Not to mention, the ability of Doudou to teleport completely depended on the space power of the Demon Emperor Grass.

  I don't know why, but as soon as we got back to the shore here, the originally sleeping Demon Emperor Grass and all the little babies woke up.

  Yu Qingqian asked Yan Jun and Long Shan, who were also sleeping naturally, but they didn't know what caused it.

   But for the sea of ​​​​blood, they also disliked that aura very much, and always felt that it would endanger their body.

   There is no explanation for such a natural phenomenon. The little babies are fine, so Yu Qingqian didn't go into it any further.

  The seahorse is very curious about the pattern on the back of the bag, and even wants to touch it with his hands.

   Yu Qingqian raised his eyebrows: "Little Haima, my family's temper is not very good, you better not do anything, otherwise I can't stop it when it gets angry."

   She is telling the truth. Doudou's temperament is actually very cruel. In addition to being well-behaved with acquaintances, unfamiliar people will definitely turn their faces if they want to touch it.

   Seahorse Beast's hand that was about to touch Doudou immediately shrank back, and he doubted Little Magic Star's words at all.

  Although it was cute when he turned into a little monkey just now, the little magic star also looks smart and lovely, but in fact it is very scary.

   "I just thought this picture was familiar, so I wanted to study it. Since I don't like it, that's fine."

  Yu Qingqian listened to his words, "You said you are familiar with the pattern on Doudou's back? Have you seen it before?"

The seahorse beast saw Little Demon Star's serious expression, and couldn't help but ponder and recall it. After a while, he finally remembered, "I once found a sunken flying boat on the bottom of the sea, and there was a picture scroll in it. The pattern on Doudou's back is very similar."

   "Is that picture scroll on you?" Yu Qing asked lightly.

  Hippocampus thought for a while and said, "I threw the contents of the flying boat into a space ring before, and I don't know if it is still there, wait for me to see."

   He searched for his spiritual power for a long time, and then a half-old space ring appeared in his palm.

   took out the things in the space ring again, and pulled out a picture scroll that looked yellow and simple from the mess and handed it to Yu Qingqian.

   "It's still there, I thought it was thrown away."

  Yu Qingqian took the scroll and opened it. Sure enough, he saw a picture on the scroll that was very similar to the one on Doudou's back. To be precise, except for the difference in the color of the ghost's face and fangs, everything else was exactly the same.

   As soon as the picture scroll was taken out, Doudou, who was originally flying, turned his head and stared at the picture scroll.

   Yu Qingqian looked at Doudou and asked, "Do you know this picture scroll?"

  Doudou's cultivation level was promoted to the Earth Spirit Realm before he came to the abyss and hell. Although he couldn't transform into a human form, he was able to speak human words, and so were the little babies.

   "No, I just feel like there is a familiar atmosphere pulling me on it." Doudou's voice had a crisp childish tone.

  Yu Qingqian stretched out his hand and rubbed the scroll, and felt that it was not that simple, but he couldn't see any problem.

   She handed the scroll to Feng Chen next to her and said, "Sick Beauty, do you see any mystery in this scroll?"

   Feng Chen nodded and took the scroll to study, and then gradually immersed himself into a state.

  Three days later, Feng Chen broke away from that state, with a strange light in his eyes, "Qianqian, this painting may be related to Doudou."

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