In recent years, Heavenly Jade Palace has been thriving.

The decline of the past is no longer visible, but there is already a shadow that is stronger than the glory of the past. Not only the Grandmaster’s blessings, but also the achievements of the Sword-forging House, which involved post-operative achievements, as well as the linkage between the Xia Family business and Heavenly Jade Palace, made this Wu Family Sect increasingly radiate and intensified its influence.

Although the Heavenly Jade Palace is on the mountain, ordinary people will not go deep into the Heavenly Jade Mountain casually, and have little intuition about the development of the Heavenly Jade Palace, but they only need to move their sights to the Luo River below the Heavenly Jade Mountain. Heavenly Jade Palace can see the development of Heavenly Jade Palace from its prosperity far beyond the past.

He died with cold lips and teeth.

The two closely connected places are co-prosperous. Judging from the fact that the scale of Luotian Town has increased nearly 1.5 times in recent years, the development of Heavenly Jade Palace will naturally not be bad.

The aborigines of Luotian Town are naturally grateful for the prosperity brought by Heavenly Jade Palace.

Furthermore, Luotian Town is located under the Heavenly Jade Palace, and the Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple communicates frequently. With the guardian of the Heavenly Jade Palace, the security of Luotian Town is also first-class, even better than Imperial Capital. Of course, the towns near Great Sect are relatively safe, but the Heavenly Jade Palace even organizes dísciple inspections, but very few.

However, although Heavenly Jade Palace has brought prosperity and development to Luotian Town, it has also brought a little trouble.

Well, a little trouble──

In this busy day as usual, that thunder-like explosion sounded from Heavenly Jade Miyayama, at the front of the mountain The collision echoed, and finally shook the people of Luotian Town.

The people living in Luotian Town are actually used to it. They calmed down in the initial shock and only took five seconds of trifling. They glanced indifferently in the direction of Heavenly Jade Mountain, then withdrew their gazes, shaking their heads and sighing helplessly.

“Hey, Old Brother, this is an explosion. How can you not panic?”

A man who is new to doing business here is in shock. He couldn’t help asking this when he saw the companion who introduced him to run the business but looked accustomed to it.

“Heavenly Jade Palace, there will occasionally be such a little movement.”

The companion glanced at him contemptuously, and calmed him a little proudly:

“Don’t make a fuss, if you can be surprised like this, you can’t mix here!”

His companion is a shop boss, Luotian Town runs a cloth business , Profits are booming. The merchant also met each other during a provincial marriage. After talking about it, I found out that the other party’s cloth business needed to use dyes. The two hit it off. After the provincial marriage, the merchant immediately set off to Luotian Town to discuss business. The shop boss must introduce him to his colleagues.

“Huh?” The companion said so, the man stayed for a while, then patted his forehead, “Yes, the sword-making room of Heavenly Jade Palace is also a production facility. It must be the movement there.”


The shop Boss nodded, patted his shoulder, and sighed at the pedestrians on the street:

“Look, everyone is used to it, so you… don’t be nervous, this It’s all trivial.”


The merchant who had already figured it out was stunned, “This is an explosion. Is it really no problem?”

“Little bomb, little bomb.” His companion said with a treacherous smile while stroking his beard.

Then, the merchant was put on his shoulders by the boss of the shop, he put on a Teacher’s appearance, and talked loudly:

“You know that the Heavenly Jade Palace is not inhabited by’yin and yang carp’ Isn’t it a lord? That’s a super master! This Luotian Town, don’t be surprised if you occasionally see dragons flying by, there was still a lot of water on it! Anyway, the law and order here are good, and There are a lot of business opportunities, and the people are enthusiastic. They insist that something is bad, that is, there are some weird and weird movements on the Heavenly Jade Palace.”

The merchants showed weird expressions, and the shop Boss just shot He held his shoulder and laughed heartlessly. At this moment, a woodman by the side of the road carrying a pile of firewood passed by and interrupted.

“This Old Brother is right. Last time the “Yin Yang Carp” seat was kicked down from the second floor. The scene was funny, but no one dared to laugh so as not to honor the seat. Let’s die again.”

“Evil, prank?”

Grandmaster’s prank? How terrible to hear these words! Shang Shang thought, his face full of anxiety.

“Hey, don’t mention Old Brother, I was soaked that day!” The merchant companion said with a wry smile.

The woodcutter also looked helpless.

