And she rarely came to this long and narrow cave, and walked cautiously in the dark with a few eagle guards.

The cave is not big, long and narrow, and it is not bottomless. The torch held by the eagles and guards alone is not enough to illuminate the way forward. They are almost in the dark.

However, after this hole was discovered, it has been explored several times.

They won’t get lost.

Buried in the ice and snow, this cave is terrifying wet and the temperature is not too low. This is probably caused by the existence of some kind of heat source and the heat generated by it wandering in the cave.

The humidity problem should be caused by the melting of the upper layer of snow.

Moreover, there is living water flowing through the cave.

Although it is not even a river, it can only be regarded as a small stream. The water source is probably the snow water flowing from the cave wall, but it is widely distributed and can barely be used as a supply. For use.

The entire group led by Cang Rin has been walking in this cave for three days.

This cave extends in all directions with many hidden exits. The criss-crossed space is quite messy. After learning of its existence, Cang Rin sent people to fumble for a long time before he could barely find the way. Know how many soldiers were sacrificed.

Judging from the gains, there is no sacrifice in vain.

“──People often say that the Great Imperial Teacher has clear rewards and punishments.”

The entire group moved forward in silence, but suddenly someone spoke up. The loud voice reverberated in this enclosed space, almost astonishing the wolf under Cang Rin.

“Silver, don’t be afraid.”

Cang Rin comforted the White Wolf under him.

It was taken aback just now, arched its back and made a deterrent action, and the team stopped moving forward. However, under Cang Rin’s comfort, it quickly calmed down.

Cang Rin didn’t let the team advance again.

She looked towards the man who walked beside her, only half a body behind.

This man is wearing a huge cloak fur, which is woven from the skin of a pure white lion. His skin is bronze, and his figure is not thin, but his skin is unusually strong and distinct, like the steel of thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

His temperament exudes a breath of beast.

There is more arrogance in the eyes, the slightly raised lips are dotted with a trace of unruly wildness, and the appearance of a spear halberd is a kind of subtle carelessness.

It’s just that Cang Lin knows that behind that appearance is a kind of violent battle strength.

The man dressed in distributing clothes was named Ajislan. His name meant a lion. He was originally the leader of a certain tribe, but his arrogance finally attracted Cang Rin’s attention.

More importantly, he is capable.

It is not uncommon for the northern tribes to war and conflict with each other. This is due to the nomadic people’s advocating power characteristics. Under the leadership of Ajslan, his tribe has won many battles and eventually annexed many His tribe has also become one of the largest tribes in the North.

In the battle and the life-and-death battle, he also saw the secret and eventually became the Grandmaster.

Grandmaster is a precious battle strength, and also the top of the most admired powerhouse in the North. Arislan also as it should be by rights a strong figure in the North, and became a prince. Culture, so there is also the title of title, but because of the random distribution, the North Kingdom can be said to be a prince running all over the place, and there is not much real value.

“What does Canglin Imperial Teacher do?” Ajislan asked knowingly, pretending to be stupid.

The sentence he just said was clearly meant for Cang Rin, and he already pointed out his surname. Could it be fake? But when Cang Lin looked over, he pretended to be stupid again.

Cang Rin frowned slightly to show his disgust.

“You imply that I am not clear about rewards and punishments.” Cang Rin said in a melodious tone.

Her voice is not small, but in other people’s ears, she feels too light, as if she lacks weight and vitality.

Unexpectedly, Canglin was so straight to the point, Ajislan was stunned for a while.

But not long after, he laughed unscrupulously, and the loud laughter continued to echo in the cave again, shaking people’s eardrums with faint pain.

“Sometimes I really can’t figure out what our great Imperial Teacher thinks.”

Ajislan said with a smile, stretched out his hand and scratched his forehead. Some are absent-minded.


Cang Rin was silent, retracted his gaze, and gestured to the team to move forward. She also drove White Wolf underneath to start again.


As for Cang Rin’s ignorance, Ajislan did not expect it.

He stood there for a while, and saw that the team went farther and farther, and the area reflected by the firelight was getting farther away, so he reacted and chased after him with a bitter smile.

“Others say that I am a lion from the North, but they have nothing to do with you, a lone wolf.”

