“Are you finally willing to come?”

Xia Xue is the only one who can say such things with anger and mockery.

Like an old man, she tremblingly supported the cabinet on the side to prop up her body, her pale face exhausted her strength to hold up a sarcastic smile.

“Xia elder sister, don’t move.”

Qiqiqi ran to support her, she was about to cry in a hurry.

“Didn’t expect once again fell to… I want you to help.”

Xia Xue said mockingly, Qi Qiqi helped her to sit on the chair moved by Sue Kirin . On the other side, Beiming Xiaolu also sat on another chair with the support of Beiming Youyu.

Just such a light and ordinary movement, they seemed to spend a lot of effort, and their breathing became a little messy. Their vitality has been lost, and their ability to stay awake depends on the physique of the heaven.

“I’m going to kill my old lady.” Bei Xiaolu’s speech was a little uncomfortable, but she still complained spyly, “My old lady is so good…suddenly it’s like being physically taken away… …Now, now… I can’t stand still.”

Only after she finished speaking, she realized that it was Beiming Youyu who was holding her just now, and her expression froze. She was still afraid that Beiming had fish, and she didn’t know how Beiming Yu had treated her before, leaving her with such a deep psychological shadow.

“Just say a little less.”

Sue Kirin yelled a little annoyed.

A series of encounters made her feel remorseful. The emotions that entangled in the heart all turned into irritability and depression, making her almost breathless. Now when I hear Bei Xiaolu’s complaint, Naturally, it is a bit hot.

“Your grandmother is a bear, and my old lady is running around. Isn’t it for your family name Gong? You are here now to call my old lady, do you look down on my old lady?”

Bei Xiaolu It’s not a good thing either, she, like Sue Kirin, has a breath of bad breath in her heart. After being scolded by Sue Kirin like this, she couldn’t hold back her bad breath.

Sue Kirin hearing this also felt that he was wrong and shouldn’t breathe at Bei Xiaolu, so he closed his mouth and said nothing.

However, Bei Xiaolu did not intend to give up, and between the opening and closing of his mouth, he yelled again, mixed with some unpleasant and vulgar vulgar language.

Sue Kirin finally suppressed the suffocation that came to his throat again.

Before she turned those sullenness into words──

“Shut up all to me!” Beiming Youyu stopped in a rare voice.

Sue Kirin and Bei Xiaolu were both startled, involuntarily pursing their mouths and stopped talking.

“Look at your virtues.” Xia Xue sighed helplessly.

Qi Qiqi is taking care of Lin immortal jade and Gong Tianqing at this time, worrying about not knowing where to settle the fainted two, but I heard that they seem to be starting for some boring things again Conflict, but also feel a little bored and bored.

She didn’t interrupt, just silently looking for a place where they could settle down and sit against the wall.

Before that, Qi Qiqi had checked Gong Tianqing and Lin immortal jade separately, and found that they really fell into a coma just because most of their vitality was taken away. There were no other fatal injuries, so she hung high. His heart was able to let go, holding his mind and thinking about settling the two of them.

“Don’t look for it.”

As Qi Qiqi looked around, Xia Xue’s voice floated.

“Xia elder sister, what do you mean?” Qi Qiqi was a little unhappy, because Xia Xue’s tone was full of mockery.

“It’s no use to settle down anywhere.” Xia Xue snorted, “The entire Imperial Capital has no place to settle down.”

There is something in Xia Xue’s words.

She doesn’t care about drinking, referring to the entire Imperial Capital people are affected, as long as they stay in Imperial Capital, there is nowhere to escape.

Qi Qiqi understands, but ignores her.

There is a partition separated by a screen in the room, and there should be a bed behind that. Qi Qiqi, who was thinking so, walked over and went around the screen and saw the bed unexpectedly.

It’s just that there seems to be a guest on the bed.

Is a man.

Qiqiqi walked closer and finally saw the face of the person on the bed.


She almost screamed because she was lying on the bed by Gong Tianqing’s biological father.

Gong Yue.

It is not surprising that Gongyue is in the palace. What really shocked Qi Qiqi was that Gongyue was wrapped in countless white bandages, and blood oozes out in several places.

Master Gong, is he injured?

Qi Qiqi couldn’t help but take a closer look and carefully checked Gong Yue’s injuries, and was shocked that he was seriously injured and had injured many vital points. He was not in a coma because his vitality was taken away-to be precise, not only because of the loss of vitality, but the existence of the injury made him even weaker.

