Huo Fei couldn't judge when they saw this, so they followed Yu Qingqian and jumped off the colorful bird.

   When a few people walked to the big stone, they smelled a faint smell of blood.

  Huo Fei looked down at the blood stains on the edge of the stone and frowned, "Judging from the aura emanating from the blood stains, it is indeed the same as that of the master of the soul card, but how did he die here?"

  Others were also puzzled, "This stone is the place where the chief disappeared at the end, so where is his body?"

  Feng Chen stared at the big stone and said, "The corpse of the chief should be under this big stone."

  The special ability of the black mandala can also perform breath tracking, which is not the same as Yu Qingqian's demon plant tracking ability, but it is more powerful when combined.

   Huo Fei and the others were surprised, "But we didn't perceive the corpse of the master!"

   As soon as they found the blood, they used their mental power to probe the surroundings, but they didn't detect the scent of the corpse in charge.

   Feng Chen thought for a while and said, "It may be that something is covering up the breath of the corpse, just take a look and you'll know."

   After he finished speaking, there was an extra silver sword in his hand, and he swung it a few times at the big stone.

   "Kacha!" The big stone cracked a few times and then shattered into half.

After the    boulder was broken, there was no body. Just as Huo Fei and the others were about to speak, Yu Qingqian moved first.

   Yu Qing's shallow fingertips had a light green light cluster.

  The light group fell from her fingertips to the ground covered by the boulders before, and several people saw the grass around them began to grow wildly, and then the leaves of the roots penetrated into the soil.

   After a while, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and the grass blades extended into the soil, as if they had penetrated into the soil for a long distance.

   After about another stick of incense, the grass blades were woven into a large net and drilled out of the crack.

   Huo Fei and the others could see clearly that there was a corpse wrapped in a large net made of grass blades.

   After the corpse was completely dragged to the ground, the grass that wrapped the corpse quickly withered.

   And the rhizomes that connect the blades of grass are rejuvenated, and new blades of grass grow to form grasses.

  Huo Fei squatted down and looked at the corpse on the ground with a solemn expression, "It's really the corpse of the fallen leader, but why didn't we detect his corpse aura before?"

  Yu Qingqian pointed to the layer of black turbidity attached to Zhangshi's clothes and said, "The evil spirit on his clothes hides the breath of the corpse."

   She is very sensitive to Yin Sha Qi, so as soon as Feng Chen's Lingzhi found a problem deep in the ground, she caught it.

   Feng Chen frowned when he saw the Yin Sha attached to the master, and sent a voice transmission to Yu Qingqian, "Qian Qian, is this Yin Sha related to the breath of the abyss?"

  Yu Qingqian replied: "This evil spirit is not mixed with abyss, it should be done by the evil way."

   It was just that Yu Qingqian had many questions in his heart, why would the people of the wicked way kill the master and throw his corpse in this barren mountain?

What is the purpose of   ?

   Yu Qingqian's mind flashed inexplicably the scene of Jiao Yu throwing his sleeves and leaving, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

  Huo Fei's expressions changed, "It turned out to be the actions of the evil people, what is their purpose?"

   When everyone was puzzled, a wave of spiritual power suddenly appeared on the back of the barren mountain.

  Huo Fei's complexion changed again, and it turned into a few streamers and went in that direction.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen looked at each other, both saw the other party's puzzled look, and hesitantly prepared to rush in that direction.

   Who knew that the two of them had just taken a step, and a layer of black mist suddenly formed around them, blocking their way.

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