Walking to the side of White Wolf again, Ajislan laughed Open up. Cang Lin just glanced at him lightly without any response.

“I found this cave. It’s a great achievement, isn’t it?”

Ajislan’s expression froze, but then he changed the subject.


Cang Rin’s eyebrows trembled, and he answered yes.

“The king rewarded me with a lot of things, including gold and silver jewelry, cattle and sheep. The Imperial Teacher felt that it was not enough, and then he added some cloth, tea, etc. It’s quite rich.”

Arislan said as a treasure, but his tone was a little too flat, as if he was a little dissatisfied with the rewards.

“Not enough?” Cang Lin asked briefly and directly.

“Natural enough is enough, but you didn’t consider whether I want it or not. Can I really be rewarded for what I don’t want?”

Aris Lan said lightly, but the light from the corner of her eyes swept left and right on Cang Rin’s body without any fear. He also licked his tongue like a hungry beast.

“Ajislan, you are too much.”

An eagle guard couldn’t see it, but he tried to protect the god in his heart. Ajislan’s expression suddenly became hideous, and he turned his head abruptly and stared at the eagle guard, with a bloody killing intent in his eyes.


Hawk guard held his breath, and retreated again and again under the coercion of Ajislan. In the end, his colleagues held him back and he stopped retreating. He was in a state of panic, but Ajislan had already sullenly questioned:

“What qualifications do you…have to interrupt?”

Ajislan’s imposing manner rose steadily With cold glow in his eyes, people didn’t dare to look straight, as if the halberd in his hand would be waved in the next instant to take the life of the loyal guardian.

It depends on the owner to hit the dog.

Eagle Guard is Cang Rin’s direct unit and one of the elite, but Ajislan still don’t give face. There are reasons for his character, but he wants more Give Cang Rin a fight.

I felt too ashamed to give in just now, and the Eagle Guard brace oneself glared at Ajislan to show his reluctance.

And Cang Lin did not respond.

Without the expected results, Ajislan went further. He snorted, and while screaming “I hate others to stare at me!”, the halberd in his hand turned into a violent wind, and it was chopped off the eagle guard’s neck like lightning.

This is a thunderbolt-like blow.

Although Eagle Guard is an elite in the army, facing the attack of Grandmaster, he can only wait to die.

The euphorbia finally hit the ground.

It suddenly changed its trajectory, and landed about two positions in front of the eagle guard, and the ground instantly opened up. On the halberd, there is a body that is delicate and yet elastic.

“Canglin Great Imperial Teacher not only has a good brain, but also the military force is amazing.”

Ajislan said admiringly.

It was Canglin that fell on his halberd that made his halberd deviate from the route and lost its goal.

“…Ajislan, you are too impudent.”

Cang Rin frowned very tightly.

One thing has to be mentioned. Although Cang Rin is a great Imperial Teacher, sometimes she is not smooth enough in getting along with each other. This is also one of her weaknesses.

“Don’t I just want to attract the attention of the beloved woman?”

Arislan shrugged, drew his weapon from Cang Rin’s feet, and carried it back on his shoulders Above, there is no apology at all.

Cang Rin doesn’t like this person.

She likes quietness, she doesn’t like noisy, unruly men, and this man is too uncontrollable. She always thinks that Ajislan is a double-edged sword.

Of course, she also knows that the other person has a subtle affection for herself that can be said to be love or a possessive desire, but she has no thoughts about this man.

Next, Canglin continued to remain silent, no matter how Ajislan molested her, she did not respond, and the oil and salt did not enter. Despite this, Ajislan still enjoys the same, and enjoys it.

However, there is an end to the road.

After walking in continuous darkness for a few days, they almost forget what the light looks like. When they finally walked to the moment they could see the exit, they all couldn’t wait to rush there.

Even Cang Rin drove the sitting Yin Po to speed up.

When passing through the hole, the dim sunlight poured down.

The setting sun rests on the corner of the mountain, the Kunlun Mountains without wind and snow, and the air is quite fresh and refreshing.

Canglin drove Yinpo up the slope, leaving a deep and shallow footprint on the snow.

