Sheng Moran heard Yu Qingqian's words, and warm ripples appeared in the lake in her heart.

  The ancestor of the Sheng family also admired Yu Qingqian's temperament of emphasizing love and righteousness, "Okay, you can go to negotiate with the evil cultivator with the head of the family in a while."

"In the operation of the Sheng family, Mo Ran does not need to participate for the time being to avoid exposure. After Sheng Yuan and the evil cultivators who participated in the negotiation are under control, I will lead the elites of the Sheng family and the elites of several other families to attack Yinfengya. I'll go."

   "Yes, ancestor/senior."

  The ancestor of the Sheng family left with Sheng Moran first, while Yu Qingqian was taken to the front hall by Mr. Sheng.

   This time, Yu Qingqian did not use the Thousand Phantom Mask to transform into the appearance of the Eighth Elder. After all, the Eighth Elder and Sheng Yuan had been together for so long, and she did not know many small details of the movements, but it was easy to expose them.

  There are two rows of chairs directly opposite the front hall of the Sheng family. The Sheng family sits on the left and Xie Xiu sits on the right.

   Mr. Sheng took Yu Qingqian and Sheng Qingfeng into the front hall, he went to the top and sat down, and Sheng Qingfeng sat next to him.

   Yu Qingqian found a seat in the back and sat down, very low-key.

   After a while, a man with a bookish look and a pale but powerful man walked in together.

   The pale man didn't say hello, and sat directly on the top of the evil cultivator with a arrogant attitude.

  The bookish man greeted the head of the Sheng family first, "I have seen the head of the family."

   Yu Qingqian looked at the bookish man, and after hearing what he said, he could guess his identity. This man was Sheng Yuan.

  A person can't be seen, this person looks gentle and humble, with a strong bookish air, if you don't know his personality, it's hard to be disgusted with him.

   "I can't afford you to be the head of the house." Mr. Sheng said neither yin nor yang, but did not give Sheng Yuan a good face.

   Sheng Yuan didn't care, it would be a problem if Mr. Sheng was polite and polite to him.

   He walked to the only vacant seat beside the pale man and sat down without further talking.

   The pale man spoke first. He looked at Old Man Sheng lightly and said, "How are you thinking? I don't have much time to waste here."

   That kind of arrogant and alms-giving attitude made the top of the Sheng family have the urge to beat him up.

   "Have you gone too far with half of the spiritual ore veins in exchange?" Old Man Sheng raised his eyebrows.

   During the conversation between the two, Yu Qingqian had already given orders to the nine-colored magic lotus lurking outside the front hall.

  The nine-colored magic lotus was filled with spiritual energy, and the speed of promotion was faster than that of Yu Qingqian, and it directly entered the Wuye Linghuang, which had a lot to do with the countless nourishing mud and spiritual things it had absorbed.

   After receiving Yu Qingqian's order, the nine-colored magic lotus gradually took root and sprouts from a seed hidden in the ground, and then countless green branches and leaves slowly climbed towards the entire front hall yard.

   The pale man snorted coldly: "Our condition is to exchange half of the spiritual ore veins. If you don't agree, then the younger generation of elite disciples will die."

   He tossed his sleeves, stood up, raised his chin and said arrogantly, "We, Yinfengya, have a chance to seize the spiritual ore vein. Since you are so ignorant of praise, you don't need to talk about it anymore."

   In his eyes, this time it was the Sheng family who asked them to Yinfengya, so they showed a very high attitude.

   The other evil cultivators who were sitting were all arrogant, only Sheng Yuan frowned when he felt something was wrong.

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