The seahorse beast gave the picture scroll to Doudou, and Feng Chen took it and continued to study it.

   It takes about two months to fly to the first city by the sea, and the journey is not peaceful.

  The abyss **** is a very small part of the people who have experienced it from various alien interfaces, while the prisoners are a very large part.

  Therefore, there is no lack of some wicked people who will organize themselves, escape from the original punishment place, and then run around to act as robbers.

   During two months, Yu Qingqian and others encountered six waves of robbery gangs blocking their way.

   However, among the six waves of people, the strongest cultivation base is only in the early days of the Heavenly Spirit Realm, so it doesn't take three people to do it, and the little seahorse and one beast can handle it.

   In the past few months, Ah Da has accumulated a lot, and with the strength of the conch, he actually hit the human spirit realm in one fell swoop. In the process of eliminating the robbery gang, he also contributed a lot.

  Because he was unfamiliar with the continent of the abyss and hell, Ah Da didn't know how to improve and train himself, let alone where to go, so he followed Yu Qingqian and the three with their permission.

   Now that Da Xiuwei has reached the human spirit realm, the hindrance is not so serious.

   Two months later, Doudou finally flew to the foot of a huge city.

  The city is all made of a kind of not rare but high-grade black iron from the abyss and hell, and the walls are dark and glowing with a cold light.

  The whole city gives a dark and cold feeling, and the coverage is very large, and the extension of the city walls on both sides can't see the end at all.

   There are two rows of guards standing at the gate of the city, all of them are spiritual saints and spiritual masters, and the captains are the spiritual emperor and the human spirit realm.

   There were relatively many people entering the city, but not a single person came out of the city.

  The surrounding of the city is covered by a huge layer of plant pattern prohibition, and it is perceived that it is forbidden to fly in the air.

   The group jumped off Doudou's body, and Doudou turned into a slap and got into Yu Qingqian's arms.

   "Let's go into the city." Feng Chen looked up at the gate of the city with dragons and phoenixes engraved with the words "First City", which exuded a majestic aura of coercion.

   Several people walked towards the city gate. When they first arrived at the city gate, two rows of soldiers stretched out their long swords to form an interception.

   A young man wearing black guilt looked at the few people and said in a cold voice: "Take out your identity token and check."

   "Token? What token?" Seahorse beast asked in surprise.

   then glanced at the seahorse beast and Ada with indifferent eyes and said, "You two don't need to show the token, you can go in."

   Then his eyes fell on the three children of Yu Qingqian, his eyes fluctuated slightly in surprise, "The three of you are from the alien interface and need to show your identity Moyu to enter the city."

   In the first city in the abyss hell, the original residents in the abyss **** can enter the city unconditionally, but those who are in the different interface must show the Moyu identity token, otherwise they are not allowed to enter the city.

   Prisoners from all kinds of different interfaces do not have identity ink jade tokens.

  These guards have guarded the city for many years, and it is easy to tell who is the native inhabitant and who is from the alien interface.

   Yu Qingqian and the three moved the black jade in their dantian to their hands and handed it to the young man.

  The man carefully checked the black jade tokens of the three people, and then nodded: "Your identities have been verified, and you can enter the city."

"Reminder, you can't get out of this city gate, either you stay in the first city to live, or you continue to move towards the next city, unless you pass through the nine cities, you can freely enter and exit this city. a door."

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