“Qi’er!” Beiming Youyu shouted anxiously.

Ning Mengqi looked pale, and the clothes on her belly were stained black with blood. She must have suffered a serious injury, and the blood was all dry. It should have been a long time.

There is still gas.

This is probably a great fortune in misfortune, but it is not enough to make Beiming Youyu a sigh of relief, because Ning Mengqi’s body is terrifying, which must be caused by lying in the snow for a long time Loss of temperature.


Bei Ming has fish confused, but at this moment, she still has to deal with Ning Mengqi’s injuries first. She can only suppress these messy emotions and tear Ning away. Meng Qi’s clothes exposed the wound underneath.

What pierced Ning Mengqi’s belly was a long spear.

The wound was horrible to see. The tip of the long spear was completely buried in her belly, but it failed to penetrate her body by accident. Perhaps the long spear was broken.

The handle of the gun has been violently broken, presumably Ning Mengqi did.

Anyone with a long spear in their body cannot move flexibly, so Ning Mengqi will break the long spear.

She probably came to ask for help, but halfway through her strength, she fell on the wall next to this path, and fell off just when a fish was about to pass by in Beiming.

──If she didn’t fall, Beiming Youyu might not have noticed her faint breath in a hurry, she might eventually die here, no one knew.

Although Ning Mengqi hasn’t died yet, her lack of warmth and injuries are pushing her into the abyss. Beiming Youyu hesitated and decided to give priority to her injuries.

Yes, something may have happened to Lingyue Valley.

But if Beiming Youyu doesn’t deal with Ning Mengqi’s injury quickly, she will definitely die in front of her. How can Beiming Youyu allow this to happen?

“Qi’er, you have to hold on.”

Bei Ming Youyu encourages Ning Mengqi, regardless of whether she can hear it or not.

The face of the always indifferent Grandmaster finally showed flustered emotions, she even some not knowing what to do, after all, what fell in front of her was precisely the discipline she was close to.

Bei Ming Youyu picked up Ning Mengqi and brought her back to Koizumi who had just passed by.

There is a heat source here, and the temperature is relatively high, which helps relieve the symptoms of Ning Mengqi’s hypothermia.

Ning Mengqi was half immersed in the water, Beiming Youyu used spring water to clean her wounds, and it took a lot of effort to wipe off the dried blood clots. After cleaning the wound, she took out the wound medicine left in the Imperial Capital earlier from her sleeve. It was a special wound medicine made by Heavenly Jade Palace. It was considered one of the best wound medicines. Put the rest of the medicine powder inside on Ning Mengqi’s wound.

Probably it was a little irritating, Ning Mengqi twisted her expression and let out a faint moan.

The wound area is a bit too big, and medicine powder cannot cover it completely. She can only wipe evenly and thinly as much as possible, so as to be able to cover everything.

But she couldn’t go further to stabilize Ning Mengqi’s injury.


Beiming Youyu thought about it, and felt that she could infuse her with her Spiritual Qi. Although her Spiritual Qi does not have much therapeutic effect, it can supplement some of the loss of the body-although it is not efficient, it is better than nothing.

Just do it if you think about it, Beiming Youyu cannot hesitate for a moment.

“Qi’er, hold on.”

Bei Ming Youyu’s tone is firm.

She then took off Ning Mengqi’s clothes, but did not lift her out of the spring. These springs are connected to the spirit vein, and the Spiritual Qi contained therein can help the subsequent process.

Beiming Youyu adjusted Ning Mengqi’s posture and let her sit in the spring water.

The spring water just flooded the girl’s chest.

The pure white demon sat cross-legged behind the girl, and launched her palms to infuse her Spiritual Qi into her body.

It is worth mentioning that this degree of Spiritual Qi infusion must be mastered, otherwise it is easy to hurt the opponent’s meridian, and the gains outweigh the losses.


Ning Mengqi eyes opened, the first thing that catches my eyes is a pair of purple eyes.

Her consciousness is fragmented and slow, staring at the owner of the purple eyes in a daze.

She couldn’t recognize that it was the Master she had been looking for for a long time.

The body is heavy, the head is heavy, the throat is dry, and the limbs are weak. She just feels that the whole person is firmly covered by the sense of emptiness and weakness.

“Qi’er, you finally woke up.”

Beijing Youyu is sighed in relief, Ning Mengqi blinked slowly, her only eyes can move. There was a daze in his eyes. Her thoughts and memories still didn’t catch up.

“…Where am I?”

Only when she asked, Ning Mengqi was shocked. Is such a loud voice really her own? This question came into her mind.

There is the sound of hot spring water washing the edge of the spring.

Ning Mengqi felt a pain in her head, but when she reached out to knock her head, she found that she couldn’t use her strength. She tapped several times in a row, and the touch felt on her forehead was as light as if she had been hit by cotton.

