“Don’t you hate Zhang Nianzhi?”

Sue Kirin was a little curious and a little surprised. If it was her, there would be a bit of resentment, that person was too ruthless.

“He left with a smile in the end.”

Yu Yao said softly, her eyes drooping slowly, condensing the water in the tea cup. The tea reflected on her cheeks, and she whispered softly:

“Once upon a time, I didn’t even remember what I looked like.”

She then raised her head and smiled bitterly.

“For a thousand years, I have always stared at the starry sky, staring at it all the time.”


Sue Kirin no Knowing what to say, she couldn’t understand Yu Yao’s feelings. Really can’t understand-who can understand? That’s a thousand years! She hasn’t even lived for forty years, so she can talk about how to measure the length of a thousand years.

“…I think Zhang Nianzhi was able to respond to his thoughts and rescued hundreds of thousands of Imperial Capital. He must be happy.”

Sue Kirin couldn’t see. Consciously become farther away, as if chasing Zhang Nianzhi’s silhouette.

She has to admire the name Zhang Nianzhi. In front of him, everyone lost, defeated utterly. That is a great and stupid person.

“en.” Yuyao’s response was short and light.

Qian and Kun didn’t quite understand what the two said, they still couldn’t understand, they just looked left and right, as if they could see flowers on their faces.

Sue Kirin was a little thirsty, and subconsciously picked up the cup of tea, but when he reached his mouth, he put it down again.

“Why are you here?” she asked.

“I’m looking for a place to stay.”

Yu Yao finally answered this time.

A place to stay.

What a common, yet popular word. The world is very big, but some people just cannot find a place to sleep peacefully in it.

Well, just like the fish in Beiming before.

“Although everything has been lost, staying in this world for a long time is of little use, but at least──” Yu Yao looked at Wanggan and Kun, “Before they become adults, I still need to wander in this World. For a while.”

“Yuyao elder sister……”

Qian Hekun was so moved that he suddenly ran over and hugged Yuyao’s waist from left to right. Yuyao was a little not knowing what to do, and raised a pair of arms with nowhere to fall.

Sue Kirin smiled when she saw her at a loss.

She was actually a little surprised that Yuyao had such a face. Although the two had dealt with each other many times, in retrospect, she sat down with each other for the first time and talked about some things face to face.

“What are you laughing at?” Yu Yao blinked, feeling curious.

“I feel sarcastic.” Sue Kirin sighed, “You are actually a gentle person, too.”


Yu Yao was stunned, “Am I gentle?”

“I don’t have much qualifications to evaluate, but the two children do, you should just ask them.”

Sue Kirin spread out, Yuyao’s gaze replied from To Qian and Kun, as if asking them if it was like this, but it must be a subconsciously behavior. When she realized it, she turned her gaze away.

Escaped, Sue Kirin defined Yu Yao’s actions in this way.

However, even if Yu Yao looked away, he did not close his ears.

“Yuyao elder sister is the most gentle!” It was Kun who summoned up the courage to shout out.

I didn’t want to lose to her, and when Yu Yao turned around in surprise, he cast a sincere look at her.

“Kun is right, elder sister, you are the most gentle. You used to teach us to see the stars and buy me food. When we were bored, she would tell us some stories. Yuyao elder sister, you are the best person in the world!”

They are afraid that Yuyao will not believe it, and the stiff-neck look makes people smile.


Yu Yao was silent.

She lowered her head slightly, letting the black hair outline the shadow to cover half of her face, with only the cherry lips exposed. Her lips moved, and she said something silently.

──very good.

Sue Kirin seemed to whisper like this.

Hey, is it still like this in the end? She was a little helpless. Maybe people are the same. At the end of the excavation, there will be a trace of light, no matter how many layers of darkness are wrapped around it.

As long as you think about it this way, Yuyao doesn’t become too annoying.

I can’t talk about forgiveness, but forgiveness and forgiveness are two different things, and Sue Kirin is still somewhat considerate of each other. She is too forgiving and does not hold grudges. This is also her personality charm.

Moreover, is Yu Yao really unforgivable?

No, someone has made atonement for her, and that person’s name is Zhang Nianzhi. Her remaining sins are probably trespassing into the Dragon Court and doing all kinds of things to Sue Kirin and Heavenly Jade Palace.

The layout suddenly became much smaller, and Sue Kirin wondered if this was also Zhang Nianzhi’s attempt.

“My next life is probably to take care of them.”

Yu Yao said suddenly and seriously.

Sue Kirin stayed for a while, then laughed out loud. She inexplicably felt that Yuyao was a bit like a mother who had just given birth.

Yuyao, who thought of resurrecting Zhang Nianzhi as his own, should have lost everything that supported her to survive after Zhang Nianzhi died, but Zhang Nianzhi gave her a pair of eyes—the eyes that couldn’t be more ordinary. Let her see Gan He Kun, and she seemed to find the strength to live again.