Walking to an overhang, looking down, you can see a valley, the valley is full of mist, and the rising air is full of warmth.

“──Lingyue Valley.”

Cang Rin lightly said the name of that place.

The place where she is at the moment is exactly on the side of Lingyue Valley near the Hua Dynasty. She bypassed Lingyue Valley and entered the Hua Dynasty – quietly.

“If you step on the snow without a trace, the action will be silent.”

Mumbling, the Canglin sword pointed to the Lingyue Valley underneath.

She wants to wipe out Lingyue Valley quickly and in one fell swoop, so that the coalition forces of the North Kingdom and the Western Regions can pass. Just take advantage of the time that Beiming has the fish that has not yet rushed back.

“Rest on the spot for two hours.”

Cang Rin got off the wolf’s back and turned around and ordered the entourage.

The entire group is full of excitement.

They knew that they were likely to create a new history, even though they only sent troops under Canglin’s orders after learning about the Chinese Imperial Capital.

However, they finally set foot in a place they never set foot.

They seem to have seen the rich land of Hua Dynasty.

And now the first obstacle is the Lingyue Valley, which has resisted the army for a long time by the terrain. Well, they couldn’t immediately subdue the martial demon inside.

“Two hours later, I sent a signal to tell Jialan, this time we want two breads to sandwich the Lingyue Valley, and we must uproot it from the land of the Hua Dynasty—our future land.

Cang Rin turned around and closed his eyes.

“──Hmm, pull up by the roots. “

These words are like a deep chill.

It is a bitter cold.


After passing near After a month of rushing around, Beiming Youyu finally saw his shelter from a distance.

The Kunlun Mountains are still white.

Just in spring, the snow and ice on the mountains are still It has not melted, I am afraid it will take a while before the scenery under the snow is revealed. Of course, even in summer, most of the Kunlun Mountains are still covered with ice and snow.

But it is like a woman. Similarly, wearing less and wearing more will be completely different.

After the incident at Imperial Capital, Beiming fish rushed back overnight, but circled around to You Prefecture and met Qin. Shiyu side. She naturally did not have this plan. It was Qin Shiyu’s character who found her on the way and told her to take a trip to You Prefecture.

Beijing has been silent for a long time, she felt It’s okay to spend a little time to detour You Prefecture, and it happens to be discussing with Qin Shiyu about the defense of the Northland, so this time the detour has become natural.

For this, she It took a lot of time.

Stepping on a familiar road, Beiming Youyu unconsciously speeds up her pace. She has sent a dark crow to notify Lingyue Valley, explaining that she will come to meet her. According to the past practice, She should be waiting on the foot-soaking spring on the Kunlun Mountains Road.

However, when Beiming Yu arrived at that spring, she did not see the silhouette of Jieyu.

“…It’s strange. “

Beijing has a fish muttering to himself, frowning in doubt.

Jieyu usually does not miss an appointment, unless it is something else, or she Hiding deliberately? Beiming looked around, but still did not find the silhouette of the explanation.

She decided to wait for a while, thinking that maybe it was just something delayed.

This wait is just an hour.

The explanation still did not appear, and Beiming Youyu felt a little more uneasy for some reason.

“…has something happened? “

Beijing Youyu couldn’t help thinking about it like this, but after thinking about it, she felt terrifying and quickly shook her head to get rid of the idea.

“Maybe it was just given by something. Delayed…”

No luck.

Despite what Beiming Youyu said, his steps still moved away unconsciously, and repeatedly in a short time Speed ​​up, and in the end, even dash up, leaving the ground for a while after every step, leaning toward Lingyue Valley as fast as a white electricity.

Then, the heavy object fell to the ground.

Suddenly a dark shadow passed by, and a fish in Beiming stopped subconsciously, supporting a large amount of snow on the ground. A dull sound reached her ears, and at the same time there was a smell of blood.

Bei Ming has a closer look.

It is a person who is blocking her way.

“──! “

The moment I saw the other party’s true appearance, Beiming Youyu held his breath instantly.

That was a girl.

About eight years ago, The most striking thing is the pair of wolf ears on the head.

It’s Mengqi! Beiming Youyu’s head is like a thunderbolt. She ran over and lifted Ning Mengqi up. .

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