The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 2581: Do not do it again and again

   If it wasn't for the hunting activity that was so important to Nangong Yan's succession to the throne, she would definitely stay at Luan's house and continue to search for the robbers.

   But before she came here, she had personally invited the most powerful fortune-teller in the central city. The master promised to do a fortune-telling for her once, and hoped that there would be good news when she returned.

   A close associate of Nangong Yan walked in and said a few words in his ear before leaving.

   "As expected, Nangong Bing invited Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen, and Shi Xi to be his helpers." Nangong Yan's face became more gloomy.

   The original plan to kidnap Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen was put on hold because of the looting of the Luan family bank, which made him very depressed.

   If it wasn't for Yu Qingqian, Nangongbing and others having been having fun that day, he couldn't help but suspect that the affairs of the Luan Family Bank had something to do with these people.

  Although he felt that Nangong Bing and others did not have the strength to rob a bank, he always felt it was strange, otherwise how could it be so coincidental?

  Nangong Yan also had Luan Xin's suspicions. She also thoroughly and privately investigated the whereabouts of the prince, Nangong Bing, Feng Chen and others when they were robbed in the bank, but found that they did not have the time and ability to do that.

   Therefore, she is now full of fire, and there is no one to find someone to vent.

Luan Xin opened her eyes and said solemnly, "We must be careful about this hunting activity, I've only heard about Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian's strength, but they have played against Shi Xi, and his strength is no less than mine. "

   The other people present didn't care about Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen, and Shi Xi, but when they heard Luan Xin's words, they couldn't help but face them.

   Among them, only Luan Xin is a strong person in the Nirvana Realm, and the strength of the cultivation base is also the best in their generation, so Shi Xi, who has never heard of it, can actually be comparable to Luan Xin in strength.

   If that's the case, the hunting activity that would have given them confidence this time will become troublesome.

   One of the women asked, "That Shi Xi is also a Nirvana practitioner?"

"No, he is only a cultivation base at the peak of the Heling Realm, but he can hire the United States in the middle and late stages of the Nirvana Realm. He is a very difficult person." Luan Xin has checked Shi Xi's information, but apart from knowing that he is from the abyss royal family, there is nothing else. known.

   The more it proves that Shi Xi's identity belongs to the secret level, the more difficult it is, so she never thought about robbing Shi Xi to enter the house.

   "What do we do then?" another man asked.

  Luanxin apparently had a tacit understanding to become the leader of the group, and even Nangong Yan needed to ask her for advice.

  Luanxin closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened it, "If Shi Xi gets in the way of our big plan, then if we can hold it back, we can hold it, and if we can't hold it back, just kill it."

   When the time comes, the abyss won't care if he knows, maybe he will call back.

   "As for Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian to save their lives first, I still have use." Luan Xin was still reluctant to give up Feng Chen's beauty and his ability to forge artifacts.

   As for Yu Qingqian, she just wanted Nangong Yan to be used as a plaything and imprisoned to extract poison.

   "Okay, then we will all obey your orders." The others had no opinion.

   Here Luan Xin is the strongest, the most ruthless, and the one with the most ideas.

   Although Nangong Yan was a little unhappy that Luan Xin was taking her as the head, he still had to endure the thought of being a prince. He really needed the help of this woman now.

   After a night of rest, the sun just rose the next day, and a majestic and solemn horn echoed over the camp.

   This is the horn that signifies the beginning of the hunt.

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