As long as your eyes are not tightly closed, you can always find a reason to live.

After a period of silence, Qian Hekun left Yuyao sensibly and walked into the corner.

There was a bookcase on that side, and they pulled out two books from there, and each opened one with one in his hand and read it. However, they were more curious about the exchange between Sue Kirin and Yuyao. Both pairs of eyes were faintly discernible above the book.

“There are still some things, I want to tell you.”

Yu Yao smiled helplessly. While saying this, he looked back at Sue Kirin.

“For example, why did you specially choose Luotian Town to disgust me?” Sue Kirin shrugged his nose unhappily. “I really don’t understand. You are looking for a place to live. Yes, but Why is it Luotian Town?”

“You are a surgeon, and I am also a surgeon.”

Yu Yao gave her reasons.

The reason is simple, but also very convincing. One of the reasons why things gather together is that there are more topics to communicate with each other.

“I sometimes want to find someone to talk to.”

“Hey, no.”

“I won’t fight you, I can sit down Talking to you has already used a lot of patience. Why do you think that I will come and sit down sometime in the future, wave your hand and tell you:’Oh, Yuyao, I’m here, why don’t you make tea for me soon?’ Sit down and chat with you like this?”

Is this guy having a problem with his brain? Sue Kirin was thinking.

“But you did sit down.”

Yu Yao had a bit of firm belief, and Sue Kirin was a little unhappy about it.

“I came here because you deliberately brought me here. The fragrance of flowers did not come out deliberately? You also set the Formation to disperse others, and only let me come to you. This It’s all your wishful thinking. If I knew you were here, if I didn’t fight with you, I would definitely avoid it, okay?”

“Then you can just wave your sleeves and leave now. “

“But you haven’t told me the reason for your choice here.”

“The reason…” Yu Yao asked, “Is it important?”

“Of course it is important, who knows what you are trying to do? Hey, don’t forget, Zhang Nianzhi didn’t take away your memory when he left, right? You forgot what you did?”

“Remember .

Yuyao replied straightforwardly. Sue Kirin felt a bit troubled because she didn’t refute. If Yuyao didn’t admit it, she could take the opportunity to lose her temper, but now she has no anger. , She was so bored that she was irritated.

“One day, I may need your help. In exchange for this opportunity, I must give something. “

“How can I help? “

“Master Nianzhi should tell you. “

Sue Kirin was stunned, his expression gradually sinking.

“…Long Court? “She bit the word very hard.

Yuyao is nodded, don’t say more, she knows Sue Kirin should already know.

“That is not a simple matter. “

Sue Kirin waved his hand and answered.

“Which aspect of not simple do you mean?” “Yuyao asked immediately.

“The aspect of his own decision. “Sue Kirin said bluntly.

“I’m not in a hurry. “

“hmph, you are not in a hurry, you still have a lot of time. “

Sue Kirin is full of resentment.

In theory, Yuyao is immortality. She is not human, so naturally there is no birth, aging, sickness and death. Of course, this does not mean she It will not be destroyed, but the time she has will not be affected by physical aging.

“I will not necessarily help you. “Sue Kirin can only say.

She can’t judge the meaning of Long Ting, and she doesn’t have the qualification.

“I don’t want it. “

Yuyao understands her position and knows that she is not qualified to request the girl in front of her. Let alone a request, she does not even have the qualification to make a request to a girl.


Sue Kirin thought for a while, then asked, “You didn’t plan to leave here? “

“Don’t you welcome me? “

Yu Yao asked with his head tilted, somewhat pretending to be silly.

“I naturally don’t welcome it. “

Sue Kirin resolutely and decisively said, tapping the table with his fingers impatiently.

“It’s really annoying to talk to you, I just go around. “

Yuyao face doesn’t change, holding a tea cup, holding a tea cup.

“I can help you. “

The sound of the tea cup falling back on the table rang at the same time, like a bell.

“What can I do for me?” “Sue Kirin asked slightly nervously and loudly, “What do you need your help?” “

“In terms of simplification of spells, I can help you; I also know a little bit about the spirituality loop adjustments of mechanism art; and, to the west…”

Yu Yao didn’t finish her words. Successfully aroused Sue Kirin’s interest.

The first two points, Yuyao, can indeed help, but what is going on in the west? Sue Kirin frowns inexplicably.

“West ? what are you saying. “

“You know sooner or later. “

Yu Yao actually got up with Profound Void.

“You…! “

Sue Kirin stood up forcefully in annoyance, the chair was knocked down by her, and she fell on her back and knocked out a bang.

Yu Yao just smiled.

Looking at her expression, I didn’t intend to talk any more. Sue Kirin didn’t bother to pay attention to her, so she left the sentence “unfathomable mystery” and turned around and walked outside.

Not light.

However, when he walked to the door, Sue Kirin suddenly stopped.

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