There is only silence left here.

No matter how you look for them, you can’t see the silhouettes of Zhang Nianzhi and Yu Yao. They disappeared out of thin air and teleported to a unknown place.

People are no longer missing, everything becomes empty talk.

Sue Kirin gritted his teeth, two words expressing indignation reached his throat, but were yelled out first–

“Damn it!”

Rarely, Beiming has one-knee kneels down, and his empty left hand clenched a fist and hammered the ground. She rarely felt such ups and downs. Sue Kirin looked at her speechlessly, thinking she must be unwilling.

It’s no wonder that she is the number one Sect teacher of Hua Dynasty, and I don’t know how long she has not experienced such a weak feeling.


Qi Qiqi knelt on the ground, her wide-open eyes still swaying, looked towards the Imperial Capital in the distance, staring at the blooming being wrapped up The red 9th layer lotus on top of the Imperial Palace.

Weird and ominous, the light that shines from time to time is a sign that the people of Imperial Capital are getting chased by death.

“How could it be like this…”

Qi Qiqi thought that Zhang Nianzhi would sit down and talk to herself, but there was still a turning point. Unexpectedly, she still reaped such a bad result in the end. How should she explain to the people of Imperial Capital, and how should she face the father under Yellow Springs.

She can only watch ── helpless to watch all this happen.

“…How could this be?” She could only whisper.

Tears shed subconsciously from the corner of his eyes, as if the imperial capital people’s death penalty had been declared.

There is not much time until the dawn of dawn. Once the Sun Wheel hangs high, people who have lost their vitality will die. Hundreds of thousands of people will die as a result. This is the real blood flowing into a river-even if it is a bloodless massacre.

“Is there a way to catch up?”

Beijing Yuyu, who has calmed down, asked in a calm tone. But when Sue Kirin turned his head and looked towards her, he saw that Beiming Youyu’s eyes were not as calm as the tone of words.

Sue Kirin thought for a while before answering:

“There is no way, there is no trace at all, and…” Sue Kirin laughed awkwardly, “That technique is too difficult. “


There is a fish in Beiming’s silence.

Finally, she sighed and tossed the pure white longbow in her hand. She has always cherished this bow, and it is hard to imagine that she would treat it like this. This Grandmaster must be extremely irritable.

Sue Kirin also couldn’t restrain the guilt in her heart. She tried to sigh to spit out the guilt that lingered within the body, like mud and dirt, while reaching out to help Qiqi Qi.

Qiqiqi was limp and weak. When Sue Kirin went to help her, she looked back weakly.

The pair of rippling red eyes seems to be seeking some kind of emptiness. She may want Sue Kirin to tell her that this is actually just a dream. After the dream wakes up, Imperial Capital is still alive. .

“Little Seven…”

Sue Kirin called Qi Qiqi, but couldn’t say anything to follow.

She can only stagger her gaze instead of bearing Qi Qiqi’s gaze full of expectation and escape. This action was undoubtedly a heavy punch, which hit Qi Qiqi’s heart straight. She apparently realized that everything was true, her eyes dimmed suddenly.

“…Why can’t I be stronger?” Qi Qiqi asked herself.

After listening, Sue Kirin suddenly felt dizzy.

Qi Qiqi certainly didn’t mean to blame anyone, some just blame herself, but that sentence was heard in Sue Kirin’s ears, and in the ears of Beiming Yuyu, they all called them ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

They are one of the most powerful existences in the Hua Dynasty, but they have not played any role in the crisis of this time.

Well, they are like ants in front of Fei Xian.

Sue Kirin really wants to be stronger, even if it’s just some, maybe the whole thing will show different results. What made her even more difficult was that she was scared.

In front of the dragon bird, in front of Zhang Nianzhi, and even in front of Yu Yao, she once flinched.

Four years ago, the face-to-face battle with Mo Ji left her not only the injury that had been completely recovered, but also a psychological shadow. She was scared.

Because she is afraid, she is even more embarrassed at this moment, and the guilt in her heart can’t stop.


Sue Kirin can only make this kind of unhelpful sound, and can only grit his teeth afterwards, as if this could change the result.

Suddenly, Qi Qiqi showed a trance expression.

“Xia elder sister and Qinger…” She turned her eyes to Sue Kirin blankly, “Still in the Imperial Capital.”

For a moment, Sue Kirin seemed to Hearing the explosion of the thunderbolt made her brains go into a mess, exploded her eyes as wide as she could, and made her feel chills and suffocation.

Yes, Xia Xue and the others are still trapped in Imperial Capital.