He is the one who has stepped into Yellow Springs in the whole room.

“I told you that there is no place.”

The words came from behind.

Qiqiqi looked back, and Xia Xue was greeted by the silhouette of Xia Xue who was supporting Sue Kirin.

Next to them was Tianji, who had recovered her human form. She ran towards Qi Qiqi nodded, picked up the basin beside her, and then turned and ran out. She might use this basin to fetch some water.

“What’s wrong with the grand man…?”

Sue Kirin helped Xia Xue sit down by the bed, and Qi Qiqi asked immediately.

“Gong Yue?”

Sue Kirin was stunned. After realizing that she was lying on the bed, that person was Gong Yue. She glanced at Gong Yue and distinguished his abnormally weak state.

“Why did he make it like this?”

Sue Kirin asked in amazement. Just after asking, she remembered one thing. Yuyao once mentioned that Xia Xue was placed in the palace for a reason, which indirectly implied that someone would take advantage of this time to act fish in troubled waters.

So, Xia Xue was settled here in response to the Gong Yue incident?

Gong Yue was assassinated? why? Someone spied on the life of Shang Shu of the Ministry of War? A series of questions appeared in Sue Kirin’s mind, which made her feel even more upset and annoyed.

“It is said that it was the second Prince’s hand.” Xia Xue sneered, “It was born from the same root, so why is it too eager to freak together? Although this poem is a bit inappropriate, it’s basically just saying This kind of thing.”

“Second Prince wanted to take advantage of the chaos of Imperial Capital, wanting to take the life of Master Gong?” Qi Qiqi frowned.

She is probably the most disgusting thing.

“Why?” Sue Kirin not even think asked.

“Second Prince is no longer unheard-of. Although he is the first priority heir to the throne, Your Majesty has never made a decision to establish a reserve. He must be waiting. The Ministry of War is one of the six. As six books, a high position, but Gong Yue Gong-sama never stood in line, only loyal to the emperor, so Second Prince wants the Ministry of War, you must first get rid of or the larger the palace… Gong-sama’s reputation is very important, he wants to stand up. He may be a lot of trouble, but as long as he gets rid of him, other people who obey him can be moved to the top.”

Just think about it for a moment, Qi Qiqi has already distinguished from the fragmented information. A rough outline.

Sue Kirin blinked. Didn’t expect Qi Qiqi to be so heart is like a clear mirror, and immediately understood the overall situation and Second Prince’s thoughts. If it was her, I would have to think deeply about how long it would take to figure out the corners.

“Hey, what can your body do? You are crazy!”

Suddenly, Bei Xiaolu’s shout came from outside the screen.

“What’s up?” Sue Kirin muttered, thinking about going out to find out, but suddenly heard a muffled noise.

Someone fell to the ground.

Sue Kirin speeds up the pace of going out, unexpectedly colliding head-on with someone.


The person who was hit did not stand firmly, and fell back. Sue Kirin reached out and grabbed her. At the same time, she recognized Gong Tianqing.

“Xiaoqing, why did you wake up?”

Sue Kirin asked in surprise, and quickly helped Gong Tianqing who was already shaky.

Gong Tianqing’s realm is not enough to support her to stay awake when she loses most of her vitality, and the reason why she can wake up, and then force her body to come here, depends on A certain will and obsession.

Thinking about this, her thoughts fluttered a little, thinking that she seemed to be holding a crutch today, and she didn’t know how many people she helped.

“Little, little Ancestor Master…”

Gong Tianqing speaks very hard, obviously trying her best. She is too weak, even if she is supported by Sue Kirin, she cannot stand securely. She couldn’t stand still again and almost fell to the ground, still pulling on Sue Kirin’s sleeve before she could barely stop.

“Oh, ah, you say baa slowly, you say baa slowly…”

Sue Kirin was worried, but Gong Tianqing couldn’t help it.

“Save…” Gong Tianqing took a breath, and then finished, “Save Daddy.”


Sue Kirin was stunned. Didn’t expect this requirement, but after thinking about it, I think it is as it should be by rights.

“Save Daddy.”

Gong Tianqing said it again, still quite hard. Not only words, but even the hand that grabbed Sue Kirin’s sleeve was quite hard.


