Yu Qingqian nodded in agreement after listening to Gongzhi Hanyu's words.

   "The therapist was right, you can't walk since you were a child, so the muscles and meridians have been atrophied, and there is really no other way to repair it."

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and added, "Let me tell you the truth again, if your meridians can't be repaired, you may end up in the state of harmony."

  Although one needs to comprehend from the state of union to the state of nirvana, physical fitness is still very important.

   Gongzhi Hanyu's talent potential is very high, but the shrinking of the meridians on his legs is the biggest drawback. To be able to cultivate to the Spiritual Realm should have suffered a lot, and it is basically impossible to advance to the Nirvana Realm.

   Gongzhi Hanyu smiled bitterly: "I know that if the meridians of my legs cannot be regenerated, I will never be able to break through to Nirvana."

   This is also an important reason why many people in the family oppose him as the heir. The cultivation of the past generations of patriarchs requires Nirvana to be competent.

   "Miss Yu, do you have a way to repair the atrophied meridians and muscles on the legs of the new Hanyu?" Xuanyuanlan asked the key.

  Yu Qingqian glanced at Xuanyuanlan inexplicably, "Young Master Xuanyuan is more concerned about his leg disease than Young Master Gongzhi!"

   Xuanyuanlan touched his nose and felt that without explanation, everyone present thought he was finding fault, and Nangong Bing's eyes had begun to doubt him.

"Ahem, Gongzhi's family and Xuanyuan's family had a marriage contract, but Hanyu doesn't want to marry a wife because of his leg disease, so I hope he can stand up and marry my sister." Xuanyuanlan didn't say anything else, he was afraid that Gongzhi's family would arrive. Time to use this to pull the friend down from the position of the young master.

   This is the secret of the Gongzhi family, and it is not easy for him to say it in public.

   Of course, it was also a reason for Gongzhi Hanyu to fix his legs and marry his sister, but her sister was thinking about this guy.

   Gongzhi Hanyu laughed, "Xuanyuan, you really are!" He didn't even know how to describe the other party, so why didn't he give up the idea.

   Gongzhi's family and Xuanyuan's family have a marriage contract, but it is not clear which two people will marry.

   He really just treats Xuanyuanlan's sister as his sister, and has no plans to marry her as his wife.

   "Ms. Yu, is Xuanyuan's guess right?" However, Gongzhi Hanyu couldn't help but look at Yu Qingqian with expectation.

  I have never experienced the taste of walking since I was born, Gongzhi Hanyu feels very sorry.

  Yu Qingqian has a good impression of people who give people a sense of cleanliness, even if it is Gongzhi Hanyu.

   "Yes, I can extract a kind of ointment that promotes regeneration, and combined with my special healing talent, it can really cure your leg disease."

  Yu Qingqian knew that the Gongzhi family was one of the top families in the central city. If his young master had to suffer from a leg problem, it would be considered a good fate, and he would have an advantage in dealing with his Luan family.

   "However, the materials for refining the ointment are very precious and hard to find, so I said that it is not easy to cure your leg disease." She added truthfully.

The formula of the    ointment was left over from the inheritance of the Bright Eternal God Emperor, and the materials were indeed too scarce, and could not be found in the Guangluan Continent.

   Gongzhi Hanyu's dull eyes suddenly gleamed again, "Miss Yu, can you give me a list of materials?"

  Yu Qingqian took out a jade slip and branded the list on it with mental power and handed it to Gongzhi Hanyu, "There are several kinds of materials in this that need to be found in other different interfaces."

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