The vitality of people in Imperial Capital has been taken away, so what about Xia Xue and others? Sue Kirin didn’t dare to think about going any further, took Qi Qiqi’s hand, turned around and jumped into the air, and flew towards Imperial Capital at an extremely fast speed.

When she remembered that she had forgotten that there are fish in Beiming, Imperial Capital was already in front of her.

Why am I so careless? Sue Kirin has become a frightening bird. As long as anyone disappears from her vision at this time, she will be unreasonably worried. Heaven and Earth thinks she may be in a certain kind of danger, and think Zhang Nianzhi and Yuyao might attack him. Start.

She plans to look back for Beiming Youyu.

However, as soon as she looked back, she saw Beiming Youyu just catching up. She was sighed in relief now, thinking it was all right.

Bei Ming Youyu frowned and looked at it as if he had noticed her change. As a result, Sue Kirin would turn his gaze back to the front, hiding his weakness well.

She thought to herself, she must not be weak, she must cheer up.

Whenever I think that Xia Xue and the others may also be taken away from their lives and have already walked in front of the gates of hell, her body cannot stop shaking.

Imperial Capital city gate is still blocked. Although the flowers and plants entangled on it have withered, they still seem unbreakable.

Sue Kirin and the others directly crossed the city wall and flew towards the palace.

On the way, I can feel the entire Imperial Capital’s silence, hardly perceive any breath, occasionally looking down, I can see some fainted people on the street, and some seem to be weak People are running around on the streets, seeking help from others.

When passing by Chang’an Lingfu, the outside is even more crowded.

These people seem to be very weak, and some of them fainted directly to the ground, their anger seemed to be empty, and these were all signs of lack of vitality.

Flying fairy is a miracle.

To achieve the body of a flying immortal, the right time and place are indispensable, and air luck accounts for a large part. Qi Luck is closely related to concepts such as the Way of Heaven and Destiny. It is what people call “fate”. If you want to interfere artificially and call back the dead souls, the price is the vitality of hundreds of thousands of people.

“This kind of thing…”

Can it really be called right? Sue Kirin gritted his teeth and looked away.

Those helpless people found a few people flying in the sky and cast longing eyes. Sue Kirin could not bear their hopeful sight, she could not save them.


Long Court returned to peace.

The dragon bird stood silently in the square.

Yuyao has been in the layout for a long time, set a powerful 3-layer restriction attached to Longting to shut her out, and when the 3-layer restriction does not know why it is broken, he When finally able to arrive at Longting, everything was too late.

Zhang Nianzhi is still alive.

Her existence is definitely an extremely unstable factor for the Imperial Court.

No matter how many Grandmasters there are, they cannot invade the palace because the dragon bird sits here. Under her guardianship, the palace has never fallen once, and Imperial Capital has never fallen under the guardianship of Longting.

Imperial Capital is an eternal city that never falls.

But now, is Imperial Capital considered degraded-in the hands of Yu Yao and Zhang Nianzhi? In any case, this is an unforgivable insult to Dragon Sparrow.

If you succeed, you will lose.

The dragon bird also knows this very well, so she can only swallow this sulking breath.

Looking around the Dragon Court again, this area at the core of the Chinese dynasty can be said to be a mess at this moment. Thank God that the core part of the technique has not been damaged, otherwise the Dragon Court would be destroyed. The lives of 100,000 people.

Once the Dragon Court is destroyed, the foundation of the Hua Dynasty will be shaken.

In thousands of years, this is the only time that the dragon sparrow has lost self-control, and it is also the most profound loss of self-control.

Just as the dragon sparrow was regretting it, there was a little movement not far away. The dragon bird looked over and realized that it came from the secretly thought exit leading to the core of the dragon court.


The dragon bird sighed silently.

She had already noticed the existence of those two people. If it were not for them, the 3-layer restriction would not be damaged, and she would not have the opportunity to pull strongly against a crazy tide-even though she failed in the end Up.

It’s me who is disappointing, not others.

The dragon bird who thought so took a step there, and only that step caused the scenery to change rapidly, and she reached the exit that was located on the ring and led to the core of the dragon court.

It just so happened that the girl with pure water-colored hair just showed up.

She ran into the dragon bird head-on, and instantly froze her expression, and the girl with the horns behind her curled her eyebrows, and froze her body without moving.

The silence between the two parties is filled.

‘…you waited to break the 3-layer restriction? ‘

Dragon Sparrow finally asked, her voice echoed directly in their minds.

“Yes.” Shui Yun’er breathes deeply, responding with a calm expression as much as possible.

The dragon bird is just nodded and has no other performance.

