
In the darkness, Sue Kirin plummeted down, not touching the ground.

Her hands were clinging randomly, but she couldn’t touch or touch anything. That kind of feeling was like floating in the air, with nowhere to borrow, just like duckweed.

I don’t know how long it has been, maybe it was just a moment, or it could be decades, when Sue Kirin’s feet finally hit the ground.

Solid land.

The darkness also disappeared, and replaced by the scene before her eyes──

“This is…”

Unbelievable scenery.

Even if she hadn’t passed out in a coma and had seen everything happen, she still couldn’t understand what happened. Well, I really can’t understand.

The rain is falling, hitting the clothes.

Under the feet is the muddy ground wet with rain, with the fragrance of grass, besides there are a few broken stones, and forest trees like umbrellas reflecting rainwater.

Low shrubs and sparse trees are scattered all around, green mysterious in the moonlight.

The continuous, winding river runs through it, passing close to Sue Kirin, and the gurgling sound of water seems to tell Sue Kirin that all this is true.

This is naturally not the Dragon Court of Imperial Capital, which does not have the natural flavor of the wild.

It will not be the Imperial Capital, and it is also impossible to be the garden of a certain family, because as long as you look at it a little bit, you can see the Imperial Capital in the distance-the capital of China filled and entangled with plants .

“Kirin, where is this?”

Qiqiqi’s weak voice came from the side.

Sue Kirin came back to his senses, looked towards the side, and saw Qi Qiqi holding her forehead, shaking her body as if she felt dizzy. She held on to each other and shook her head.

“I don’t know, but it seems to be outside Imperial Capital…”

Why did you come here? Could it be transmitted? Is it Zhang Nianzhi? Sue Kirin wrinkled frowned, only then did he remember to observe the situation of his companions.

Beiming has fish behind them, she also noticed the strange situation, squinting her eyes all around. Her face was a little pale, and she seemed to have suffered some physical discomfort just like Sue Kirin.

“I’m sorry, three girls.”

Zhang Nianzhi’s voice sounded, Sue Kirin’s heart squeezed, and he pursued it, but saw her and Yuyao standing in Beimingyou The position of the fish a little later.

“Dragon Sparrow mobilized the power of Long Ting. With the huge Spiritual Qi support, Poor Daoist will never be an opponent, so I can only make the best move.” She apologized.

“When did you construct the technique?”

Sue Kirin asked subconsciously, with a slightly questioning tone.

From this point of view, she cares more about when Zhang Nianzhi has such a complicated technique. The teleportation technique is definitely not a simple spell. Generally speaking, you need to establish a connection between the teleporting location and the destination, but how does Zhang Nianzhi, who has just returned from death, do things at the destination? Without the fixed-point technique, the difficulty of the teleportation technique will increase not only by a little bit, but also geometrically. There is also a problem of accuracy.

What if you just teleport at will and pass it into the stone?

The time for Zhang Nianzhi to construct the technique will never be long. I’m afraid it was the short period of time that the dragon sparrow was restrained, and Qi Qiqi talked to each other – these elements add up, Zhang Nianzhi’s spell attainments and power Both are deeply terrifying.

The same is true, Sue Kirin will subconsciously ask that question because it is too incredible.

“Snow Maiden, don’t lose your confidence, Poor Daoist has been immersed in this way for a long time, but you only have a few decades.”

Zhang Nianzhi comforted Sue Kirin Said that she was aware of the blow to a certain extent. She should not have any ridicule, but it is like a genius telling an ordinary person that you can do the same as long as you work hard, making people feel uncomfortable.

“…I always feel that I can make people angry as I listen to it.”

Sue Kirin said with his mouth curled.

Compared to the time when she got up in Longting, her mood relaxed a lot. She didn’t know the reason, and after thinking about it carefully, she realized that since Zhang Nianzhi had also sent her out, at least she would not hold a big killing intent towards them.

Otherwise, Zhang Nianzhi only needs to leave them there and give them to Longque.

“Ayao, come here.” Zhang Nianzhi turned around and beckoned to Yu Yao who was standing later.

Although Yu Yao was a little dazed, she couldn’t resist the gaze of the jade pair, and walked over without a word.

“Kneel down.” Zhang Nianzhi ordered lightly.

“…Master Nianzhi?”

A thick surprise and unbelief appeared on Yu Yao’s face, shaking his cheek towards Zhang Nianzhi. In addition to her, Sue Kirin, Beiming Youyu and Qi Qiqi also have different degrees of surprise on their faces.

Zhang Nianzhi just sighed, stepped forward, and came to the side of a cliff, looking at the Imperial Capital, which was far away, but still large enough to fill his eyes.

