The pale man glanced at the top of the Sheng family, then turned around and took the evil cultivators to leave.

   They are not really going to leave directly, but a gesture and strategy to negotiate with the Sheng family.

  Only when the other side is completely passive can negotiation be maximized.

  The evil cultivators are deliberately arrogant and arrogant, just to fight psychological warfare with the Sheng family.

  If Sheng Moran and others were still in a critical situation at this time, then their tactics would have won, and the Sheng family had to bow their heads and surrender for the lives of the new generation of disciples.

  But this time it was clear that their plans were going to fail.

   "Since you're here, you don't have to leave." Mr. Sheng snorted coldly.

   Immediately, many elite disciples of the Sheng family rushed out from all over the front hall, all Lingzhi transformed into armor, holding weapons, and looked like they were waiting for battle.

  The pale man was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed coldly, "Are you trying to kill people? Do you want to watch Sheng Moran and others die?"

  According to the information from the investigation, the Sheng family attaches great importance to Sheng Moran and the few elite disciples who were injured together.

   The attitude of the Sheng family was relatively soft before, and they were obviously going to negotiate with them. Why is it suddenly strong now?

   Sheng Yuan has stayed in the Sheng family for so long, and is very familiar with the ways of the head of the Sheng family. His expression changed and he screamed badly.

   "Let's go, the Sheng family is afraid that something is going to capture us." After Sheng Yuan sent a voice transmission to the pale man, he immediately poured his spiritual power into the soles of his feet and rushed out towards the front hall door.

  Suddenly, a purple arrow flew out and went straight through Sheng Yuan's back shoulder blade.

   At the same time, the nine-colored magic lotus quickly completely enveloped the entire yard, and the holy rays of light radiated wisps.

   "Pfft!" Sheng Yuan let out a muffled groan, being affected by the force of the arrow to his internal organs, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

  The body of the nine-colored magic lotus has blocked the door of the front hall, Sheng Yuan was dragged a step by the arrow, and he can't get out now.

   He turned his head and looked at Yu Qingqian incomparably gloomy, "I didn't expect that the person who turned Chuanshui City upside down and Pingxi City upside down recently came to Sheng's house, but you really are everywhere!"

   His words were full of irony, even with a kind of hatred. He had already guessed that the plan he had planned for many years was ruined because of this stinky girl.

   "Yeah! If I don't come, can't I watch you plan a sneak attack against my brother?" Yu Qingqian sneered.

   "My brother's recent pain, I will let you try them one by one."

   The pale man and others also guessed Yu Qingqian's identity at this time, and their faces changed greatly.

   They have long heard that the granddaughter of Feixue ancestor of Yulingzong has a nine-colored magic lotus, which can restrain Yin evil and corpse aura, and get all the evil cultivators in Chuanshui City and Pingxi City to be arrested.

  Although Yinfengya, Chuanshuicheng and Pingxicheng are not the same faction, the news is often exchanged.

  When the holy aura of the nine-colored magic lotus was enveloped in purification, all the evil cultivators present exuded a trace of black energy, and their faces showed a bit of pain and discomfort.

   However, they were not ready to be captured, instead they used their own means to forcibly break through the body of the nine-colored magic lotus and rushed out.

  The head of the Sheng family and others also quickly started to fight with the evil cultivator.

  Sheng Yuan covered his injured shoulder with a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes. He pulled a whistle from his neck and blew it a few times.

   After a while, the entire hall suddenly shook, and zombies came out from the ground. Obviously, Sheng Yuan had already made preparations.

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