As long as Yu Qingqian has the idea of ​​taking up the talent list outside the sect, they can impress her with material things.

   Wei Jie said with a candid smile: "Spirituality is not a problem, as long as Junior Sister Yu is willing to take action."

   "By the way, there should be no rules in the sect that do not allow extra money, right?" Yu Qingqian thought about it and asked.

   Guiyuan Sect is a sect that pays more attention to the rules. Since she has already joined, she naturally does not want to always challenge the rules of the sect.

   What she likes to do is to take advantage of the rules and travel around the world with reason.

  Huo Fei chuckled: "The sect doesn't have this rule. Many disciples from the outer city and inner city will also contact the outside world to sell some things. You don't have to worry about that."

   I'm afraid that once you start taking business from outside the sect, it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

   "That's fine, since that's the case, as long as there is a list of talents to improve outside, I will accept it."

Yu Qing smiled and looked at Wei Jie and the others and continued: "I will improve a talent by 300,000 low-grade spiritual essence. I will make sure that I will not have any worries. This time I can do it in Mingyang County. , they can go to Mingyang County."

  The smile on Wei Jie's face deepened, "No problem, I'll send a message to the family now."

  300,000 low-grade spiritual marrow to improve a talent is not cheap, but it is very worthwhile.

   It seems that the Wei family has a few talented direct disciples, but they are dragged down by Huang Pin's mental power and spiritual planting talent. If they can all be promoted to Xuanpin, then the overall strength of the new generation of the family will be improved.

   After the strength of the family has improved, it will expand more strongly. At that time, more than 300,000 low-quality spirits will be earned back. This is a profitable business.

   "Junior sister, can our Gong family/Fu family disciples do?" Fu Ling and Gong Xuan couldn't help asking.

   Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Of course, I don't limit the number this time."

   Anyway, I have to stay in Mingyang County for a while, and it is not convenient to retreat and practice at that time. It is a good thing to earn some extra money.

   Fu Ling and Gong Xuan were overjoyed, and at the same time sent a message to the family, asking them to arrange for the disciples who want to improve their talents to rush to Mingyang County as soon as possible.

Gong Xuan had personally experienced the power of Feng Chen's planting pattern engraving, so he tried with a smile, "Junior Sister Yu will handle private work in Mingyang City, I don't know if Brother Feng will accept it? Door, many people from the Earth Spirit Realm and Heaven Spirit Realm have been inquiring to find an opportunity to ask you to take action."

  In the sect, in addition to the time when the disciples scheduled the engraving of the engraving on the seal, even the elders of the Earth Spirit Realm and the ancestors of the Heavenly Spirit Realm also intend to move.

   After all, Feng Chen’s skills among the profound planters in the sect are quite high, and few people can achieve the effect of superimposing a 40% increase, and other profound planters can only guarantee a 30% increase.

  There are also cultivators in the sect, but they are not the ones that ordinary people can hire, so Feng Chen is now a popular cultivator in the sect.

  There are also many high-level clan powers outside who are attracted to Feng Chen and want to connect with him, but there are still many disciples and elders lining up in the sect, so naturally no one is willing to connect.

  Since Yu Qingqian agreed to take private work today, it is entirely possible for Feng Chen to receive private work of tattooing and forging.

The Gong family is best at fire-type spiritual plants, and they are all cultivated in the family secret, so the effect of superimposing 40% of the fire-type spiritual plants, only a few people's spiritual plants are inscribed with plant patterns, and the strength of the family will be reduced. Take it to the next level.

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