The seahorse beast swept the red-spotted tiger who was about to pounce with a bit of sternness in its eyes, and a stronger beast pressure was released, causing them to come to a sudden stop.

The one who was easily strangled by the seahorse beast just now was a red-spotted tiger who had cultivated in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. At this time, his beast power was exuding, which made the red-spotted tiger, who knew how to seek good luck and avoid evil for a long time, be terrified. back.

   Several young people present were dumbfounded!

   looked at the seahorse beast in disbelief, this strength is too strong, one can kill a red-spotted tiger who has cultivated in the heavenly spirit realm, is he really in the heavenly spirit realm?

  The ninth prince was relieved, it seemed that he still bet right, these people are not as simple as they seem.

   "Thank you senior for helping me again!" This time, the attitude of the ninth prince was a little more respectful than before.

  Yu Qingqian smiled slightly, "Don't thank me first, I have a few more questions to ask you. In the end, it will depend on your answer."

   Several young people were once spoiled in the family. Never had they seen such a fight, especially the moment when the red-spotted tiger rushed over, it really scared them to death.

   Even the beautiful woman who was arrogant before was wisely shut up and hid behind the ninth prince.

   From the beginning to the end, only the ninth prince was more calm and calm, and in Yu Qingqian's view, only the ninth prince was a real smart person.

   "Senior, may I ask you." There was a thin layer of sweat on the forehead of the ninth prince, and his attitude was modest.

   "Your enemy's older brother is one of the candidates for the throne of the Duke of Zhenguo, so has he personally participated in the extraterritorial flying boat before?"

   Yu Qingqian just wanted to determine whether the elder brother of the Ninth Prince's enemy was the commander of the Golden Armored Guard who had promised her, or that person's opponent.

  The ninth prince did not expect this kind of secret thing, this stunning woman would know about it, and she didn't hide it, "I participated. The two most powerful candidates for the Marquis of Zhenguo Mansion will personally **** the flying boat from outside the territory this time."

   "Which line is his brother escorting?" Yu Qingqian continued to ask.

   "His brother escorted the line from Zhongtian to Upper Heaven, and the other heir escorted the line from Lower Heaven to Upper Heaven." The ninth prince replied truthfully.

  Yu Qingqian touched his chin, isn't that the elder brother of the Ninth Prince's enemy is actually the enemy of the leader of the Golden Armored Guard she knew.

  In this case, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and she will surely save the ninth prince.

   And with the performance of the ninth prince today, it is impossible for him to be an unknown prince. Although he does not have the right of inheritance, it is definitely not simple.

   When they arrived in the central city, they naturally had to deal with the royal family or other aristocratic families, and it was better to have a good relationship with the ninth prince than evil.

   "Okay, I'm very satisfied with your answer, the red-spotted tiger we solved it for you." After Yu Qingqian finished speaking, she gave the seahorse a look.

  The seahorse understood, looked at the group of red-spotted tigers with a bad expression, and let out a random roar, the red-spotted tigers were so frightened that they ran away to the rear.

   The ninth prince and the others had been hanging on to their hearts before letting go.

   "Thank you, senior!" The ninth prince also saw that this group of people was dominated by this stunning woman.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Hands up!"

   "By the way, the people in the town of the Marquis of the State will control the beasts?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and asked.

  The ninth prince was silent for a moment in embarrassment, and then directly transmitted a voice to Yu Qingqian, "The Marquis of Zhenguo often deals with the soul clan, they will turn the captured soul clan into slaves, and those slaves will control the beasts."

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