“For thousands of years, the capital has never experienced the difficulties of this tribulation. Nearly a million civilians have lived. Although its existence is full of sacrifices and contemptible, it cannot be denied. The stability and happiness it brings to people… How many people have found a family in it, and feel peace-Changan Changan, long-term stability, and many people’s lifelong pursuit is lifelong stability, but you have ruined all this, for Your selfish desires.”

The more Zhang Nianzhi said, the heavier his tone was, and in the end it was full of harsh rebuke. Yuyao’s expression is quite complicated, with dissatisfaction and guilt. She did not refute anything. In front of Zhang Nianzhi, she was only obedient.

“You may not be wrong, maybe this is what the world owes you, but why are they wrong?”

Zhang Nianzhi turned around, a pair of turquoise eyes were full It’s sad.

“Also, what did you do to these girls? How is your behavior different from what you encountered back then? No, it is worse. You not only manipulated the life and death of Snow Girl , Also manipulated her life and luck. Yes, you did make her, but you are only looking forward to the time when the flowers bloom and you can pick the results.”

Zhang Nianzhi pointed to Sue Kirin, one Suddenly called Yuyao to lower his head subconsciously.

Somehow, Sue Kirin suddenly felt sorry. Frankly speaking, it is true that she is unhappy and resentful, but if you really want to care about it, she should have died in Imperial Capital a long time ago-at least, Yu Yao is so frankly-she can live until this time, maybe it is also a blessing Yu Yuyao.

Although this lost life will fall into a plot against a thousand years of experience in the future, it is also a true fact that she is alive. The two contradict each other, and I really don’t know why she should be grateful. Or hatred.

Sue Kirin is not obsessed and caring to the point where she says that such a life is not decided by herself, she has never forced it so much. After she came alive, she also gained a lot of happiness. Could it be that these were also manipulated by Yu Yao? Even if it was, there was nothing wrong with it. The only thing that made her unhappy was that Yu Yao involved her important people many times.

However, Yuyao probably still has some kindness.

Xia Xue didn’t seem to have died in her hands, and she didn’t kill the chicken to get the eggs. She killed Sue Kirin after getting what she wanted. If Sue Kirin hadn’t stood up against her, she would probably ignore it.

Yuyao is only for the only goal so far.

During that process, she didn’t take any more, she only took what she needed. This might be Yuyao’s few remaining goodness.

Thinking about this, Sue Kirin suddenly felt that Yuyao’s love was justified.

Of course, she has not forgotten what “Cang” was taken away, she has to get “Cang” back.

“I don’t need her to kneel down to apologize.”

Sue Kirin stepped forward and said that Zhang Nianzhi’s eyes immediately came to her.

“What does Snow Maiden want?” she asked with a smile.

“You within the body of the’cang’, she entrusts everything to me, I must get her back.”

“This is also as it should be by rights… …” Zhang Nianzhi sighed again and said apologetically, “Since Snow Maiden does not need to apologize, Poor Daoist does not insist on it, but regarding the Bharata gods within the body, I have nothing to do.”

“No The way?”

Sue Kirin stayed for a while, only to feel annoyed, “Why is there no way? You are beautiful, but the vitality of the people of Imperial Capital, as well as my capacity and’greatness’, You didn’t intend to pay me back! What do you say is that there is no ambition, is it not boasting?”

“If I was really ambitious, I would have taken the Snow Maiden’s sword long ago, and there is no need to save you.”

Zhang Nianzhi’s eyes slightly narrowed, and his gaze fell on the sword that Sue Kirin hung horizontally behind him. She covered it subconsciously with her hand, protecting the Tianji from falling into the opponent’s hands.

Different from “Cang”, Tianji has been with her for a long time. If Tianji is taken away, she will definitely be more excited, so Zhang Nianzhi just gave a few examples and Sue Kirin has become a bird of surprise.

“Snow Girl, don’t worry, I will pay it back—”

Zhang Nianzhi made a steady and strong promise, but before she finished speaking, Yuyao walked around her and grabbed hard. Caught her shoulder. She used a lot of force, and her nails got stuck in Zhang Nianzhi’s arm skin.

“Master Nianzhi, are you leaving me again?” There was a frenzy on Yu Yao’s face.

She must be unable to imagine a world without Zhang Nianzhi.

Because she can’t bear the world without Zhang Nianzhi, she will spend thousands of years to recall Zhang Nianzhi. So how could she accept that Zhang Nianzhi wanted to return everything to others and leave her.


Zhang Nianzhi was a little helpless, but he couldn’t bear to continue to scold Yu Yao.

Who can be so unrelenting and cruel in front of such affection? She has died once, but it doesn’t mean that her heart has become steel. This can be proved by the tenderness floating on her face.

“Yuyao Senior, people who have died cannot be recalled…even more how, this is at the expense of the innocent people!”

Qiqiqiren I can’t help but speak, expression on his face is both sad and firm.

“none of your business!” Yu Yao turned around and threw this sentence out in anger.

