Jiao Yu's expression changed when he heard Feng Chen's words, and it became even more gloomy.

   He has lived for so many years, and when he met Feng Chen, he had already suffered once in the strength of Zhiwen.

   He didn't expect that the opponent would be able to tie him in terms of combat power, and it was a humiliation for him to be resolved by a person who was a big step lower than him.

   "I'll show you my true strength." Jiao Yu's chest was full of anger, ready to use his special talent to show Feng Chen some color.

Before Feng Chen could answer, Huo Fei immediately said, "Enough, Jiao Yu, is it good for you to bully a new disciple like this? Do you want me to report to the sect to give you credit?"

   Hearing Huo Fei's sarcasm, Jiao Yu almost got bloody, how could Feng Chen look like he was bullied by him? All forced him to use stunts.

  Huo Fei obviously stood on Feng Chen's side to protect him and confronted him **** for tat.

   Jiao Yu took a deep breath and snorted coldly: "Hmph, you are all like a raccoon, and I won't accompany you to explore the fallen land."

   After he finished speaking, he tossed his sleeves and left the yard.

   As soon as he walked out of the yard, the gloomy and angry look on Jiao Yu's face disappeared, replaced by a calculation, but the feeling of grievance in his heart was deeper.

   Watching Jiao Yu fling his sleeves and leave, Yu Qingqian always felt that the other party was a little deliberate, and his mind changed.

  Huo Fei and the others were **** off by Jiao Yu's words "You are all a raccoon on a hill" when they left, and they really couldn't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth.

   "Is he going to act alone?" Gong Xuan asked with a frown.

  Huo Fei's face was also not very good-looking, "Let him go, he is still **** with us."

   Jiao Yu had to object to their opinions once, although they didn't have to listen to each other's opinions, but they couldn't avoid responding.

   "That's right, it's just that this matter still needs to be communicated to the sect, otherwise, if Jiao Yu acts privately and something happens, we can't be blamed." Fu Ling suggested more delicately.

  Huo Fei nodded: "I will report today's matter to the sect truthfully."

   Immediately he looked at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen and asked, "Do you mind?"

   With so many people watching, reporting to the sect truthfully is the best choice, and on the contrary, it can also bring out the power of Feng Chen's combat power.

   "We have no opinion." Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian replied indifferently.

  Huo Fei took out the communication talisman and sent a summons to the sect to recount today's events. He only expressed one meaning. Jiao Yu and their team had to act alone. He couldn't stop it, and he was not responsible for anything that happened.

   After sending the message, Huo Fei smiled and looked at Yu Qingqian and asked, "Junior sister said before that she had a 90% hope to find the person in charge of the fall. Is there any way?"

"Well, the few monster plants I have formed a contract with have very keen special abilities to detect. As long as you bring the things that the master used to let them smell and lock the breath, I believe it will not be a problem to find the final fall. "Yu Qingqian said truthfully.

   With the improvement of the cultivation base and the cultivation of the special small tower space, the little babies have derived a lot of special abilities.

  Huo Fei's eyes lit up when they heard her words, "Okay, then I'll trouble Junior Sister to summon the demon pet and try it out."

People who can bond with Yaozhi and Lingzhi at the same time in the upper realm are not as rare as in the lower realm. In addition, Yu Qingqian's talent has always been amazing, so few people have not been able to bond with Lingzhi and her. Make a fuss about being able to bond with Yaozhi.

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