Yu Qingqian also suspected that this scroll might be related to the ghost face pattern on Doudou's back.

   "What origin can be seen?"

   Feng Chen shook his head: "This painting was made by a very mysterious forging technique. The pattern on it was branded with a plant pattern, and there are more than 20 prohibitions hidden in it. I can't crack it yet."

   "But after three days of research, I got a more useful message from the scroll."

   Yu Qingqing's eyes lit up, "What news?"

   "The pattern on this scroll was branded from somewhere in the Blasted Land, and as long as you decipher the scroll, you can find the connection." Feng Chen smiled.

   For this kind of difficult deciphering, he likes to study it the most. Just studying the forging technique of this painting gave him a lot of inspiration and inspiration.

   "Then you continue to crack."

   After speaking, Yu Qingqian remembered that the painting was of a seahorse beast, so he turned his head and said, "Little seahorse, it's useless for you to hold this painting, right? Why don't I exchange something with you?"

   It is really useless for the seahorse beast to hold this picture scroll, and the little magic star actually opens his mouth like this, does he dare to refuse?

"No, since this picture is useful to Doudou, you can take it. It's a welcome gift from me." The seahorse beast has been trying to make a good relationship with the three little magic stars all the way, and it is useless. The picture scroll is also good for being a person.

  Yu Qingqian thought about it and took out a bottle of light green potion and handed it to the seahorse beast: "This bottle is the antidote for the bottle of poison you drank before, and I will take the picture scroll."

  The seahorse beast took the potion carefully, thought for a while and asked tentatively, "Little Magic Star, the poison you gave me before was not just a simple matter of hiding your cultivation and not being able to transform into your body."

  Yu Qingqian cast your rare smart look at him, and for the sake of Xiao Haima's recent good performance, he said bluntly: "Of course, I always like to leave behind in everything I do."

   "If there is no antidote for the poison, if you sneaked away last time, your bones will be eroded and softened after three years, and then you can only be paralyzed on the bed forever."

  The seahorse twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing an insider look, but his back was chilled. This little magic star is really poisonous, and this poison has been researched.

   Being paralyzed in bed for a lifetime is not more painful than letting him die.

   Fortunately, he dismissed all his thoughts before, otherwise he would have been killed by Little Magic Star.

  The seahorse beast opened the bottle cap and drank the light green liquid without hesitation. He knew the character of Little Magic Star and never bothered to lie, so he didn't doubt that the antidote was wrong.

   Sure enough, the breath of the Heavenly Spirit Realm that disappeared after drinking it reappeared, and the power that was inexplicably imprisoned in the body and could not be transformed into the body also disappeared.

  The heart of the seahorse beast really fell, and finally the two knives hanging above his head were removed, and the whole person felt a lot easier.

   Yu Qingqian let the little seahorse drink the poison just to prevent the future. She believed that if the little seahorse was not worried about the poison at that time, it was possible to run away.

   "Little Demon Star, your level of refining poison is really high." The seahorse beast praised from the bottom of his heart.

   Yu Qingqian accepted it unceremoniously, "You're not the first person to say that."

   "..." The seahorse beast twitched the corners of its mouth, the quality of modesty was eaten by the little devil star.

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