The beautiful woman is always the object of being held wherever she goes. No one has ever ridiculed her like this. She stared at Shi Xi with wide eyes in disbelief, as if she was looking at an alien.

  Shi Xi didn't have the slightest self-consciousness to pity Xiangxiyu, "What do you look at? Although I am handsome, young master, you don't have to stare at me like this. I have no interest in a little sprout like you."

  When he was in the abyss, there were many noble women from noble families who wanted to climb the stone bed. In his eyes, this woman was similar to those people.

   "You are arrogant!" The woman's eyes suddenly turned red, and the other young men and women also looked at Shi Xi with a bit of unkindness.

  Why is this man's mouth so unethical?

  Yu Qingqian patted Shi Xi on the shoulder and smiled, "You can finally speak human words."

  This girl usually feels too good about herself, so she is too rude, so she has to deal with a sloppy guy like Shi Xi.

  Shi Xi's face darkened and glared at her, "Dead woman, you want to find fault again, right?"

   "You are too presumptuous, I must make you look good when you return to the imperial capital." How could a beautiful woman ever suffer such a humiliation, staring at Shi Xi and Yu Qingqian with aggrieved faces.

  Shi Xi turned his head and sneered: "It is still a question whether you can return to the imperial capital."

   Immediately, he looked not far behind a few people.

  The beautiful woman and others felt that it was not good, and immediately turned their heads to look, and their expressions changed greatly in an instant.

   I saw a group of red-spotted tigers slowly emerge from the forest. There were more than 30 tigers in total. The leading ones were all from the Heavenly Spirit Realm, staring at them with bad eyes.

  The ninth prince was very helpless about this, he clenched his fists to Shi Xi and Yu Qingqian, his tone was a little more sincere, "Several seniors, she didn't mean to offend just now, I took her to apologize to the seniors."

   "I had a grudge with a young master of the Marquis of Zhenguo's mansion, and I was plotted to be ambushed by him." The ninth prince gritted his teeth and still told the truth.

   Yu Qingqian didn't take it seriously at first, but his eyes darkened when he heard the words of the Marquis of the State, "The young master of the Marquis of the State is more arrogant and domineering than your prince?"

   It seems that they still underestimated the power or influence of the Zhenguohou Mansion in the Zhongtian realm.

   "The main reason is that his elder brother is a more promising candidate for the heirship competition this time, and I'm just a prince without the right of inheritance, so his behavior has become arrogant." The ninth prince was quite helpless.

   In fact, even he himself never thought that the man would be so mad and bold that he actually wanted to create the illusion that he was swallowed by monsters.

   The ninth prince looked at the red-spotted tigers who were getting closer and closer. He had already regarded them as food. He could only pin his hopes on these people. After all, he really didn't want to die.

   A haze flashed across his eyes. If he can go back alive this time, he must take revenge and go back. Although he is not the heir, his eldest brother is the prince of Zhongtian Kingdom.

   That person's elder brother is not the prince of the Marquis of Zhenguo, so he is so arrogant. If the elder brother of the other party takes the position of the prince, wouldn't it be a great threat to his prince and elder brother.

   "Ah!" A red-spotted tiger suddenly rushed over, and another young woman couldn't help screaming.

  The seahorse beast turned its head to look at Yu Qingqian, saw her nodding slightly, a dodge fell in front of the woman, and stretched out a hand to directly break the neck of the jumping red-spotted tiger.

   "My boss speaks, do you have any share of death?"

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