“Qi’er, don’t move. You were injured too badly, and I barely managed to stabilize your injury. Fortunately, you are the body of a martial demon, otherwise you may not be able to survive it.”


The words of Beiming Youyu are like a key, opening a certain door.

The memory that could not be recalled came out from the door, and ran across Ning Mengqi’s mind. She took a breath, and she straightened up and sat up, but she was not careful Affected by the wound, his body fell into Beiming Youyu’s arms.

Beijing has frowned fish frowned and seems a little unhappy.

“Qi’er, I didn’t tell you not to──”

“Master, hurry up and go!”

Ning Mengqi gasped out loudly A sentence interrupted Beiming Youyu.

“Lingyue Valley… really something happened?” Beiming asked with a sharp voice, and his breathing became low instantly.

Ning Mengqi nodded and wanted to speak anxiously, but her physical weakness did not allow her to speak so eagerly, she could not even breathe for several breaths.

She was panting, and her speechless anxiety drove her to grab Beiming Youyu’s clothes.

She held it very tightly, and her clothes were wrinkled.

“Don’t worry, speak slowly.” Beiming Youyu said calmly.

“Master, don’t go back…it’s the army of the North Country. They don’t know why they appeared behind us. The Imperial Teacher from the North Country and the Grandmaster man we met last time also came. They raided the spirit. Moon Valley…big, everyone…”

Speaking of this, Ning Mengqi cried.

Beijing Youyu grabbed his atrium even more, feeling a little breathless.

“How are they…?”

“A lot of people died and died. Kiyori’s elder sister reconciled with the elder sister and resisted with all his strength, only to force some of the same sects to escape Came out…but the two of them…wu wu wu…I don’t know.”

Beijing Youyu bit her lips tightly.

She can’t imagine the scene at that time. Two Grandmasters raided Lingyue Valley, and maybe they also brought the army. In their absence, how badly they would be hit? Is it good? Dare to imagine.

But at least, someone escaped.

Qing Li and Jieyu may not die in it. They may also be able to retreat all over. The North Kingdom’s target is definitely not the people in Lingyue Valley, but Lingyue Valley itself and themselves.

Beiming Youyu can only think about this, otherwise she might collapse.

“We have to go find them…”

Then this thought came to mind.

Beijing Yuyu braced his body in a trance, a little lost. Ning Mengqi grabbed her and refused to let her go.

“Master, don’t go back… Jialan is also here… You can’t walk right into a trap ── absolutely not!”

Ning Mengqi squeezed out all her strength, hard Throw the last four words.

She looked at Beiming Youyu with enlightenment in her eyes. After a deep breath, she said clearly:

“We can die, but if the Master also has three long and two short, Lingyue Valley will no longer exist…haha…only you can rebuild Lingyue Valley and avenge us…”


Bei Mingyou The fish’s heart aches.

Is she going to linger? Let the companions of unknown life and death linger, watching them die one after another in the pursuit of Northland? Thinking about it, she clenched her fist and squeezed it very hard.

At the same time with deep pain and hatred, there was a twisted anger quietly ignited in Beiming’s fish body, which was burning her thoughts and devouring her reason.

There is a piece of red-hot iron, fiercely branding her stomach pouch.

Beijing Youyu was so angry that she almost vomited.

“…Cangling!” She gnashing teeth.

Beijing Youyu can’t wait to swallow Cang Rin alive, but before that ── Ning Mengqi fainted again.

“…Master, don’t you…don’t go back…find, find a helper…”

Although she has lost consciousness, Ning Mengqi still catches Beiming Youyu The arm kept repeating the same words.

It was with her that Beiming Youyu calmed down.

“…I have to go down to the palace.”

So Beiming Youyu’s reason told her.

As for the breakthrough of Lingyue Valley, must tell Qin Shiyu in time to let her know, otherwise it is definitely not only Lingyue Valley that suffered the disaster of war.

Furthermore, she also needs Qin Shiyu’s help to find the companions who escaped.

“Sorry, you must persevere.”

There is a sense of guilt in Beiming, and there is a strong feeling of abandoning his companions. That feeling was like poison eroding her heart, but she also knew that now she would only be walking right into a trap when she went back.

She is hard to beat the three.

Remorse, regret.

However, Beiming Youyu looked at look pale again, but Ning Mengqi, who did not continue to mutter the same words, finally made up his mind.

She picked up Ning Mengqi, and without the slightest hesitation, she rose into the sky.

When she stepped on the ground, the snowflakes she started up were like ripples. The ripples are the lake named Hua Chao.


In the Yingyue Cave of Lingyue Valley.

This piece of spirit stream is still entwined with mist, as quiet as in the past, where you can forget the blood outside and the piles of corpses of various martial arts.

Golden waves flicker on the edge of the spring.

In the deep mist, the girl was humming silent scriptures, naked, her bare feet stretched out in the spring water and swayed, splashing the overflowing spring water of Spiritual Qi.

