The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 817: I can't take this breath

  The Sheng family, as a first-class family in the Lingxi realm, is also known as the richest and most prosperous family. The resources for spiritual empowerment are much richer than other forces.

   Half an hour later, the ancestors of the Sheng family transported Sheng Moran and Yu Qingqian to a dense forest.

   There was a belly hole under the mountain forest, which was covered up with a special plant pattern prohibition. As soon as the ancestor of the Sheng family waved his hand, the three were teleported into the belly hole.

As soon as    fell into the belly of the cave, a violent spiritual energy rushed towards his face, with the strength of Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran couldn't help but step back together.

  The ancestor of the Sheng family waved his sleeves, and there was an extra layer of light on the two of them, and then they stood firm.

Under normal circumstances, the spiritual qi infusion requires the peak of the spiritual sect. Even if Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran have received the infusion once, their strength is strong, but if they are not under the protection of the spiritual master, they cannot resist the crazy and surging spiritual qi here. .

  Yu Qingqian looked around. Hundreds of small holes were formed on the ground, and the spiritual energy in the small holes formed a cyclone and drilled out. Compared with the place where the spiritual energy was filled in the low-level continent, it was simply not a level.

   That kind of place is the difference between a slum and a palace in comparison with this place.

   Of course, it would be nice to be able to find a place where you can fill your body with spiritual energy in the low-level continent.

   "The current cultivation level of the two of you is too low to enter the center for instillation, otherwise it may cause self-destruction."

  The head of the Sheng family pointed to the left and said, "The two of you walk in there, walk to the limit that your body can accommodate, then sit down, and I will start the spiritual infusion for you."

   "Yes!" Yu Qingqian and Sheng Moran immediately walked to the left.

   After a while, Sheng Moran had reached his limit, so he chose to sit down immediately.

  Yu Qingqian was not affected by the abyss in the spiritual energy after he came to the mainland, so his cultivation base and spiritual power were stronger than Sheng Moran, and he stopped and sat cross-legged after walking more than 300 meters away from him.

  The ancestor of the Sheng family looked at Yu Qingqian with a hint of admiration in his eyes. This girl's potential is indeed stronger than Sheng Moran.

   "Calm down your qi and adjust your mood to the best state."

   When the two of them were in the best condition, the ancestor of the Sheng family mobilized the surrounding spiritual energy to instill the two of them.

   The nine-colored magic lotus was also released by Yu Qingqian, and it was immediately rooted in the spiritual power, because it was a spiritual thing born from innate, and it was not affected by the cyclone of spiritual energy.

   Nine-colored magic lotus irrigation does not need the help of the ancestors of the Sheng family, and it will advance according to its own limit.

   Time passed a little bit, and when a ray of dawn in the early morning fell on the mountains, the aura instillation also ended.

  The ancestor of the Sheng family took Sheng Moran and Yu Qingqian out of the mountainside, and closed the mountainside again with the prohibition of planting patterns.

  Yu Qingqian found that there were a lot of breaths lurking in the inner and outer sides of the mountain, and they seemed to be guards guarding the place where the spiritual energy filled the body.

   At this time, because Sheng Moran has the purest blood of the Sheng family, and the traction of the ancestors of the Sheng family, he directly hit Erye Linghuang with aura.

   And Yu Qingqian's own potential is stronger, and the ability has not fallen into the realm, so with the help of aura instillation, he directly hit the four-leaf emperor, which made the ancestors of the Sheng family sigh.

   Returning to the Sheng family's discussion hall, the Sheng family's ancestor looked at Yu Qingqian, "Little girl, I heard Qingfeng say that you want to participate in this action to clear the evil cultivator of Yinfengya?"

   "Yes, those people dare to treat my brother like this, I can't swallow this breath without revenge." Yu Qingqian nodded truthfully, without concealing his murderous nature.

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