The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1679: I don't know if it's good or bad

  Huo Fei asked the steward who had greeted them before, to bring over the things that the Fallen Master had personally used.

   The steward brought a long gown that the steward often wore. Upon seeing this, Yu Qingqian immediately released three monster pets.

  The three monster pets all turned into golden crows, sniffed carefully around the gown, and then landed on Yu Qingqian's shoulder and rubbed affectionately, making Huo Fei and the others amazed.

   They have never seen Yaozhi so affectionate and well-behaved to humans.

   This is also because they haven't seen the demons of the Great Demon King, otherwise they won't be blinded.

   "Go and find the place where the owner of this gown disappeared last." Yu Qingqian touched the small heads of the three golden crows one by one.

   The little baby rubbed her affectionately again, called out a few times, and then flew straight out of the yard.

   "Go, let's follow." After Yu Qingqian finished speaking, he released a demon pet that was good at flying.

The    monster pet immediately transformed into a huge colorful bird, and Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen jumped up first.

  Huo Fei and others also jumped onto the colorful bird, and the bird waved its wings a few times and chased after the three golden crows.

   The three Golden Crows were locking their breath all the way, and they flew very fast.

   And the route is constantly changing, it is not a straight line, and it will stop from time to time.

   The three Golden Crows followed the breath and circled around the place where the Fallen Palm stayed, which surprised Huo Fei and the others.

   The two stewards in the previous station found out several places where the Fallen Commander had appeared, and they were exactly the same as those found by Jinwu.

   "Junior Sister Yu, you monster pet is really spiritual!" Wei Jie looked at the three Golden Crows in front of him.

   Lingzhi's body has spirituality, but it grows by attaching to human beings, and cannot be transformed into various forms to walk around like a demon.

  In their impressions, Yaozhi are all cruel and ruthless beings, and they have never seen such a smart and well-behaved person.

  The upper world monsters and orcs also occupy a territory and become a three-legged race with humans.

  There is cooperation and friction between humans, monsters and orcs, and Huo Fei and others have not had too much contact.

   It’s just that he often encounters some fierce Yaozhi obstructions when he goes out of the mission, so he feels that even after the Yaozhi is formed, the fierce and bloodthirsty nature of the Yaozhi should not change.

   But Yu Qingqian's monster pet completely subverted their cognition and impression.

  Yu Qingqian could hear Wei Jie's overtones, and seeing the expressions of several people, he could also guess what they were thinking.

   She chuckled: "My little darlings are naturally very spiritual, and you just saw the well-behaved side."

   The little ones were just being good-natured in front of her and Feng Chen. In fact, the ferocity and bloodthirsty in their nature did not diminish at all. Instead, they were more fierce than ordinary demon plants.

Wei Jie and the others didn't hear her words, they just thought it was interesting that the demon pet was raised by Yu Qingqian so well-behaved, but they also regretted that the demon plant itself had lost its cruel nature, and they didn't know whether it was good or bad. .

   When they see the performance of the little babies in the future, they will realize how ridiculous the idea is today. Of course, this is another story.

   After three days, the three golden crows landed on a rock in a desolate mountain and called out to Yu Qingqian "Zhizhi".

   Others can't understand the meaning of the three golden crows, but Yu Qingqian can understand.

   "The chief fell near the big rock, let's go down and have a look." She said.

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