed it, and Qin Mu realized that his motives were not quite obscure.

But this is a girl who dares to write to Qin Yu.

“hmph, blue is better than blue, are women not conceding to men?”

Sitting in the mansion’s garden, Qin holding a jade tea cup on the edge of the moss Mu was extremely dull. Whenever he thinks of this matter, think of the incident that the emperor father hurt himself, he feels uneasy.

He is capable, but he is also quite stingy-this is the evaluation of a certain former boss to Second Prince.

And Second Prince has to admit that he is accurate. Well, Qin Mu is also self-aware, knowing that he is narrow, so he has always pretended to be generous in front of others.

Of course, some people can’t hide it.

“His Royal Highness is still in great interest.”

Appreciating the waning moon and thinking about future actions, Qin Mu’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an unexpected guest. Qin Mu twisted to look at the person with a slightly sweet voice.

Black feathers are falling.

The enchanting silhouette came here, she was wearing a black dress, dotted with golden threads, but if you look closely, you can see that there is a pile of feathers on her dress. .

It is a pair of scary wings.

The woman’s lips are bright red, and the color of her eyes is also scarlet, exuding bursts of staleness under the seductiveness. She even had red nails, and these red colors were as deep as the blood of others.

The night crow, the symbol of death.

The guards were surprised to see this woman silently appearing in the yard, walking towards the important person they guarded, and hurriedly shouted, “who is the newcomer!” and pulled out their hands. Saber.

next moment, they will rush towards the night crow.

“Get out!”

But when they put on a posture of rushing out, Qin Mu stopped them. Night Crow stood still, patrolling the group of loyal, but overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Your Highness…Your Majesty?” The head guard stopped in amazement.

“It’s okay, if she wanted to kill this king, this king would have died long ago.” Qin Mu said firmly and surely, “Moreover, you have absolutely no chance of winning against her, it’s just going to die. “

Get out! Qin Mu repeated it again.

The guard leader couldn’t let go, but now that the order had been given, he had no choice but to obey.

“Retreat.” He told his subordinates.

The guards looked at each other and finally backed away, but they did not retract their weapons, and their alert eyes did not leave the black woman for a moment.

“It seems that I am quite popular.”

The woman licked her bright red lips without avoiding those sharp eyes. Her cheeks even appeared red, as if she was drunk, and the movement of her fingers against her lips was charming.

But at the same time, the scarlet light in her eyes was terrifying.

The guards all felt a strong hunch-as long as they are stared at by the woman in front of them, they will be in a strange place.

“hmph, this king thought you had already entered the palace and became a side concubine.”

“Chuck.” Ye Crow laughed twice and leaned forward with a smile “Second Prince is joking, how am I a vain person.”

“Last time this king asked you, you said that you have a pair of wings and you are not a bird in prison. “

“It’s all the same.”

Ye Yamei replied with a smile, and walked towards Qin Mu with a snake step. Qin Mu couldn’t have any interest in seeing her coquettish, curvy and plump body. In the past, he also had thoughts of being unruly with this great beauty, but since seeing her murderous methods, he can no longer be interested.

If she is not the Imperial Family, killing herself is like stepping on an ant. Qin Mu knows this.

“Come here, prepare wine.”

Ye Crow sat opposite Qin Mu, with a pair of slender legs half-tilted, faintly discernible between the skirts, reflecting With a white jade light.

Qin Mu had been drinking alone for a while, the jug was almost empty, and he did not prepare a drink for the Night Crow, so he ordered the maid on his side to prepare.

The maid was silently nodded, bowed her body and took a few steps back, then turned and hurried to prepare.

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