This news belongs to the secret of the Marquis of Zhenguo, and the royal family knows it but it is difficult to leak it.

   The ninth prince only spoke to Yu Qingqian alone. He didn't want others to hear it, and he didn't trust all of them.

  Yu Qingqian knew after thinking about it. The Marquis of Zhenguo belonged to the largest military force on the side of the human race. In the process of resisting the sea clan and the soul clan, he was bound to do something beneficial to him.

   The forces of the Marquis of Zhenguo and the royal family are close comrades-in-arms, but the conflicts are not small. Who is the heir of the Marquis of Zhenguo has a great influence on the royal family.

   At least the faction that dared to ambush and kill the ninth prince in the Marquis of the State, obviously did not take the royal family seriously.

  Yu Qingqian thought that if he could reach a cooperation with the commander of the Golden Armored Guard, then he could borrow the power of the royal family.

   "Aren't you afraid of being found out by the royal family when that person murdered you?" Yu Qingqian tried sound transmission to the ninth prince.

  The ninth prince replied: "The other contender for the heir of the Marquis of Zhenguo has a good relationship with my own brother, so they are not afraid of being found out. As long as there is no evidence, they can completely deny it."

   This is also the reason why the opponent did not personally ambush and kill them, but kept letting the soul slaves drive the beasts to ambush them, causing them to fail in their training and die at the mouth of the beasts.

   At that time, even if his father and elder brother didn't believe it, there was no way to find fault with the town of the Marquis of the State.

   "I see, so are you familiar with the other heir contender?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and continued to ask.

   The ninth prince was a little surprised, why this stunning woman always asked around the matter of the Marquis of Zhenguo, "Is it quite familiar."

   That person is mainly a friend of his eldest brother, and he is only acquainted, but he rarely interacts with them. After all, he is not the same age and cultivation circle as those people.

   "I just happened to have something to look for him, can I trouble you to introduce one or two?" Yu Qingqian also thought about how to find that person when he arrived in the imperial capital. The Ninth Prince was the best intermediary to bring him to his door.

   The surprise in the eyes of the ninth prince was even stronger, "Senior knows that young master?"

   "It's an acquaintance." Yu Qingqian nodded.

  Although they didn't have much dealings with that person, they owed her a lot of spiritual essence.

   The ninth prince was relieved when he heard it. No wonder this stunning woman kept inquiring about the news of the Marquis of Zhenguo, and it turned out that she wanted him to be a matchmaker.

   Although he didn't know the identities of these people, he intuitively thought that they didn't have much malice.

   Even if there is malice, it is not up to him to decide, first let these people escape, and leave the rest to his eldest brother and the young master.

   "Okay, I am willing to serve the senior." The Ninth Prince agreed without thinking too much.

   The most important thing for him now is to go back alive, and only by following the stunning woman and her party can they truly escape.

   "You are very smart!" Yu Qing smiled lightly, how good it is for everyone to benefit from each other.

   "Senior is wrong!" The ninth prince smiled knowingly.

   The two reached a consensus on cooperation through sound transmission, Yu Qingqian said, "We are going to the imperial capital too, so you can stay with us for the time being."

   "Okay, thank you seniors!" The ninth prince clasped his fists in thanks.

   Several other young people were a little surprised why the stunning woman's attitude suddenly changed, and they had to accept them to travel together, but everyone was not stupid, guessing that it might be the ninth prince and the other party's voice transmission.

   Such a beautiful woman lowered her head, a haze flashed across her eyes and quickly returned to normal.

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