“Who said no, my firewood was wet. Fortunately, Palace Master Qi was also there and ordered dísciple to help me cut it back, otherwise I would have suffered a heavy loss that day.”

“After all, what happened?” The merchant asked droolingly.

“No no, it was that the yin and yang carp seat fell down on the street that day, someone couldn’t help but laughed out, she flew into a rage out of humiliation, and summoned it with spell The flood water just caught the nearby passersby.”

The shop boss waved his hand with a smile, and replied.


The merchant suddenly became speechless. He felt that this prank was not terrifying at all, and even a little funny.

“But can I really see the Grandmaster in this town?”

The merchants are somewhat interested in this.

Grandmaster has always been a living miracle and legend in the folks. It is really hard to imagine such a existence, walking in the market, and playing pranks with the common people.

Be aware that in the past, when there was only one Grandmaster from Beiming in the Hua Dynasty, very few people met her.

“haha, our’yin and yang carp’ seat is different from other master seats!” The woodcutter laughed.

The merchant looks at the shop Boss, but he smiles when he sees his companion.

“Let’s put it this way, the one above the Heavenly Jade Palace is very troublesome and very close to the people. If you say hello to him, she will wave your hand! It’s hard to imagine! But She is such a person, we all like it very much… She looks lovely, and it’s not that our bastard son is not good at all, maybe we can pursue her!”

” …Unimaginable.”

The trader ignored the crooked topic of his companions and tried to imagine, but in the end he could only shake his head feebly.

He couldn’t think of the situation.

“It’s okay, young man, you will always have a chance to see her.”

The woodman said vigorously, “The Lord will often go down the mountain and go shopping, you If you have a chance to see it, don’t be nervous. If you have something to eat, she will be very happy.”

How do you feel that the person they say is not a Grandmaster? It’s Little Sister next door! The merchant thought incredulously.

“Speaking of which, I would like to meet the Lord Qi.”

After a while, the business opened a new topic.

“Palace Master Qi?” The shop Boss stayed for a while, and then showed a knowing smile, “Brother, it’s normal for you to have this idea. The Master of Qi Palace is Luoyang number one beauty, you want to see It’s understandable to see her.”

The woodman also showed a knowing smile, and took the conversation:

“Palace Master Qi is rare, but it is also very common, Qi Gong The master knows the book and the courtesy, is elegant and generous, and looks beautiful, but does not alienate others at all. If you see her next time, she might smile at you!”

” , Old Brother, don’t say anything!” The trader’s companion suddenly covered his heart, looking like he was about to faint.

“Hey, big brother, are you okay?”

The merchant asked with concern, but his companion said drunkly:

“I remember Palace Master Tsing Qi smiled at me. Don’t you know, that’s the strongest wine in the world. I just took a look and stayed for a quarter of an hour, thinking that everyone was going to get drunk.”

“Really?” The trader was dubious, “Is that so exaggerated?”

The woodcutter and the shop boss glanced at each other, and at the same time nodded heavily.

The merchant suddenly looked forward to something, looking forward to seeing the rumored Divine Immortal characters with his own eyes and saying something to them. Only in this way, he will be able to brag in front of other friends one day, after all, those two are great characters with hot hands and name shakes the whole world!

The three continued to talk about the anecdote and uniqueness of Luotian Town, and at the same time they talked about the characters on the Heavenly Jade Palace. In this section of the road, the new businessmen have a little more expectation and fascination.

However, the road will eventually end.

Fifteen minutes later, the merchant and the shop boss finally came to the front of a shop and stopped.

This shop is the fabric shop operated by the shop boss.

The existence of Xia Family does not at all monopolize the commerce of Luotian Town.

So, foreign businessmen can also make a living in Luotian Town. As for whether they can achieve results, they have to rely on their own ability.

“Didn’t expect Old Brother, you have a store here!”

“Big brother, would you like to come in and sit? Let’s just have a drink and talk for a while. !”

The woodcutter chatted with the merchant and the shop boss, and it is as it should be by rights to be invited into the shop to enjoy the reception. The woodcutter looked at the storefront, showing some envy in his eyes.

“Big brother, don’t behave badly!”

The trade partner couldn’t help being a little proud, but he didn’t mean to look down on the woodcutter. Gesture:

“Hurry up, please come in.”