For the first time seeing her emotionally so excited, Qi Qiqi stepped back in fright.

“Miss Qi, you know all the Poor Daoist you mentioned.”

Zhang Nianzhi still sighed, she reached out and held Yuyao’s hand. Yu Yao was taken aback and turned to Zhang Nianzhi.

“──She missed me so much, how can I bear it? I will pay it back, but not now.”

“Not now?”

As if hearing something very ridiculous, Sue Kirin sneered involuntarily. She pointed to Zhang Nianzhi, loudly shouted angrily:

“It’s almost dawn!”

I don’t know where the courage came from, she further increased her tone:

“At dawn, those vitality will not return. You are going to watch them die for you! Even if you really return the vitality in the future-they have become cold corpses, want these vitality back What’s the use? I think you are farting!”

“Aiya Aiya, so what?”

Zhang Nianzhi gave a wry smile, but what he said made people feel chills.

“…you can only trust me, apart from this, you have no room for questioning.”

While leaving behind the words, countless threads sprang from Zhang Nianzhi’s feet. A light pattern-this is Sue Kirin’s spiritual ink mark. Those lines spread on the ground, and outlines the huge Totem like ink, quickly constructing a very complicated technique.


Seeing that his own things have been misappropriated, Sue Kirin laughed back, but he didn’t dare to actually do it.

“You can only trust me, don’t you?”

Zhang Nianzhi took Yuyao’s hand, turned around, and turned his face to look at several people.

Her attitude has become too abrupt and suddenly, is it too lazy to pretend to go on? The dead may be the existence that most eagerly resurrects from death, is Zhang Nianzhi the same, wants to regain his life?

“Sue Kirin, can’t hesitate anymore-if you want to recapture your own things.”

Suddenly, the white hair swayed and a fish from Beiming rushed away. Her actions interrupted Sue Kirin’s hesitation and made a decision for her.


Zhang Nianzhi just sighed.

Bei Ming Youyu stabilized his unfolded figure in the air, supported a few arrows in a row, and took Zhang Nianzhi’s head straight. Yuyao once wanted to step forward to block Zhang Nianzhi’s attack from Beiming Youyu, but Zhang Nianzhi grabbed it with one hand.

Faced with the incoming arrow, Zhang Nianzhi bulged his cheeks and let out a breath.

This breath turned into violent air currents, whirlwind spirals, blowing off the bullets and flying arrows shot by Beimingyou fish, and moving on, crashing into the owner of the bow.

Quickly, Beiming Youyu tapped it out of thin air, and immediately changed its direction to avoid the direct blow of the cyclone.

But even so──


Beiming has fish still being thrown out, she was just blown in by the current.

“Little fish!”

Sue Kirin screamed, jumped up, and steadily followed Beiming before the fish landed. The so-called Xiangyu is probably the same thing, but Sue Kirin is not in the mood to enjoy it.

After they landed safely, Zhang Nianzhi’s surgery was also formed at the same time.

I saw the two people in the procedure gradually become transparent, as if the color was erased.

“Kirin, Beiming Senior, are you okay?”

Qi Qiqi, who is concerned about the two running over, asked, but when she saw Sue Kirin did not respond, she turned her head to observe Zhang Nianzhi’s situation.

For a moment, Qi Qiqi realized something and hurriedly shouted:

“Zhang Nianzhi Senior, absolutely no, this is about the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Imperial Capital!”


Speaking, Qi Qiqi rushed over, trying to hug Zhang Nianzhi.

“Little Qi, don’t go there!”

Sue Kirin hurriedly dropped Beiming Youyu and followed. Beiming Youyu didn’t expect that Sue Kirin would suddenly abandon herself, and fell to the ground.

The silhouettes of Zhang Nianzhi and Yu Yao are getting lighter and lighter.

Seeing that Qi Qiqi in front seemed to be unable to catch up, she kicked on the ground and flew forward at an amazing speed.



Qi Qiqi hit the ground, slid out a long distance with her face on the ground.

She was still a step slower and couldn’t catch up. When she pounced, she passed directly through the places where Zhang Nianzhi and Yu Yao were, and inevitably came into close contact with the ground.

“How can this be…”

When she was lifted up, Qi Qiqi was still whispering, her eyes shaking.


Sue Kirin who helped Qi Qiqi and got up to their side, Beiming Yuyu remained silent.

They are thinking that if Zhang Nianzhi goes like this, the people of Imperial Capital will have to bode ill rather than well. Well, Zhang Nianzhi left on the blood of people, and she also came alive bathed in their lives.

“…Who is rare to come back from the dead?”

For a long time, Sue Kirin said fiercely.

When Qi Qiqi looked over, she saw her teeth clenched very tightly, and her fists clenched very tightly. The knuckles were all white, and his expression was a little distorted with grimness.

In the distance, Imperial Capital fell into death.

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