Gongzhi Hanyu picked up the jade slip and scanned it, and found that the material inside was indeed too precious and hard to find, but it was not impossible to find that kind.

   "Miss Yu, if I can collect the materials in the list, can I trouble you to help me?"

   "You can offer any compensation I can."

   Gongzhi Hanyu is too eager to walk, and does not want his cultivation to stop at the spiritual realm.

   Once there was no hope and he could only spend the rest of his life helplessly, but now that there is hope, he wants to try no matter what the conditions are.

  Nangongbing and Gongzhi Hanyu not only have a blood relationship, but also have a deadly friendship, so they couldn't help but say, "Qingqian, if I can ask you to make a move, I'm also willing to pay the price."

  Yu Qing chuckled lightly: "Look at how serious you are, isn't it just a shot? It's a trivial matter."

   "As long as you all gather the materials on the list, I will definitely shoot." Yu Qingqian said with a hearty smile: "When the reward is due, pay the spirit marrow or spirit grass or poisonous weed."

   She has never refined this kind of ointment, and she is about to try it. Incidentally, she can also treat Gongzhi Hanyu's legs, killing two birds with one stone.

   Several people did not expect that Yu Qingqian agreed so readily. There were many powerful therapists who were powerless before, so they all thought that it would cost a lot to heal Gongzhi Hanyu's leg.

   "I'm here to thank Miss Yu first." Gongzhi Hanyu showed a knowing smile, and the beautiful and clean smile made people couldn't help but be amazed.

   This kind of amazement is completely different from that of Feng Chen and Feng Li. It belongs to the kind of clear spring that flows into people's hearts.

   "Beauty! Beauty!"

  Suddenly, the spirit of grass and trees emerged from the space of the small tower, and his eyes were full of stars rushing towards Gongsun Hanyu. Yu Qingqian wanted to slap it and throw it out, it was too embarrassing!

   Gongzhi Hanyu was stunned for a while, and saw a cute and holy elf falling on his shoulders, but the **** in his eyes destroyed the sense of holiness, but made people feel very cute.

   "The wisdom of this spirit of plants and trees is so high that she actually knows beautiful women!" Xuanyuanlan looked at the dazzling little thing on Gongzhi Hanyu's shoulder with interest.

   Gongzhi Hanyu's holy temperament is somewhat similar to the spirit of plants and trees. It may be because of his aura. He likes small things at first sight.

  Yu Qingqian couldn't help but hold his forehead, "It only sees beauty in its eyes, and wisdom has long since disappeared in front of beauty."

   People who can be called beautiful by this little thing are naturally very good-looking, so Yu Qingqian, who likes beautiful people or things, also has a good first impression of Gongzhi Hanyu.

   But the little thing is a **** when he sees beautiful women, but Yu Qingqian just simply appreciates beauty.

   No matter how beautiful a man is in her heart, she is not as good as her sick beauty.

   Hearing Yu Qingqian's words, and looking at the performance of the little thing, everyone present couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere became much more harmonious. The other five people quickly accepted the three of them because of Gongzhi Hanyu's illness.

   Afterwards, they chatted from all over the world. Several people present were more interested in the abyss and hell. Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen also told them some anecdotes about the abyss and hell.

   In another tent not far from the group, there were also ten people sitting in it.

   Luan Xin leaned back on the chair with a tired face and half-squinted her eyes. She spent a lot of energy trying to hunt down the robbers in the past month.

  The most important thing, after so long and painstaking investigation, there was still no clue at all. The robbers seemed to have evaporated in the world, which made her extremely annoyed.

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