The woodman hesitated. He didn’t know where to put the firewood stick on his shoulder, for fear of dirtying the shop. The goods sold by the child. The shop boss noticed it and beckoned to his buddy to help the woodcutter find a place to put the firewood sticks down.

“Little Huang, bring wine, today I want to have a chat with my big brother.”

The shop boss seems very happy.

I came here as a merchant in the village, and I met a woodcutter who had met each other late, and his interest was as it should be by rights. The guy replied “Good!” and disappeared behind the curtain leading to the back hall to take the wine.

“Big brother, come!”

“Hospitality is difficult, then I won’t be pretentious!”

The woodman is also able to bend and stretch, and he is a boss in the shop At the kind invitation, sit down at the table in the shop. The shop boss and merchants also took their seats one after another, and at this time the buddies also brought wine to the table.

After serving the wine, the guy wanted to go back to the counter to continue to see the store.

As a result, he walked to the counter with his front foot, and someone entered the shop on his back.

“Excuse me, is anyone here?”

A soft voice came from outside the door, and the store clerk shouted that there was something, and greeted him, but suddenly stopped in front of the store. He took a while to see the person, stared wide-eyed in surprise, and screamed strangely:

“Water, girl water!”

The shout was knocked down. , The three people sitting on the table turned their eyes to the store door at the same time.

Like pure water, with blue-white hair wafting, a beautiful girl in an aqua dress, her skin shining dazzlingly in the sun, and her aqua-colored eyes are even more eye-catching.

Seeing the visitor, the shop boss jumped up and greeted him in shock.

“Ms. Water, why are you here? Do you need anything?”

Seeing that his companion is so enthusiastic, he knows that the person is not simple.

The girl is really beautiful, and the merchant took a few more glances, but she doesn’t seem to be from the Heavenly Jade Palace. The Heavenly Jade Palace dísciple he saw along the way was dressed in distinctive costumes. Although the girl is dressed noble, but the dress style is not Heavenly Jade palace style.

“…what is this girl?” the merchant asked.

“You…” The woodsman gave a shocked look of “you don’t even know her” for a while, but then he yelled again and said, “I forget that you are new here.”


The merchant laughed, and the woodsman continued:

“This girl is terrible, she is the master Shui Yunershui girl of the “Yin Yang Carp” seat. She is in the Heavenly Jade Palace. The status is not lower than that of the Elders. He is a first-class well-known person. You have to remember it. She is a master of molesting. If you don’t remember for a long time, you molested her and will be known by the “Yin Yang Carp” You are in a miserable situation.”

“──Uh, what a misfortune?”

The merchant couldn’t help but ask curiously, but at one point there was something to the girl Because of the idea.

“Last time there were a few newcomers who were ignorant and molested the water girl. They were hung naked in front of the town gate in the morning of the 2nd day, becoming everyone’s laughing stock.”

The woodcutter said solemnly. After hearing this, the merchant dispelled the superficial thoughts in his mind and decided to respect the girl named Shui Yun’er.

Shui Yuner seems to have come to buy cloth.

The shop boss recommended a few high-quality fabrics to her. She took a hand and looked at it, her face looked awkward, and she seemed a little dissatisfied.

“Shui Mai, these are the best in the store.” The shop boss spied Shui Yun’er’s profile and asked tentatively, “Are there any places that are unsatisfactory? Or the quality? There is a problem?”

“Boss fabrics are all good fabrics, which is known to the neighbourhood.”

Shui Yuner smiled lightly, the shop boss is a bit unclear, so:

“The water girl, this is…”

“The color is wrong.” Shui Yuner had something to say, and looked at the cloth in her hand helplessly, “Boss, The pieces of cloth you gave me were either pink or yellow…These are not suitable.”

“I think the water girl likes plain colors, I think these will suit your wishes.”


The shop boss scratched his head in embarrassment. Shui Yuner laughed and said:

“I didn’t buy it for myself.”

The shop boss patted his forehead. Throw out the four words “so that’s how it is”.

“It seems that the water girl bought the cloth for the’yin and yang carp’ seat again… Is the water girl going to sew clothes for the seat by herself?”

Shui Yunerrou Softly jaw head for sure.

“so that’s how it is so that’s how it is.”

The shop boss laughed heartily up, and asked the guy to change a few pieces of cloth. This time I changed it into a darker color than the darker blue, black, etc., mixed with a white cloth, and also brought some gold threads and the like.

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