Bai Ze’s brows trembled. She must have thought that the Guardian of the Dragon Court would be more concerned with her. Of course, Longque’s silence does not mean that she will not hold them accountable.

However, Longque was just staring at Shui Yun’er, with complex emotions flashing across the noble face.

‘You and others are guilty of trespassing into the Dragon Court, and the guilt is not unduly serious, but if you break the prohibition, you can be regarded as making up for it. If you have nothing else to do, just retreat quickly. ‘

For a while, the dragon bird looked back and said.

“Thanks to Senior for his insightful righteousness.”

Shui Yuner smiled and bowed towards the dragon bird, her body was already tight with a calm expression, she did not at all performance is so easy.

After receiving Longque’s understanding, Shui Yuner took Bai Ze’s hand and ran towards the exit of Longting.

“She just let us go like this?” Bai Ze was a little unbelievable.

Shui Yun’er just looked at the road ahead and did not answer in silence. However, Bai Ze seemed to understand something by himself, and the look in Shui Yun’er’s profile suddenly became profound.

They came to the exit soon, and plunged in without the slightest hesitation.

The dragonfinch behind them continued to watch the two leave until their silhouettes disappeared, and she sighed silently.

“…It’s so alike.”

This time, the voice no longer echoes directly in people’s minds.

These short four words really come from Dragonfinch’s lips. They are her real voice, but her words didn’t float far, lacking a little strength. .

“You have been forgotten.”

After a while, Dragon Sparrow’s eyes fell back to the square.

The Battle Armor girl at the other end is still unable to move even a little bit, subject to Yuyao’s technique. In the battle just now, she was forgotten by everyone.

“Let’s go, too.”

The dragon bird waved his sleeve lightly, and the technique that bound Merlele was finally solved.

Milele fell heavily to the ground, his body stiffened for a long time. She watched the dragon bird vigilantly and stood up slowly. She must have been surprised that Dragon Sparrow would easily let go of herself.

However, she still understands the reason why this place shouldn’t stay here for a long time. Mo Lele watched the dragon sparrow while leaning towards the exit, but she hadn’t taken a few steps yet–

“Wait, please stay.”

Dragon Que suddenly changed his mind and issued a word of retention. Mo Lele suddenly froze in her body, she could feel the dragon bird falling on her back, and how profound her vision was.


The palace is no exception.

It’s like Imperial Capital. It was dead silent. Sue Kirin took Qi Qiqi and landed in the yard. No one on the left or right was disturbed, and there was not much breath.

The huge mansion is like a coffin and a large cemetery at this moment.

The scenery is still the same, but without the human temperature, it looks a lot depressed. Sue Kirin, who returned to the old place, once thought that he was in the wrong place.

“Find someone first.” Beiming Youyu who landed next to him said first.

On hearing her voice, Sue Kirin dispelled her messy thoughts and refocused her attention on the present.

“Look separately.” Sue Kirin said.

After a period of flight time, Qi Qiqi finally settled her mind and nodded, and based on Sue Kirin’s proposal, she volunteered to choose an area, and Sue Kirin and Beiming Youyu were also responsible for each area.

They split up to find Gong Tianqing and the others who came first.

As a result, Beiming Youyu was the first to discover.

She mobilized her Spiritual Qi within the body to produce a unique breath to call the other two.

Sue Kirin and Qi Qiqi realized that Beiming had fish intentions, and immediately gave up the area they were searching and rushed to the place where Beiming had fish.

The two met on the way and happened to meet.

There is a fish in a remote courtyard in Beiming.

“Little fish!”

Sue Kirin looked around after landing, and finally saw a fish in Beiming in front of a room, and immediately called her.

“Where are the people? Are they inside?” She asked eagerly when she came to Beiming Youyu.

Being Ming Youyu didn’t answer, she turned around and opened the door of the room, leading the two in. Sue Kirin took a deep breath and took a closer look and found that Gong Tianqing, Lin immortal jade, Bei Xiaolu and Xia Xue were all staying in this room.

Gong Tianqing and Lin immortal jade fainted directly, and were settled in the corner of the room sitting against the wall, while Xia Xue and Bei Xiaolu were still awake, but they looked very bad and their faces were pretty. He was pale, and his eyes didn’t have much expression.

Obviously, they are also affected by the jade technique, and their vitality has also lost a lot, but because they are all heaven, this loss of vitality is not fatal. Their life force is much stronger than ordinary people.

In fact, those ordinary persons are often affected.

Rao is Gong Tianqing and Lin immortal jade who passed out into a coma. They are just the result of the loss of life force in a short period of time. As long as they rest slowly, they can still be brought back.

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