Sue Kirin promised Lian Lian, why did she refuse Gong Tianqing’s pitiful request?

“I will look at your father’s situation first.” She continued.

Gong Yue was injured, and it was still seriously injured, but she knew nothing about the specific cause of the injury and where she was injured. Even if she wanted to save it, she couldn’t save it.

“I broke my heart and Wugen.”

Sue Kirin let Gong Tianqing sit in another chair, just walked to the bed, ready to check Gong Yue’s When he was injured, Xia Xue explained the known situation first.

“Hey hey hey, isn’t this serious?”

Sue Kirin said blankly, his eyes on Gong Yue’s pale face, and Gong Tian clear Youxu’s face went back and forth several times, and he didn’t have a correct head in his heart.

Damage to the heart and blood vessels means that the heart and spirituality are injured.

At this time when the vitality was drawn, these two injuries overlapped and were obviously extremely fatal. It was a miracle that Gong Yue could persist until now.

The heart problem can still be solved, but the spirituality center is as difficult as heavenly ascension.

Even if Sue Kirin uses the treatment technique, Gongyue no longer has physical strength and life force to overdraw… She can only check Gongyue’s injuries first, and then see if she can save her palace as much as possible Yue’s life will do its best.

“Sue Kirin, you guys messed up, right?”

Beijing Xiaolu also came to the inside, and this is the problem holding the screen open.

“Hey, don’t you have a better idea?” Sue Kirin yelled after hearing it harshly.

Next, she continued to check Gong Yue’s situation.

Gong Yue’s condition was not good and his heart was injured. Fortunately, someone dealt with it in time and only injured the surface, so he could survive. What is terrible is the problem of spirituality center.

“Xiaoqing, your father’s situation is not so good…”

After hesitating, Sue Kirin decided to speak up. There was no such thing hidden, and she felt that Gong Tianqing could bear it, and she was well prepared.

Gong Tianqing fainted hearing this.

“Kirin, is there any rescue?” Qi Qiqi asked on behalf of Gong Tianqing.

“I can only rely on himself…”

Sue Kirin shook the head first, and then said: “I can use the technique to give him some vitality, so as soon as possible Replenish the lost vitality, so that at least his condition can be stabilized slightly, but in the end—”

“Wait!” Bei Xiaolu suddenly interrupted, keenly thinking of a certain probability and Asked, “Sue Kirin, can you accumulate vitality? Many people outside have lost vitality. Can you use this spell in your mouth to find a way?”

Beggars’ Sect was born in the city and has a heart. marketplace.

Even if it is Heavenly Jade Palace, as long as it is compared with Beggars’ Sect, it can’t be better than what Beggars’ Sect has done for the common people. It is precisely this way that Bei Xiaolu will pay more attention to Imperial Capital people’s life and death.

In this way, she was able to come to Gong Family to help not to stay in Longting. She also believed that Sue Kirin and the others could solve this problem, and this trust was disappointed.

Although Sheng Zaibei Xiaolu is carefree, he is also a man of reason.

“It’s not the same.” Sue Kirin didn’t want to disappoint her again, but he wouldn’t use lies to deceive her. “The vitality of an ordinary person is almost taken away from me… If there is no good soil, how can I Yun gives more vitality? A dead land, and you can’t grow anything.”


The eyes that were a little brighter have dimmed again. Bei Xiaolu opened his mouth and moved his throat, but in the end he was speechless, unable to say anything.

“I’m sorry.” Sue Kirin can only apologize.

Even if she can transfer all her life to others, she can’t save a few people. Of course, talking is better than making up. If you really can’t think of other methods before dawn, Sue Kirin can save one.

“It’s okay, who can win the monster that can watch the breathable luck?”

Bei Xiaolu is a little self-deprecating, as if he is throwing himself away as trash, he sits on the ground and kicks up. Come.

She didn’t lose her temper, she was silent, there was no movement, as if she had died.

It seems to be infected by her, or it may be that the conversation between the two really made everyone present feel that hundreds of thousands of people will die at dawn. This is something that should be deeply remembered, but it is difficult to feel it. .

They are silent.

It’s not far from the dawn.

“…Are the people of Imperial Capital living hanging by a thread?”

The question of breaking the silence comes from Gong Tianqing.

No one answered her question, because just answering this question seemed to be burdened with great guilt. None of them can easily talk about the life and death of hundreds of thousands of lives.

Well, no one can.

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