“It’s a great place.”

The girl laughed with satisfaction. It seems that she has finally soaked her feet, holding the place near her ass, and she slipped into the water and was startled. Splash.

She squinted her eyes comfortably, but then turned from clear to dark, and a pair of red eyes flashed in disgust.

“However, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, there are still people who like to trample, especially the flowers that obstruct the way. Sometimes they are really love and hate.”

After that, She stood up abruptly.

Although it is petite, but the curvy body is fully displayed, but there is no one other than her, so no one has the honor to appreciate this scene.

He picked up the clothes folded by the spring and put on carefully, the girl walked to the wood house in Yingyue Cave.

She did not smile, nor did she have the elegance of the past, only hatred and disgust was accumulated on her face. These feelings even made her face a little distorted and hideous.

The door of the wood house is not locked.

No, there is no lock at all.

The girl pushed the door in, saw the room full of books, and the small table, and suddenly sighed:

“It seems that I am never the only bird in the cage.” She said sympathetically.

After that, she wandered around the wood house recklessly, and occasionally took out a book or two to look at it and stuffed it back.

“This is…”

The girl suddenly noticed.

That is a wooden structure on the table.

The girl didn’t know what it was, so she felt unusually interested. She didn’t figure out what it was after doing a few times, but she knew who made it.

“It must be something Kirin made.”

The girl finally smiled again, thinking of her only friend.

But, she is now doing things that betray her.

This makes her very unhappy, and very unhappy, but she is also involuntarily.

Many things have never been right or wrong, and there is no way to get the best of both worlds. Even if she is Grandmaster, she must succumb to the pressure of the world. Well, she never belonged only to herself.

Thinking about it, she stared at the wooden structure, but she didn’t notice the footsteps approaching here.

“Master Saintess.”

The visitor walked behind her and called her respectfully.

Only then did Jia Lan react, withdraw his eyes from the wooden structure, and look back at the opponent. It was a man wearing a black cloth hat, wearing a black robe all over, with a machete around his waist.

He is the head coach of the Western Region Allied Forces.

“What’s the matter?”

A graceful smile hung on Jialan’s face, but no one could find a smile on it.

“Sorry, I disturbed Master Saintess.”

Although this man was born noble and holds great military power, he still dare not be in front of Secret Sect Saintess If he makes a mistake, he can only bow his head and apologize first, even if he has not made any mistakes.

“I hate hypocritical people.”

Jia Lan smiled and said.

With the words, the pressure and killing intent invisibly inclined towards him, causing the man to sweat on his forehead.

However, Jialan couldn’t act arrogantly, what would he really do to him, because that would affect the entire Western Region army. She couldn’t sorry those who believed in her.

Jialan sighed, walked to the small table in the wood house and sat down.

There was a mechanism device on the table. Jia Lan studied it at random, and after pressing a certain button, a ball mounted on it lit up. This is probably the product of Heavenly Jade Palace Casting Sword Room, Jialan thought enragedly.

“General, please speak.”

After a full quarter of an hour, Jia Lan came back to his senses and smiled and gestured to the man.

“Master Saintess just not at all shot, I’m afraid Canglin Imperial Teacher will have opinions.” The man said his worry.

When he attacked Lingyue Valley earlier, Jialan, who was supposed to make a move, didn’t do it, and let the spirits of Lingyue Valley, who should have been wiped out, escape a lot.

“I don’t want to make a move and I won’t make a move. Isn’t that good?” Jia Lan asked with a smile.

Man naturally dare not answer badly.

He thought for a while, and said in a more tactful language:

“This time is the joint military force of the Western Regions Alliance and the North. If we don’t pay enough, the North will be possible afterwards. Because of this trouble.”

“It’s because they are making trouble.”

Jia Lan doesn’t matter, she doesn’t like the fish in Beiming, but she also doesn’t like Canglin. With Ajislan, she was already very reluctant, so how could she please these two people? Jialan had such a temperament.

“But the monarchs…”

The man tried to use the monarchs of the Western Regions Alliance to put pressure on Jialan.

Jialan curl one’s lip, blatant displeasure floated to his face, but did not make trouble. She just reached into her sleeve, rummaged, took out a letter and handed it to the man.

The man is a little puzzled.

He opened the letter and read it carefully. He didn’t know what was written in the letter, the more he looked at it, the more profound his frightened expression became, and in the end he even held his breath.

“Master Saintess, this…”

The man looked towards Jialan with incredible eyes.

Jia Lan owed and lifted her cheeks, but the eyes looking towards the lighting device were full of interest.

“Some people like to betray the country. Since they want to sell, we will buy it.”

Jia Lan’s seemingly casual remarks made the man startled.

In the dark, the lighting device was shining with a faint white light, and Jialan’s profile was half-floating between light and dark, slightly distorted.

──But it’s definitely not this girl who really twists.

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